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Patriotism is more than a sentiment; it is a conviction based upon a comprehension of the duties of a citizen and a determination loyally to perform such duties. Patriotism is love of country, born of familiarity with its history, reverence for its institutions and faith in its possibilities, and is evidenced by obedience to its laws and respect for its flag.

American citizenship, safeguarded by the public schools, stands for the best that our institutions can offer to a free and happy people. Believing that our schools should be nurseries of patriotism, it has for many years been my constant purpose to encourage the study of history among the youth of our commonwealth as the strongest inspiration to patriotic citizenship and all that it implies. This book represents the fulfilment of such purpose, and is offered to the teachers of the State in the confident hope that the object sought to be accomplished may find ready and enthusiastic supporters among all educators who are striving for the best results of educational effort.

I have been inspired by the belief that to preserve our free institutions in all their old-time vigor and prestige, our system of public education must more and more lay stress on those civic virtues which develop and ennoble true and patriotic citizenship. This belief has steadily grown under the encouraging sympathy of thoughtful citizens, experienced educators, and patriotic organizations. The legislature of the State has acknowledged the growth of patriotic spirit by providing for the publication of a patriotic manual for use in the public schools of our State, and for its free distribution among them.

The task imposed upon the State Superintendent of Public Instruction by this enactment has not been easy. The limitations to the broad scope of material that could legitimately be made part of such a work were by no means easy to determine. The plan finally adopted and followed in the compilation of this volume was to present (1)


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the choicest literature bearing upon love of country, and upon notable events and the achievements of proud names in American history, in the belief that love of country grows best when the youth of the land have a lively appreciation of what our free institutions have cost in individual sacrifice, in suffering, and in treasure.


The Manual is now submitted to the teachers and the supervising officers of the State, and to them is intrusted the important duty of so using the material provided as to make at least some of its noble utterances, its vivid pictures of great deeds and patriotic sacrifices, and its quotations from the sayings of men honored for their clear patriotic vision, a part of the very souls of the pupils intrusted to their In this way shall we secure the very result intended by the legislature in enacting the law which authorized the publication of this volume. This can be done successfully only by much repetition and constant reiteration. So well established is this fact that I feel warranted in recommending that a few minutes of the opening exercises of every public school each day be devoted to observance based upon the material found in this Manual, or suggested thereby, and, in addition, that more extended exercises be provided in commemoration of the great days and the great names in our Nation's history.

I would be glad to have every pupil in our public schools commit to memory each week some patriotic selection or quotation, no matter how brief it may be. Let school be opened by a patriotic song and a salute to the flag. This may be followed by a short recitation or by several brief patriotic quotations from the masterpieces which have been arranged in this work. Let pupils choose from among their number one or more classmates whose duty it shall be to see that the flag is properly displayed in favorable weather, at other times exhibited in the schoolroom, and all times sacredly cared for.

The task of editing this work was placed in the hands of Professor William K. Wickes, principal of the high school of Syracuse, to whom my acknowledgments are due for his loyal and painstaking efforts. I also acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor Isaac H. Stout, a veteran of the civil war associated with me in the educational work of

the State, who suggested and arranged that part of the Manual relating to important dates in American history. I desire especially to acknowledge my obligations to Past-Commanders Albert D. Shaw, Anson S. Wood and Joseph W. Kay, Col. Joseph A. Goulden, chairman of the special committee on instruction in civics and patriotism, and their comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of New York, without number, for their constant encouragement and earnest co-operation in all matters pertaining to patriotic education, culminating in the publication of this volume.

This Manual is submitted to teachers, school officers, the people, and the legislature in the confident belief that it will be so well used in our school work as to reflect credit on the teaching force, prove the wisdom of the legislature in authorizing its publication, and justify the earnest efforts made in behalf of the law by patriotic citizens and organizations.

Charles ReMinner

State Superintendent.

ALBANY, N. Y., May, 1900.


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This Manual is made up from many contributing sources. To all, so far as possible, the editor wishes to make his acknowledgments and pay his meed of thanks. To Statesmen, Orators, Poets the dead and the living whose strong and stirring utterances give fresh life and beauty to the thought of Patriotism and its noblest symbol, The Flag. To the following publishers and composers for the crowning grace of music:- the Oliver Ditson Company, for selections from their recent book, "Patriotic Songs for School and Home," filled with gems in an admirable musical setting,- Ginn & Co., whose wide-ranging and inspiring "Academy Song Book" would be a constant joy in any schoolroom,- Silver, Burdett & Co., in whose Songs of the Nation" may be found a fine epitome of the best in present-day patriotic music,- Houghton, Mifflin & Co., whose "Riverside Song Book" contains in compact form, set to music, the finest patriotic poems of the noblest American poets, and into whose "Riverside Literature Series" have been put illustrations of every possible phase, as it would seem, of American history and life, the John Church Company for use of the song, "Our Flag,"- Martha Moses Peckham (and her publishers, Clayton F. Summy Company, Chicago), for her unique and rousing song, "Dewey at Manila Bay," -Prof. Hamlin E. Cogswell for his spirit-caught interpretation of "The Liberty Bell" and "The Camp Flag,"— Miss Cornelia A. Moses for the music of the brush in her flag-drawing and initial letters. Above all, to Prof. Ralph W. Thomas for the music of human speech as shown in his many and choice selections of patriotic prose and verse.



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