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City Government, General Works and Unclassified.

[Note. The literature of city government, and especially the part produced in America, is of such a nature that to distinguish between works that are systematic and those that are propagandit is practically impossible. Under the above general heading, therefore, are included all materials which in the Bibliography of 1897 were placed under the topics "Administration" and "Reform," together with all similar titles of more recent date. In current discussion, the terms "city government," "municipal administration," etc., are used interchangeably. Articles bearing such titles are grouped below. In arranging articles dealing with special cities and countries, the same division into topics has been followed as in the Bibliography as a whole. The list of cities and states under each topic indicates that articles dealing with that subject in these cities and states may be found under their names. One exception to the general alphabetical arrangement has been made by placing the titles of works dealing with municipal government, general city conditions, or which are otherwise unclassifiable, at the head of the lists under the name of separate cities and states.]

Short list of cyclopedias and other works frequently referred to by number: "Cyclopedia of Political Science, Political Economy and of the Political History of the United States." Lalor, John J. Chicago, M. B. Carey & Co., 1883. 3 vols. $7.50 each.

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"Dictionary of Political Economy." Palgrave, R. H. Inglis, London, Macmillan, 1894, 1896, 1899. 3 vols. 8vo, 798, 848, 757 pp. Cl. $6.50 each. "Encyclopedia of Social Reform, Including Political Economy, Political Science, Sociology and Statistics, etc." Bliss, W. D. P. (Editor). London and New York, Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1897. 8vo. 1439 pp. Cl. $7.50.




"Historic Towns Series, American." Powell, Lyman P. (Editor.) 3 vols. New York, Putnams, 1898, 1899, 1900. 8vo. 597, 439, 528 pp. Historic Towns of New England.

Cl. $3.50 each.






Historic Towns of the Middle States. Historic Towns of the Southern States. "Municipal Government in Continental Europe." Shaw, Albert. New York, Century Co., 1895. 8vo. 500 pp. Cl. $2.

"Municipal Government in Great Britain." Shaw, Albert. New York, Century Co., 1895. 8vo. 385 pp. Cl. $2.


Social Statistics of Cities." (History, description and statistics of principal American cities in 1880.) Waring, Geo. E. Pt. I, New England and Middle States, 915 pp. Pt. II, Southern and Western States, 843 pp. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1886.

"Statesman's Year Book." Keltie, J. Scott, Editor. London, Macmillan, issued annually. $3 per year.

"The State." Wilson, Woodrow. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1889. 686 pp. $2. "Handbuch der Politischen-Oekonomie." (Volkswirtschaftslehre in swei Bänden, Finanzwissenschaft u. Verwaltungslehre im dritten Band). Schonberg, Gustav. (Hrsgbr.) Tübingen, H. Laupp, 2 Auflage, 1885. 734, 1007, 1015 pp.




City Government, General Works and Unclassified-Continued. "Handbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart in Monographien." (References to local organization indexed under separate countries.) Marquardsen, Heinrich. (Hrsgbr.) Freiburg i. B. J. C. B. Mohr, 1887-1889. Bd. I, II, III, (2 Halbbände), IV, (2 Halbbände). Subser. Pr. n. 97 m. "Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften." Edited by Conrad, Elster, Lexis and Loening. Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1st edition 6 vols. 8vo, 1890-1894. 1046, 1007, 1105, 1276, 885. 959 pp. Index 82 pp. issued 1895. Two supplements, 904 and 1076 pp., 1895-1897. n. 120 m. geb. n. 135 m. Four volumes of the second edition issued.'

