Imágenes de páginas


jealous of the great man the niece Belinda] eyes?' asked a second. 'Handsomest creature has from a pale little threadpaper girl become I ever beheld! What a quiz the old girl is!" a plump, rosy charmer, slighly given to co- Is she her daughter? inquired a third of Captain Doleful, who was busy marshalling the proquetry-but at heart good, and really very cession. 'Lots of money I suppose?' pretty. Batsy, the maid, is still what we re- looks like a rich fellow, with that great sack of member-handsome, active, clever, manag- a M'Intosh. The servant girl's not bad-looking-a principal personage in the establish- ing.' Miss for my money, I'm in love with her ment, and possessing special influence over already. I wish she'd stand up and let's see her her master. Binjamin, the boy, is as short size.' 'I lay a guinea she's a clipper. There's as when Jorrocks picked him out of the Pentonville Poorhouse-but his wits have been considerably sharpened from living several years under the roof, and occasionally partaking in the sporting excursions, of so eminent a connoisseur.

a hand! I'll be bound for it she has a good
foot and ankle. None of your hairy-heel'd ones.'
lots of dinners, I dare say?
"He looks like a jolly old dog. We shall have
Doleful's face
wrinkled into half its usual size with delight,
for he plainly saw he had made a hit; and most

fortunate were those who had cultivated his
friendship through the medium of the subscrip-
tion-books at the libraries, for the two-guinea
trio, while the guinea men were let in at inter-
subscribers were immediately presented to the
vals as the procession moved along."-vol. i.
pp. 170, 171.

Mr. J. and family tear themselves from Great Coram Street, and proceed to the Terminus in the same elegant vehicle which we had admired of old on the cover-side near Croydon a roomy, double-bodied phaeton, sky-blue body, red wheels picked out with black-Jorrocks and Belinda in front, Mrs. From the balcony of the Dragon the M. J. and Betsy behind-the two celebrated C. addresses the assembled beauty, fashion steeds of all-work, Xerxes, and Arter-Xerxes, Turf, Road, and Chase of Handley Cross, tandemwise-Benjamin riding postilion on in an oration, which Mrs. Jorrocks and the leader. In two or three short hours they

Belinda hear from the front drawing-room with tremors of agitated delight. Doleful closes, and the great Jorrocks, having cast aside his dingy white M'Intosh, and set wig and whiskers straight, steps forth :

are carried over what used to be a long day's journey, and arrive at the Handley Cross Station of the Lily-white sand Railway, recently opened for the purpose of supplying the metropolis with that useful article. The prin- ""'Ow are ye all?' said Mr. Jorrocks with the cipal members of the hunting club are in greatest familiarity, nodding round to the meetwaiting, with the charity boys and girls in ing, and kissing his hand. 'Opes you are well. their Sunday clothes, the Spa band, and in You see I've come down to be master of your 'ounds, and first of all I'll explain to you what I fact the élite of the now fashionable place. Mr. Jorrocks is received amidst tumultuous a man a master of 'ounds wot sticks an 'orn in means by the word master. Some people call demonstrations of curiosity and respect. his saddle, and blows when he likes, but leaves Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Barnington, nor any of every thing else to the 'untsman. That's not the exclusives, have been let in to the grocer- the sort of master of 'ounds I mean to be. Others ship-Mr. J. has been to them merely call a man a master of 'ounds wot puts in the wealthy gentleman engaged in commercial paper Mr. So-and-so's 'ounds meet on Monday, at the Loin o' Lamb; on Wednesday, at the pursuits'-and if the appearance of himself Brisket o' Weal; and on Saturday, at the Fryand his party be somewhat less imposing than ing-pan; and after that, jest goes out or not, had been anticipated, much toleration is ex- as suits his conwenience-but that's not the sort tended to the caprices of a sporting million- of master of 'ounds I means to be. Again, some naire. No doubt the regular equipages are call themselves masters of 'ounds, when they to come down by the slower train in the after-pay the difference atwixt the subscription and



