} CONCENTRATED COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS. THE LAW. Any manufacturer, company, person or persons who shall sell, offer or expose for sale or for distribution, in this State, any concentrated commercial feeding stuffs used for feeding live stock, shall furnish with each car, or other amount shipped in bulk, and shall affix to every package of such feeding stuff, in a conspicuous place, on the outside thereof, a plainly printed statement, clearly and truly certifying the number of net pounds in the car or package sold or offered for sale, the name or trademark under which the article is sold, the name of the manufacturer or shipper, the place of manufacture, the place of business, and a chemical analysis, stating the percentages it contains of crude protein, crude fibre, nitrogen-free extract and ether extract, all constituents to be determined by the methods adopted by the association of official agricultural chemists. Whenever any feeding stuff is sold at retail, in bulk or in packages belonging to the purchaser, the agent or dealer shall furnish to him a certified copy of the chemical analysis named in this section. (a) The term concentrated commercial feeding stuffs as used in this act shall include linseed meal, cotton seed meal, pea meals, cocoanut meals, gluten meals, oil meals of all kinds,. gluten feeds, maize feeds, starch feeds, mixed sugar feeds, hominy feeds, rice meals, oat feeds, corn and oat feeds, meat meals, dried blood, clover meals, mixed feeds of all kinds, slaughter house waste products also all condimental stock foods, patented and proprietary stock foods, claimed to possess nutritive properties and all other materials intended for feeding to domestic animals: Provided, That such feeding stuffs, as defined above, shall not include hays, straws, fodders, ensilage, the whole seeds nor the unmixed meals made directly from the entire grains of wheat, rye, barley, oats, flax-seed, maize, buckwheat, wet brewers' grains, malt sprouts, wet or dried beet pulp, when unmixed with other materials. Neither shall it include wheat, rye and buckwheat brans or middlings not mixed with other substances, but sold separately as distinct articles of commerce, nor pure grains ground together. (b) Before any manufacturer, company, person or persons shall sell, offer or expose for sale in this State any concentrated commercial feeding stuff, he or they shall, for each and every feeding stuff bearing a distinguishing name or trade-mark file annually, with the Dairy and Food Commissioner a certified copy of the chemical analysis and certificate referred to in this section, and shall deposit with said Dairy and Food Commissioner a sealed glass jar, or bottle, containing at least one pound of the feeding stuff to be sold or offered for sale, together with an affidavit that it is a fair sample of the article thus to be sold or offered for sale. He or they shall also pay annually into the State treasury a license fee of twenty dollars for each and every brand of feeding stuff he offers or exposes for sale in this State. Said fee is to be paid on or before April first of each year: Provided, That whenever the manufacturer or importer shall have paid this license fee, his agents shall not be required to do so. Whenever any manufacturer, importer, agent or seller of any commercial feeding stuff desires at any time to sell such material and has not paid the license fee therefor, he shall pay the license fee prescribed in this section, before making any such sale. The money collected under the provisions of this act shall be paid into the State treasury and be used to help defray the expenses of the office of the Dairy and Food Commissioner, in addition to the regular appropriation therefor. (c) Whenever the manufacturer, importer agent or seller of any commercial feeding stuff shall have complied with the requirements of this section the Dairy and Food Commissioner shall issue or cause to be issued, a license permitting the sale of such feeding stuff, which license shall terminate on April first following the date of issue. (d) All such analyses of commercial feeding stuff's required by this act, shall be made under the direction of the Dairy and Food Commissioner, and shall be paid for out of the funds arising from the license fees provided for in this section. (e) The Dairy and Food Commissoner shall publish, or cause to be published in bulletin form, at least annually a correct statement of all analyses made, together with any incidental information concerning same which he may deem proper. (f) Any manufacturer, importer, company, agent, person or persons, who shall sell, offer or expose for sale, without first complying with the provisions of this act, any commercial feeding stuff, or shall attach or cause to be attached to any car, package or other quantity of said feeding stuff, an analysis stating that it contains a larger percentage of any one or more of the constituents named in this section than it really does contain shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than one hundred dollars for the first offense, and not less than three hundred dollars for every subsequent offense, and the offender shall also be liable for damages sustained by the purchaser of such feeding stuff on account of such misrepresentation. (g) The Dairy and Food Commissioner, by any duly authorized agent, is hereby authorized to select from any package of commercial or other feeding stuff exposed or offered for sale in this State, a quantity not exceeding two pounds for a sample, such sample to be used for the purposes of an official analysis and for comparison with the certificate filed with the Dairy and Food Commissioner, and with the certificate affixed to the package on sale. |