Imágenes de páginas


ly, and propositions for reform.)__Schriften d. Vereines für Sozialpolitik, Hft. 30, 31, 33. Leipzig, Duncker u. Humblot, 1886-7.


"Die Wohnungsnot in den Grossstädten u. d. Mittel zu ihrer Abhülfe." Albrecht, H. München, R. Oldenburg, 1891. 8vo, 127 pp. 2m. 50 pf.


“Die Wohnungsverhältnisse unserer ärmeren Klassen." Diestelkamp, L. Berlin, George & Fiedler (Soz. Zeitfragen.) 1885. 59 pp, 1m.





"Gebäudesteuer und Wohnungsfrage in Preussen." zur Nieden, Walter. Jahr. f. Gesetz. Ver. u. Volks. 24:1 (Erstes Heft).

"Homes of the German Working People." Smith, James Henry. U. S. Consular Report No. 98, pp. 173-257, 1888.

"Lösung der Wohnungsfrage, etc." Stolp, Hermann. Berlin, Rosenbaum and Hart, 1892. 8vo, 10 pp. 10 pf.

"Stadterweiterung in rechtlicher Beziehung." Meyer, E. Berlin, Heymann, 1893. 99 pp. n. 2m.

"Verbesserung d. Wohnungen.” Schriften d. Zentralstelle für Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen Bd. I. Berlin, Heymann, 1892. 208 Abbildungen. 370 pp. 8 M. "Wohnungsfrage vom Standpunkte der Armenpflege." Deutscher Ver. f. Armenpflege u. Wohlt. XI Heft. Leipzig, 1890.


Wohnungsmietrecht und seine soziale Reform." Schneider, K. Leipzig, Duncker und Humblot, 1893, Staats u. Soz. wiss. Forschungen G. Schmoller, Hregbr. 170 pp. 3m. 60 pf.

Inns and Taverns. "Die Gast- und Schankwirtschaften in den deutschen Gemeinden mit mehr als 15,000 Einwohnern, November, 1898." Tenius, Gustav. Dortmund, 1899. 8vo, 109 pp. Labor. "Sweating in Germany." Brooks, J. G. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 30:59 (1892). (See also under Unemployment below.)

Libraries. "Volksbibliothek u. Volkslesehalle eine kommunale Veranstaltung." Aschrott, P. F. Berlin, Leibmann, 1896. 66 pp. 1m.

Lighting. "Municipal Electric Light and Power in Germany." DuBois, James T. Consular Reports 56:546 (April, 1898).


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'Photometry in Germany." Jour. Gas Lgt. 73:178 (Jan. 24, 1899).

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V Statistik der Elektricitätswerke Deutschlands." Elektrotech. July 7, 1898.


Local Independence in Prussia. "Les Libertés Locales en Prusse."
Georges. Ref. Soc. 8:776 (Nov. 16, 1899).



Paving. "Care of Asphalt Streets in Germany." Erdman, C. W. Cons. Rep. 15:686 (April, 1899.)


"Pawnbroking in Germany." Barnes, C. E. Cons. Rep. 61:371 (Nov. 1899); anon. J. Soc. Arts 47:860 (Oct, 13, 1899).

Police Administration. "Praxis der Polizei Verwaltung." Erdmann, Wald. Berlin, Heine, 1891. 12m.


Population. "Growth of Cities in Germany and America." Hamilton, James H. Our Country 7:49 (March, 1898).


Prostitution. (See "Sittlichkeitspolizei" under Police above.)

Prussia. (See separate topics.)

Public Works of German Municipalities." Washburn, Albert H. pp. 202-214 U. S. Consular Reports No. 149, Feb. 1893.




"Die bestehende Organisation und die erforderliche Reorganisation der preussischen Polizeiverwaltung." Held, Otto. Berlin, F. Ludhardt, 1886. 228 pp. 96 Sittlichkeitspolizei." Loening, E. Pp. 926-937 in Gustav Schönberg's Handbuch d. Pol. Oekonomie, 3 Bd. Finanzwissenschaft. Tübingen, H. Laupp,

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Political Clubs in Prussian Cities. (See under Elections above.)

