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Principal of Oliver Grammar School, Lawrence, Massachusetts.

Walton's Written Arithmetic. 334 pages.
Key to Walton's Written Arithmetic.

Walton's Intellectual Arithmetic. In press.
Walton's Primary Arithmetic. In press.
Walton's Arithmetical Table.

Key to Walton's Arithmetical Table.


The definitions, explanations, and rules, in Walton's Arithmetic, are clear, concise, and accurate. The system of reviews by dictation exercises, and a table for the practice of the fundamental operations, are marked and admirable features of the work. The examples are copious, and of an eminently practical character.— E. FLINT, JR., A. M., Master of Lynn High School.

The best treatise on Written Arithmetic I have ever read; and I arrive at this conclusion after having given it a very careful examination.-GEO. M. GAGE, A.M., Principal of the State Normal School, Farmington, Maine.

I do not hesitate to say that, in its treatment of both the theory and the practice of Arithmetic, it is the best book I have ever seen. While it is in no respect inferior to other works of its class, it has many features, original and unique, which give it a marked superiority to all of them, and which can not fail to commend it to the teacher and the student.-WM. J. ROLFE, A.M., Master of Cambridge (Mass.) High School.

I am using more than a hundred copies of Walton's Written Arithmetic in my school, and am very much pleased with the book. It is remarkably free from the common errors of text-books in Arithmetic. The explanations are clear, the illustrations good. I think the author has hit just the right plan in printing answers in connection with a part, and only a part, of the examples.-W. L. PILLSBURY, Prin. Model Department Ill. State Normal School.

An excellent book in all points. We think it the best Arithmetic we have ever used in our schools.-E. A. GASTMAN, Supt. of Schools, Decatur, Ill.

I am decidedly pleased with its general arrangement of topics, and its clearness and conciseness in the explanation of principles.-GEO. CHURCHILL, Prin. Preparaatory Department Knox College.

The 'card' and 'key' is a wonderful contrivance. It is much in little', most emphatically. HENRY E. SAWYER, A. M., Prin. High School, Concord, N.H.

I have supplied our school with Walton's Tables, and find them excellent for a daily drill in arithmetical computation.—PROF. A. G. Boyden, Prin. of State Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass.

BREWER & TILESTON, Publishers, Boston.

GEO. N. JACKSON, Western Agent,

Post-office Address, "Care of W. B. KEEN & Co., 148 Lake St., Chicago."


BREWER & TILESTON, 131 Washington Street, Boston.

Hillard's Readers, New Series, with an Original Treatise on
Elocution by Prof. Mark Bailey, of Yale College.
Worcester's Comprehensive Spelling-Book.
Worcester's Primary Spelling-Book.

Worcester's Quarto and School Dictionaries.
Walton's Written Arithmetic.
'Intellectual' in press.)

('Primary' and

Walton's Table. (For practice in the fundamental operations of Arithmetic.) Adams's Spelling-Book. (For Advanced Classes.)



Mr. HILLARD'S New Series of Readers are the latest publications in this department now before the public. They have been introduced, in whole or in part, into the Public Schools of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Washington, Providence, Hartford, Portland, Augusta, Me., Cambridge, Charlestown, Mass., Peoria, Quincy, Ill., Madison, Wis., and many other important places, No other series of Readers contain so many patriotic extracts, many of which have been called out by the Great Rebellion. To the Fifth and Sixth Readers several new pieces have recently been added, such as President Lincoln's Second Inaugural, his Address at Gettysburg, Sheridan's Ride, Barbara Frietchie, etc.


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We believe this (the selection of pieces) is what Mr. Hillard has done better than has ever been done before.-New-York Times.

They form an excellent series, and sustain, to an eminent degree, the severe test of the school-room.GEO. N. BIGELOW, Prin. State Normal School, Framingham, Mass.

I regard them as the most complete series of school-readers now before the public.-A MARKHAM, late Principal of the Niles Union School, Michigan.

As a brief, simple, philosophical exposition of the principles of elocution, derived immediately from an analysis of thought and feeling, rather than from external form, it [Professor Bailey's Introduction] surpasses any thing I have ever seen.-Prof. S. S. GREENE, author of Greene's 'Grammars'.

I am highly pleased with 'Worcester's Comprehensive Spelling-Book'. The arrangement and classification of words is admirable, and the department devoted to Derivations' unsurpassed.-CHARLES H. ALLEN, Principal Normal Department, University of Wisconsin.

Copies for Examination or Introduction furnished by

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