Imágenes de páginas


pore, but they have not had time to do much good. Such is an abstract statement of the means used for the conversion of the natives to Christianity. We proceed to give Mr Adam's opinion of the result.

He believes that general information is gradually spreading throughout Bengal, and that it has been much promoted by Missionaries; but he does not suppose them to have been successful, in any considerable degree, in diffusing a knowledge of Christianity.

This is true, even admitting that the religious system of the Missionaries is the religious system of the New Testament; but their success has been still less when we consider that these two systems are so much opposed to each other. The doctrines which they teach, with the exception of the incarnation of the Deity, which is an idea very readily admitted by the native mind, are very little known. When they are attended to, in so far as they agree with preconceived notions, they only produce the conviction of a community of faith; in so far as they are understood to disagree, they ridicule, and it so far as they are either uninchiefly call forth expressions of contempt and

little consequence to ascertain what sect temples, which operates as a sort of indi-
has made most of them. Unitarians have rect sanction to their idolatry; and the low
had little opportunity to try their skill, state of religion and morals among Chris-
for it does not appear that there are more tians, are the other principal obstacles
than twenty in Calcutta, although Mr Adam mentioned by Mr Adam.
supposes some more would acknowledge
their faith, were it not that

The Christian name has been rendered, by the missionary converts, synonymous, in the opinion of their countrymen, with all that is ignorant, low, and deceitful; and that therefore, no respectable native will choose, by assuming the same religious appellation, to identify himself with a class of people so generally, and, as is affirmed, so justly despised.

Of these, the last appears to us incomparably the greatest. The natives will derive their views of the practical influence of Christianity much less from the Missionaries, than from the ordinary character of the Christians with whom they associate, and under whose authority they are subjected. And who are these? Are they the genuine disciples of that religion which It will not escape the reader, that those teaches us to lay up treasures, not on the secret converts whom Mr Adam seems to the earth, but in heaven, and to cultivate regard with considerable complacency, can- that charity which seeketh not her own? not possess much of that apostolic and prim- Do they present themselves as soldiers itive Christian character, or they would combating beneath the banners of the not thus be prevented from openly profess-Prince of Peace, conquering their own ing a religion "every where spoken a passions, mindful of the rights of others, gainst." Mr Adam, of course, believes that willing to serve rather than to domineer, Unitarianism, with equal facilities, might humane, and forgiving injuries, more ready be more easily propagated, and that its in- to suffer wrong than to do it, and satisfied fluence would be more salutary, than any with subjecting first their own evils, and other form of religion; but the work fur- then the evils of others? How absolutely nishes no competent evidence of this; in- the reverse of all this, is the reality! And deed, it exhibits little or no evidence ap- what more needs be said? Why do we talk plicable to this question. of a thousand other obstacles, which, if removed, with this remaining, would leave the practical religion of Christians with little or nothing to recommend it?

telligible or not understood, they excite only a
feeling of blank and aimless wonderment.
far as I have been able to observe and judge,
high and low, rich and poor, learned and un-
learned, are, with few exceptions, alike ignorant of
the peculiar evidences and doctrines of Christian-
The causes which have prevented, and
ity, as well as the peculiar duties and expectations
of Christians. An intelligent native will probably that continue to prevent the reception of
be found to receive a few specific ideas respecting Christianity by the natives of India, are
Christianity from the preaching of the Missiona- supposed to be their regard for their reli-
ries. The general impression left on his mind will,
I believe, be, that it is a system friendly to polythe-ion on account of its great antiquity; their
ism, but opposed to idolatry; representing the De-belief that they have been distinguished
ity as partial in his regards to his creatures, but in- above all other nations by a series of rev-
culcating a purer and stricter morality than his elations; their ignorance of experimental
science, and of the value of moral evi-
dence, together with their confidence in!
the superiority of their own science and
attainments; the great influence which their
complicated, idolatrous, and demoralizing
system has upon their minds, by " uniting
itself with all the relations and duties of a
present life, and with all the hopes and
fears of a future state;" and especially the
institution of the caste, the effects of which