Sanitation. "Gesundheitswesen." Jolly, L. Pp. 805-855 in Gustav Schönberg's Handbuch d. Pol. Oekonomie, 3 Bd. Finanzwissenschaft. Tübingen, H. Laupp, 1885.

- German Public Health Associations. Transactions of the, of Munich, Freiburg, Frankfurt and Strassburg. "Verhandlungen des Deutschen Vereins für oeffentliche Gesundheitspflege zu München, Freiburg i. B., Frankfurt a. M. and Strassburg." Deutsche f. Öef. Gesundheitspfl. p. I, 1875; p. 10, 1886; p. 12, 1889; p. 20, 1890.





Savings Banks in Prussia, Report on." Rice, Spring. British Diplomatic and Consular Reports No. 478, Miscellaneous Series. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1898. 16 pp. 1d.





Das deutsche Sparkassenwesen." Seidel, Max. Berlin, Heymann, I. Bd. Deutsche Staaten mit Ausnahme Preussens u. Elsass Loth. 8vo, 472 pp. 6m. "Die Sparkassengesetzgebung Deutschlands. Sammlung der die sparkassen betr. Gesetze, Erlasse, Verordnungen, Verfügungen." Heyden. Essen, 1892. "Die Sparkassenverhältnisse im Königreich Sachsen." Leipzig, Würzner in Comm., 1882. 8vo, 40 pp. 60 pf.

Saxony. (See separate topics.)

Schools. "Das Schulwesen und seine Verwaltung.
Ferd. Leipzig, Wigand, 1889. 2m.

Trautmann, A.

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Central Confirmation of Members Elected to School Boards. "Die Staatliche Bestätigung der Mitglieder städtischer Schul-deputationen nach Preussischem Recht.' Preuss, Hugo. Ar. f. Oef. Rt. 15:202 (1900).

"Handbuch der Organisation und Verwaltung der städtischen Schuldeputation." Steffenhagen, H. Berlin, Heine, 1888.

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"Preussisches Schulrecht." Leipzig, Osterwitz, 1890. 6m. 25 pf. Sewage Purification in Germany." San. Rec. 21:142 (Feb. 11, 1898). "Small Holdings and Allotments in Germany." Tetley, William C. Land M. Feb.


"Statistisches Jahrbuch deutscher Städte." Breslau, Published yearly by M. Neefe and others. 1 Jahrgang, 1890, 247 pp.; 2 Jahrgang, 1892, 397 pp.; 3 Jahrgang, 1893, 378 pp.; 4 Jahrgang, 1894, 360 pp.; 5 Jahrgang, 1896, 360 pp.; 6 Jahrgang, 1897, 388 pp.; 7 Jahrgang, 1898, 416 pp.; 8 Jahrgang, 1900, 420 pp. Cost last annual edition 12m. 60 pf. (Principal topics discussed: Area, Location, Distribution of Space in cities, Meteorological and Natural Statistics, Land Ownership and Buildings, Building Operations, Dwellings and Separate Establishments, Water Supply and Water Works, Fire Protection, Savings Banks, Public and Private Pawnshops, Industrial Courts (Gewerbegerichte), Street Railways, Omnibusses, etc., Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Business, Employment Bureaus and Emergency Works, Cattle Yards and Slaughter Houses, Wages, Cost of Necessities of Life, Public Disinfection Plants, Street Cleaning and Watering, Sewage Disposal, Public Parks, Gardens and Show Places, Educational_Statisties, Population, Municipal Taxes, Municipal Debts, Charity, Police and Justice, City Administration incl. Elections, Markets and Fairs.)

