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Our Collegiate Course;


BUTLER'S ANALOGY, Chap. I. What presumptions regarding a future state does analogy afford? What grounds do these analogies supply for the belief that such a state will be one of rewards and punishments, and that merit and demerit will affect it? What duties flow from regarding this life as a state of trial and of moral discipline? What fallacy is there in the analogy that man" fadeth as a flower"? What analogies exist between birth and death?

PRACTICAL LOGIC.-What is conscious perception? Define ideas. What are the chief ideas suggested to the mind in observing any of the following sets of four existences?-Lark, robin, thrush, swallow; coal, iron, flint, chalk; tea, coffee, milk, wine; cart, couch, steamship, steam-carriage; beech, elm, fir, oak; castle, mansion, palace, cottage. Mention any existences from which we could derive the ideas warm, burn, flow, fly, melt, lift, sing, cleanse. What ideas would we require to possess before we could fully comprehend the words, "To tell a lie"? Arrange any of the ideas which the following terms denote into pairs related to each other:Thames, pupil, soft, right, king, animal, mortal, subject, river, hard, obligation, teacher, dying, horse. Analyze into the ideas it yields the phrase, City of London."

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ARITHMETIC.-Explain fully the signs +, -, X, . Insert each of the foregoing signs successively between the figures 9764, 1391, 342, 63, and 18, and show the results. Show, by writing each in its proper place in any chosen example, that you know the meaning of the terms, addend, minuend, multiplicand, sum, quotient, and amount.

Seven factories contain 369 looms; how many are there altogether, by addition and multiplication? How many seventyfives are there in 1,800, by subtraction and division? What difference is there between the eleventh part of 3,663 and the twelfth part of 4,008?*

COMPOSITION. Arrange the following words so as to give sense, viz.: Affections, brings, death, is, our, season, test, the, to, the, which. Basis, excellence, is, of, the, truth. Are, being, in, lot, man, of, of, state, the, this, trials. A, does, exist, is, it, life, not, not, paints, poet, the, that, true, which. Enhances, experience, of, plenty, the, the, value, want. For, murder, murder, propagate, should, why? But, great, greatest, is, is, indeed, not, she, science, the. A, be, comprehend, can, greater, he, man, man, none, that, than, unless.

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GRAMMAR. Arrange the words given in the above composition exercise in a table similar to that given in our last. Write the plurals of all the nouns contained in it, and give the rule for their formation.

HISTORY.-Junior.-Give the dates of the chief invasions of England by the Jutes, Angles, Saxons, and Danes. Write a notice of the Heptarchy.

Senior.-Write a notice of the introduction of Christianity. Describe Denmark and Normandy. Sketch the Norman conquest. Sketch the Continental conquests made by the English. Illustrate the sentence, 66 Then, too, appeared the first faint dawn of that noble literature, the most splendid and the most durable of the glories of England."-[See British Controversialist, January and March, 1860.]

Literary Notes.

A REFUTATION of Renan's " Vie de Jésus," from the pen of Dr. Cairns, of Berwick, author of the paper on Kant in the "Encyclopædia Britannica," and reputedly the most metaphysical thinker in Britain since Sir William Hamilton's demise, is just published. A people's edition of Renan's "Vie de Jésus " has been issued in Paris, with a new preface and no notes.

Ed. De Pressense has set out for the Holy Land, to write there a "Life of Christ," in reply to Renan.

M. Guizot is to issue a counterblast to Renan. J. Dufresné has translated the people's edition of the Hebrew professor's work into German.

The "S "Slang Dictionary," third edi tion, now in the press, will contain 3,000 additional words.

Mr. Leonard Horner, biographer of his brother Francis Horner, died 5th March.

The unedited Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin has been issued at Boston.

Maximilian Joseph II., King of Bavaria, who died March 10th, has left behind him a "Refutation of Hegel's Philosophy."

Shakspere music is vieing with Shakspere literature and Shakspere art in abundance.

W. A. Chatto, a chatty antiquarian and art writer, is dead.

Sir Wm. Brown, Bart., author of "Letters on Free Trade," financial founder of the Liverpool Library and Museum, died 2nd March....

Wm. C. L Martin, author of a "History of Quadrupeds," &c., died 15th Feb., aged 66.

C. T. Dalboni's "Story of Beatrice Cenci and her Times," the heroine of Shelley's drama, has been published at Naples.

Dr. Michael Sachs, of Berlin, Hebraist and classicist, died in Feb.