"Idolatry is, though very slowly, falling into desuetude, at least among the natives in Calcutta." It is computed that it is rejected by about a tenth of the reading native population of that city; but we are not informed what portion of the whole population this embraces; and it appears that not more than two thirds of those who reject idolatry, embrace Christianity. This must make the number very small, especially when we consider that the whole number in India of native converts now in full communion with Protestant Churches, "does not exceed three hundred." This is Mr Adam's estimate from the most accurate information he could obtain from the reports of the various Societies, and other authentic sources. Even these are represented as of a very low rank, of ordinary understanding, and generally of loose morals; and, on the whole, as little, if any, improved by becoming Christians. It does not appear that they are generally converts from reflection and inquiry, but frequently from grossly selfish motives; and as this is believed by all their countrymen, their example can have little good effect upon others. Mr Adam's opinion,-if he be a man,-cannot but be influenced by his religious opinions; but it cannot be denied, that the facts he states, which are such as to be of public notoriety, do, in the main, support his estimates, and his assertions.

are thus described:


To the question, "Are any of the causes of failure of such a nature, that it may be in the power of Unitarians to remove them," Mr Adam states many objections to the plans hitherto pursued by Missionaries, and supposes that Unitarians would adopt more prudent measures. This is perfectly fair on his part; but we should suppose that other denominations would be almost equally sensible of the importance of most of these improvements which he suggests. To render the translations correct; to have the Missionaries good men, and well educated; to estimate the motives of converts rightly; and to guard against hypocritical professions, are very plain duties, and are, as we trust, thought to be duties by all. The question whether Unitarian doctrines would be more salutary than those which have been inculcated, our readers will prefer answering for themselves.

We come now to the main question : Can any aid be given by Unitarians to the cause of Christianity in India with a reasonable prospect of success? If any can be given,—of what kind,——— in what way,-by what means?

It is not only recognised by the judicial code of the Hindoos, but, unlike the test of Christian nations, it is even upheld by their sacred books, and forms an essential part of their religious system. Thus, while it, on some occasions, legalizes acts of dinary operation is to give sanctity to the greatest the most palpable injustice and oppression, its orpride on the one hand, and the most abject debaseinent on the other. It separates man from man, places an insuperable barrier between them, and pronounces an irrevocable prohibition of all the the very sinews, and spreads misery, disease, and tender sympathies and kind offices of life. It cuts death through the whole frame of Hindoo society. It entails all the evils both of the social and of the savage state, without admitting the benefits of stantly producing, it operates as a bar to every imeither. Besides the positive evils which it is conprovement in the arts and sciences, in knowledge ation will permit me to do, I do not hesitate, in reJudging as impartially as my character and situand religion. A Hindoo who forsakes the super-ply to this query, to express my full conviction that stitions in which he was educated, and professes the religion of his conscience, subjects himself to its utmost rigours.

Mr Adam supposes that important aid may be afforded, and with good prospect of ultimate success, by sending men and money. His opinion in relation to the prospects for Missionaries, is thus expressed :

Unitarian Missionaries, if properly qualified and adequately supported, may be of essential service in diffusing the knowledge and influence of true Their acquaintance with the licentious religion in this country. Preaching is not the only works in the Persian language; the imper- way in which such Missionaries may usefully emfect administration of justice; the imposi-ploy themselves; but those who do devote themHaving reduced the number and char- tion of a trifling tax by the government on find ample scope for all their energies. They may selves to this important department of labour, will acter of the converts to this, it can be of the pilgrims to certain of their celebrated promote a free social intercourse with educated na

tives by giving and receiving visits, which they will know how to turn to some useful account, not by dwelling, with irritating and repulsive frequency, upon religious topics in the gloomy and doginatical spirit of fanaticism, but by constantly exhibiting in

word and deed the benign and liberal spirit of the gospel. They may preach in English, not only to Europeans, but also to those natives who have acquired a knowledge of that language, and who, idolaters, as well as Unitarian Hindoos, will be much more disposed to attend, because they can much more easily understand, a Unitarian than a Trinitarian service. They may hold public meetings in the native part of the city, in places respectably furnished, for the purpose of temperate and friendly discussion in the native language on every subject of morals and religion. And they may promote the establishment of Unitarian Hindoos in similar places for similar purposes, than which nothing will more conduce to the downfall of idolatry, and which will at the same time afford a theatre for dispassionately advancing the claims of Christianity in the presence of those who are most likely to enibrace it. In short, various plans might be suggested, in the execution of which Unitarian Missionaries may very materially aid in preparing the way for the general reception of the gospel.

The establishment of "Unitarian mis

sionary schools for instructing the children of natives in the rudiments of a European Education, in the English language, in Christian morality, mingling with it very little instruction relative to the doctrines of Christianity," is regarded as a most important means for promoting the grand object. It appears that many of the more wealthy Hindoos would pay liberally for the instruction of their children in such schools. Their principal object would be the English language, which is of high importance to them for the purposes of business and social intercourse. Mr Adam thinks that Missionaries should not make particular instances of conversion, the direct and specific object of their endeavours; but that much reliance may be placed on the method he has pointed out for the gradual, but general diffusion of light.