"Constitutions Européennes; les parlements, les conseils provinciaux et communaux et l'organization judiciaire dans les divers Etats de l'Europe." Demombynes, Gabriel. Paris, Larose et Forcel, 1881, 2d ed. 1883. 2 vols. 8vo, 1600


1st ed., 18 fr.; 2d ed., 24 fr. "Dictionnaire des Finances." (Important articles on Assistance Publique, Le Budget Communal, Communes, Octrois, indexed separately.) Say, Leon. Paris, Berger, L. & Co., 1889, 1894. 2 vols. 1562, 1571 pp. 87 fr. 50 c. "Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Economie Politique." Say, J. B. Leon. Paris, Guillaumin, 1891-1892. 2 vols. 1448, 1345 pp. 55 fr.

"Administration, The Study of." Wilson, Woodrow. Pol. Sci. Q. 2:197 (1887). "Administrative Law, Comparative." Goodnow, Frank J. New York and London, Putnam, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo, 338 and 327 pp. $5. (Book III. Vol. I. on Local Administration in the United States, England, France and Prussia). Advantages of City Life." Halstead, Leonora B. Soc. Econ. 4:219 (1893). Bibliography. "Reference List of Works Relating to Municipal Government." Woodward, Frank E. Malden, 1887. 4 pp.

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"Bibliography of Municipal Government in the United States." Hodder, Frank H. Kansas University Quarterly 1:179-196 (1893).

"References on Municipal Government in the United States." Hodder, Frank H. Cornell University Library Bulletin, Vol. II, 1888.

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Bibliography of Municipal Government and Reform." Pp. 341-81. Pro. First National Conf., 1894. See 6-18a.

"Reference List on Municipal_Government." (Chiefly since 1894.) Monthly Bulletin of the Providence (R. I.) Public Library. The Bulletin of the Providence Public Library for Feb., 1895 (pp. 14-16), contains an earlier list on the same subject referring principally to works appearing since 1890. These lists are based upon a bibliography prepared by Miss Mary S. Cutler, of the New York State Library School, Albany, N. Y.

"Bibliography_of Municipal Administration and City Conditions." Brooks, Robert C. New York, Reform Club, 1897. 8vo, 224 pp. 50 cts. (Published as No. 1, Vol. I. of Municipal Affairs. Subsequent numbers of this quarterly contain bibliographies of the municipal literature for the preceding quarter, all of the material thus published being collected in the present work.)

-. For references to bibliographies on various special municipal topics see "Bibliographies," or the sub-head bibliography, under the several topics.

City Government, Municipal Government, Municipal Administration. "American Political Ideas and Institutions in their relation to the Problem of City Government." Rowe, Leo. S. Municipal Affairs 1:317 (June, 1897.) "Business Men in Municipal Government." Real Estate Rec. and Guide, Feb. 23,


"The Business Man and His Interest in City Government." Young, John F. Proceedings of the Convention of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, Bulletin No. 3, p. 30, June 26-27, 1899.

"Relation of the Business Man to the Municipality." Freud, J. Richard. Cal. Mun. 1:15 (Aug., 1899.)

Business Theory of City Government, etc. "Municipal Government, a Corporate, Not a Political Problem." Morison, Frank. Forum 13:788 (1892.)

"Government of Cities, the Need of a Divorce of Municipal Business from Politics." Storey, Moorfield. Proc. Natl. Civil Service Reform League, Buffalo, 1891. p. 47.

"City Government." Bradford, Gamaliel. Vol. II, Chs. XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXXIII. "The Lesson of Popular Government.' New York, Macmillan, 1899.

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City Government, General Works and Unclassified-Continued. 2 vols. 8vo, 520 and 590 pp. $4.

"City Government." Raemelin, C. Paper read before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 1885. Summary of the paper, p. 508 Proceedings of the Association for 1885.

