Imágenes de páginas

would we labour to impart to the community some portion of our own belief, and of the sense of responsibility which should go with it. We would not willingly excite the idle vanity we are accused of indulging, by an imposing array of our country's glories; for it is not so much of her glories, as of her duties, that we should speak. But we would do the good office of telling a solemn, an important, and, as it seems to us, an unperceived or at least a disregarded truth. We are however compelled by the character of our work to abstain from a long and minute examination of this subject, and we can do no more than direct our readers to a very few of those considerations, which will, we think, lead to the result at which we have arrived.

If it be true that we may trace back the records of mankind, through the ages which were of record, to those that lie beyond its reach, and call in vain upon the generations which have been, to point to us a nation like unto ourselves in the circumstances which attended its birth and infancy, and placed their impress on its manhood, or in the principles and habits which constituted its character; if it be true that in our history, condition, and character, we have a positive advantage over all other nations; then surely it is wise to believe that from all this something must come, and to learn, if we can, from the peculiarities which thus distinguish us, what uses we are destined to perform. There certainly was a final cause of our national being, and it is worth while to find out, both what that end was and how we may best promote it.

And now, let us begin with looking at our history. All the parts of this country were not peopled in the same way or from the same sources. They agree only in this, that they were settled by men who seem to have been picked out by the instrumentality of various incidents, passions and purposes, as the finest spirits, the choice and essence of the whole earth; as those by whom might best be done the work of peopling this new world.

yielding in their strong grasp upon the prin- ciples of the most exact honesty, the strict-
ciples of their religion, and too unbending est simplicity and integrity. The character
in the rectitude of their stern integrity, to of these men was obnoxious to the civilized,
abide there longer. Their fathers were refined, and christian land whence they
the English Puritans; men, who when the came. We speak not of their peculiarities
idolatries of Rome were coming back upon of demeanour,-of their external character-
England in the sixteenth century, fought istics; but of their true and essential prin-
gladly the battle of their faith, though death ciples, which, in Europe, exposed them to
was before and upon them; while chained at suffering and disgrace. They crossed the
the burning stake, and writhing in the fierce waters, and found that the untaught savage
agonies of their horrible death, they ceased would listen to truths, and recognize with
not to raise the voice of their testimony, un-respect, rights, which European men laugh-
til the chains which held them to earth ed and laugh to scorn. The theories of these
were burnt away and their spirits were Quakers were realized; their principles put
borne upwards on the smoke of their tor- into actual and unimpeded operation, and
ment. These men were not common men, the result has helped to teach the world a
and the inheritance they gave their child- lesson which all its wealth could not ade
ren, our fathers, was that character which quately repay.
led them from their native land, to encoun- The facts in the history of New England
ter for conscience' sake, the peril and the and Pennsylvania are well known; but we
suffering of a winter's sea, the pestilence are not so familiar with the history of Vir
that walked among them in darkness, scat- ginia, and upon many points in this history
tering its arrows of death,-the savage war misconceptions prevail here. Sir Walter
that threatened to finish with the tomahawk, Raleigh first colonized the country, and
the work which famine and pestilence had was followed by many younger sons of re-
begun, and all the toil, the danger and dis-spectable families, whom the follies of those
tress which met them upon the shores that days excluded from industry at home. Then
could offer nothing to welcome them but and not till then, culprits were sent over
snow and frost, and the angry tempest; and from England, to be servants to the plan-
nothing to comfort them but a desolation not ters. Virginia, however, was something
less complete, and far more terrific, than very different from the Botany Bay of Eng-
that of the vast ocean which severed them land. Convicts were never sent here as to
from their fathers' graves.
a place of punishment;—that is, punish-
ment was never the primary and leading
object in sending them. England found
herself possessed of valuable territories
upon our southern coast; colonies were es-
tablished and nurtured there; but too large
a proportion of the colonists were from the
higher and middling classes.
Men were
wanted to perform the lower uses of society,
to be servants and mechanics; but it was
difficult in those days to persuade men of
this rank to abandon their connexions and
their habitual comforts for a new and lonely
home, and therefore convicts were compel-
led to come. Doubtless their exile was a
punishment; doubtless one object in send-
ing them here, was relief from the burthen
of supporting them at home. They came
however in small numbers; they took their
proper place in the social relations, and
were rigidly kept there. They exercised
no influence upon society, unless, indeed, the
care taken to guard against contamination,
preserved in the higher and governing
classes, who impress their own character
upon the mass, a greater refinement of man-
ners and more of the demeanour of their
fathers, than would otherwise have remain-
ed. Still, servants were wanting; the sup-
ply from the English gaols,-always inade-
quate,-was so repugnant to the character
of the people that it soon ceased, and the
curse of slavery fell upon them.

In after times, various emigrants, urged by various motives, came to New England; but it should be recollected, that religion in some form or other, was the operative principle with almost all of them; and that however they differed from each other in the names they bore, or in the tenets which they held, they agreed in this;-they had fled from the abuses of religion in the old world, and were come hither to enjoy in security and peace, their faith, their hopes, and their conscience.

