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OPENING AT GETTYSBURG-REYNOLDS KILLED. 377 the right, as if his intended point of | aid, and the enemy was beaten off. concentration were Gettysburg also. A similar dash was simultaneously But, in fact, foreseeing that Lee must made on the train of another column give battle, he had issued a timely of our cavalry at Littlestown, but address to his officers," and was mov- easily repulsed. Meantime, Gen. ing circumspectly east of north, look- Buford, with another division, had ing for advantageous ground whereon moved directly upon Gettysburg; to fight, and had about fixed on the where he encountered" the van of line of Pipe creek, some 15 miles the Rebel army, under Gen. Heth, south-east of Gettysburg, when an un- of Hill's corps, and drove it back on expected encounter precipitated the the division, by whom our troopers grand collision. were repelled in their turn. And now the advance division of Gen. Rey

Gettysburg, the capital of Adams county, is a rural village of 3,000 in-nolds's (1st) corps, under command habitants, the focus of a well-culti- of Gen. J. S. Wadsworth, approachvated upland region. Though long ing from Emmitsburg, quickened its settled and blessed with excellent pace at the familiar sound of volleys, country roads, all centering on the and, rushing through the village, borough, much of it is too rugged for drove back the Rebel van, seizing cultivation; hence, it is covered with and occupying the ridge that overwood. The village is in a valley, or looks the place from the north-west. rather on the northern slope of a hill ; with a college and other edifices on the opposite hill, which rises directly from the little run at its foot.

Gen. John F. Reynolds, formerly of the Pennsylvania Reserves, was in command of the two corps (1st and 11th) now rapidly coming up, Part of our cavalry advance, un- together numbering about 22,000 der Gen. Kilpatrick, pushed out men. As Gen. Wadsworth was formfrom Frederick," moving north-west ing his advance division, 4,000 strong, through Liberty and Taneytown to in order of battle, Gen. Reynolds Hanover, Pa., where they were con- went forward to reconnoiter, and, seesiderably astonished" by an attacking that the enemy were in force in from Stuart's cavalry-not imagin- a grove just ahead, he dismounted ing that there was any enemy within and was observing them through a a march of them. A sharp fight en- fence, when he was struck in the neck sued, wherein Gen. G. F. Farnsworth's by a sharp-shooter's bullet, and, fallbrigade was at first roughly handled, ing on his face, was dead in a few losing 100 men; but Gen. Custer's, minutes. Born in Lancaster, in 1820; which had passed, returned to its entering the army in 1846; he had 27 “HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, at our success would give to every soldier of this "June 30, 1863. army. Homes, firesides, and domestic altars, are "The commanding general requests that, pre-involved. The army has fought well heretofore; vious to the engagement soon expected with the enemy, corps and all other commanding officers will address their troops, explaining to them briefly the immense issues involved in the struggle. The enemy are on our soil; the whole country now looks anxiously to this army to deliver it from the presence of the foe; our failure to do so will leave us no such welcome as the swelling of millions of hearts with pride and joy

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it is believed that it will fight more desperately and bravely than ever, if it is addressed in fitting terms. Corps and other commanders are authorized to order the instant death of any soldier who fails in his duty this hour.

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By command of Maj.-Gen. MEADE:
"S. WILLIAMS, Assistant Adj.-Gen."
29 June 30.
July 1. .

26 June 28.


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served his country in Mexico, in California, and in nearly every important action yet fought in Virginia; returning to fall in defense of the soil of his native State, and almost in sight of his home.

Gen. Abner Doubleday came up half an hour afterward, and assumed command; but the residue of the corps, with the whole of the 11th, did not arrive till nearly two hours later; meantime, the Rebels, under Hill, were too strong, and pushed back Wadsworth's division, eagerly pursuing it. As Wadsworth fell back with his left, and Archer pressed forward on his heels, the right of our division swung around on the rear of the pursuers, enveloping the Rebel advance, and making prisoners of Archer and 800 of his men.

Doubleday fell back to Seminary ridge, just west of the village where

he was joined by the residue of his corps; the 11th coming up almost simultaneously and taking post on his right; Howard ranking Doubleday and assuming command, assigning the 11th corps to Schurz. Here the struggle was renewed with spirit; our men having the better position, and the best of the fight; until, about 1 P. M., Ewell's corps, marching from York under orders to concentrate on Gettysburg, came rapidly into the battle-Rhodes's division assailing the 11th corps in front, while Early's struck hard on its right flank. Of course, being greatly outnumbered, the 11th was soon routed, falling back in disorder on Gettysburg, and compelling the 1st, which had hitherto fully held its own, to do likewise-the two divisions, under a heavy Rebel fire, commingling and obstructing each other



for Gettysburg; arriving just after Howard had taken post on Cemetery hill, and coming into position on his left. As he came up the Emmitsburg road, he might have been assailed by Hill's forces, holding the ridges on his left; but the enemy were satisfied with their day's work, and did not molest him.

