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of a man "just breathing his last" was gashed by a knife or razor in the hands of a woman; an old, grayhaired man," peaceably walking the street at a distance from the Institute, was shot through the head; negroes were taken out of their houses and shot; a policeman riding in a buggy deliberately fired his revolver from the carriage into a crowd of colored men; a colored man two miles away from the Convention hall was taken from his shop by the police, at about four o'clock on the afternoon of the riot, and shot and wounded in side, hip and back; one man was wounded by fourteen blows, shots, aud stabs; the body of another received seven pistol balls. After the slaughter had measureably ceased, carts, wagons and drays, driven through the streets, gathered the dead, the dying and the wounded in "promiscuous loads," a policeman, in some cases, riding in the wagon, seated upon the living men beneath him. The wounded men, taken at first to the station-house or "lock-up," were all afterwards carried to the hospital. While at the station-houses, until friends found them with medical aid, they were left to suffer. When at the hospital, they were attended to with care and skill. But this was done at no cost to the city or to the State. Without asking permission, so far as the Committee learned, those wounded men were carried to the hospital under the care of the Freedmen's Bureau, and shelter, surgical treatment, and food were furnished at the cost of the United States.

There was evidence before the Committee that for several hours, the police and mob, in mutual and bloody emulation, continued the butchery in the hall and on the street, until nearly two hundred people were killed

and wounded. The number was probably much larger than this; but of that number the names and residences are known. Some were injured whose friends conveyed them at once quietly away. There is evidence tending to show that some who were killed were privately carried away and buried. One witness testified: "I saw a dray taking five or six of those who were wounded away. I heard a drayman say, "Where will I take them to?' And a policeman said, 'Throw them in the river."" Several witnesses testify that the killed and wounded exceed two hundred. One witness says that he saw from forty to fifty killed. Another states that he saw from twenty to thirty carriage loads of killed and wounded. How many were killed will never be known. But we cannot doubt there were many more than are set down in the official list in evidence.


This riotous attack upon the Convention, with its terrible results of massacre and murder, was not an accident. It was the determined purpose of the May or of the city of New Orleans to break up this Convention by armed force.

We state one fact in this connection, significant both as bearing upon the question of preparation and as indicating the true and prevailing feeling of the people of New Orleans. Six months have passed since the Convention assembled, when the massacre was perpetrated, and more than two hundred men were slain and wounded. This was done by city officials and New Orleans citizens. But not one of those men has been punished, arrested or complained of. These officers of the law

living in the city, and known to that community, acting under the eye of superiors, clothed with the uniform of office, and some of them known, as the proof shows, to the chief officer of police, have not only escaped punishment, but have been continued in their office.

The gentlemen who composed the Convention have not, however, been permitted to escape. Prosecutions in the criminal court under an old law, passed in 1805, were at once commenced, and are now pending against them for a breach of the peace. These facts tend strongly to prove that the criminal actors in the tragedy of the day were the agents of more criminal employes, and demonstrate the general sympathy of the people in behalf of the men who did the wrong against those who suffered it.




But the evidence establishing the fact of determination to suppress the Convention, and preparation for attack upon the members and those friends, whoever they might be, that should attend its meetings, is derived from many witnesses.

Before the day arrived there was general denunciation of the Convention in different circles and in casual meetings on the streets; wishes were expressed and expectations declared that it should be dispersed; anonymous letters of warning and threatening violence were sent to several of the members and their friends; a funeral notice, announcing in advance the death of the Convention, was posted in the streets on Sunday; declarations were made that the "niggers and half niggers should be wiped out;" members of one of the fire companies absent from the city on Sunday declared that they must return and be on hand the next day. They

said, "Hay's brigade will all be there, and will clean out those damned Yankees." One man remarked, “I have spotted Dostie myself." (6375.) It was freely said, "We are going to hang Hahn and Dostie;" that "No man should come out of the Convention alive; that "We will show you what will happen to-day;" that "You will see fun to-day; that "It is no sin to kill a nigger."

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"Fire engines were brought out, one of which had pistols in the box. Fire companies gathered near the Institute at the same time from different parts of the city. In the early morning a man was ascertaining the names of those who were willing to aid in suppressing the meeting. A school was dismissed because there was to be a riot; badges of different kinds were worn by citizens' in the street; men were seen buying pistols and cartridges; citizens encouraged the riot in different ways; there were crowds of citizens at different parts of the street; they cheered and shouted for Jeff. Davis, and for Mr. Johnson. When the wounded men were brought nto the 'lock-up,' members of the city council cheered the policemen 'in their bloody work,' and finally, no one of the rioters, either policemen or citizens, has been complained of or punished.

"On Sunday night the police were withdrawn from their stations, that they might rest until Monday morning, when they were ordered to report at their different headquarters. Early on Monday the whole police force, numbering between four and five hundred, were massed at different stations; they were ordered to come armed, and arms were furnished to those who were without hem; the greater part of the police was kept at the

station-houses until the time arrived when their work should begin. Soon after noon an unusual ‘alarm' was given-such as had been used when federal armies were investing the city-and then the combined police, headed by officers and firemen, with their companions, rushed with one will from different parts of the city toward the Institute, and the work of butchery commenced. In these acts of violence, police and fireman and citizen acted in concert. Different 'badges' were worn on the streets; many policemen had their hat bands reversed so that their 'numbers' could not be distinguished. No effort was made by the mayor or chief of police to control or check these men, but the slaughter was permitted until the end was gained. Facts of this description were put in proof with other circumstances, demonstrating, as we judge, that the slaughter of these men was determined on by the chief executive officer of the city, and was prepared for by him on the night before the meeting was held."






"It is charged as a prominent and direct cause of these riots that incendiary and turbulent meetings were held on Friday evening, July 27.

"On Saturday morning, July 28, Lieutenant Governor Voorhies and Attorney General Herron sent the following telegram to the President:

"NEW ORLEANS, July 28, 1866. "President JOHNSON, Washington, D. C.:

"Radical mass meeting composed mainly of large number of negroes last night, ending in a riot; the com

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