The part of India supposed to constitute the most promising field of labour, is Calcutta. Much is said of the prospects which Persia affords for Unitarian missionary exertions. The circumstance which is thought to give the greatest encouragement, is, that the Persians are firm believers in the Unity of God. page 79.

previous opinions of a Persian, it affords a
most important facility to his conversion.
The same questions which were addressed
to Mr Adam were also sent by Dr Ware
to Rammohun Roy, whom most of our read-
ers know to be a learned Hindoo, who has
renounced idolatry, and contends that it is
not inculcated in the Vedas, who has a high
respect for Christianity, but is not a Chris-
tian; who encourages free inquiry, and af-
fords some aid and encouragement to the
exertions of Missionaries.

Rammohun Roy's replies to the questions
are short, and they agree, generally, with
those of Mr Adam.
As to the success
which has hitherto attended the labours
of Missionaries, he quotes the opinion of
the Abbé Dubois, which is rather more un-
favourable than Mr Adam's.

The great question, whether any bene-
fits have resulted from the translation of
the Scriptures into the languages of the
East, is answered as follows:

To the best of my knowledge no benefit has hitherto arisen from the translation of the Scriptures into the languages of the East, nor can any advantages be expected from the translations in circulation; they are not read much by those who are not Christians, except by a few whom the Missionaries represent as being "led away by Socinian principles."

must ever fail. And where we find, combined with the usurpation of secular power, a full display of the vices which result from the "root of all evil," who can wonder if the doctrine of the Cross is promulgated with little honor, and little success. Still, we have entire confidence that the publication of the Sacred Scriptures in the native languages of other countries, will be attended ultimately by the happiest results. If any thing be true, it is true that they are the light which enlighteneth every man. We believe that they now exert, directly or indirectly, a very powerful influence in every part of the world. The progress of the light of life is in many cases slow and almost imperceptible; but the promise is sure, that truth and righteousness will at length triumph over error and corruption; and who can doubt that this most desirable object will be promoted in every country, by that sowing of the good seed, which is now done so widely and so thoroughly, by the various Bible Societies in active operation in most parts of Christendom, and by their kindred associations?


Our con

We think we hardly undertand this rea[We do assure our unknown correspondent, who soning. Mr Adam would hardly argue fights so gallantly" pro aris and focis," that he has that no advantage results from these trans- obliged us by his information touching the flourlations, because they are read only by those ishing condition of Sicilian learning whom the Missionaries represent as led tributor, whom we begin to think imbued with no tincture of humane letters, will no doubt comfort away by "Socinian principles." The trans- his conscience by the recollection that the "Bibliolations are represented, both by Rammohun thèque Italienne," whence he drew his informaRoy and Mr Adam, as very incorrect; but tion, was the best authority he could get and may the latter does not venture to pronounce also be in a measure consoled for the exposure of It his ignorance by the hope that in this illiterate comthat these are not better than none. seems that they agree better with the unity, divers gentlemen are as ignorant as himReceived Text, than with Griesbach, but mortalized" his name by giving Cicero a chance to are not very faithful translations. Mr be studied at the foot of Mount Etna. In sober Adam has given many examples of their er- seriousness, we publish this communication, berors; but it does not, on the whole, appear cause some of our readers may be interested in the facts it asserts, and others may be amused with the that they are much more numerous, or more patriotic zeal of the writer. We beg leave to asflagrant, than in our common English versure our readers, one and all, that if it be a quiz, sion. No Christian doubts, that a version, we are not guilty of it; as it was actually sent to with even many more imperfections than us for publication. When our friend finds out The what the better part of valour is, he will hardly ours, would be better than none. Abbé Dubois will not admit, that any ver- call Vitali, Tasso; we know but little of the

self of the "illustrious" translator who has "im

This reminds us of a passage sion would do the Hindoos any good. We lieve this poem just as like Tasso's as Palermo is

The incarnation of the Deity, is an idea extremeJy familiar to the native mind, but idolaters, instead of being conciliated and won over by a doctrine so consonant with their own, are rather flattered by the close resemblance which they suppose can, in this respect, be traced between Christianity and Hindooism, and are thus confirmed in their anceint superstitions.