Theatres, Law of. "Deutsches Theaterrecht, unter Berücksichtigung der fremden Rechte, systematisch dargestellt." Opet, O. Berlin, S. Calvary & Co., 1897. 8vo, 519 pp. 10m.

Transit Facilities. Electric Tramways. Magee, Louis J. St. Ry. J. 15:647 (Oct. 1899); anon. Eng. (London) May 13, 1898.

"An Important German Rapid Transit Problem." St. Ry. J. 16:157 (Feb. 3, 1900).

"Statistik der Electrischen Bahnen in Deutschland." Elektrotech. Zeitschr. 19:12 (Jan. 6, 1898), 20:15 (Jan. 5, 1899), 21:14 (Jan. 4, 1900). Water Supply. "Die Wasserversorgung der Städte im deutschen Reiche sowie in einigen Nachbarländern." Grahn, E. I Bd. Preussen, München, Oldenburg, 1898. 547 pp. 26m. II Bd. Bayern, same, 1899. 224 pp. 10m.

Bavaria. "Der Stand der Wasserversorgung in Bayern." Zeitschr. d. Ver. Deutscher Ing. Nov. 4, 1899.

"Filtration of Water in Germany, The." Beer, E. Engng. Rec. 42:416 (Nov. 3, 1900); Holman, M. L. J. Assoc. Engng Soc. 21:1 (July, 1898), Engng. Rec. 38:319 (Sept. 10, 1898), 40:32 (June 10, 1899).

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Unemployment, Insurance against. Grundzüge eines Reichsgesetzes zur kommunalen Versicherung gegen Arbeitslosigkeit." Sonneman, L. Ar. Soz. Gesetz. Stat. 10:800-805 (1897).

"Le mouvement économique et social en Allemagne; Statistique des sanstravail; les bureaux de placement; l'assurance contre de chômage." Block, Maurice. L'Economiste francais 2:241 (1895).

Württemberg. (See separate topics).

Ghent. Sewage and Garbage Disposal. See 56-40b.

Gill City Schools. (See under Schools).













Government, General References and Unclassified.

"Administration gow." City Govt. 2:131, 169 (May, June, 1897), 3:52 (Aug. 1897).

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of Glas

"Glasgow." Gordon, W. J. Leisure Hour, Oct. 1899; Shaw, Albert. Cent. 39:721, 792 (1890). (See also his Municipal Government in Great Britain, pp. 69 to 145).


Glasgow, its Municipal Organization and Administration." Bell, James, and James Paton. Glasgow, MacLehose & Sons, 1896. 4to, 426 pp. maps. (Contains several chapters on the history of the city, also Ch. IX, The Corporation: its Wealth and Activity; Ch. X, Magistrates and Jurisdictions; Ch. XI, Police; Ch. XII, Streets and Bridges; Ch. XIII, Sewers and Sewage; Ch. XIV, Fire Brigade; Ch. XV, Public Lighting; Ch. XVI, Cleansing; Ch. XVII, Baths and Wash Houses; Chs. XVIII-XXI, Health Department; Ch. XXII, The Improvement Trust; Chs. XXIII-XXV, Water Supply; Ch. XXVI, Corporation Gas and Electricity; Ch. XXVII, Municipal Markets; Ch. XXVIII, Tramways; Ch. XXIX, Clyde Navigation; Ch. XXX, Public Halls and Entertainments; Ch. XXXI, XXXII, Parks; Ch. XXXIII, Science and Art, Art Galleries and Museums; Ch. XXXIV, Education, Libraries; Ch. XXXV, Education, Schools; Ch. XXXVI, Education, Charity; Ch. XXXVII, Public Charity; Ch. XXXVIII, Religion. Review of the above, J. Gas Light, March 30, 1897.

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Glasgow of To-day." Hammerton, J. A. Temple M. Sept. 1899.

Glasgow, a Model Municipality." Fisher, W. E. Garret. Fortn. 63:607


"Architecture of Our Large Provincial Towns; Glasgow." Builder 75:21 (July 9, 1898).