In an assembly of 862 Oxford men, entitled to vote on a statute for raising the salary of Prof. B. Jowett to £400, a negative was carried by 72, and the distinguished Grecian requires to remain "passing rich with forty pounds a year."

Rev. G. H. Stoddart, B.D., Queen's College, Oxford, has in the press, by subscription," The History of the Formation of the Prayer-Book."

The subject of the Seatonian Prize poem at Cambridge for this year is Capernaum."

The Hulsean Lecturer at Cambridge is to be Rev. Daniel Moore, M.A.

Heinreich J. König (b. 1790) is preparing a third edition of his romance, William Shakspere." The previous editions were dated 1839, 1850. It is the best of the works of this self-taught dramatist, novelist, and financier.

One hundred and fifty letters, forming portion of "The Correspondence of Pope and Warburton" (unpublished), have been acquired by the British Museum.

Captain Curling, author of "The Forest Youth; or, Shakspere as he Lived," "John of England," 16 Edith Frankheart," &c., died 10th Feb. "Weldon's Register" has been put into Death's register.

M. H. Taine has published "English Idealism: a Study upon Carlyle."

M. C. Mallet has issued at Orleans a Memoir of James Beattie, author of "The Minstrel" and a "Treatise on Truth."

Zeleny has translated Macaulay's History into Hungarian.


An Autobiography of Silvio Pellico has been discovered among the papers of the recently deceased Marchioness Barolo, to whom he was librarian. will be published at an early date. Tercentenary pamphlets about Galileo have been exceedingly rife in Italy.

The Coburg Gazette says that Qucen Victoria is writing "Memoirs of her own Life and Times."

Nassau, W., senior (b. 1790), has nearly ready for publication," Essays on Fiction," contributed to reviews between 1823 and 1857.

D'Aubigné's" Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin,” vol. 3, is nearly ready.

Goethe's "Faust," translated by Anster, is to be published soon.

The Rev. Wharton Booth Marriot, A.M., editor of the "Adelphi" of Terence, is preparing "A Comparative Word-book of the Latin, Italian, French, and Spanish Languages."

Prof. Adolphe Mussafia, of Vienna, has discovered two old French poems in MS., in the library of St. Mark's at Venice, and edited them. They are called "The Capture of Pampeluna " and "Macaire" respectively, and belong to the legends of Charlemagne.

Jas. Bailey, editor of the Latin Lexicon of Facciolati and Forcellini, died 13th Feb.

Henri Theod. Roetscher, the dramatic critic (b. 1804), is writing "On the Higher Characters in Shakspere's

Plays:" A. Lindner is preparing "The London Life of Wm. Shakspere: a Drama ;" and Emil Hoepffer has in rehearsal "The Poacher of Avon."

Klemm has issued "The Life of John Calvin" (1509-1564).

Dr. M. Letteris is adapting Goethe's "Faust" into Hebrew; and Lessing's famous book, lately brought into prominence by Strauss, "Nathan the Wise," is to be transferred to the same language by S. Bacher.

Tyndal's "Heat, as a Mode of Motion," has been translated by Abbé Moigno (b. 1804).

W. C. Hazlitt is editing a series of Shakspere Jest-books, in 4 vols.

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Rev. John Anderson, D.D., of Newburgh, author of "The Course of Creation," ," "Dura Den," a geological monograph, &c., died 17th March.

Karl L. de Littrow (b. 1811), who has succeeded his father as director of the Imperial Observatory, Vienna, has ready "The Wonders of the Sidereal Heavens."

An epic poem, entitled "Night," and expository of "the Glory of God in the Heavens," by Rev. George Gilfillan, author of "The Gallery of Literary Portraits," ," "The History of a Man," &c., is nearly ready to prove and illustrate the writer's canon, that "The critic must be himself a poet." Nous


Dr. Ed. Hitchcock, author of many works on the connection of religion and geology, died at Amherst, March 6th, aged 70.

Due precautions have been taken by the Judge of the Court of Probate for the preservation, exhibition, and copying of the three important sheets of brief-paper on which is written "Shakspere's will."

A biography of John Wesley, founded on hitherto inaccessible materials, is in preparation..

It is proposed to establish an "Early English Text Society," to publish, or republish old treatises, works, &c.

J. J. Porchat, a Swiss littérateur, translator of Horace and Tibullus into French, a critic and a novelist, died in March, aged 64.

It is proposed to erect a monument to the song-writer, Andrew Park, in his birthplace, Renfrew.

Forensic Eloquence.

