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charge, losing heavily, but rendering | was repulsed; and the fight closed on. admirable service. this part of the field with our troops entirely successful.

Bragg had brought all his army across the creek to overwhelm our right and center, save that Breckinridge, with his division, remained opposite our left. At 103 A. M., he, too, received an order to advance and at

The weight of the Rebel attack had by this time fallen wholly on Thomas, commanding our center; Sheridan, entirely out of ammunition, falling still farther to the rear, and the triumphant Rebels pressing on until they had reached a position which gave them a concentric cross-tack; but he had only moved half a fire at short-range on Negley's and Rousseau's divisions. This compelled Thomas to withdraw them from the cedar woods to more open and favorable ground; his artillery holding a ridge on the right (south) of the Nashville turnpike. In executing this movement, the regulars, Lt.-Col. Shepherd, were brought under a murderous fire, by which they lost 530 men. But the ground now taken was held; our batteries here concentrated, and the Rebels' progress finally arrested; their repeated attempts to advance out of the cedar thicket on our right and front being defeated with great slaughter.

Palmer's division, holding the right of our left wing, had advanced, at 8 A. M., to support Negley's movement, covering his left; but had not proceeded far when Palmer found his safety compromised by a Rebel advance on his rear. Halting Cruft's brigade, and ordering Col. Grose to face to the rear, he opened fire on the Rebels, and quickly repulsed them; while Col. Hazen, falling back a short distance, occupied the crest of a low, wooded hill, between the Nashville turnpike and railroad, and held it firmly until Grose, having driven the enemy from his rear, came up to his assistance; as did two or three other regiments. Again and again was his position assailed; but each attack

mile, when a new order came to detach one or two brigades to the support of Polk, in the center; and he sent two brigades accordingly. He soon received a still further order to advance and attack, and then one to report to Polk with all but Hanson's brigade. Moving his remaining brigades, under Preston and Palmer, by the left flank, he crossed the creek and reported to Polk and Bragg just in season to see the brigades of Jackson and Adams, which he had previously sent, recoil from an assault on our lines; Adams being among the wounded. Breckinridge was now ordered to charge with Preston's and Palmer's brigades, and did so; gaining some ground, but losing considerably, and finally desisting, as night fell, because the position in his front was too strong to be carried by his force. During the night, he was ordered back, with Palmer's brigade, to his old position on the Rebel right.

Gen. Wood, who was in command of our division thus assailed, was wounded in the foot at 10 A. M.; but remained in the saddle till evening, when he turned over his command to Gen. M. S. Hascall. Though he had been obliged, early in the fight, to spare Hascall's and Harker's brigades to the relief of the center and right, he held his ground nobly through the day; his batteries replying forcibly


to those with which the enemy annoyed us from the heights south of the river, and his infantry repelling every charge made by the enemy. Before night, Estep's battery, which, with Cox's, had been splendidly served throughout, had lost so heavily that a detail of infantry was required to aid in working its guns. Bradley's 6th Ohio battery at one time lost two of its guns; but they were subsequently recaptured by the 13th Michigan.

Night fell on our army successful against every attempt which had for some hours been made to drive it; but with little reason for exultation. It had lost, since daylight, including stragglers, at least one-fourth of its numbers, with an equal proportion of its guns. It had lost half the ground on which it was encamped in the morning; and the Rebel cavalry were on its line of communications, making free with its baggage and supplies. Almost any General but Rosecrans would have supposed that there was but one point now to be considered: how to get back to Nashville with the least additional loss. But Rosecrans took stock of his ammunition, and found that there was enough left for another battle; so he resolved to stay. His guns were now well posted, and had the range of the ground in their front; and it had been fairly proved that the enemy could not take them, even with the help of the 28 we had lost. So, giving orders for the issue of all the remaining ammunition, drawing in his left a few rods, so that it might rest

12 Rousseau, in his official report, says: "As the enemy emerged from the woods in great force, shouting and cheering, the batteries of Loomis and Guenther, double-shotted with canister, opened upon them. They moved


advantageously on the creek, and welcoming and posting the brigades of Starkweather and Walker, which had come up as night fell, he lay down with his army to await such a New Year's Day as it should please God to send them. Ammunition being rather scanty, and fresh supplies expected, he proposed to keep the holiday in quiet, unless Bragg should decide otherwise.