"Mr. Jorrocks, pulling short up, stood erect in the vehicle, and taking off his low-crowned hat bowed and waved it repeatedly to the company, while Mrs. Jorrocks acknowledged the compliment by frequent kisses of her hand, and Belinda's face became suffused with blushes at the publicity and novelty of her situation.-Having sufficiently exercised their lungs, hats began to rest upon their owners' heads, handkerchiefs were returned to their reticules, and amid a general buzz and exclamation of applause a rush was made at the carriage to get a closer view of Belinda. By Jove, what a beautiful girl!' exclaimed Captain Percival, eyeing Belinda through his glass. 'Did you ever see such

the cost, leaving the management of matters, the them sort of partiklars to the Secretary-but receipt of money, payment of damage, and all thats not the sort of master of 'ounds I means to be. Still I means to ride with an 'orn in my saddle. Yonder it is, see,' said he, pointing to the package behind the carriage, 'a reg'lar Percival, silver mouth-piece, deep cupp'd—and I means to adwertise the 'ounds in the paper, and not go sneakin' about like some of them beggarly Cockney 'unts, that look more as if they were goin' to rob a hen-roost than 'unt a fox, but, havin' fixed the meets, I shall attend them most punctual and regler, and take off my 'at to all payin' subscribers as they come up' (cheers.)"

How very good is Jorrocks's thus early

joining in the cry against Cockneys! He | keen rivalry between Mrs. Barnington and proceeds: Mrs. Jorrocks in the salon-while the "Of all sitivations under the sun, none is more new M. F. H. gives his morning to the kenenviable or more 'onerable than a master of fox-nel, his day to the field, his evenings "to 'ounds! Talk of a M. P.! vot's an M. P. com- the mahogany"-that public balls and fancy pared to an M. F. H.? Your M. P. lives in a balls occur at proper intervals—and that tainted hatmosphere among other M. P.s. and the interest of the new dynasty is much loses his consequence by the commonness of the promoted by the charms of Belinda. Benoffice, and the scoldings he gets from his constituents; but an M.F.H. holds his levee in the jamin undertakes the office of whipper-in stable, his levee in the kennel, and his levee in under the tea-merchant-but Jorrocks by the 'unting-field-is great and important every and by establishes, even to his own satiswhere-has no one to compete with him, no one faction, his incompetency to hunt the pack to find fault, but all join in doing honor to him himself-and hereupon much trouble and to whom honor is so greatly due (cheers.) And alarm ensue. The grocer's blood is upoh, John Jorrocks! my good frind,' continued in for a penny in for a pound: albeit the the worthy grocer, fumbling the silver in his small-clothes with upturned eyes, 'to think that subscriptions come in poorly, a real huntsyou, after all the ups and downs of life-the man must be hired-otherwise the honor crossins and jostling of merchandise and ungo- and glory of Great Coram Street are gone. vernable trade-the sortin of sugars-the mexing Mr. Jorrocks advertises in " Bell's Life," of teas-the postins of ledgers, and handlin of and the letters that pour in are far too good inwoices, should have arrived at this distin- not to be exemplified :guished post, is most miraculously wonderful, most singularly queer. Gentlemen, this is the proudest moment of my life! (cheers.) I've now "Sir,-On hearing you want a huntsman, I take reached the top-rail in the ladder of my hambi- the liberty of writing to enquire after the place tion! (renewed cheers.) Binjimin!' he hallooed I thoroly understand my business either as groom out to the boy below; 'Binjimin! I say, give or coachman and have been accustomed with an eye to them 'ere harticles behind the chay-hounds I live at present with John Jones Esq at the children are all among the Copenhagen Warminster as groom and gardner where I brandy and marmeylad! Vy don't you vollop leave on Thursday first if you want a servant I 'em? Vere's the use of furnishing you with a shall be glad to serve you as I am a married vip, I vonder?' "Your obedient servant JOHN CRAKETHORPE." "To Mr. Jorrocks, Esq.,

