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letter I asked your help to get a position for my son, and you promptly responded. I felt almost instantly filled with light, and sweet trust and confidence- that all good would come to us in his own way. I just waited for the glorious manifestation of united faith and prayer, and behold in a few days my son received a telegram, saying, that he had been, chosen to a position in the college, at an advanced salary. You can imagine my uplifting in praise to him who “ answers while we are yet calling," and in two days he had another call, a fine offer in college work. I just held to the thoughts and words you sent me, and lo! the glorious results.-Mrs. K. K.

I have so much to thank you for I hardly know how to tell it all. A great peace and happiness has come into my life and I believe it is making itself felt in my family. When I wrote last we were in great distress because a man who had wronged us would not peaceably settle the matter, and my husband felt that in justice to his family he must go to law. We took a few days to pray and to thank God for his help, then my husband went again and told hiin he had come to settle as neighbors should, and he found the man ready to make some restoration; so by both yielding a little, a long-time anxiety has been removed.--Mrs. F. L. A.

I certainly feel been for your

The last time I wrote you I told you that I wanted to come to Chicago and take up a summer course of study for teachers, but I did not see how I could. I am now pleased to tell you that the way opened up whereby I could take the course with but very little expense. I am very thankful to you for your faithful efforts, and your great help to me during this period. that it would not have come about had it not have help. Ever since you have been treating me I have felt the blood flowing through my veins as I never had before. Whenever I receive one of your letters I become so warm. I am certainly receiving the treatments, and getting the full benefit of same. My heart goes out in grateful thanksgiving to you every day for the many good things you have helped me to realize. -Miss S. W.

I want to thank you most sincerely for your prosperity treatments of the past two months, and to ask you to continue them through August. The summer has usually been a quiet time for me from a business standpoint, and one of a great deal of worry, but this summer has been one of peace. I have had a feeling of rest and security that I never before experienced. I have faithfully followed instructions and know I have grown in power and understanding. I want the treatments continued because I know that I am getting much good from them spiritually, and that the material manifestation must follow.-G. E.

The Drink Habit Healed

I want to let you know that God is blessing me in every way. Two years ago I was a drunken sot. Some New Thought literature fell into my hands, and changed my life, and I haven't touched a drop of liquor since that time. I thank and praise God for the good that has come to me. I was cranky and ill natured;"I hated myself and everybody else. I can say from the bottom of my heart, God bless Unity Society and UNITY magazine. The magazine is a monthly visitor that I cannot do without.— I. B.

I will write to let you know how everything is with us. My son is still at work and is saving his money and paying up some of his debts. He don't drink any more and says he does not care for it. He is so different in many ways and I thank you from my heart. My husband is getting along well in his business.-S. J.

I am so happy and thankful for what you are doing for my husband. He has not come home intoxicated since I wrote and asked for your help. Yesterday he confessed that he had lost his appetite for drink. Mrs. O. K.

I want to tell you of the happiness that is mine through the I AM, and your help. My husband told me that he had lost all desire for drink. The strong, freeing words you sent for him and brother I still hold. I thank God and you dear friends for this blessing. -N. F.

I am full of love and gratitude for the manifestation of many blessings. My husband has not drank any since February, Praise Gcd.-P. T.

I wrote you a few weeks ago asking treatments for my brother for the liquor habit. He does not live here, so I wrote to his housekeeper to let me know just how he was getting along. She writes, "Your brother is doing fine, seems different in every way." I have not told her or my brother of your treatments thinking it might hinder in some way, the effect. I am confident he is being bealed mentally and physically. He is not suffering at all now with rheumatism. I am so thankful. I am reading and studying your teachings every day.-M. V. W.

During the latter part of April I wrote and also wired you to treat my husband for drink, and I wrote you once during May to continue treatment until I asked discontinuance. I wish to tell you in this letter of the great improvement in my husband. There has not been even a sign of a drink since the Saturday night following the Thursday I wrote and wired you. Can you possibly know how very grateful I am to God for his great goodness to me. and to my good friends, the Society of Silent Unity, for all they have done for me.-K. E. W.