Ferries. (See under Transit Facilities below).





Finance. "Municipal Work and Finance of Glasgow." Smart, W. Econ. J. 5:35 (1895).


"Taxation in Glasgow." Rowe, L. S. City and State 4:210 (Dec. 30, 1897); anon. Sci. Am. 77:5 (July 3, 1897); Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 11:430 (May, 1898). 22 "Fire Brigade, Glasgow." Surveyor, Supp. July 27, 1900. Garbage Disposal. See 56-40b.


Garbage Disposal: The Cleaning of a Great City." McColl, Donald. City Govt. 9:37 (Aug. 1900).


"The Cleansing of Glasgow." Murdoch. Pp. 14-18 in "Pro. of the Assn. of Cleansing Superintendents of Great Britain, Sept. 6-9, 1899." Rochdale, James Clegg, 1900. 8vo, 63 pp.

The Glasgow Corporation Farms." McFarlane. Pp. 19-22 in “Pro. of the Assn. of Cleansing Superintendents of Great Britain, Sept. 6-9, 1899." Rochdale, James Clegg, 1900. 8vo, 63 pp.

Harbor Facilities. "Glasgow Harbor Tunnels." Engng. Rec. July 30, p. 138, 1892. The Development of the Clyde." Mun. J. & London 8:1043 (Sept. 22, 1899). "History of Glasgow from the earliest period to the present time." MacGregor, George. Glasgow & London, 1881. 8vo. (For other references on the city of Glasgow see p. 239 Gross' Bibliography of British Municipal History). See also No. 18 above).


"Records, The City of Glasgow and its." Scottish R. 32:249 (Oct. 1898). "Town Society of Glasgow in the XVIII Century." Ch. IV, p., 127, Vol. I of H. G. Graham's "Social Life of Scotland in the XVIII Century." London, Adams & Chas. Black, 1899. 2 vols, 8vo, 265 & 272 pp.

Housing of the Poor Problem in Glasgow." San. Rec. 19:477 (May, 1897).

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Dwellings for the Poorest." Mun. J. 9:961 (Dec. 7, 1900).

Lodging-House Experiment at Glasgow, A Mixed." San. Rec. 22:241 (Sept.

2, 1898).

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Municipal Homes, Glasgow." Moore, F. W. Econ. R. 10:333 (July 16, 1900); Shone, J .F. Puritan May, 1900.

"Tenement Houses in Glasgow." Morse, Allen B. U. S. Consular Reports, Vol. XLVIII, No. 178, pp. 398-408.

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"Industrial Schools, Neerbosch and Glasgow." Dooley, M. A. Arena 7:714 (1893). 31 Lighting. Electricity v. Gas in Glasgow." Gas Wld. Sept, 2, 1899.




"Electric Lighting of the City of Glasgow, The." Elec. Eng. (Lond.) 32:410 (Sept. 21, 1900).

"Electric Power Supply, Glasgow." (Editorial). Am. Gas Light J. 68:863 (May 30, 1898).

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Glasgow Corporation, Gas Supply." J. Gas Light. 76:103 (July 10, 1900).
"The Light of Glasgow." Mun. J. 9:737 (Sept. 21, 1900).
"The New Electricity Works of the Glasgow Corporation."

45:765 (Sept. 14, 1900).

Lodging Houses. (See under Housing above).

Municipal Ownership in Glasgow." Other Side 1:7 (July 8, 1899).

Elec. (Lond.)

Cities and Public Works-The Correct Story of Glasgow's Achievements." Watt, Robert. Am. Gas Light J. 41:891 (Dec. 4, 1899).



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Glasgow and its Municipal Industries." Smart, W. Q. J. Econ. 9:188

Municipal Monopoly in Glasgow." Polk, Jefferson F. 2:348 (Feb. 26, 1898).

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Porter, Robert P.




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"The Glasgow Experiment in Municipal Ownership." St. Ry. Rev. 8:294 (May 15, 1898).

