Imágenes de páginas

I must write to tell you how much I have improved through your kindness, My neck is almost its natural size, but that is not what I wanted to tell you. I met with a disappointment, so great that I shed tears, but through it all I could hear, Take it to the Lord in prayer." Then I did, and put it out of my mind, As I thought it over I soon found that I was looking outside for my money to pay my rent, and I have been glad ever since that I was disappointed. It helps me to realize that I want to be free, not to depend upon any person, but trust in God for everything I need. Mrs. F. V.

Am feeling the inflow of Unity's influence, and thank you for all your help and encouragement. I try to acknowledge God openly, let who will scoff at my faith. I think this will be the religion of the future. It is much more satisfactory to me than the old way. I am going to enclose an offering, and the Giver of all knows how near the bottom of my heart it comes from.H. T. R.

I applied to you last April for treatment, and wish to saymany small ills are vanishing, and my crippled condition is much better. Unity helps many times over hard places, and my husband and I are happier for it. He loves and respects me more for the teachings of this blessed Unity; what more can I say?Mrs. S. M. B.

My friend was here yesterday, and requested me to send you the enclosed offering. She tells me her home life has changed, being much happier in the last week, and wishes you to continue treatments. I have never seen her so happy before. May God's blessings be upon your good work.-Mrs. D. S.

You will please find a love-offering enclosed. Your last letter containing "Health Hints" is of untold value to me. My heart is full of unexpressed praise and gratitude for the great help received from you.-H. E. P.

With a glad heart I write to tell you that my brother has not taken an alcholic drink for four weeks, and he says he never will; he is looking fine, praise God, and thank you so much. My husband's health and locks are greatly improved, in fact, people people re.nark about his looks perfectly fine. God bless you for it Mrs. F. H

that I have been

With continued thanks I write to tell you faithful to your advice concerning my husband, and not without good results. I am glad to say that he is growing in the truth; he is learning to speak with a new tongue, and to see things differently. We are working on the law that cannot fail. I am confident that our desires for him shall be fulfilled.-H. C.


J. H. C.

NUMBERS AND LETTERS, or The Thirty-two Paths of Wisdom. By Margaret B. Peeke. Published by E C. B. Peeke, 720 Rose Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. De Luxe edition, pocket size, 191 pp. Price, $2.60 postpaid.

The Science of Numbers is a fascinating study for a certain class of students, and to those who have mastered the rudiments of the Science and are ready for a step in advance. this book will prove most instructive. It will be comprehended only by those who have a preliminary knowledge of the significance and esoteric value of numbers. Mrs. Peeke was a thorough Bible student, and she believed that the mystery of the symbology of the Bible could he solved by the study of the Hebrew alphabet. The twenty-two Hebrew letters and the figures 1 to 10, constitute the "Thirty-two Paths of Wisdom," and the explanation of the symbology of each letter is most interesting. The book may be called a text book on the subject. We are too new in the Science ourselves to decide for or against the philosophy advanced in Numbers and Letters, but it is quite evident to us that the subject is presented with a great degree of perfection and is well worth careful study. We welcome any help to an understanding of the mysteries of life, and knowing Margaret B. Peeke to be an earnest and faithful worker for the spread of the Truth in its highest conception, we cannot but believe that this last volume from her pen holds a message for us.

MENTAL MEDICINE. By Oliver Huckel.

Published by T. Y.

Crowell & Co., New York City. 252 pp. Cloth, Price $1.00 net, postage, 10 cents.

Dr Huckel is pastor of the Associate Congregational Church of Baltimore, Md., and has given in this volume a very clear presentation of the subject of healing, and of how clergymen and physicians may co-operate wisely and in perfect harmony in relieving suffering. The substance of the book is a course of lectures delivered at the John Hopkins Medical School, and the endorsement of Dr. L. F. Barker of the faculty of this noted institution is significant. Dr. Huckel also gives methods of self-treatment along lines of mental and spiritual control, recognizing that which is worth while in Christian Science without that which seems to be inconsistent, and emphasizing the best in the Emmanuel Movement without its clinics and hypnotic treatments. While we may not agree with the author that the physician with dies are necessary, we do agree with him when he says:

his reme

"I firmly believe that a study of Psychotherapy is as important to the modern minister as a study of psychology or sociology. It is really a new adjunct in practical theology." The book is scholarly and yet simple enough to be easily comprehended, and most interesting.

HEALTH, ABSTRACT AND Concrete. By James Porter Mills, M. D. Published by Fowler and Wells Co., New York City. 319 pp. Price $2.50, postage 10 cents.

That so many of cur thinkers and writers are taking up the subject of healing is evidence that there is need for the work. This book by Dr. Mills is an inviting study of Mental Healing as a science, and of spiritual healing and living based upon the knowledge of Principle,. The treatment of the subject betrays a deep spiritual insight and an ability to express lucidly the inner illumination. We recommend a thoughtful reading of the whole book, assured that he who does so will receive much benefit.