Among those things, which made most obvious the Providence that brooded over our fathers, we should not forget the almost miracle which had prepared the spot appointed to receive their first footsteps. A plague had visited Plymouth, and an extent of country of which that point might be the centre, and so thinned and weakened the Indian tribes, that the colonists were enabled to escape,-and barely to escape, the dangers before which the bravest among them sometimes quailed.

By far the greater part of this country owes its population, directly or by derivation, to some one of these three principal sources; the settlement of New England by the Puritans, or rather by the descendants of the Puritans; the Quaker colonies in Pennsylvania, and the emigration, from England first and then from France, into Virginia. If we begin at home, well may Pennsylvania is an eminently important we ask, what nation has the earth ever portion of our country; its capital is the borne upon its surface, which had, or has a national capital, and its overflow has peoright to such pride of parentage as our own pled a large extent of territory not under New England? Our fathers were not ava- its immediate government. How triumricious and unprincipled speculators; nor phantly may we appeal to the origin of this turbulent and disaffected spirits, hanging great state. Well may we bid the world loose upon the fringes of society, and easily look upon this admirable and unprecedented shaken off; nor the refuse of their mother instance of the power of principle and conland compelled by its natural growth to science. A body of men, all respectable, leave its bosom and seek their food else- and many leaving, in their flourishing counwhere. They were the best men in the try, rank and fortune, crossing the ocean land from which they came; that land was to find, in the wilderness of bare creation, a then the freest and most enlightened in the secluded spot, where they might realize world, and they came out from it, because their theories of an equal, regular, and rethey were too free, too courageous, too un-ligious government, and practice their prin

We shall consider the subject of negro slavery, both as it affects the character and condition of this country, and as a circumstance in its history. It is only in this latter point of view that we have now to regard it. In this connexion, it must be sufficient to state, that it was England, and not Virginia, which refused to eradicate this

sore evil, before it had rooted itself amid the institutions of our country, and long before it had began to bear its baleful fruits. This fact is certain.*

ples of religion and policy then known in Since we have been a nation, what is our
the world; and this too, at the very period, history? What danger is there to which we
when our shores were prepared to receive have not been exposed, and what injury
the principal founders of their future na-have we sustained? War has assailed us,
dangerous as any war can well be, until as-
sembled Europe shall make the ocean her
highway for armed millions; but we have
come out from this trial, unscathed. Party
spirit was to be the fiery gulf into which
our own madness would throw all that we
have and other nations have not. But
party spirit has raged with an intensity of
wrath that can hardly be exceeded; it was
nurtured by interest and ambition, by false-
hood and prejudice, by anger and obstinacy,
until it burnt between us like a devouring
flame, which no man could pass through to
go unto his brother. That day has gone
by, and we dare to ask, In what respect are
we the weaker or the worse for the past
peril? If we should dread a repetition of
those scenes and feelings, we should also,
not only hope that the time which has gone,
may teach that which is to come, but re-
joice in that proof of rooted strength, which
we may find in the fact of our escape and

We have spoken particularly of the three
principal sources of our population, and it
cannot be necessary to suggest how large
an extent of our territory has been filled by
emigration from these states.
But some
parts of this country were settled by emi-
grants from Europe, who had no connexion
with those of whom we have spoken. Of
these instances of exception, some are so
slight, they deserve no notice; like drops
falling into the ocean, they received a cha-
racter from the surrounding element, with-
out perceptibly imparting any thing of their
own. But most of them, as the German
emigrants to Pennsylvania, many of the
Dutch colonists of New York, the Catholics
of Maryland, and Oglethorpe's settlement
in Georgia, harmonized well, both in the in-
ducements which led them hither, and in
the character they brought, with those who
had preceded them.

After these colonies had become well organized, and their most dangerous enemies, and most difficult obstacles, were so far subdued, that their prosperity might be considered in some measure secure, they began to be known in the old world as an asylum for the persecuted and a fitting home for those who would be free. Then it was, that Louis XIV., by an act, of which it is difficult to say whether its madness or wickedness predominated, revoked that edict, which had preserved the peace of his dominions, and retained within them men who contributed much to their strength and prosperity. Thus it was, that when the forests which darkened our southern shores were cut down and the broad fields were planted, the land was made ready to receive into its bosom the most religious and most virtuous men in France; men, who for a considerable period had been isolated in their own country, tolerated by law, but smitten with the persecutions of contempt, With respect to subsequent periods of derision, and distrust, and thus taught so to our history, we have no room to say more, value liberty of conscience and freedom than that the principles of freedom and from idolatrous superstitions, that when bid-justice which our fathers brought with den to choose between these, and the various blessings of a home and a country, they chose to bear with them into exile that which they valued more than all they left. A large proportion of the numerous families of Huguenots,-to give them their common appellation,-who came to America, settled in the southern states; but many came to New England and to the middle states, and their names and their descendants are now to be met with in every region of our country.

