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N a book published in the year 1756, I related the principal tranfactions of my life, from my entrance into the university to the day of my marriage, in the year 1725; and endeavoured, by the way, to entertain my Readers with a variety of notions and remarks.

I now proceed to tell the remainder of my ftory, and to lay before the Public fome more of my obfervations and hints: This fecond volume is chiefly a further vindication of myself; and the obfervations I add on fubjects and matters of various kinds, are fuch reflections as refulted from the reafon and nature of things, and were formed by a judgment free, and unbiaffed by

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any authority. My own apology is the principal thing, interfperfed with real characters of feveral forts; and the additions to it, are as many folid, natural, and delicate adventitious things as came in my way. This is my book. I write with modefty, and I purpofe to do good. I imagine then, that all Critics (except the Critical Reviewers) will wink at the blemishes of a laudable writing. Scholars and men of fenfe (who are above malevolence and the fupercilious temper,) can bear deformities in a long work, and juftly lay them on the imperfection of human nature. They know it is incapable of faultlefs productions.


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