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On a calm review of this day's desperate and doubtful carnage, there can not be a doubt that the battle was saved after it had been lost; and that the man who saved it was William S. Rosecrans. Thousands had done nobly-Thomas, Sheridan, | Wood, Rousseau, Palmer, Van Cleve, and others, eminently so-but the day might have been saved without any of them; while without Rosecrans it must have been lost. It was he who, when apprised too late of the sudden and utter demolition of his right wing, instantly pushed up Rousseau from his center to its relief, and hurried across Van Cleve's and other divisions from the left to stay the tide of Rebel success; it was he who-Van Cleve having just fallen-led the charge by a part of his division, which finally arrested the Rebels and repelled their advance on our right-Rousseau forthwith emulating his example, charging desperately the enemy in his front, and hurling them back into the cedars with fearful loss on both sides, but with prisoners taken by ours only." And when, later in the day, the storm of battle rolled around to

straight ahead for a while; but were finally driven back with immense loss. In a little while, they rallied again, and, as it seemed, with fresh troops, again assailed our position; and were again, after a fierce struggle, driven back.

to save his own. Says Rosecrans, in his official report:

"The day closed, leaving us masters of the original ground on our left, and our line advantageously posted, with open ground in front, swept at all points by our artillery. We had lost heavily in killed and wounded, and a considerable number in stragglers and prisoners; also, 28 pieces of artillery: the horses having been slain, and our troops being unable to withdraw them, by hand, over the rough ground; but the enemy had been roughly handled, and badly damaged at all points, having had no success where we had open ground, and our troops properly posted; none, which did not depend on the original crushing of our right and the superior masses which were, in consequence, brought to bear upon the narrow front of Sheridan's and Negley's divisions, and a part of Palmer's, coupled with the scarcity of ammunition, caused by the circuitous road which the train had taken, and the inconvenience of getting it from a remote distance through the cedars."

Both armies maintained their respective positions throughout the fol

our center and left, falling heavily on Palmer's and Wood's divisions, Rosecrans was there, directing, encouraging, steadying; though the head of his chief of staff, Garesché, was blown to pieces by a shell while riding by the General's side, and three or four others of his staff or escort were wounded-one of them mortally and as many more lost their horses. To Garesché, he was deeply attached -they two being Roman Catholics, as were none other of his military family-but he was too intent on his work to seem to heed the fall of his beloved friend; and when another of the staff said to him, "Garesché is dead,” “I am very sorry," was the quiet response, "but we can not help it." Soon word came (erroneously), "McCook is killed." "We can not help it," was the General's calm re-lowing day." There were artillery ply; "this battle must be won." duels at intervals, and considerable And it was won. Before sunset, the picket-firing, whereby some casualRebels had tried him on every side, ties were suffered, mainly on our and been beaten back-with fearful center and left; but nothing like a carnage, indeed, but no greater on serious attack: the lines of the two our side than on theirs their ad- armies confronting each other at vantage being confined to our loss of close range, alert and vigilant; while guns and prisoners in the morning, brigades and regiments were silently consequent on McCook's sudden, moved from point to point, and rifleoverwhelming disaster. In the fight-pits and other hasty defenses were ing since 11 o'clock, the carnage had been greater on the side of the Rebels; and they had lost confidence, if not ground. At 9 A. M., they had supposed our army in their hands; at sunset, Bragg had enough to do Four deliberate and fiercely sustained assaults were made upon our position, and repulsed. During the last assault, I was informed that our troops were advancing on our right, and saw troops, out of my division, led by Gen. Rosecrans, moving in that direction. I informed Gen. Thomas of the fact, and asked leave to advance my lines. He directed me to do so. We made a charge upon the enemy, and drove him into the woods; my staff and orderlies capturing some 17 prisoners, including a Captain and

constructed on either side, in preparation for the impending struggle. Meantime, some ammunition trains— which the Rebel cavalry had driven from their proper positions in our rear, and compelled to make long Lieutenant, who were within 130 yards of the batteries. This ended the fighting of that day: the enemy in immense force hovering in the woods during the night, while we slept on our arms on the field of battle. We occupied this position during the three following days and nights of the fight. Under Gen. Thomas's direction, I had it intrenched by rifle-pits, and believe the enemy could not have taken it at all.”

Friday, Jan. 1, 1863.


circuits to rejoin their commands were brought up and their contents distributed. At night, our men lay down on their arms again, and all was quiet. Hitherto, the weather had been bright and mild; so that there was no suffering save on the part of the wounded.

The quiet remained unbroken till 8 next morning;" when the Rebels suddenly opened fire from many batteries which had meantime been stealthily planted in front of our center and left. Hascall's division of Crittenden's corps was exposed to the heaviest of this fire, and suffered severely-Estep's battery being quickly disabled, losing so many horses that its guns were necessarily drawn off by infantry. But Bradley's and other batteries now opened on our side; and, after half an hour's firing, the Rebels ceased as suddenly as they had begun. Our infantry, though losing heavily, did not change its position.