believe the Abbé when he tells us that few converts have been made, and that these are not much improved by their conversion. As we have already suggested, we can account for this from several causes,-principally that the Christian name has been so scandalously abused in India by its profess ors. We also credit his testimony, that the obstacles to the reception of ChristianHe supposes this doctrine to form an in-ity are very great; that the scriptures are superable obstacle to the reception of Chris-grossly misunderstood, and that when untianity in Hindoostan. Now, Mr Adam derstood, the long established religion of seems to us a little inconsistent here; if he the country, the general corruption of morbe not, we suggest the singular phenomenon als, and the idolatry of the natives, meet of this difference between Hindoo minds the truth with dire and dreadful opposition. and Persian, as an interesting and impor- But where has Christianity been establishtant subject for the attention of Missionaries. ed without overcoming similar, and perhaps If any thing be found in Christianity coinci-equal obstacles? The attempts which have dent with the previous opinions of a Hindoo, been made to carry it to men's hearts by it proves an obstacle to his conversion; but authority and the arm of secular power, if any thing be found coincident with the have hitherto failed, and such attempts

"Sicilia Liberata;" but we know enough to belike what Jerusalem was in the days of Saladin or Solomon.-ED.]

To the Editor of the U. S. L. Gazette. SICILIAN LITERATURE.

Ὑπὲρ τοῦ Βωμοῦ ἐσχάρας μάρνασο.

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· Pugna pro aris et locis." THE sixth number, volume first, of the United States Literary Gazette, contains an article entitled, "Sicilian Literature." This article contains many errors, which I shall take the liberty to correct.

"It does not appear," says the compiler of the article, "that Literature is much encouraged or cultivated by the Sicilians. In these two years (1821 and 1822), according to this account [contained in the Bibliothèque Italienne] only about fifty-six works were published." I am very far from perceiving that fifty-six new publica

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tions in the years 1821 and 1822, when Sici- si ed esteri,che in Messina fiorirono dal secolo Literary Gazette, for having in this inly had scarcely emerged from the horrors XII sino al secolo XIX :” all of these works stance favoured her with his gracious apof revolution and civil war, should seem so have received the applause of both conti- probation. The Journal of Laws," in few to the compiler of the article, for a nents, and with them a great number of oth-which are published the interpretations and country in which little pains are taken to er works and pamphlets daily published decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice publish every petty memorial, sermon, and in Sicily, not comprehended in the list of in Palermo, professes to interest none but report; particularly where novels, which the publications mentioned in the Biblio- lawyers: the "Journal of Medicine," in in this country constitute the chief employ- thèque Italienne, are included in the years which are published the observations on ment of the presses, are in very little re- 1821 and 1822. After these, we find the medical practice made in the grand hospiquest. I only regret that, from the mere "Frammenti di Archestrato raccolti e vol- tal of Palermo, never was intended to inannunciation of these works alone, or from garizzati dall' Abate Domenico Scinà," terest any class but physicians. And if, the little said of them by the French edi-"Il Discorso intorno del Archimede da Si- par hasard, it should prove in fact interesttors, without any examination of their con- racusa," by the same, “Le Poesie di S. ing to that class of individuals by whom tents, the writer has so hastily inferred that Scuderi," and many other works the titles only it is understood, as is the case, and as "literature is neither encouraged nor cul- of which we deem it unnecessary here to the writer seems to allow,-it appears to tivated in Sicily." Far be it from me to recapitulate, because even the few we have happily accomplished its purpose. maintain that literature is as much encour- have contented ourselves with naming, "There is no contest," continues the above aged as it should be; thus justifying the when attentively perused and examined by writer, "in the career of the drama." He policy of its present government; which, the writer of the article, will evince to cannot have been acquainted with the pubanxious only to sustain its tottering despo- him, without any effort of his reason, the lication in Catania of the tragedy of "Ifitism, neglects and endeavours to delay, actual state of letters in Italy. genia," in 1819; of "Datame," published nay, even to prevent the progress of letters "Sicilian literature," pursues the com- in Palermo, in 1820, which we have menin any shape amongst its people; but I wish piler, "is equally poor in its journals." tioned above, and of various other dramatonly to observe, that, in spite of all obsta-"There is a publication called the Iris," ic compositions; neither do we know of cles, owing to the genius and lively talents &c. How can the writer of the article on what two melo-dramas he speaks. They of the Sicilians, it is cultivated as it should "Sicilian literature" judge of the litera- certainly cannot be the tragedies of S. Scube. On account of the disturbances in ture of the journals of Sicily now, when, deri, which, besides these melo-dramas, saw which Sicily was at that time involved, we through the exercise of the most complete the light in Palermo, part in the end of can form no idea of her literature from the despotism, the gazettes are compelled to 1822 and part in the beginning of 1823; years 1821 and 1822. Let us then direct limit themselves to sterile and indifferent which now occupy and interest all the our attention to Sicily at peace, and we articles, which, from the policy of despo- Italian literati, have given origin to the shall see her produce her Tasso in Vitali, tism, they are with difficulty suffered to work entitled "Le Due Biblioteche, Diaand give to Italian letters a new epic in the publish after they have undergone a rigor-loghi sulle Tragedie di S. Scuderi, Catania, "Sicilia Liberata." We shall see her pro- ous and inquisitorial scrutiny; in which 1823," and, after the publication of the duce her Alfieris in Calvino and Malvica, every enlightening passage, every para- above named Tragedies, show that there and furnish the Italian stage with twonew graph that breathes liberty, is suppressed; really exists in Sicily some "contest in the models of tragic composition in "Ifigenia in the least suspicion of which would produce career of the drama." Aulide," and in "Datame." The poem of Cos- the immediate suspension of its publicatantini is one of the classics of the lan- tion, and the inevitable proscription or exguage, which rivals the "Divina Comme-ile of their editors? L'Ape," (L'Abeille) dia" of Dante. These, and many other a literary gazette, not only for Sicily, but literary productions were published be- for all Italy (where it was already received tween the years 1815 and 1820. But if we with the greatest approbation), conducted choose to go still farther back, without quit- by a society of men of talents, owes to ting the nineteenth century, with how this-to the suspension of its publication many classical productions shall we find and the proscription of some of its editors that Sicily has enriched Italian literature! its extinction. Read "I Patriotto," a Among the many that I might enumerate journal which came out in Palermo from on this occasion, the translations of the the year 1810 to 1815, a period when Sicily Odes of Anacreon, and of the Idylls and enjoyed a constitutional government, and Epigrams of Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, which reappeared in the time of her last of the Iliad of Homer, the Bucolics of Vir-adventures (1820); a journal from which il, and the Odes of Horace, in Italian verse; and of the Orations of Cicero in prose, have immortalized and rendered illustrious throughout civilized nations the names of the Count Gaetani Della Torre, the Marquis Natale di Monterosato, the Marquis Drago, the Abate Monti (Michelang.), and of the Gubernatis; bright ornaments of Sicily, their country.