Ask What ye Will in My Name and it Shall be Done Unto You

I have stopped right in the midst of my study hour to acknowledge the assistance I am receiving from you. My algebra seemed to have gone entirely from me, and day after day I have laid the book down feeling utterly discouraged. But day after day I have taken it up again declaring that I did understand it, and using the affirmations you sent me. This morning I felt perfectly sure I could do the work; it was the first time I had sat down without some misgivings, and sure enough I could do the very work with ease that I have been failing on. It makes me very, very happy indeed. The way to the accomplishment of my dearest purpose seems clear to me.-E. G. A.

Husband and myself are very much changed for the betterhe from a very irritable disposition to a quiet and kindly one, and myself from a fault-finding, discouraged one to less of both, and a stronger faith in the Infinite Good. Thanks to the study of

UNITY. Mrs. O. H. G.

You have been such a comfort and strength to my failing courage. If you had not come into my life as you did I do not feel that I would have had courage to go on living. I could not tell you this before, but now want to make that confession. So many changes have taken place in every way, affairs are straightening themselves out so, things I could not possibly have done alone in fact, the way everything has come about it is evident that it was God, praise his Holy Name.-Miss M. T.

I have been much helped praise God. Your mission is simply wonderful; you are helping us to realize our very nearness to God. I must thank some one for the Healing Lessons. I do appreciate them.-Mrs. E. H. S.

Many thanks for your letters with enclosures. I find The joy of the Lord" is indeed my strength. You will remember my writing you about the fleas troubling me so much; the thoughts and treatment you sent me proved a perfect protection. It is wonderful, not one of them gets on my body or bites me now, and they are all around the house and yard. I am also better than I have been for months, so I have much to thank God for.-M. L.

You can never know how much your letter was appreciated, in fact, it was like a rope thrown out to one drowning.-F. W.

I want to send you a letter of thanks and rejoicing for the help you have given me in freeing my daughter from the influence that seemed to be ruining her. She is free. Please continue to speak the Word that she may stand fast in her freedom. I thank you

and bless you all, you have helped me out of a hard place. I enclose a love-offering in joy and thankfulness.-Mrs. M. E. G.

You must have been giving me very forcible affirmations since my last letter to you, from the change that has taken place in me. Things that would have thrown me into a fit of intolerable anger, I can now pass by without notice. I used to lie awake all night worrying; now I go into the Silence and afterwards sleep all night. Have used the Concentration Leaf once or twice with good results, there are many changes in my environment. I find great comfort in the leaflets you send and enjoy their study. My husband does not drink as he did and is changing for the better in every way. I do thank you.-E. N. C.

Praise God, I have a much better report to make than ever before. We feel that we can never doubt God's power and willingness again to rescue in the most trying circumstances. To all appearances we had lost our home, but, in the face of everything, held that there was nothing but good, and gave ourselves up to receive God's best, and in a most wonderful and unusual way it has been restored to us. We are laying hold by faith that God has given us prosperity, and are refusing to see any other but God's hand in our affairs. I have been able to trust and let go of my tenseness since I wrote you last, and am just overflowing with praise for the consciousness of my indwelling Christ, and to UNITY for my changed thoughts. I feel that I will go from strength to strength, that my whole life is being transformed. My husband and I practice the silence, and UNITY is a bosom friend. We are hungering to know more of its truth.-B. L. H.

I want to give you an instance of wonderful healing. Our next door neighbor is a reader of Unity. She has a beautiful daughter 12 years of age. Last week she nad a siege with mumps. The case seemed very serious, swelling enormous, going down to breast bone. It was almost an impossibility for her to swallow. She said to her mother "Let's trust Unity," and they took the thought, "The All-Powerful Mind of Jesus Christ in me dissolves and dissipates every evil or adverse thought or thing." Mother and child sat together, and inside of two hours that entire swelling had disappeared. It seems a miracle and the mother gave her consent for me to tell you.-L. E. F.

My husband is so changed since you began treating him; he never mentions scrimping and saving any more. His work is better than it has been in the past six years. Since you commenced

prosperity treatments we have accomplished more toward paying our debts than we have for years. I am so thankful for this, and can't find words to express myself. The June UNITY is so full of good things, I have read it over and over. -Mrs. V.

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MYRTLE FILLMORE, Associate Editor.
JENNIE H. CROFT, Assistant Editor.

LOWELL FILLMORE, Business Manager.

Entered as second-class matter July 15, 1891, at the Post Office at Kansas City, Missouri, under the act of March 3d, 1879.

Published on the 15th of every month by

Unity Building, 913-915 Tracy Avenue,



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