"To resume,' said he, after he had seen the back of the carriage cleared of the children, and the marmalade and things put straight. "Unting, as I have often said, is the sport of kingsthe image of war without its guilt, and only fiveand-twenty per cent. of its danger. I doesn't know what the crazyologists may say, but I believes my head is nothin' but one great bump of 'unting (cheers.) 'Unting fills my thoughts by day, and many a good run I have in my sleep. I'm none of your fine, dandified, Rotten-row swells, that only ride out to ride 'ome again, but I loves the smell of the mornin' hair, and the werry mud on my tops when I comes home of an evenin' is dear to my 'eart (cheers.) Oh, my frinds! if I could but go to the kennel now, get out the 'ounds, find my fox, have a good chivey. and kill him-for no day is good to me without blood-I'd-I'd-l'd-drink three pints of port after dinner instead of two! (loud cheers.) .... We'll soon get acquainted, and then you'll say that John Jorrocks is the man for your money. At present I've done-hoping werry soon to meet you all in the field-for the present I says


"Hereupon Mr. Jorrocks bowed, and, kissing his hand, backed out of the balcony, leaving his auditory to talk him over at their leisure."-vol. i. pp. 182–186.

The dramatis persone are now mustered, and the play begins: but we have no desire to anticipate the satisfaction with which it is sure to be studied as a whole. It will be guessed that the plot embraces a


Handley Cross,"


"Dear Sir, I take Liberty of writing those Few Lines to you Hereing that you are In Want of A Servant And I Am In Want of A Situation If you Have No Objections And I have Been in the Racing Stables Seven Years And My Age is 23 And Stands About 65 foot 64 And My Wages will be 30£ A year And If you thought I Should Suit You Direct to Mark Spraggon, North-fleet And for My Caracter Inquire of Major Barns of Horton Hall Near York And My Weight is A bout 9 stone. I am disengaged in the woman way

"Your humble Servant MARK SPRAGGON."


"To J. Jorrocks, Esq. 'For hunter 'Handley Cross." James Pigg a Newcastle-man Scotchman, as Mr. Jorrocks calls him—at length obtains the envied situation, and James's rough honesty, keenness, and local songs (or national melodies as his master phrases it) do credit to the North, whatever his drinking and swearing may do. Pigg is quite a character, and an admirable foil to the tricking, lazy rascality of the Cockney boy Benjamin.

But Benjamin has other foils. We beg to give a scene in the harness-room at the

of assistant-waiter in the Dragon, as was the case on this occasion."

Dragon-just before the Newcastle-man arrives. Here we have Benjamin in the full double importance of the whipper-in to a think ye, Mr. Benjamin?' was the question put "When will your hounds be going out again gentleman huntsman, and the London by Samuel Strong to our sporting Leviathan. Gamin among snobs. The party is a most """Ang me if I knows,' replied the boy, with interesting one: first and foremost, seated the utmost importance, turning his top-boots beon an inverted horse pail, immediately before the fire. It's precious little consequence, fore the fire, appears Mr. Samuel Strong:-I thinks, ven we goes out again, if that gallows old governor of ours persists in 'unting the