Sicily is now engaged with a Biography of her Illustrious Men, with which charge she has honoured the celebrated and learned Abate Domenico Scinà, a Sicilian; who not long since published "Le Memorie sulla vita, e filosofia d'Empedocle d'Agrigento.""Il Corso di Lettere Greche del Professore Crispi," “I Frammenti di Dicearco da Messina, raccolti ed illustrati dal Cav. Errante;" "La Lady of the Lake, del Sir Walter Scott, tradotta in versi Toscani dal Signor Indelicato ;"" Le Memorie dei Pittori Messine

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extracts were often translated into the va-
rious other journals of Europe: and then
pronounce on the literature of the Sicilian
journals. We have no notice of the
“Iride" (Iris), but we constantly receive
the "Cerere," one of the journals which
are now published periodically in Palermo,
in which there is not a number that does
not contain, notwithstanding rigorous re-
striction,-besides a quantity of foreign
and domestic intelligence, literary articles
on the arts and sciences, inventions and
discoveries, commercial notices, and in
fact, as far as the government permits,
every thing that can render a journal in-
teresting to all classes of individuals.

"The Journal of Medicine," continues
the writer, "may be interesting to the class of
individuals for which it is intended." Sicily
cannot but owe thanks to the compiler of
the article inserted in the United States

This is, as far as the limits of a journal permit us to show it, the state of Sicilian literature. It redounds no little to the honour of Sicily, that her inhabitants, inventors of many arts and sciences, assiduous cultivators and masters of the liberal arts, and of whose powers we have so many incontrovertible proofs, show themselves lovers of the fine arts: in which they have formerly attained the rank of excellence.



Dost thou idly ask to hear

At what gentle seasons
Nymphs relent, when lovers near
Press the tenderest reasons?
Ah, they give their faith too oft
To the careless wooer;
Maidens' hearts are always soft,
Would that men's were truer!

Woo the fair one, when around
Early birds are singing;
When, o'er all the fragrant ground,
Early herbs are springing:
When the brookside, bank and grove,
All with blossoms laden,
Shine with beauty, breathe of love,-
Woo the timid maiden.

Woo her, when, with rosy blush,
Summer eve is sinking;
When, on rills that softly gush,
Stars are softly winking;

When, through boughs that knit the bower, Upon the ear, and ravishes the soul.