Population, etc. (See under Statistics below).

"Sanitation in Glasgow, Practical." Fyfe, Peter. Sanitarian, Dec. 1896.

"Savings Banks of Glasgow." Meikle, William. U. S. Consular Report No. 122, 1890, pp. 513 to 530.


Settlements. Toynbee House." Woods, R. A. The Congregationalist May 28, 1891. Sewage Disposal at Glasgow. Fuertes, James H. Engng. Rec. 39:563 (May 20, 1899); Morse, A. B. See 56-40a; anon. Engng. Rec. p. 460, Nov. 23, 1895; see also 56-40b. "Smoke Prevention in Glasgow." Fyfe, Peter. San. Rec. 26:267 (Sept. 28, 1900). Statistics. Vital, Social and Economic Statistics of the City of Glasgow, 18511891." Nicol, James. Glasgow, Maclehose, 1891. 8vo, 447 pp.

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Vital Statistics of Glasgow." Cowan, R. J. Statis. Soc. 3:257 (1840). "Street Cleaning in Glasgow." Engng. News Aug. 30, p. 97, 1884. "Telephone Inquiry, The Glasgow." Elec. Eng. 24:580 (Dec. 16, 1897). Transit Facilities. "Street Cars in Glasgow." Taylor, Samuel M. 64:344 (Nov. 1900).

Cons. Rep.

"Accounts Glasgow Tramway." Ty. & Ry. W. 9:364 (Aug. 9, 1900). "Car Factory, Glasgow's Municipal." Mun. J. 9:597 (Aug. 3, 1900). "Data on Electric-Power Generation, Glasgow." Engng. Rec. 39:478 (April 22, 1899).



Electric Cars for Glasgow Tramways, New." Ry. World 6:335 (Nov. "Electric Equipment of Glasgow Tramways." Anon. Ty. & Ry. W. 9:343 (Aug. 9, 1900); Elec. R. 37:364, 400 (Oct. 10, 17, 1900).

"Electric Traction; Special Reports to the Glasgow Corporation on latest Developments in." St. Ry. J. 15:39 (Jan. 1899).






Electric Traction, Transition from Horse to, Tramway System of Glasgow." Taylor, B. Feilden's M. May, 1900.

"Electric Tramway Contracts, Glasgow." Ty. & Ry. World 8:357 (Sept. 7,


Electric Tramways, Glasgow. Parshall, H. F. Ry. World 8:149 (April 13, 1899); anon. St. Ry. J. 14:728 (Nov. 1898), Engng. Rec. 38:508 (Nov. 12, 1898), Mun. J. & London 8:42 (Jan. 12, 1899), Eng. 87:142 (Feb. 10, 1899), Ry. World 8:108 (March 9, 1899), St. Ry. Rev. 9:165 (March 15, 1899), Ty. & Ry. World 7:327 (Oct. 1898), 8:357 (Sept. 7, 1899), 8:474 (Dec. 7, 1899), 9:10, 116 (Jan. 11, March 8, 1900).

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"Ferry Steamer with an Elevating Deck." Sci. Am. 82:216 (April 7, 1900). "Functions of Modern Tramways and what Glasgow is doing Toward their Fulfillment." Young, John. St. Ry. R. 10:391 (July 15, 1900), Ty. & Ry. W. 9:455 (Sept. 6, 1900).





Glasgow Commission, Report of the." (On Street Railway Traction and


Operation in American Cities). Electricity (London). Dec. 8, 1896. St. Ry. Jour. 13:28, 32, 36 (Jan. 1897).

"Municipal Tramways of Glasgow." Maltbie, Milo Roy. Mun. Aff. 4:40 (March 1900); anon. London 6:575 (July 8, 1897), Ry. World 7:88, 305 (March, Sept. 1898), 8:303 (Aug. 10, 1899), Elec. Eng. 28:87 (July 28, 1898), St. Ry. J. 15:247 (April, 1899), Mun. J. & London 8:781 (July 7, 1899), 9:543 (July 13, 1900).