in the streets of the village, and thus | teries to hold Emmitsburg, he put losing heavily in prisoners. Their the rest of his corps in rapid motion wounded, who had thus far been taken to Gettysburg, were of course abandoned to the enemy, as the débris of the two corps, scarcely half the number that had marched so proudly through those streets a few hours before, fell hastily back and were rallied on Cemetery hill, just south of the village: Buford, with his troopers, covering the retreat, and trying to show a bold front to the Rebels; who -though there were still several hours of good daylight-did not see fit to press their advantage: presuming that our whole army was moving hitherward, and fearing that they might miscalculate and suffer as Rey-mand there; which was done: Hannolds had just done.

And they were right. For Gen. Sickles, with his (3d) corps, which had advanced, the day before, from Taneytown to Emmitsburg, and had there received from Meade a circular to his corps commanders, directing a concentration on the line of Pipe creek-the left of the army at Middleburg, the right at Manchesterhad been preparing to move, as directed, to Middleburg, when, at 2 P. M.," he received a dispatch from Howard at Gettysburg, stating that the 1st and 11th corps were there engaged with a superior force, and that Reynolds had been killed; thereupon, calling urgently for assistance.

Gen. Meade was at Taneytown, when, at 1 P. M., news came that there was fighting at Gettysburg, and that Gen. Reynolds had been killed. He at once ordered Hancock to turn over his (2d) corps to Gibbon, hasten himself to Gettysburg, and take com

cock reaching Cemetery hill at 31 P. M., when the rear of our broken 1st and 11th corps was retreating in disorder through the village, hotly pursued by the triumphant foe. Howard having already formed a division on Cemetery hill, Hancock ordered Wadsworth to post his, or what was left of it (1,600 out of the 4,000 he had led to battle in the morning) on Culp's hill, at our right; while Gen. Geary, with the advance division of Slocum's (12th) corps, then coming up, was directed to take position on high ground toward Round Top, on our left. Meade had hurriedly requested Hancock to judge whether Gettysburg afforded us better ground Sickles was perplexed. Meade was for a battle than that he had selected at Taneytown, ten miles away; and on Pipe creek; and Hancock now to wait to hear from him was to leave (4 P. M.) sent word that he would Howard to his fate. Sickles had hold on here until Meade could arbeen moving on Gettysburg till halt-rive and judge for himself. But ed by Meade's new circular; and he Meade had already impelled the 2d decided that he ought to persist now; corps, under Gibbon, toward Gettys

so, leaving two brigades and two bat-burg. Hancock wrote him that the

31 July 1.

position here was good, but liable to be turned by way of Emmitsburg. Slocum having arrived at 7, and ranking Hancock, the latter turned over the command, as he had been instructed to do, and rode back to Meade, whom he reached at 9 P. M.; when he was told by Meade that he had decided to fight at Gettysburg, and had given orders accordingly." Both started for Gettysburg immediately, arriving at 11 P. M.

During that night, our army was all concentrated before Gettysburg, save Gen. Sedgwick's (6th) corps, which was at Manchester, 30 miles distant, when, at 7 P. M., it received orders to move at once on Taneytown; which were so changed, after it had marched 7 or 8 miles, as to require its immediate presence at Gettysburg, where it arrived, weary enough, at 2 P. M. next day.


ours. Of the entire Rebel army that had crossed the Potomac, scarcely a regiment was wanting when Pickett's division, forming the rear-guard, came up on the morning of the 2d.

On our side, Sickles's (3d) corps held the left, opposite Longstreet, supported by the 5th (Sykes's); with Hancock's (2d) in our center, touching its right; while what was left of Howard's (11th), rëenforced by 2,000 Vermonters, under Stannard, and Reynolds's (1st, now Doubleday's) corps held the face of Cemetery hill, looking toward Gettysburg and Early's division, but menaced also by Johnson's division on its right, and by Hill's corps, facing its left. The 12th corps (Slocum's) held our extreme right, facing Johnson's division of Ewell's corps, and had recently been strengthened by Lockwood's Marylanders, 2,500 strong; raising it to a little over 10,000 men. Buford's cavalry, pretty roughly handled on the 1st, was first sent to the rear to recruit, but confronted Stuart on our extreme right before the close of the 2d; Kilpatrick's division being posted on our left.

