Abduction, to punish as a crime..
Academies, in relation to, and distribution of public funds, 394, 425, 627, 897, Adams, to amend charter of village of. Addison, to amend charter of village of
Adirondack Company, to build a branch road to Caldwell Adoption, act in relation to.....
Albany Board of Underwriters, to incorporate, 133, 148, 169, 170, 174, 181, county, supervisors to issue bonds.
to amend charter, relative to police department.... to incorporate the University of....
to provide for an additional supply of water in regulating appointment by mayor and common in relation to Washington park in...
to provide for establishment of city court in. Agricultural and Art Association, to incorporate Safe Deposit Company, to incorporate, 122, 147, 169, 174, 180, 201, 230, Safe Deposit Company, to amend act to incorporate. in relation to justices' courts in....
Loan and Trust Company, to incorporate... 425, 502, 614, 703, 1122, 1160 in relation to the Free Academy of
Albion, sidewalk to, Cemetery...
Aliens, to authorize them to take and hold real estate, 151, 179, 274, 304, 375,
Ale, beer and lager-beer, to regulate.
Almond, street railroad from, to Hornellsville.. Amity, to raise money to protect highways. Amsterdam, to incorporate People's Savings Bank. Andrews, Alexander E., appointed President's clerk. Anderson Torkeld, Andersdotter, Kirster and Signor,
to take and hold real 742, 753, 998, 1047
Andrus, Le Roy, release of interest of State to... 95, 97, 100, 107, 110, 112, 224 Anglo-Mexican Railway Company, to incorporate.. Animals, for the prevention of cruelty to.... Apprentices and employers, to amend laws relative to. Arctic Fire Insurance Company, to amend charter of... Assembly chamber, to provide for heating by steam. Assembly, provide for payment of officers of. Assessors, to provide additional compensation to
149, 214, 257, 263 191, 267, 274
Assignees or receivers, in relation to lands heretofore conveyed to, 456, 465, 478 Astor Library, annual report of Trustees of....... Atlantic Guaranty and Trust Company to incorporate .. 261, 402, 515, 559, 654
Attica, authorize trustees of, to lay out highways...... 582, 597, 665, 1050, 1133 Auburn, to authorize assessment of street railroads in....
Auburn, to authorize construction of street railroad in, 1006, 1023, 1166, 1173, 1185 to authorize common council of, to purchase lands for cemetery, 700, 817
to provide for removal of dam, west of State street.... to amend charter of ...
fire department, to incorporate..
fire department, to incorporate..
Auld, Elizabeth M., payment of money to Ausable, in relation to bridges in the town of. river, for the improvement of.... river, for improvement of....
403, 498, 629, 867, 882, 1090
Barton, George L., to change name to George R. Whitney.
Batavia, conferring additional powers upon trustees of... 133, 141, 231, 236, 458 Battaillon Independent des Gardes Lafayette Français, to incorporate, 583, 665, 1116 Baxter, R. T., for the relief of..
Bay Ridge avenue, to close portion of Bentley, O. C., appointed reporter.....
Bethlehem, to authorize commissioners of highways to lay out roads in, 529,
Biggin, Sarah Ann, to release interest of State to..... Binghamton, Dushore and Williamsport Railroad Company to lay track on Chenango canal, 180, 187, 281, 341, 356, 364, 395, 417, 421, 626, 638, 1157, 1292 Binghamton, in relation to, Inebriate Asylum....
to incorporate St. Joseph's Female Academy of.. to amend charter of
to amend act to supply, with water..
to provide for deficiency in assessment of Court street pavement, 317,
to use a portion of Chenango canal for a public street, 407, 496, 515, 500
572, 624, 1094, 1202 516, 534, 593, 620
construction of bridge over Susquehanna river at. relative to Washington Street and State Asylum railroad, 85, 96, 140,
Bininger, Joseph, relative to lands devised by Binninger, Joseph H., relative to lands devised by. Birdseye, George W., appointed reporter. Birge, Hiram F., to legalize official acts of.
966, 985, 1130 597, 633, 671, 736
Black River Conference Seminary, to change corporate name of.. 284, 343,
Black river improvement, Canal Board to construct draw-bridge over..... Bleecker, Anthony J., to ascertain amount due him from city of New York,
790, 842 327, 341, 863, 1293 68
Blenck, Anna, to release interest of State to... Blind, annual report of Trustees of State Institution for. Bloomer, Elisha, authorize payment of claim of...... Board of Apportionment, act relating to....
