Imágenes de páginas
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4. Live stock raised October 1, 1904, to September 30, 1905:

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5. State number of animals slaughtered between October 1,

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6. State number of animals died from accident, disease, or killed between October 1, 1904 and September 30, 1905:

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8. State number quarts milk produced between October 1, 1904 and September 30, 1905.....

9. State number quarts milk consumed during same period


10. State number quarts milk purchased during

same period


11. State provisions produced between October 1, 1904 and

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2. For addition to administration building.....
Owing to the increase in population and addi-
tion of several new buildings, it is absolutely
essential that this building should be enlarged. It
has heretofore been recommended by the Board
of Managers but it seems now necessary that it
should be done.

3. For completing cottages five and six and assem-
bly hall, including outside steam, water,
sewer and lighting connections......
The appropriation made last year for two cot-
tages and assembly hall was not sufficiently large
to cover the outside connections, as herein set
forth, and this amount must therefore of neces
sity be appropriated.

4. For changing old assembly hall into school room,
including equipment for same..

$44,000 00 3,600 00

5,800 00

1,000 00

Upon the completion of the new assembly hall, the old one will have to be used for additional school rooms, made necessary by the increase in population.

5. For watchman's clock and connections...

6. For fuel saving device for boilers...

The Board of Managers asked for an appropria

tion of about $10,000, to build a new smoke stack, enlarge boiler house and install an additional boiler, but it is the judgment of the Department that the installation of a fuel saving device on the three boilers now installed will not only overcome the necessity for the expenditure of so much money at the present, but will also entail a saving in the consumption of coal.

$250 00 1,200 00

The following statement of the disposition of the appropriations for extraordinary repairs and improvements is brought up to the date of calculation, which is March 1, 1906; this having been done with a view to giving an exact knowledge of the conditions that subsequent requirements might be more closely estimated :

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Reappropriated from chapter 721, Laws of 1904.

Approvals, $639.74; balance, $1,160.26.

1,800 00


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