It is indeed the prominent and peculiar feature in our history, that after Europe had by gradual progress arrived at a high pitch of refinement and prosperity, the two nations which were far in advance of all the rest in all that was valuable, were so acted upon by various motives and circumstances, that they drove out from among them the best and noblest of their sons; the men of the most inflexible adherence to principle, and at the same time of the purest princi

*"Respecting the system of slavery which prevails in this state, it is nothing more than justice to add-that the colonists, at an early period, became convinced of the evil, and made efforts to check it, which were repressed by the anthority of the sovereign. The writer of this has now before him several extracts from the 'Records of the Council of State,' dated 1723, 1732, 1742, from which it appears, that acts of the colonial legislature, laying a duty on the importation of slaves, were disapproved and of course nullified by the king. The ground of objection was, that they injuriously affected the trade and shipping of Great Britain."-Article" Virginia" in the American edition of Rees' Cyclopædia.

This may serve to show that there are some grounds for the above assertion. It cannot be supposed that either the government of England or the colony of Virginia foresaw all the consequences of this trade; still, let the blame, whether it be more or less, attach where it should.

them, were unchecked here, and grew with
luxuriant fertility unknown and impossible
amid the barrenness, the weeds, and the
poison of European policy. They operated
strongly, and not always silently, until
our fathers had formed the habit and learn-
ed the wisdom of liberty. Then came the
war which gave us a national existence,
national feelings, and a national character.
The good effects of the revolutionary war,
in preparing us to sustain the character and
discharge the offices for which we are a na-
tion, are unspeakable and immeasurable.
The different sections of our country were
encircled and bound together by the strong
ties of a common object, a common effort,
and a common conquest. They were firmly
held, each to the other; and a fiery zeal in-
flamed every part of the community thus
united into identity, until, if we may use so
coarse a figure, the whole was welded into
one mass. There are those who are led, by
the independence which the state govern-
ments have retained, to magnify the actual
differences which distinguish some classes of
our citizens from other classes, and to deny
that we have in truth any national charac-
ter. But our national government is amply
armed with all national powers for all na-
tional purposes, and who will venture to
deny a national name or national character
to England, France, or Spain, although cer-
tain it is that no distinctions whatever exist
between our northern and southern, or eas-
tern and western brethren, so great as those
which may be pointed out between the
Yorkshireman and the inhabitant of Corn-
wall; the native of Brittany and of Lan-
guedoc; the Biscayan and the Andalusian.
A very little examination makes it obvious
that we cannot yield to any nation of equal
magnitude, in identity of language, of man-
ners, and of general character.

We must close this very rapid sketch of our history. Could it be more crowded with witnesses to the great truth, that we, as a nation, are summoned to a great work? That work is begun, but not finished; and finished it cannot be, until we are delivered from all that obstructs the activity of those just principles, which we alone recognize, and have fully exemplified all the good which their unimpeded operation can produce.

In a future number we shall consider how far and in what manner, the condition of this country corroborates the testimony of its history.



THIS little rill that, from the springs
Of yonder grove, its current brings,
Plays on the slope awhile, and then
Goes prattling into groves again,
Oft to its warbling waters drew
My little feet when life was new.
When woods in early green were drest,
And from the chambers of the west
The warmer breezes, travelling out,
Breathed the new scent of flowers about,
My truant steps from home would stray,
Upon its grassy side to play;
To crop the violet on its brim,
And listen to the throstle's hymn,
With blooming cheek and open brow,
As young and gay, sweet rill, as thou.

And when the days of boyhood came,
And I had grown in love with fame,
Duly I sought thy banks, and tried
My first rude numbers by thy side.
Words cannot tell how glad and gay
The scenes of life before me lay.
High visions then, and lofty schemes
Glorious and bright as fairy dreams,
And daring hopes, that now to speak
Would bring the blood into my cheek,
Passed o'er me; and I wrote on high
A name I deemed should never die.

Years change thee not. Upon yon hill
The tall old maples, verdant still,

Yet tell, in proud and grand decay,
How swift the years have passed away,
Since first, a child, and half afraid,
I wandered in the forest shade.
But thou, gay, merry rivulet,
Dost dimple, play, and prattle yet;
And sporting with the sands that pave
The windings of thy silver wave,
And dancing to thy own wild chime,
Thou laughest at the lapse of time.
The same sweet sounds are in my ear
My early childhood loved to hear;
As pure thy limpid waters run,
As bright they sparkle to the sun;
As fresh the herbs that crowd to drink
The moisture of thy oozy brink;
The violet there, in soft May dew,
Comes up, as modest and as blue;
As green, amid thy current's stress,
Floats the scarce-rooted water cress;
And the brown ground bird, in thy glen,
Still chirps as merrily as then.