Van Cleve's division, after losing its chief, had been moved back toward our left, Col. Sam. Beatty commanding; and, at daybreak this morning, had in good part been sent across the stream, taking post on the bluff beyond, as if in pursuance of Rosecrans's original purpose to take Murfreesboro' by a determined advance of his left. Throughout the morning, the rest of Van Cleve's infantry, and two or three batteries, followed. The Rebel army having been nearly all moved farther to our right, in executing or in following up the original demonstration on that wing, this movement encountered no opposition; though skirmishing along Beatty's front grew livelier and more


| determined toward midday; showing
that the enemy
enemy were gradually
creeping up. At noon, a battery
opened on our front, while other bat-
teries were seen moving to our left,
as if to flank us in that quarter. At
3 P. M., our skirmishers reported that
the enemy were throwing down the
fences before them, as if making
ready to charge; and, before any
dispositions could be made to receive
them, Breckinridge's entire corps,
strengthened by 10 Napoleon 12-
pounders, forming three magnificent
columns of assault, seemed to emerge
from the earth, and, aided by a heavy
enfilading fire of Bishop Polk's artil-
lery, toward the center, swept on to
the charge.

Their strength was overwhelming; and the fire of our first line, consisting of the 51st Ohio, 8th Kentucky, 35th and 78th Indiana, barely sufficed to check their determined and confident advance. In a few minutes, our men gave way in disorder, sweeping the second line with them, or constraining it to follow their example. The reserve, consisting of the 19th Ohio, 9th and 11th Kentucky, was then sent up, and fought gallantly; but were far too weak, and, being threatened by a movement on their right flank, fell back, fighting, to the river and across it, losing heavily.

But now the solid Rebel, masses, formed six deep, eagerly pursuing, came within the range of Crittenden's carefully planted batteries across the stream, and were plowed through and through; while the divisions of Negley and Jeff. C. Davis, with St. Clair Morton's engineers, pressed forward to the rescue. The Rebels were in

14 Jan. 2.

turn overmatched and hurled back | menced the movement, as stealthily

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as possible, at 11 P. M.; gathering up his men and guns so cautiously that even our pickets were not aware of his Hegira till broad daylight," when too late for effective pursuit; which, in fact, our inferiority in cavalry must at any rate have rendered comparatively fruitless. We do not seem even to have advanced on his track till Monday.


Wheeler's cavalry, after vigorously resisting our advance to Stone river, had been dispatched" by Bragg to the rear of our army; capturing Lavergne," taking 700 prisoners, and destroying heavy army trains, with a large amount of stores. Thence hastening to Rock Spring and Nolensville, they made still further cap

in disorder; losing four of their guns, the flag of the 26th Tennessee, and a considerable body of prisoners. Had not darkness fallen directly, while a heavy rain had set in, Rosecrans would have pursued the fugitives right into Murfreesboro'." As it was, Crittenden's corps and Davis's division both passed over, reoccupied the commanding ground, and, before morning, were solidly intrenched there, ready for whatever emergency. Another night of anxious watchfulness gave place to a morning of pouring rain, by which the ground was so sodden as to impede the movement of artillery. We were short of ammunition till 10 A. M., when an anxiously expected train was welcomed. Batteries were now constructed on the ground so handsome-tures at each; and, having passed ly gained on our left, by which even Murfreesboro' could be shelled; and Gens. Thomas and Rousseau, who had for days been annoyed by Rebel sharp-shooters from the cedar thickets in their front, obtained permission from Rosecrans to dislodge them by a charge, following a sharp fire of artillery-four regiments entering and soon clearing the woods, capturing 70 or 80 prisoners. No counter-movement being attempted, the fourth day closed peacefully, and was followed by a quiet night.

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around" our army, reached the left flank of Bragg's, just as it commenced its great and successful charge on McCook; guarding that flank, and coming into action as it gained the Nashville turnpike, just north of Overall's creek. Wheeler of course claims the advantage in this fight; but admits that he fell back at the close, numbering Col. Allen and Lt.Col. Webb among his wounded. Next morning, he went up the turnpike to Lavergne; capturing another train and a gun; regaining, by order, the front during the night; and, being again sent, at 9 P. M., to our rear;

Thomas, on Monday morning, drove the Rebel rear-guard (cavalry) six or seven miles southward, and that

"We learned that the enemy's infantry had reached Shelbyville by 12 M. on Sunday; but, owing to the impracticability of bringing up supplies, and the loss of 557 artillery horses, farther pursuit was deemed inadvisable." 19 Night of Dec. 29–30. 20 Dec. 30.

1 Dec. 31.

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