Moonlight gleams are stealing;
Woo her, till the gentle hour
Wakes a gentler feeling.

Woo her, when autumnal dyes
Tinge the woody mountain;
When the dropping foliage lies,
In the half-choked fountain;
Let the scene, that tells how fast
Youth is passing over,
Warn her, ere her bloom is past,
To secure her lover.

Woo her, when the northwinds call
At the lattice nightly;
When, within the cheerful hall,
Blaze the faggots brightly;
While the wintry tempest round

Sweeps the landscape hoary,

Sweeter in her ear shall sound
Love's delightful story.



Uncrumbled yet, the sacred fane uprears
Its brow majestic in the storm of years;
Time has but slightly dared to steal away
The marks of beauty from its columns grey;
Each sculptured capital in glory stands,
As once the boast of those delightful lands,
Nor barbarous hand has plucked their beauties

Some baser monument of art to crown.

Girt with the sculptured deeds achieved of yore,

That once the croud beheld but to adore,
Rich with the proud exploits of Æthra's son,
And lofty conquests by Alcides won;-
The splendid pile still claims the stranger's fear,
The passing pilgrim pauses to revere,
The pensive poet views its columns proud,
And fancy hears again the anthem loud
From kindling bards, that once arose on high,-
A tuneful chorus trembling on the sky.

The inner shrine no more protects the slave,
The holy walls no more th' opprest can save,
The wretch no longer safety there can claim
And live secure in Theseus' hallowed name;
Sunk are his glories in oblivion's tomb,
His deeds obscured by centuries of gloom.

To holier uses rise those walls on high,
And holier anthems murmur on the sky;
The shrine is crumbled to its native soil,
And pagan grandeur given as a spoil;

No worshipped Theseus decks that beauteous

And none to him prolong th' adoring strain;
Devoted still to worship-and to Heaven,
To purer thoughts and holier prayers 'tis given.


*The Temple of Theseus at Athens,--one of the most beautiful and entire remains of ancient art,— was once a sanctuary for slaves, and men who needed protection. It is now dedicated to St George, and is revered by the Athenians as much, perhaps, as it ever was.


How lovely is the soft etherial Spring,
With all her train of infant Loves, and Hours,
And genial Gales! And lovely too, the Nymph
Resplendent, ardent Summer! Forth she goes
From the bright arms of beauteous Spring, and

The sun yet trembles in the east, and ere
The dew, which in pellucid drops is strewn
O'er flower and herb, exhales, she beckons
All the Dryads with the Zephyrs to attend
Their dazzling Queen. Nature feels a joy
Unwonted, and elated views the pomp
Of triumph; while aerial music swells

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Then comes a pause-a universal pause!-
Swift from the saffron cloud descends the lark
Warbling, and nestles in the brake; the groves
Awed by some secret power, felt though unseen,
Are hushed, and not a note prevails. 'Tis now,
While the bright Hours on languid wing float by,
In all her pride of power, the sovereign Fair
Is seen in single majesty to walk

Yon argent fields, and with a look to fire
The heavens; while bidden to their green retreats,
Amid the groves and whispering leaves, her train
Precipitate repair, and seek beneath
The shade a shelter from the blazing noon.
There too I gladly hie, and tranquil on
The marge of babbling brook which winds its way
Through beds of flowery moss, I lay me down,
And pensive mark its lapse. How bright, and clear,
And gentle it flows on! the while below
Its rippling wave the pebble smoother grows,
And sparkles with a brightness not its own.--
Ye vanities of life! 'tis thus with you;
Seen through the golden haze of distance, how
Ye glitter and deceive! approached, the mist
Dissolves, and leaves you empty as ye are.

Within this deep recess what wonders lie
Concealed, or to the observant eye alone
Are full disclosed. O Solitude! Is't here
Thou reign'st supreme? To the gross ear of man
All is inaudible; and yet, methinks,