Thou changest not-but I am changed,
Since first thy pleasant banks I ranged;
And the grave stranger, come to see
The play-place of his infancy,
Has scarce a single trace of him
Who sported once upon thy brim.
The visions of my youth are past
Too bright, too beautiful to last.
I've tried the world-it wears no more
The colouring of romance it wore.
Yet well has nature kept the truth
She promised to my earliest youth;
The radiant beauty, shed abroad
On all the glorious works of God,
Shows freshly, to my sobered eye,
Each charm it wore in days gone by.

A few brief years shall pass away,
And I, all trembling, weak, and grey,
Bowed to the earth which waits to fold
My ashes in the embracing mould
(If haply the dark will of fate
Indulge my life so long a date),
May come for the last time to look
Upon my childhood's favourite brook.
Then dimly on my eye shall gleam
The sparkle of thy dancing stream;
And faintly on my ear shall fall
Thy prattling current's merry call;
Yet shalt thou flow as glad and bright
As when thou met'st my infant sight.

And I shall sleep-and on thy side,
As ages after ages glide,
Children their early sports shall try,
And pass to hoary age and die.
But thou, unchanged from year to year,
Gaily shalt play and glitter here;
Amid young flowers and tender grass
Thy endless infancy shalt pass;
And, singing down thy narrow glen,
Shalt mock the fading race of men.


I pour my tribute song to thee,
Fairest gem of even;

Thy pleasant light falls full and free
From a far home in heaven.

Thy silver crest is on the wave

And the cloud that over it hovers;
It sleeps alike on the new-made grave,
And the bridal bed of lovers.

The dark blue depths are spreading fair,
And many a star is beaming
A faintly sparkling lustre there,
While men beneath are dreaming.
And those fair stars are still, the while,
To see thee float through heaven,
Pouring the glory of thy smile
Through clouds that smile hath riven.


[blocks in formation]

Dear Sister, I was once as thou art now,
A thing all life and joyance; then
my brow,
Untouched by time or care, was smooth; my mind,
Like thine, was buoyant; ranging, unconfined
As winds that sweep the ocean.
While I gaze
Upon thee, and behold thy innocent ways,
How does the memory of departed days
Haunt me with feelings, that I would forget;
Joys, whose remembrance only brings regret,
Now they are gone forever. Önce, like thee,
I roved among the hills; there, fancy-free,
Gazing on Nature with intense delight,
With an unsated, cloyless appetite.
They call thee childish!-Would that I could bring
Back my own childish feelings, when the Spring,
Just blushing into Summer, clothed the woods
With varied verdure, and the rushing floods
Sounded delicious music; or when wild

With coming storms, with clouds on clouds up-piled
In awful grandeur, and with winds that sobbed
Loud through the forest, Winter came, and robbed
Autumn of all her beauty.


[For an account of the Franklin Institute, which
is well worth notice, see the files of the National
Gazette for the last six weeks or two months.
It contains the constitution, &c.]

A prospectus has been issued, in Phila-
delphia, by Edward Clark, A. M., of "The
American Repertory of Agriculture, Man-
ufactures and the Mechanic Arts." Its
chief object will be to collect, as far as
may be found practicable, all the important
knowledge of our country, connected with
the subjects mentioned in the title; but
other subjects connected with science and
domestic economy will be introduced. Spe-
cifications of expired or existing patents,
or abstracts from them, and accounts of
failures in attempted improvements or in-
ventions, accompanied occasionally with
explanatory engravings, will also be pub-
lished when entitled to particular notice.


John H. Wilkins and James Brown will publish a Selection from the Works of William Wordsworth. This selection will include the Excursion and most of his Miscellaneous Poems. None will be omitted which are not thought to be decidedly opposed to the public taste. This selection will be comprised in four neat duodecimo volumes. Subscriptions received by Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. No. 1 Cornhill, and at William Hilliard's bookstore, Cambridge.

In press and expected to be published the present month, Elements of Universal Geography, Ancient and Modern, on the Principles of Comparison and Classification. Modern Geography, by William C. Woodbridge.-Ancient Geography, by Emma Willard, Principal of the Female Seminary at Troy, N. Y.


The Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts, containing Selections from the Transactions of Learned Societies and foreign Scientific Journals, and original analytical views of subjects in Philosophy and the Arts compiled from various sources; intended to exhibit a view of the progress of discovery in Natural Philosophy, Mechanics, Chemistry, Geology and Mineralogy, Natural History, Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, Geography, Statistics, and the Fine and Useful Arts. Conducted by John W. Webster, M. D. John Ware, M. D. and Daniel Treadwell, Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Siences. Published by Cummings, Hilliard & Co. No. 1, Cornhill, Boston; to whom communications are to be addressed, post-paid.