Bogart, William H., appointed reporter
Bouds and mortgages, to exempt from taxation, 23, 67, 83, 95, 96, 115, 134, Bonding towns, to limit the time in which consent may be proven, 306, 319,
relative to First Congregation of Disciples of Christ... 188, 214, 222,
Bribery, to perfect an amendment of Constitution relative to.. Brockport, in relation to village of Brooklyn Sunday School Union, in reference to..
Elevated Silent Safety Railway Company, to incorporate, 1095, 1096, 1190
to widen and open St. Mark's avenue. to authorize construction of railroad in..
in relation to pay of officers and members of fire department, 1168, 1188, 1223 to provide means for prevention and extinguishment of fires in... 1168 to provide means for payment of certain claims against .. 1169, 1210, 1213 Industrial Institute Company, to purchase real estate... 649, 793, 881, 925 board of education, to elect superintendent of public instruction, 666, 816 to amend charter of Phenix Insurance Company of ... park commissioner, to extend term of office.... 672, 694, 751, 774 to lay certain crosswalks in Eighth and Twenty-second wards, 713,
to confirm, reduce and levy a certain assessment.. in relation to the board of excise....
relative to local improvements in.
relative to opening Nassau avenue...
to widen and improve Ninth avenue and Fifteenth street... 754, 811, 989 to amend charter of......
824, 916, 1009, 1091 to amend act relative to courts of civil and criminal jurisdiction, 849, 1102 1177
to legalize construction of pier between Joralemon street and Atlantic
.... 871, 977, 1123, 1144 to provide for repavement and improvement of Bridge street.... 892, 973 for improvement and sale of certain lands belonging to..... for completion of Sackett, Douglass, De Graw and President streets... to provide for construction of storm-sewers. to incorporate Allemania Savings Bank of.. to authorize drainage of certain low lands in. to provide for repairing sidewalks....
to establish board of health in..
965, 984 1006, 1059, 1074 1022, 1052 1054, 1092, 1166
102, 131, 146, 158, 159, 360
to amend act to establish fire limits in. to establish police department in.... Guaranty and Indemnity Company, to incorporate. Trust Company, to amend act to incorporate.. Steam Transit Company, to incorporate. Sunday School Union, relative to.. in relation to Wallabout improvement in. to provide for the better administration of the financial concerns of
to regulate elections ia ....
225, 234, 319, 325, 1012, 1097
312, 642, 692, 734 327, 537, 593, 620, 1283 338
.... 361, 493, 593, 622, 675, to provide for construction of sewers in certain stree s in, 382, 393,
Loan Indemnity, Commission and Warehousing Company... for improvement of Park avenue in.... .... to amend act for extension of Prospect park.. common council to open and grade Wilson street. to increase salaries of members of fire department
Brooklyn, for improvement of southerly portion of Bedford avenue, 404, 455, 839 to close part of old Bushwick road.................
to divide the Ninth ward and create a new ward in to divide the Twenty-first ward, and create a new ward in to amend act relative to sewers in Central and other avenues, 441, 464, 599, 968, to authorize construction of railroad in McDonough street.. to authorize extension of railroad track on Buffalo avenue.. 441, 613, to make provision for support of certain dispersaries, 459, 498, 933, 945
to reorganize the fire department of city of... .... 459, 464, 495, 518 to open Putnam square in...... 469, 494, 942, 1155, 1205, 1292 relative to assessments upon highway from Prospect park to Coney Island.....
relative to local improvements in.
485, 760, 1200 499, 845, 925
to grant additional privileges to Broadway Railroad Company of, 500, 535
to provide an armory in city of
964, 995, 1084, 1125 502, 940, 1000, 1009
to provide for better administration of financial concerns of. to fix compensation of auditor in.....
to consolidate city of, with New Lots, Flatlands, New Utrecht and Gravesend ....
to authorize Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company to extend tracks, 552, 613
to authorize construction of sewers in Seventeenth ward.... in relation to assessing cost of sewers in..... to establish municipal courts in..
to amend act to widen Sackett and other streets to widen and improve North Second street.... to authorize improvement of certain portions of Prospect park, 597, 664
719, 761 to authorize construction of railroad in Butler and other streets, 613, 929 Buffalo, to amend act to incorporate Union Hotel Company, 152, 158, 169, 171
to amend act to establish; department of police, 159, 190,
to amend act to estab'ish department of police in.... to authorize taking of lands for an avenue....... to grant certain lands.....
to legalize certain assessments ordered by com.non
to authorize comptroller of, to collect unpaid school taxes, 394, 427, 496 in relation to the issue and registry of bonds of city of, 215, 223, 270, 256 to amend charter of.