THE Forensic pleader is a controversialist. A lawsuit is a dispute brought before the national umpires for effective decision. It implies, therefore, a point of controversy on which issue may be taken or tendered. The whole phraseology of pleadings at law or in equity involve this controversial element. To the narration or complaint there follows the defence (if the case goes on). Whether this takes the shape of abatement, demurrer, or pleading in the action, there may ensue replication, rejoinder, surrejoinder, rebutter, surrebutter, &c., until the precise point or points in dispute between the parties in a suit are so developed as to present them in the form which is most convenient for decision, i. e., as free as possible from extraneous matter, thoroughly sifted from ambiquity or avoidable complication. Here is wide scope for possible altercation. Of course every allegation made by the plaintiff against any defendant ought to be true. This true matter ought to be stated in plain and exact terms; and with all requisite particularity regarding person, place, time, manner, circumstance, accidents, &c. In form and sufficiency, too, the cause should be perfectly laid. The adequacy of any particular court to deal with the given cause-forms a topic for serious deliberation; and the method in which matters of law are separated from matters of fact, in each step of the process requires minute and painstaking attention. Any defect in these preliminary considerations, therefore, affords field for disputation, and supplies the advocate with topics in the controversy. The general or the special issues tendered or taken, are also, of course, liable to prevailing or countervailing arguments; and hence, as we said, legal pleading is in reality controversy, in presence of and under the umpireship or arbitration of a judge, with or without (as the case may be) reference to a jury. The laws of forensic eloquence are consequently, in a great measure, only the laws of controversy specially adapted to discussions carried on in the national courts for the determination of right or the repression of wrong.

It is not necessary (even though the writer were competent) to enter into precise technical details regarding the various processes and stages through which any given sort of lawsuit may be put or dragged. The substantial rules of pleading do not depend upon legal forms of procedure (which only afford opportunity for observ ing or temptations to neglect them) but upon concise and explicit logic, on defined and philosophical rhetoric,-in short, upon the well understood principles of the intellect, the will and the emotions of man. Legal technicalities issue from the mind. They constitu e safeguards, boundaries and waymarks in the course of a controversy. They are often the concrete results of age-long experience, 1864.


-built, like the Dutch dikes, by the industry and skill of our forefathers, to prevent the inflow of novelty and the overturning of known and fixed limits and usages. Sometimes they embody the possible abbreviations which may be employed in public business or in private transactions; and often they are serviceable, by their demand for uniformity, as helps in carrying a cause forward to the point where issue may be most advantageously joined. All routine is not evil. Forms and technicalities are merely the grooves which the habits of the mind have worn in the frequent passage hither and thither which business necessitates, and, like the channel of a river, the bed of a canal, the level of a footpath, or the course of a railway, if rightly used, must be advantageous so far as they go, To forms of pleading, as forms, we do not object; with forms of pleading, as forms, we intend to concern ourselves as little as possible. We shall admit and accept of the forms as they are, and within these forms shall endeavour to bring together so much of the teaching of logic and rhetoric as may supply to some extent hints or helps towards a practical art of controversial pleading, or an exposition of "Forensic Eloquence as affecting opposing Pleaders," -as laid down in our "Outline of the Elements of Forensic Eloquence," ante page 13.

There is a very prevalent notion abroad that rhetoric is chicane and logic trickery. This is a mistake. Both are sciences having specific objects, and result in arts which, like all other arts, are intended to promote success in the attainments of the objects aimed at by their use. They have no essential immoral tendency. Like weights in a balance, they may be put in either scale; but the morality of their employment lies in the hand and conscience of the possessor. They are merely the means of perfecting the two great special powers of man,-discourse and reason. The passions can be moved, and the soul may be touched, even to transport, by fitly collocated words; the intellect can be swayed by properly arranged ideas. Rhetoric and logic constitute the sciences, by the study of which the mind acquires the ability to employ these with the greatest effect, in the circumstances, so far as regards the accomplishment of the thinker and speaker's design. The pleader wishes to succeed; in fact, he is employed in the hope that he will succeed. He must therefore study and use the means of success so far as they lie within his reach and power. He does what every other person does in his own walk in life,-endeavours to please his customers, and to give satisfactory proof of his devotion to any business intrusted to his care. It looks clever-like to say—

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For fees, to any form he moulds a cause;

The worst has merits and the best has flaws;
Five guineas make a criminal to-day,

And ten to-morrow wipes the stain away."

It seems smart to talk of legal processes as a set of captious formalities, equivocations, quiddities, quibbles, false glosses, so

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