The object of this work is to render accessible to the American public, the various and important information which is constantly communicated to the European World, through the transactions of their learned Societies, and their Scientific Journals. It is well known that nearly all the valuable discoveries in Philosophy, of the present century, have been first made known through these publications. Their number has now, however, become so extended, that access to them can be obtained by only a small proportion of readers. This is particularly the case in our own country, and a veil is thus drawn between us and the rapid progress which is daily making in discovery on the other side of the Atlantic. It is also to be considered that as they have increased in number, their value has been somewhat diminished by the frequent admission of indifferent articles.

It is intended in the work, the plan of which is now submitted to the public, to publish selections of such papers, or parts of papers, as are in themselves most valuable, or possess an interest from any relation they may have to the situation and prospects of the American people,—to make occasional abridgements of those whose length would preclude their admission entire,—and whenever there may happen to be a variety of articles from different sources upon any particular subject, to present analytical views of them. This last method of communicating information it is hoped may be made especially useful; since it happens, that observations relating to the Sumner L. Fairfield is preparing for the same subject are frequently made at nearpress, a Metrical Romance, entitled "Mo-ly the same time, by several individuals in rana or the Avenger, founded on the His- different parts of the world, all of which it tory of a celebrated Indian prophet recently would be impossible to publish, whilst yet deceased." Also, a didactic poem, entitled an analytical view of the whole would be "The Pleasures of Melancholy." of great value.

It may be added, that although the prin- | Fossil Bones of the American Mammoth-Sordacipal object will be the publication of se- walite-Achmite-Beudant on the Opals of Hunlections from foreign works; yet it is not gary-Cleavelandite-Rubellite-Lepidolite-Geology of Lake Huron-Review of Parkinson's Outintended that the pages of this Journal shall lines of Oryctology-New Localities of American be closed against any original articles of mer- Minerals. it which may be offered, particularly those relating to the history and progress of discovery in our own country.

CONDITIONS.-This work is published on good paper, and with a new type. A number, containing one hundred pages, is issued every two months. Price four dollars a year, payable on the delivery of the third Number of each volume.

The Nature and Plan of this Work will be seen from the following Abstract of the Contents of the Volume already published. ASTRONOMY.-Rieussec's Chronograph-Mr Pond on the Changes in the Declination of the Fixed Stars-Baron de Zach on the Observatories of Europe-Prof. Farrar on the Comet of 1823-'24 -Elements of the Comet of 1823.

OPTICS.--Mr Butter on the Insensibility of the Eye to certain Colours.

ter, &c.

BOTANY.-Rafflesia Titan-Mr Sabine on the
Wild Potato-Plants from Rio Janeiro.

ENTOMOLOGY.-Dr Harris on Four Native Spe-
cies of the Genus Cantharis-Mr Kirby on Ani-
mals receiving Nutriment from Mineral Substances
Observations on Bees-On the Hybernation of
the Snail.
GEOGRAPHY.-Mr Curson's Ascent to the
Peak of Misté-Capt. Scoresby's Voyage to the
Coast of Greenland-Mr Clissold's Ascent to Mont
Blanc-Journey across Newfoundland.
STATISTICS.Mr Harvey on the increase of the
Population of the United States and Territories of
America, &c.

HYDROGRAPHY-On the Luminous Appear

ance of the Ocean.


Robert Jameson Esq. Prof. Nat. Hist. Edin.
Rev. Ezra S. Goodwin.
James Dean, Esq. Prof. Math. in the University
of Vermont.
William E. Cormach, Esq.
B. Gaspard, M. D., &c.

OUR first number was not published until seventeen days after that on which it was dated; this delay arose from an unexpected difficulty in procuring from a distant manufactory the paper to be used for the Gazette. We retained our original date in order that we might begin with a quarter of the year. The third number should be dated May 1, but as it could not be published on that day, we have concluded to date it on the 15 of

Stratton on the Sepulchral Caverns of Egypt May. The successive numbers will appear Method of Preserving Echini, Asteriæ, &c.-Ac- with regularity, and the number now omitted count of the Fire of St Elmo-Account of the Ex-will be published before the first of NovemHYDRONAMICS.--Mr Knowles on the Curvili- plosion of a Steam Boiler at Lochrin Distillerynear Form of the Sterns of Ships-Mr Perkins' New Mode of Extinguishing Fires in Chimneys-ber, that the semiannual volume may then New Steam Engine-Observations on Circular New Method of Ascertaining the Maximum Den- be completed. Sterns-Experiments on the Pressure of Wa-sity of Water-Dr Warren's Description of an Egyptian Mummy, and an Account of the OperaPNEUMATICS.-Dr Wollaston on the Finite tion Embalming Matrix of the Diamond Since the preceding reviews were in type, we Extent of the Atmosphere-Dr Colladon on a De-Discovery of a New Alphabet-Account of a have learned by intelligence from England that scent in a Diving Bell. Man who Swallowed a Number of Clasp Knives Edmund de Quincy, of Oxford, is now generally New Fermenting Apparatus-Preservation of Leeches--New Method of Obtaining Castor Oil-believed to be the author of the "Confessions of an Opium-eater." We mention this, because the Description of Vettie's Giel in Norway Account writer of the article upon that work supposed it to of the opening of two Mummies Count Rumford's be a sort of apologetic autobiography of Mr ColeDonation for the Establishment of a Biennial Premium-Effects of Chloride of Lime as a Disinfector-Preservation of Plants-Improved Process for Manufacturing White Lead-Improvement in Sheathing Copper.