870, 876, 1293 to amend charter of.. 378, 393, 398, 442, 496, 492, 567, 600, 850 Creek, Allegany and Cattaraugus Indian reservation, in relation to taxes illegally assessed upon... 407, 418, 495, 493, 507, 847 Canal Commissioners to construct bridge over canal at Austin street, 1097 water commissioners, to establish free public hydrants, 1007, 1052, 1131, 1202 to incorporate Safe Deposit and Trust Company of, 656, 739, 915, 986, 1047 plank-road, to improve and keep in repair west part of.... 893, 958, 1000 in relation to the issue and registry of bonds.... 648, 672.
and Williamsville McAdam Road Company, to amend act to incorpo- 585, 615, 654, 679, 1032, 1000
to issue bonds for water purposes
to borrow money to purchase fire engine.
891, 913, 990O 168, 181, 270, 24
to provide for better collection of county taxes in..... 472, 498, 568, 591
Buffalo, city of, to exchange lands with John C. Lord.... 133, 190, 270, 284, City Cemetery, to sell real estate, 100, 107, 110, 112, East Side Street railway, to extend time for building of, 130, 140, 168, 171 172, 496, 498, 570, 644, 663, 961 Fine Arts Academy, to amend charter of,.... 272, 315, 341, 357, 366, 738 Hydraulic Association, in relation to 1054 Young Men's Christian Association, to hold real estate .......... 848, 1084, 1174 Buildings, to authorize consolidation of companies for the erection of, 893,
Bull, George W., appointed reporter..
580, 612, 752, 781, 167, 185, 270, 284
Bunker, Josiah, in relation to filing certain claims of. Burial purposes, acquiring title to real estate for..... Burial grounds, improvement and preservation of.... Bushwick and Newtown Bridge and Turnpike Company to incorporate..... Bushwick Savings Bank, to incorporate....
Cairo, to authorize formation of mutual insurance company in, 871, 956, 999, 1047 Calderon, Francisco Jose Alavrez, to take, hold and convey real estate. Caldron, Francisco Alvarez, to enable him to take and hold real estate, 495, 521 Calendars of circuit courts, in reference to...... Cambridge, to establish union schools in
648, 746, 777, 840, 1044,
Campbell, James, in relation to filing certain claims of.... Canandaigua, to enable electors to hold elections in separate districts, 360, 389, Canal Appraisers, annual report of... regulating term of office of......
in relation to appeals from decision of.....
in relation to filing claims against the State, 262, 379, 396, 421, 450, 1211 Canal Board, communication from, relative to tolls.... Canals, report of commission appointed relative to steam upon.
for construction of new work and extraordinary repairs of, 672, 932, 955 making appropriation for collection of tolls and ordinary repairs, 740, 778 929, 951 Canal deb, making appropriations for payment of principal and interest on, 966
deficiencies, to provide means to pay.
1004, 1056, 1117 122, 127, 131, 137
to authorize tax of half mill for construction of new work, and extra- ordinary repairs of........ 851, 1023, 1027, 1029, 1031, 1037, 1159, 1218 to supply deficiency in appropriation for ordinary repairs of, 604, 629, 650 to amend act relative to introduction of steam upon, 293, 400, 495, 601, 870 Cary, Patrick H., to release interest of State to.... 1160, 1236, 1239 Carmel Grove Camp-meeting Association, to incorporate, 273, 339, 390, 400, 416
to construct road from, to Lake Champlain. Cassidy, William, resolution relative to the death of...... Castleton, to incorporate Cataract Fire Engine Company No. 2 of, 1053, 1088, to incorporate Cataract Fire Engine Company. Cathedral of All Saints of Protestant Episcopal Church in diocese of Albany, 362 467
Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine of Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of New York...... 362, 451, 515, 557, 605 Catskill, to authorize formation of mutual insurance company in town of, 850, 956
Cattaraugus Indian reservation, to provide for repair of bridges on, 672, 792,
Cattaraugus county, clerk of, to record a deed made by Daniel Hickox of Kansas, county, relative to Farmers' Loan and Trust Company of, 312, 371, 390,
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