"Rapid Transit in Glasgow." P. 22 "Rapid Transit in Foreign Cities." Parsons, W. B. New York, 1894.

"Subway, Glasgow District." (First Financial Results). Ry. World 6:367 (Dec. 1897).

"The Glasgow Subway and Cable Traction." Engineering Nov. 6, 1896. Underground Railway, The Glasgow. Slater, P. F. Good Words June, 1899; Taylor, Benjamin. Cassier's 14:459 (Oct. 1898); anon. Eng. & Buil. Rec. Dec. 15, 1888, Engineer (Lond.) Dec. 4, 1896, Ry. World Jan. 1897, 6:247 (Aug. 1897), 7:294 (Sept. 1898), St. Ry. Rev. 8:158 (March 15, 1898).

Wisdom in Glasgow." (Street Railways). Boston, Leaflet issued by the Citizens' Committee, 1897. 2 pp. "Washhouses, Glasgow Corporation." Mun. J. & London 8: 1215 (Nov. 10, 1899). "Water Supply of the City of Glasgow, The." Taylor, Benjamin. Engng. M. 17:937 (Sept. 1899).

A Prosperous Water Year at Glasgow." Mun. J. & London 8:761 (June 30, 1899).

"Water Works, Glasgow." Fuertes, James H. Engng. Rec. 38:205 (Aug. 6, 1898); Gale, James M. J. N. E. W. W. Assn. 14:240 (March, 1900).

Gloucester, Eng.

"Development of Gloucester, The Municipal." Mun. J. 9:617 (Aug. 10, 1900). Electric Lighting at Gloucester, Eng. Anon. Engineer 84:222 (Sept. 3, 1897), Mun. J. 9:580 (July 27, 1900), Elec. R. (Lond.) 47:181 (Aug. 3, 1900).

Good City Government, Good Government Clubs.

Government, Ġeneral and Unclassified.

(See under

Görz, Austria, Workmen's Colonies at. "Die Arbeiter-Colonie bei






Görz." Romberg's Zeitsch. f. Pract. Bauk. p. 161, 1872.

Gothenburg, Sweden.

Gothenburg System. (See under Liquor Problem in Cities).
Sewage and Garbage Disposal. See 56-40b.


"Street Railways in Gothenburg." Bergh, Robert S. S. Elec. Rev. 35:285 (Nov. 2, 1898); St. Ry. Rev. 8:794 (Nov. 15, 1898); Cons. Rep. 58:571 (Dec. 1898), 60:572 (July, 1899).


Grade Crossings.

See also Chicago, Newton (Mass.).

"Crossing of Steam Railroads and Street Railways." (Review of Court Decisions.) St. Ry. R. 7:683 (Oct. 15, 1897).

"Grade Crossings." Mordecai, Augustus. St. Ry. R. 10:80 (Feb. 15, 1900).

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'Modern Problems of Grade Crossings." Webber, William O. Engng. M. 9:1034 (1895).



"Railway Crossings in Europe and America." Locke, Franklin B. Cent. 56:92 (May, 1898).

Grand Rapids, Mich.

"City of Grand Rapids." Howard, Wm. Willard. Hrprs. Wkly. 35:186 (1891). Government of Grand Rapids. Champlin, John W. Ann Arbor Studies in Finance and History, Michigan Univ., Article in Vol. I, No. 6. Dec. 1895. 25c. History, Description and Statistics of Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1880. Census. See 1-7.




Lighting. "Municipal Central Station." Hart, Edward James. Elec. W. & E. 34:973 (Dec. 23, 1899).


Water Works. The Grand Rapids Reservoir Accident." Cutcheon, Lewis D. Engng. Rec. 2:26 (July 14, 1900); anon. Engng. N. 44:25 (July 12, 1900).


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