MECHANICS.-Mr Perkins' Improvements in the Art of Engraving-Mr Treadwell on Cast Iron -New Method of Tanning and Dyeing-Of Glazing Earthen Ware-Soldering with Cast Iron-Description of Monteith & Co's great Bandana Gallery-New Apparatus for Describing Curves-Method of obtaining Iron from Slags and Cinder-Method of producing the Prismatic Colours on Metallic Surfaces-On the Alloys of Steel.

ACOUSTICS.-Dr Wollaston on Sonnds Inaudible to certain Ears-Velocity of Sound.

ELECTRICITY and GALVANISM.-New Form of Voltaic Apparatus.

MAGNETISM.-Account of Captain Scoresby's Magnetical Discoveries.

METEOROLOGY.--Prof. Farrar on an Apparatus for Determining the Mean Temperature, &c.Mr Goodwin on the Gale of September, 1822--Remarkable Meteor-New Facts respecting the Atmosphere-Sir H. Davy on the Formation of Mists.

CHEMISTRY.-Reduction of Sulphate of Lead -Dr Ure on Chloride of Lime or Bleaching Powder--Dr Webster's Examination of the Meteor from Maine, &c.-Test for Proto-Salts of Iron-Acid Earth of Persia-Dr Marcet on the Saline Contents of Sea Water-Hydriodate of Potass Mr Faraday on Condensation of the Gases-On the Action of Platinum on Mixtures of Oxygen, Hydrogen, &c.--Dabereiner's Eudiometer-Dr Traill on detecting small quantities of ArsenicRoman Cement-Sir H. Davy on the Condensation of Gases.

ZOOLOGY.-Mr Smith on Animals of America allied to the Genus Antilope-Prof. Jameson on the Rocky Mountain Sheep of the Americans-Sir E. Home on a New Species of Rhinoceros-Dr Traill on the Orang Outang--On American Animals of the Genus Felis.

COMPARATIVE ANATOMY.-M. G. St Hilaire on the Identity of the Organs of Animals of Different Classes.

MINERALOGY and GEOLOGY.-Dr Mac Culloch on Certain Elevations of Land Connected with the Actions of Volcanoes-Dr Davy on the Mineralogy of Ceylon-Prof. Buckland on Fossil Teeth and Bones in a Cave in Yorkshire-Rocking Stone of Roxbury-Marble of Stoneham--M. Gay-Lussac on Volcanoes-Mr Scrope on the Eruption of Vesuvius, 1822-Prof. Hausmann on the Geology of the Apennines-Green Felspar of Beverly-Notice of Conybeare and Phillips' Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales-Dr Ware on the

HOROLOGY.-Mr Dyar's Improvement in Clocks.
of Berthollet.

List of some of the Authors of Articles in the Bos-
ton Journal of Philosophy and the Arts.

Sir H. Davy, Bart. F. R. S.
Lieut. Col. Straton, F. R. S.
John MacCulluch, M. D. F. R. S.
John Butter M. D. F. L. S.

John Pond, Esq. Astronomer Royal.
John Farrar, Esq. Prof. Math. &c. in Harvard

Joseph Sabine, Esq. F. R. S.
T. W. Harris, M. D.

James Crichton, Esq.

John C. Warren, M. D. Prof. Anat. &c. in
Harvard University.

Prof. Pictet.

Sir Everard Home, Bart.

Rev. William Kirby, F. R. S.
John Knowles, Esq. F. R. S.
Charles H. Smith, Esq. A. L. S.
Samuel Curson, Esq..
Henry Meikle, Esq.
Rev. William Dunbar.
William Burnet, M. D.
J. L. Sullivan, Esq.

R. Stevenson, Esq. F. R. S.
Thomas S. Traill, M. D. F. R. S.
George Harvey, Esq.

Dr Calladon of Geneva.
Baron de Zach.

M. Gay-Lussac.

Andrew Ure, M. D. F. R. S.

William Scoresby, Esq. F. R. S.

N. M. Hentz, Esq.

David Brewster, L. L. D. &c.



Proofs that the Common Theories and Modes of Reasoning respecting the Depravity of Mankind exhibit it as a Physical Attribute, with a view of the Scripture Doctrine relative to the Nature and Character of a Moral Agent. 8vo. pp. 104. New York.

An Exhibition of Unitarianism, with Scriptural Extracts. Tract No. 1. pp. 35. Greenfield.

