Imágenes de páginas

DECEMBER 1, 1913-OCTOBER 24, 1914



VOL. 2





417. Taxation of real estate in District of Columbia. 2 pts.

418. Repeal of law relative to claims originating before Civil War.

419. Homestead entries by minors.

420. To abolish office of receiver at land office at Springfield, Mo.

421. Leaves of absence to homestead settlers.

422. Allotment and distribution of Indian tribal funds.

424. Bridge across Missouri River near Kansas City, Mo.

425. Grant of land to Christ Church On-the-Hill, Poplar, Mont.

426. Country parks and community centers within reclamation projects.

431. Authorizing Shoshone Indians to bring suit in Court of Claims.

432. Intermarriage of white and negró races in District of Columbia.

433. Holding of trust funds by National Academy of Sciences.

434. Public building at Pensacola, Fla.

449. Disposition of useless papers in Treasury Department.

450. Consolidation of sundry funds from unpaid Indian annuities.

451. Leasing unallotted lands in Indian reservations.

452. Public roads on certain Indian reservations.

454. Loan of tents, etc., to military colleges and schools.

456. Federal building at Harrisburg, Pa.

457. Sale of remnant lands to Caddo County, Okla.

458. Conference report on urgent deficiency appropriation bill.

459. Postage on seeds, cuttings, plants, etc.

461. Civil government for Porto Rico.

462. Pleading, procedure, and practice in Federal courts.

463. Purchase of seed, live stock, etc., for Indians.

465. To invite nations to participate in National Drainage Congress, 1914.

466. To refer claim of Rhode Island to Court of Claims.

468. Public building at Newcastle, Ind.

470. Conference report on urgent deficiency appropriation bill.

481. Consolidation of certain lands in Sierra national forest, etc.

484. To refer claims of Iowa Indians to Court of Claims.

485. Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, 1915.

486. Pension appropriation bill, 1915.

488. Sales by supply departments of Army to military schools, etc.

489. To validate certain acts of Alaska Legislature.

495. Fish-cultural stations in Minnesota.

496. Fish-cultural station in Florida.

497. Fish-cultural station on Long Island, N. Y.

498. Fish-cultural station in Louisiana.

499. Fish-cultural station in State of Washington.

500. Investigation of fur-seal industry of Alaska. 2 pts.

505. To extend time for payment under reclamation projects.

507. Conference report on Military Academy appropriation bill, 1915.

509. Income tax on railroads in Alaska.

512. Navy and Army medal-of-honor honor roll.

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