I hear the din of myriads 'mid these shades!
Upon this glassy pool, scooped from the bank
Of the meandering stream, their forms attenuate
I see. Reckless of ill, some in soft peace
Delight to pass their lives; in circles some
Adventurous skim, and those with cautious eye
Giddy disport; like the bold Gerris,* these
Survey the deep. Yet what are they, compared
With hosts invisible that dwell on high,
Around, beneath-whose empire is a leaf-
Whose halls and palaces, are bells of flowers,
Wide, overarched, vast as the ethereal vault,
And as resplendent too! Boast not then, man,
Imperial man, of thy superior rule,

deliver a tragedy impromptu. The audi-
ence were so earnest in insuring perfect
fairness, that they would not entrust the
choice of subjects even to a most respecta-
ble committee of men eminent in literature
and art.
The titles were read over to
them, and they rejected many, and left oth-
ers undisturbed, with that sort of capricious-
ness and irregularity which must ever pre-
vail in a numerous and mixed assembly.
They were, however, particularly careful
in rejecting subjects which had been alrea-
length the papers were all placed in an
dy treated by celebrated authors. At
urn, and one was drawn out by a lady in a
side-box, at the request of the pit. It
proved to have inscribed on it Charles I.
This was received with universal applause,
as no one for a moment supposed it possible
that M. Sgricci could be prepared for this
The curtain rose and he

announcement. appeared in great emotion. He stated that the personages of his drama would beCharles I, king of England; Henrietta, his wife; Cromwell, absent and daily expected to return from the army; Ireton, a partisan of Cromwell, a subordinate fanatic; Douglas, friend of the king, devoted to his master; Eliza, an attendant of the Queen; the President of the Parliament; and Ugo, leader of the popular faction, with a chorus of ladies of the Queen's suite, and a chorus of the people and the factious. This explanation was much applauded, especially when M. Sgricci said, "The King will be secretly Catholic." He found serious difficulty in giving names to the inferior agents which would suit the measure of his verse; but, this impediment overcame, he composed without interruption for an hour and *An insect which, in the warm season, may of close attention. The audience appeared to three quarters. He was listened to with ten be seen darting along the surface of still waters.understand not only the general purport,

Thy power, thy riches, and thy peopled realms
How far surpassed by these!
July, 1824.


[We would supply an omission in our last number,
by stating, that "A Tradition of the Lake of
Como," was translated from the Italian of

From the Italian of Parini.

When in the Lion Phoebus burns,
My use and merit each discerns;
But, when the smiling season flies,
All coldly turn from me their eyes;
Torn and neglected then I lie.
Ah! ladies! whom resemble I?


Between us, fans, and you, poor lovers,
Resemblance strong our fate discovers;
Sometimes we're changed, sometimes forgot:
We're now dismissed, and now we're sought:
Turned and returned, and twirled about,
Now we're in favour, now we're out;
Ever to strange caprice a prey,
As suits the fair, whom we obey.



An improvisatore, of the name of Sgricchi, has been producing a great sensation at Paris. At his second exhibition, he was to

but particular passages of the play, and bestowed frequent and animated applause.


Lord Byron recently enjoyed about £7000 per annum, which now reverts to Lady Byron, and makes her a splendid fortune of above £10,000 a year. His nearest relation is a half sister, Mrs Leigh, who is the mother of a large family; and to whom a very small portion of his property can fall. His cousin, Capt. Anson Byron, of the royal navy, succeeds to the title, but with little or no property. His body is on its way to a last home in his native land; and it is expected that the Poets' corner, in Westminster Abbey, will receive his remains. Another statement is, that he had expressed a wish to be interred in a particular spot in Harrow church-yard.


Miss Mitford, author of the Tragedy of Julian has published a new work under the title of "Our Village; Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery." These "Sketches," we are of opinion, says the London Examiner, will ere long be extremely popular; for they are highly finished ones, and

evince infinite taste, judgment and feeling. They are somewhat in the manner of Geof froy Crayon; but to our liking are far more interesting. Mr Irving's always appeared to us as painfully laboured, and much too highly coloured; and though professing to be English, certainly give a very erroneous notion of the present habits and pursuits of our countrymen. Miss Mitford's Sketches are undoubtedly sufficiently flattering, but if she amiably wishes to find "good in every thing," and is disposed to look at the most favourable side of things, still what she docs portray, she portrays with truth. In short "Our Village" is not only a good performance for a lady, but one which, in our judgment, surpasses in merit numberless performances by masculine hands which have obtained considerable celebrity. We shall be well pleased to see "our town" as well as "our village," handled in the natura', graceful, and spirited manner adopted by

Miss Mitford.'


