Imágenes de páginas


Art. XXXIV. Se conviene ademas, que las palabras, ,,la nacion mas favorecida," que se encuentran en este tratado, no serán entendidas de modo, que impidan á la una ó á la otra, de las partes contratantes, celebrar el tratado ó convenio, con cualquier nacion ó estado, que tenga por conveniente, tan libre y estensamente, como si dichas palabras no cesistiesen, con tal que, no ostante tal tratado ó convenio, los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos estén puestos, en el Ecuador, con respecto à navegazion y comercio, sobre un pie igual con los subditos de la Espagña, y con los ciudadanos de Mejico y de los otros estados Hispano-Americanos, con quienes haya de tratar o tenga tratados ecsistentes; y que los ciudadanos del Ecuador sean admitidos á gozar, en los Estados Unidos, de los mismos derechos y privilegios, respecto de navegacion y commercio, que gozan ó gozaren los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos en el Ecuador.

Art. XXXV. La República del Ecuador y los Estados Unidos de America deseando hacer tan duraderas y firmes como las circunstancias lo permitan, las relacions que han de establecerse entre las dos potencias en virtud del presente tratado de paz, amistad, navegacion y comercio, han declarado solemnemente, y convienen en los puntos siguientes:

1o El presente tratado permanecerá en su fuerza y vigor por el termino de doce años, contados desde el dia del cange de las ratificaciones, y ademas hasta un anno despues que cualquiera de las partes contratantes haya notificado à la otra su intencion de terminarlo; reservandose las partes contratantes el derecho de hacer tal notificacion la una á la otra al fin de dicho termino de doce años. Y ademas se ha convenido que este tratado, en todo lo relativo á comercio y navegacion, quederá sin effecto_transcurrido que sea un año despues de recibida dicha notification por cualquiera de las dos partes, y en todo lo relativo á paz y amistad, sera perpetuamente obligatorio á ambos poderes.

2o. Si alguno ó algunos de los ciudadanos de una ú otra parte infringiesen algunos de los articulos contenidos en el presente tratado, dichos ciudadanos serán

Art. XXXIV. It is further agreed, that the words, 1839 ,,most favored nation," that occur in this treaty, shall not be so construed as to prevent either of the contracting parties, from concluding any treaty or convention, whith any other nation or state, it may think proper, as freely and as fully as though said words were not used: Provided however, That notwithstanding any such treaty or convention, the citizens of the United States shall be placed in Ecuador, with respect to navigation and commerce, upon an equal footing with the subjects of Spain and with the citizens of Mexico and of the other Hispano-American States, with which treaties have been, or may be, concluded; and that the citizens of Ecuador shall be entitled to enjoy, in the United States, the same rights and privileges with respect to navigation and cnmmerce, that the citizeus of the United States enjoy, or shall enjoy, in Ecuador.

Art. XXXV. The United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador, desiring to make as durable as circumstances will permit, the relations which are to be established between the two parties, by virtue of this treaty of peace, amity, commerce and navigation, have declared solemnly and do agree to the following points:

1st. The present treaty shall remain in full force and virtue for the term of twelve years, to be counted from the day of exchange of the ratifications, and further, until the end of one-year, after either of the contracting parties shall have given notice to the other, of its intention to terminate the same; each of the contracting parties reserving to itself, the right of giving such notice to the other at the end of said term of twelve years: And it is hereby agreed between them, that on the expiration of one year, after such notice shall have been received by either, from the other party, this treaty, in all its parts relative to commerce and navigation, shall oltogether cease and determine, and in all those parts which relate to peace and friendship, it shall be perpetually and permanently binding on both powers.

2d. If any one or more of the citizens of either party shall infringe any of the articles of this treaty, such citizen shall be held personally responsible for

1839 personalmente responsables, sin que por esto se interrumpa la armonia y buena correspondencia entre las dos naciones, comprometiendose cada una á no protejer de modo alguno al ofensar, ó sancionar semejante violacion.

30. Si, (lo que á la verdad no puede esperarse,) desgraciadamente algunos de los articulos contenidos en el presente tratado fuesen en alguna otra manera violados ó infringidos, se estipula espresamente que ninguna de las dos partes contratantes ordenará ó autorizará ningunos actos de represalia, ni declararará la guerra contra la otra, por quejas de injurias ó daños, hasta que la parte que se crea ofendida, haya presentado á lo otra una esposicion de aquellas injurias ó daños, verificada conpruebas y testimonios suficientes, ecsigiendo justicia y satisfaccion, y esto haya sido negado ó diferido sin razon,

40. Nada de cuanto se contiene en el presente tratado, se constuirá sin embargo, ni obrará en contra de otros tratados públicos anteriores, exsistentes con otros soberanos ó estados.

El presente tratado de paz, amistad, comercio, y navegacion será ratificado por el Presidente ó Vice-Presidente de la República. del Ecuador, encargado del poder ejecutivo, con consentimiento y aprobacion del Congreso de la misma, y por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, con consejo y aprobacion del Senado de los mismos; y las ratificaciones serán cangeadas en la ciudad de Quito dentro de tres años contados desde este dia, ó antes si fuere posible.

En fe de lo cual, nosotros los plenipotenciarios de la República del Ecuador y de los Estados Unidos de America, hemos firmado y sellado las presentes.

Dadas en la ciudad de Quito, el dia trece de Junio del año de Señor, mil ochocientos treinta y nueve, vigesimo nono de la Independencia de la República de Ecuador y sexagesimo tercero de la de los Estados Unidos de America.

(L. S.) J. C. PICKETT.

the same, and harmony and good correspondence bet- 1839 ween the two nations shall not be interrupted thereby, each party engaging in no may to protect the offender, or sanction such violation.


3d. If, (what indeed cannot be expected) unfortunately, any of the articles contained in the present treaty, shall be violated or infringed in any way whatit is expressly stipulated, that neither of the contracting parties will order or authorize any act of reprisal, nor declare war against the other on complaints of injuries or damages, until the said party considering itself offended, shall first have presented to the other a statement of such injuries or damages, verified by competent proofs, and demanded justice, and the same shall have been either refused or unreasonably delayed.

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4th. Nothing in this treaty shall, however, be construed or operate contrary to former and existing public treaties with other sovereigns and states.

The present treaty of peace amity, commerce and navigation, shall be approved and ratified by the President of the United Staates of America by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the President of the Republic of Ecuador, with the consent and approbation of the Congress of the same; and the ratifications shall be exchanged in the city of Quito, within three years, to be counted from the dato of the signature hereof, or sooner, if possible.

In faith whereof, we the plenipotentiaries of the United States of America and of the Republic of Ecuador, have signed and sealed these presents.

Done in the city of Quito, on the thirteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and in the sixty third year of the Independence of the United States of America and the twenty-ninth of that of the Republic of Ecuador.

(L. S.) J. C. PICKETT.

1839 Proclamation du President des Etats-Unis concernant le Traité précédent.

Whereas a Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Navigation and Commerce between the United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador, was concluded and signed at Quito on the 13 June 1839, which treaty, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows:

(Suit le texte du Traité dans les deux langues).

And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at Quito on the 9 day of April by SETH SWETZER, Consul of the United States at Quayaquil and JOSE FELIZ VALDIVIESO, President of the Senate and Ministre plenipotentiary of Ecuador, on the part of their respective Governments. Now therefore, be it Known, that J. J. TYLER, President of the United States, have caused the, said Treaty to be made public, to the and that the same and every clause and article thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In witness whereof, J. have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at Washington, the 23d day of September in the year of our Lord 1842 and of the Independence of the United States the 67.

By the President

(L. S.)


Acting Secretary of State.

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