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Meantime, Lee also had been bringing up his several corps and divisions, posting them along the ridges north and west of Gettysburg and its rivulet, facing ours at distances of one to two miles. Longstreet's corps held his right, which was stretched considerably across the Emmitsburg Meade had resolved to fight a deroad; the divisions of Hood, Mc-fensive battle; beside, as Sedgwick's Laws, and Pickett posted from right strong corps (15,400) had not yet to left. Hill's corps, including the come up, while the whole Rebel divisions of Anderson, Pender, and army might fairly be presumed presHeth, held the center; while Ewell's, ent, it was not his interest to force composed of. Rhodes's, Early's, and the fighting. Yet he had given orJohnson's divisions, formed the Rebel ders to Slocum, commanding on our left, which bent well around the east right, for an attack on that wing side of our position, making the ene- with the 12th, 5th, and 6th corps so my's front considerably longer than soon as the 6th should arrive; but prudent general might very well forecast and mark out his line of retreat, even while resolved to hold on to the utmost. It does not appear that Meade told either of his corps commanders that he had any notion of retreating.

32 Gen. Butterfield, chief of staff, testifies that Meade directed him to make out, next morning, a General Order of retreat from Gettysburg, prescribing the route of each corps. Meade vehemently denies that he ever intended to retreat. These statements seem nowise incompatible. A

33 July 2.



the Rebel army. Meade remonstrated against this hazardous exposure, which Sickles considered within the scope of the discretion allowed him, but said he would withdraw, if desired, from the ridge he then occu

Slocum, after reconnoitering, reported that the ground in his front was unfavorable; whereupon, the attack was countermanded. The enemy not being yet ready, the morning wore out and the day wore on with the usual skirmishing and picket-firing at in-pied to that behind it, which Meade tervals along the front, with occasional shots from batteries on one side or the other; but nothing approaching a great battle.

indicated as the proper one. Meade replied that he apprehended that no such withdrawal would be permitted by the enemy; and, as he spoke, the Rebel batteries opened, and their charging columns came on.

At 3 P. M. Sedgwick's weary corps having just arrived-Sykes was ordered to move the 5th corps over Lee had ordered Longstreet to atfrom our right to our left, while tack Sickles with all his might, while Meade rode out to see it properly Ewell should assail Slocum on our posted on the left of the 3d; the 6th right, and Hill, fronting the apex of resting in reserve behind them. He our position, should only menace, now found that Sickles (who was but stand ready to charge if our very eager to fight, and seems to troops facing him should be withhave suspected that Meade was not) drawn or seriously weakened to rehad thrown forward his corps from enforce either our left or our right. half to three-fourths of a mile; so that, Sickles's new position was cominstead of resting his right on Han-manded by the Rebel batteries postcock and his left on Round Top, as ed on Seminary ridge in his front, he had been directed to do, his ad- scarcely half a mile distant; while vance was in fact across the Emmits-magnificent lines of battle, a mile burg road and in the woods beyond, and a half long, swept up to his front in the immediate presence of half and flanks, crushing him back with

34 11 Agate" "[Whitelaw Reid], of The Cincinnati Gazette, gives the following incident of this sanguinary fray:

"Let me give one phase of the fight-fit type of many more. Some Massachusetts batteriesCapt. Bigelow's, Capt. Phillips's, two or three more under Capt. McGilvry, of Maine-were planted on the extreme left, advanced now well down to the Emmitsburg road, with infantry in their front-the first division, I think, of Sickles's corps. A little after 5, a fierce Rebel charge drove back the infantry and menaced the batteries. Orders are sent to Bigelow on the extreme left, to hold his position at every hazard short of sheer annihilation, till a couple more batteries can be brought to his support. Reserving his fire a little, then with depressed guns opening with double charges of grape and canister, he smites and shatters, but cannot break the advancing line. His grape and canister are exhausted, and still, closing grandly up over their slain, on they come. He falls back on spherical case, and pours this in at the shortest range. On, still onward, comes the artillery-defying line,

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and still he holds his position. They are within six paces of the guns-he fires again. Once more, and he blows devoted soldiers from his very muzzles. And, still mindful of that solemn order, he holds his place, they spring upon his carriages, and shoot down his horses ! And then, his Yankee artillerists still about him, he seizes the guns by hand, and from the very front of that line drags two of them off. The caissons are farther back-five out of the six are saved.

"That single company, in that half-hour's fight, lost 33 of its men, including every sergeant it had. The captain himself was wounded. Yet it was the first time it was ever under fire! I give it simply as a type. So they fought along that fiery line!

"The Rebels now poured on Phillips's battery, and it, too, was forced to drag off the pieces by hand when the horses were shot down. From

a new position, it opened again; and at last the two rëenforcing batteries came up on the gallop. An enfilading fire swept the Rebel line; Sickles's gallantinfantry charged, the Rebel line swept back on a refluent tide-we regained the lost ground, and every gun just lost in this splendid fight."

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