An edition of "the Old English Drama" has just been commenced by a Mr Baldwyn in London. It is to include unpublished pieces of merit, as well as the stock Dramas printed in other collections. Each number is to contain one play. Number 1 contains "the Second Maiden's Tragedy," by an unknown author, printed from a MS. of Warburton's which was lucky enough to escape the remorsless hands of that great foe to literature, his cook. The piece bears decided marks of genius, and contains many passages of that deep feeling and poetical beauty which characterized the Elizabethan age, without being disfigured with the extravagance then so common.


fought with Philip on the plains of Charonea by the Thebans and Athenians, and that it is evidently the very statue described by Pausanias, chapter 40th of his 9th Book. "Near this city (Charonea) is a common sepulchre of those Thebans that fell in the engagement against Philip. There is no inscription on the tomb, but a lion stands on it, which may be supposed to signify the great vehemence of these men in fight. But it appears to me that there is no inscription on the sepulchre, because the Demon did not permit the consequence of their courage to be such as might be expected." It was calculated that the head of this statue alone weighed upwards of three tons.


In 1820, a tradesman of Paris asked permission of the prefect of police, to sell in the market, eggs that had been preserved a year in a composition of which he kept the secret. More than 30,000 of these eggs were sold in the market without any complaint being made, or any notice taken of them, when the board of health thought proper to examine them. They were found to be perfectly fresh, and could only be distinguished from others, by a pulverous stratum of carbonate of lime, remarked by M. Ca let, to be on the egg shell. This induced him to make a series of experiments, which ended in his discovering that they were preserved in highly saturated lime-water. M. Cadet suggests adding a little saturated muriate of lime, but gives no reason. They may also be preserved by immersing thein twenty seconds in boiling water; and then keeping them well closed in fine sifted ashes; but this will give them a greyish green colour.

The method by lime-water has Professor Dana of Dartmouth College, N. been long practised in Italy, and they may H. has observed that the vapour of ether or be kept thus for two years. It is also well of alcohol produces the same effects in ignit-known and practised in some parts of Enging platinum sponge, that follow when it is land. exposed to a stream of hydrogen gas. For

the success of the experiment it is only soUND PRODUCED BY OPENING A SUBTERRArequisite that the temperature of the metal should be slightly raised.

[blocks in formation]


In the road made by Napoleon, communicating between Savoy and France, and which passes by Chamberry and Les Echelles, there is, about two miles from the latter place, a gallery cut in the solid rock, twenty-seven feet high and broad, and nine hundred and sixty feet in length. Mr Bakewell states in his travels, that this gallery having been commenced at both ends, when the excavations from each end nearly met, and the thin partition of rock between them was first broken through by the stroke of the pick, a deep and loud explosion fol. lowed resembling thunder. The cause of this explosion Mr Bakewell thinks is easily explained; the air on the eastern side of the mountain being sheltered both on the south and west from the sun's rays, must be frequently many degrees colder than that on the western side. The mountain rises full one thousand feet above the passage, and at least fifteen hundred feet above the

bottom of the valley, forming a partition between the hot air of the valley, and the cool air of the ravines on the eastern side, and a sudden opening being made for the dense air to rush into a rarer medium, must necessarily produce a loud report, just as a bladder does upon bursting in the rare air of a receiver; the sound of the explosion being greatly increased by reverberation through the long archway on each side.

All publishers of books throughout the United States, are very earnestly requested to forward to us, regularly and seasonably, the names of all works of every kind, preparing for publication, in the press, or recently published. As they will be inserted in the Gazette, it is particularly desired that the exact titles be stated at length.

**The proprietors of Newspapers, for which the price is less than that of the which this Gazette is exchanged, and of Gazette, are expected to pay the difference. C. H. & Co.


By Cummings, Hilliard, & Co.-Boston. A Selection of Hymns and Psalms, for larged and improved. [First edition printed by Social and Private Worship. Second edition, enFlagg & Gould, Andover, 1821.]

No. I. Vol. 2. of the Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts.

An Introduction to the Differential and Integral Calculus, or the Doctrine of Fluxions; designed for an extraordinary class in the University at Cambridge.

By Wells & Lilly-Boston. Memoirs of the Life of the late Mrs Catherine Cappe. Written by herself.

By Ezra Lincoln-Boston.

An Oration delivered at Quincy, on the fifth of July, 1824. By George Washington Ad


By Richardson & Lord-Boston. Letters from the South and West. By Arthur Singleton, Esq.

By Oliver Everett-Boston. A Collection of Essays and Tracts in Theology. No. VII. By Jared Sparks.

By Flagg & Gould-Andover. Two Discourses on the Atonement. By Moses Stuart, Associate Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theological Seminary, Andover. Falmouth, Mass., at the Ordination of Rev. BenjaA Sermon, preached June 9, 1824, at in Woodbury. By Leonard Woods, D. D.

By W. Gould & Co.—Albany. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court, and in the Court for the Trial of Impeachmen s and the Correction of Er rors, of the State of New York. By E. Cowell. Vol. I.

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