Illuminated Lessons and TreATMENTS IN THe Science of Life. By Anna V Harper Rutherford. Published by the author, Pueblo, Colo. Cloth, $1.00, paper, 50 cents.

This book is the result of years of meditation and experience and is written for the purpose of giving to others the Truth as the author has received it. Step by step the reader is taken through successive stages of unfoldment in the process of healing from within. Special suggestions and formulas are given for various needs, and the whole book breathes of the purity of spirit which creates the strong soul.

STUDIES IN Divine Science. By Mrs. C. L. Baum. Published by the author, Denver, Colo. Cloth, price $1.00, postpaid, $1.20.

The principles of Divine Science as taught by the Colorado College of Divine Science, Denver Colo., are presented in this volume in a very able manner. It is endorsed by Rev. Nona L. Brooks: It will prove helpful to those who study it carefully.

HOW TO DEMONSTRATE MATERIAL ABUNDANCE THROUGH THE PRACTICE OF FAITH. By Florence Willard Day. Published by herself, 821, 1óth St., Washington, D. C Booklet, price 10 cents.

This is a big title for a little booklet, but the contents warrant the length of the name, for they are great with practical help to the attainment of abundance. A more helpful treatise on how to redeem one's self from the belief of lack has not come to our notice since Charles Fillmore wrote "Overcoming the Poverty Idea" If the statements given and the truths taught in this little book are faithfully practiced, one may demonstrate whatever he may desire.

HOW TO BE RICH AND HAVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. BY Madame A. Pupin. Published by the author, Station O, New York City. Paper 25 cents.

Another little book with a long name, but also full of good ttings. Excellent counsel is here given for finding the abundance of happiness and the best of things which we all desire.

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MYRTLE FILLMORE, Associate Editor.
JENNIE H. CROFT, Assistant Editor.

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Entered as second-class matter July 15, 1891, at the Post Office at Kansas City, Missouri, under the act of March 3d, 1879.

Published on the 15th of every month by

Unity Building, 913-915 Tracy Avenue,



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Unity publications are on sale by or may be ordered at the following places among others:

New York: Brentano's, Fifth Avenue and 27th Street, New York City: Roger Brothers, 429 Sixth Avenue, New York City.

Boston: The Metaphysical Club, 30 Huntington Avenue.

Hartford, Conn.: E. M. Sill, 89 Trumble Street.

Washington. D. C.: Woodward & Lothrop, 10th, 11th and F, N. W.

Jacksonville, Fla.: New Thought Reading Room, Woman's Club Building. East Duval Street.

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Chicago: Purdy Publishing Co., Le Moyne Block, 40 Randolph St.; A. C. McClurg & Co., 215 Wabash Ave.

St. Louis: H. H. Schroeder, 3537 Crittenden Street.

Denver: Colorado College of Divine Science, 730 Seventeenth Avenue. Los Angeles: Home of Truth, 1327 Georgia Street; Metaphysical Library, 611 Grant Building.

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The Board of Directors of the Unity Society of Practical Christianity estimate that it will cost $50,000 (fifty thousand dollars), to complete the buildings necessary to carry on the work. The lot adjoining the present Unity building has been purchased and we are now ready for the co-operation of our members in putting up the building.

Remember, beloved co-workers, that these improvements are for you, the local Society has facilities necessary to its present needs; it is for the entertainment and education of our foreign members that these improvements are required. We are sure you will consider it a privilege to provide the necessary finances. The people need this Truth and whoever helps to give it to them will be blessed by the Father, who "seeth in secret," but rewards openly. UNITY SOCIETY OF PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY,

Unity Bldg., 913 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo.


UNITY is published on the 15th of the month which name it bears. For instance the October UNITY is issued about October 15th and should be in the hands of the subscribers by the 20th of October. In this respect UNITY is different from all other magazines; it reaches the subscriber at a time when there is a lull in the down-pour of literature. Do not worry if UNITY does not reach you by the first. Just remember that UNITY is different and has a time of its own for coming.

Some three months ago and more I became convinced, as a result of study and observation, of the healing power of the Divine Spirit, and sought aid of a healer at the Unity temple, with the confident hope of gaining relief from impaired eyesight. In less than a week after commencing treatment, I had a shoulder straightened which had been somewhat displaced for more than twenty years (the outcome of an accident while a small boy), and a current of new life was felt thrilling every atom of my being as of an electric battery. I have also gained the mastery of a formerly hasty temper. My eyes have improved to a great extent. and knowing the good I have already received from the Source of all Good, I look to that Source with confident persistency for perfect sight.-J. K.


Mr. Charles Fiilmore cannot accept invitations to lecture outside Kansas City. He does not give treatments personally, and all interviews should be arranged for in advance.- Adv't.

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