Statement of Facts relative to the Last Will of the late Mrs Badger of Natick, which was disallowed on the Final Hearing. 8vo. pp. 63. Dedham.

Touches on Agriculture, including a Treatise on the Preservation of the Apple Tree, together with Family Recipes, Experiments on Insects, &c. &c. By the Author of the Description of Brunswick and the Towns in Maine. pp. 43. Portland.

Profession is not Principle, or the name of Christian is not Christianity. By the Author of Decision. 12mo. pp. 162. Boston.

The Deformed Transformed; a Drama. By the Right Honourable Lord Byron. 18mo. pp. 84. Philadelphia.

Sermons preached in St. John's Church, Glasgow. By Thomas Chalmers, Minister of St. John's Church, Glasgow. 12mo. pp. 339. Philadelphia.

An Account of the Varioloid Epidemick, which has lately appeared in Edinburgh and other parts of Scotland; with Observations on the Identity of Chicken Pox; in a letter to Sir James M'Gregor. By John Thompson, M. D. F. R. S. E

M. Faraday, Esq. Chemical Assistant at the 8vo. pp. 419. Philadelphia.
Royal Institution.

Alexander Marcet, M. D. &c.

W. H. Wollaston, M. D. V. P. R. S.
Rev. William Buckland, P. G. S.

Percy Mallory. By the Author of Pen Owen. 2 Vols. 12mo. pp. 555. Philadelphia.

Prose. By a Poet. 2 Vols. 18mo. pp. 411. Philadelphia.

A Collection of Essays and Tracts in | Theology. No. 6. By Jared Sparks. Boston

A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law, with occasional Notes and Comments. By Nathan Dane, LL. D. Counsellor at Law. Volumes I. II. and III.

Hints on Extemporaneous Preaching. By Henry Ware, Jr. Minister of the Second Church in Boston.

Speech of Mr Webster on the Tariff; Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, April, 1824. 8vo. pp. 47. Boston. A Sermon, Delivered at the Dedication of the New Meeting House, erected for the use of the Calvinist Church, and the Society connected Sketches of the Earth and its Inhabiwith it, in Worcester, Mass. Oct. 13, 1823. By tants; comprising a Description of the Grand Samuel Austin, D. D. Pastor of the first Congrega- Features of Nature; the Principal Mountains, Rivtional Church in Newport, R. I. pp. 23. Worces-ers, Cataracts, and other Interesting Objects and ter, Mass. Natural Curiosties; also of the Chief Cities and Remarkable Edifices and Ruins; together with a View of the Manners and Customs of different Nations: Illustrated by One Hundred Engravings. By J. E. Worcester.

A Sermon delivered at Worcester, Mass. Oct. 15, 1823, at the Ordination of the Rev. Loammi Ives Hoadly to the Pastoral Office over the Calvinistic Church and Society in that Place. By Lyman Beecher, D. D. 2d Edit. pp. 40.

Some Account of the Medical School in Boston, and of the General Hospital. pp. 16.

Published for Distribution.

Elements of Geography, Ancient and Modern: with an Atlas. By J. E. Worcester, A. M. Stereotype edition.- -[In this edition the quantity

of matter has been much increased, various alteraA Sermon on Intemperance, delivered at tions have been made in the arrangement, and conthe North Church in Newburyport, on the occasion siderable changes also in all parts, the modern geof the Public Fast, April 1, 1924. By Luther Fra-ography, the ancient, and the tabular views. The zier Dimmick. pp. 30. design has been to render the work more conveni ent for use, both to the teacher and the pupil. The Atlas has also been revised, and a new map of the Eastern and Middle States has been added to it.]

A Discourse on the Proper Test of the Christian Character, delivered at the Church in Brattle-street, Boston, on the Lord's Day, March 21, 1824. By Henry Colman. pp. 22. Boston. The Recollections of Jotham Anderson, Minister of the Gospel. pp. 118.

Sermons Illustrative of a Life According to the Commandments, in our Idea of the Character of the Lord, delivered before the Society of the New Jerusalem. 12mo. pp. 84. Boston.

The Rational Guide to Reading and Orthography, being an attempt to improve the Arrangement of Words in English Spelling Books, and to adapt the Reading Lessons to the comprehension of those for whom they are intended. By William B. Fowle, Instructer of the Monitorial School, Boston. Stories Explanatory of the Church Catechism. By Mrs Sherwood, Author of several popular works for children. Burlington, N. J.

History of Henry Miller, a little Boy who was not brought up according to the Fashion of this World. By the same Author.


An Introduction to Ancient and Modern

Geography, on the plan of Goldsmith and Guy; comprising Rules for Projecting Maps. With an additions and improvements. Atlas. By J. A. Cummings. Ninth edition, with

Hobomok; a Tale of Early Times.

an American.



Observations on the Diseases of Females which are attended by Discharges; illustrated by Copper-Plates of the diseases, &c. By Charles Mansfield Clarke, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Surgeon to the Queen's Lying-In Hospital, and Lecturer on Midwifery in London.

Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. From February A Brief Memoir of Krishna-Pal, the first 1806 to February 1814. Revised and published by Hindoo in Bengal who broke the Chain of their authority of the Legislature, in conformity with a Cast by embracing the Gospel; to which is added resolution, passed 22d February, 1822. [These The Decision, or Religion must be All, or is Noth-tion of the three first volumes, and comprise volvolumes contain the Acts passed since the publicaing. 18mo. umes 4 and 5 of the series.]

Works of Maria Edgeworth, Vol. III. conJournal of a Residence in Chili. By A taining Belinda. 8vo. Boston. Parker's Edition. St. Ronan's Well, Vol. XVI. of the Wa-Young American, detained in that Country during the Revolutionary scenes of 1817-18-19. verly Novels.




Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece. Translated from the German of Arnold H. L. Heeren, by George Bancroft.

What think ye of Christ? A Sermon preached at Newburyport, Sunday, Oct. 26, 1823. By John Pierpont, Minister of Hollis-street Church, Boston.

Duke Christian of Luneburg; or, Tradition from the Hartz. By Miss Jane Porter, author of "Thaddeus of Warsaw." &c. &c. &c.

Warreniana; With Notes Critical and Explanatory. By the Editor of a Quarterly Review. [This work is said to have been written by the "Authors of Rejected Addresses."]


The Philosophy of Natural History, by A Gazetteer of the state of New HampWilliam Smellie, Member of the Antiquarian and shire. Embellished with an accurate Map of the Royal Societies of Edinburgh.-With an Introduc- state, and several other engravings. By John Fartion and various additions and alterations, intend-mer and Jacob B. Moore. ed to adapt it to the present state of knowledge. By A new edition of Jefferson's Manual. John Ware, M. D. Fellow of the Massachusetts 18mo. Medical Society, and of the American Academy of

Arts and Sciences.

The Greek Reader, by Frederic Jacobs, Professor of the Gymnasium at Gotha, and editor of the Anthologia.

Annals of the town of Concord, in the county of Merrimack, and state of New Hampshire, from its first settlement, in the year 1726, to the year 1823; with biographical sketches. To

From the seventh German which is added a memoir of the Penacook Indians.

edition, adapted to the translation of Buttmann's

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

An Historical and Topographical Sketch of Andover, N. H. By Jacob B. Moore. Civil and Ecclesiastical History of Epsom, N. H. By Rev. Jonathan Curtis, A. M. The Genius of Oblivion, and other Poems. By a Lady of New Hampshire.

BY E. LITTELL, Philadelphia.

The Journal of Foreign Medicine, No. 14. Edited
by John D. Godman, M. D. quarterly, $4 a year.
The Museum of Foreign Literature and
Science, No. 22, monthly, $6 a year.
The Christian Advocate, edited by Asahel
Green, D. D. monthly, $3 a year.


The Lives of the Ancient Philosophers, Translated from the French of Fenelon, with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By Rev. John Cormack, M. A. Burlington, N. J.

Journal of a Tour in Italy in the year By An 1821, with a Description of Gibraltar. American. 8vo. with plates. New York.

Hume and Smollett's History of England. Abridged, and continued to the accession George the Fourth. By John Robinson, D. D. 1 Vol. 8vo. with 160 engravings. New York.

Alden's Spelling Book. Second Volume.

Tenth Edition. Boston.

A third Edition of Wayland's Sermon on Moral Dignity of the Missionary Enterprise. Boston.


Boston. M. T. Ciceronis Orationes Quædam Selectæ. With English Notes.

[In this edition, undertaken with the approbation and by the advice of the Principal of Exeter Academy, for which Seminary the work was originally prepared, the Notes will be improved by alterations and no pains will be spared to avoid errors of the and additions suggested by respectable instructers, press.]

Institutes of Natural Philosophy, Theoretical and Practical. By William Enfield,

LL. D. Fourth American edition, with improvements.

A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law, with Occasional Notes and Comments. By Nathan Dane, LL. D. In eight volVol. IV. umes.

Collectanea Græca Minora. Sixth Cambridge edition; in which the Latin of the Notes and Vocabulary is translated into English.

Publius Virgilius Maro;-Bucolica, Georgica, et neis. With English Notes, for the use of Schools.

Lectures on various branches of Natural History. By William Dandridge Peck, A. A. & S. H. S. late Professor of Natural History in Harvard University.

An Introduction to the Differential and Integral Calculus, or the Doctrine of Fluxions; designed for an extraordinary class in the University.

Sermons, by the late Rev. David Osgood, D. D. Pastor of the Church in Medford. [To be published in a few days.]

A Greek and English Lexicon.

(This work, which was announced some time since, has been delayed beyond the intention of the publishers by circumstances that could not be anticipated; but will now proceed with all the despatch consistent with the nature of such a work; which, being designed for the use of young persons

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