City Government, Municipal Government, Articles on. Conkling, Alfred R. Mun. & Ry. Rec. 4:18, 57, 104 (Jan.-March, 1899); Davis, J. DeP. Arena 2:506 (1890); Eaton, Dorman B. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 5:1 (1873); Garrison, W. P. Nation 55:197 (1892); Gladden, Washington. Cent. 49:155 (1894); Godkin, E. L. Nation 13:188, 333 (1871); Hale, E. E. Old and New 7:249 (1873); Ivins, W. M. Pol. Sci. Q. 2:291 (1887); Jordan, David Starr. Mchts. Assoc. Rev. p. 1, May, 1897; Parton, James. Chaut. 8:203 (1888); Picton, J. A. Contemp. 34:678 (1878); Shaw, Albert. Our Day 13:472 (1894); Stevenson (Mrs.) Cornelius. Good Govt. 13:123 (1894); anon. Nation 4:434 (1867), 13:183 (1871); Albany Law Journal 4:263 (1871); Christian Register, Nov 17, 1892.



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"City Government, Past, Present and Future." Chamberlain, Joseph. New R. 10:649 (1894.) "Commissioner Plan of Municipal Government, The." Young, W. E. City Govt. 6:24 (Feb., 1899.) "Considerations on Municipal Government." Conder, F. R. Fraser 95:34 (1877.) 33 "Democracy, City Government and." Curley, E. A. Leslie's Wkly. 74:40, 126 (1892), Cosmopol. 14:737 (1893.)

"Development of an Efficient City Government." Stewart, Gilbert H. Public Policy 3:359 (Dec. 8, 1900.)


"Great Cities and Democratic Institutions." Pickard, C. E. Am. J. Pol. 4:378 (1894.)



Nichols, Wm. I.



"Duties of Citizens in Reference to Municipal Government." Municipal League of Philadelphia Pubs. 1892. 12 pp. "Europe, Municipal Government in." Hudson, Richard. Ann Arbor Studies in Finance and History, Michigan Univ., Vol. 11, No. 4. 25c.

"Comparative Sketch of municipal institutions in France, Belgium, Italy, Prussia and Austria, with the addition of an outline of local self-government in England." (In Russian.) Wtoroff, Nicholas. St. Petersburg, 1864. 8vo. "European Town Life." Shaw, Albert. Chaut. 9:519 (1889.) See under names of various European countries. Also especially 1-5. "Evils of Municipal Government." Black, William Nelson. Engng. M. 3:73 (1892.)

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"Failures in Municipal Government, Our." Bradford, Gamaliel. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 3:691 (1893). Separate, 15 cts. Same subject, Scrib. M. 2:485 (1887.) "Municipal Government, Why It Fails." Cooley, Stoughton. Am. J. Pol. 3:178 (1893.) "Federal Plan of Municipal Government." Black, Samuel L. City Govt. 6:27 (Feb., 1899); Gladden, Washington. Prog. Age 15:557 (Nov. 15, 1897.) Good City Government. (See under Reform of City Government, Reform Organizations below.)




"Government of Cities." Hoffman, Frank S. Chap. XI, p. 187, "Sphere of the State." London and New York, Putnam, 1894. 275 pp. $1.15.

"Government of Cities." Hosmer, James Kendall. Pp. 298-307 "Short History of Anglo-Saxon Freedom." New York, Scribner, 1890. 419 pp. $2. "Government of Cities." Hotchkiss, Wm. Horace. Address before the Liberal Club, Buffalo, Feb., 1893.




"Government of Cities." Storey, Moorfield. Address before Citizens' Association of Buffalo, Sept. 30, 1890. Article on same subject, New Eng. M. n. s. 6:432 (1892.)


(Chapter V, in "The Phil

Sons, 1898. 12mo, 207 pp.

"Government of Cities." Walthew, George W. osophy of Government.") New York, G. P. Putnam's Cl. $1.25. "Government of Municipalities." Eaton, Dorman B. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1899. 8vo, 526 pp. Cl. $4.

“Great Cities, Government of Our."

Godkin, E. L. Nation 3:312 (1866).

"Government in Great Cities." Jenkins, H. M. American 6:8 (1883). Local Government, including municipal government. Pp. 624-627. Vol. II. Palgrave. See 1-2.

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