In stature he was of the middle height, square-'ounds himself. I've all the work to do! Bless built, and terribly clumsy. Nor were the de- ye, we should have lost 'ounds, fox, and all, yesfects of nature at all counteracted by the advan-terday, if I hadn't rid like the werry vengeance. tages of dress, for Strong was clad in a rural See 'ow I've scratched my mug,' added he, turnsuit of livery consisting of a footman's morning ing up a very pasty countenance. 'If I'm to 'unt jacket, with a standing-up collar made of dark the 'ounds, and risk my neck at every stride, I grey cloth, plentifully bespringled with large must have the wages of a 'untsman, or blow me brass buttons, with a raised edge, as though his tight the old 'un may suit himself.' master were expecting his crest from the He- "What'n a chap is your old gen'leman?' inralds' College. Moreover, the jacket, either quired the first pair boy out.' from an original defect in its construction, or "Oh, hang me if I knows,' replied Benjamin; from that propensity to shrink which inferior precious rum 'un, I assure you. While he's cloths unfortunately have, had so contracted its wery well-then it's Bin this, and Bin that, and dimensions that the waist-buttons were half-way you'll be a werry great man, Bin, and such like up Samuel's back, and the lower ones were just gammon; and then the next minute, perhaps, where the top ones ought to be. The shrink- he's in a regular sky-blue, swearing he'll cut my ing of the sleeves placed a pair of large ser- liver and lights out, or bind me apprentice to a viceable-laooking hands in nervously striking fiddler--but then I knows the old fool, and he relief. The waistcoat, broad blue and white stripe knows he carnt do without me, so we just battle made up lengthwise, was new, and probably the and jog on the best way we can together.' tailor, bemoaning the scanty appearance of Sam's "You'll have good wages, I 'spose?' rejoined nether man, had determined to make some Samuel with a sigh, for his 'governor' only gave atonement to his front, for the waistcoast extend-him ten pounds a year, and no perquisites, or ed full four inches below his coat, and concealed the upper part of a very baggy pair of blue plush shorts, that were met again by very tight arab gaiters, that evidently required no little ingenuity to coax together to button. A six-shilling hat, with a narrow silver band, and binding of the same metal, and a pair of darned white Berlin gloves, completed the costume of this figure servant.


'Binjimin' was the very converse of Samuel -a little puny, pale-faced, gin-drinking-looking, Cockney, with a pair of roving pig eyes, peering from below his lonk white hair, cut evenly round his head, as though it had been done by the edges of a barber's basin.

'stealings,' as the Americans honestly call them. "Precious little of that, I assure you,' replied Benjamin-' at least the old warment never pays me. He swears he pays it to our old 'oman, but I believe he pockets it himself, an old ram; but I'll have a reckoning with him some of these odd days. What'n a blackguard's your master?'

"Hush! replied Samuel, astonished at Ben's freedom of speech, a thing not altogether understood in the country. A bad 'un, I'll be bound," continued the little rascal, or he wouldn't see you mooning about in such a rumbustical apology for a coat, with laps that scarce cover you decently; reaching behind the aged postboy, "On the boiler-side of the fire, away from the and taking up Mr. Samuel's fan-tail as he spoke. door-for no one has a greater regard for No. I. 'I never sees a servant in a cutty coat without than himself-sat the renowned Benjamin Brady, swearing his master's a screw. Now these droll in a groom's drab frock-coat reaching down to things, such as you have on, are just vot the his heels, a shyblue waistcoat, patent cord great folks in London give their flunkies to carry breeches, with grey worsted stockings, and slip- coals and make up fires in, but never to go stapers, airing a pair of very small mud-stained top-ring from home with. Then your country folks boots before the fire, occasionally feeling the scratches on his face, and the bites the fox inflicted on his nose the previous day. Next him sat the first pair boy out,' a grey-headed old man of sixty, whose jacket, breeches, boots, entire person in fact, were concealed by a long brownholland thing, that gave him the appearance of sitting booted and spurred in his night-shirt. Then came the ostler's lad, a boy of some eight or nine years old, rolling about on the flags, playing with the saddle-room cat; and the circle was made out by Bill Brown (Dick the ostler's one-eyed helper), Tom,' a return postboy, and a lad who assisted Bill Brown, the one-eyed helper of Dick the ostler, when Dick himself was acting the part

get hold of them, and think, by clapping such clowns as you in them, to make people believe that they have other coats at home. Tell the truth now, old baggy-breeches, have you another coat of any sort ?

"Yee'as,' replied Samuel Strong, 'I've a fustian one."

"Vot, you a fustian coat!' repeated Benjamin in astonishment; 'vy, I thought you were a flunky!

"So I am,' replied Samuel, 'but I looks arter a hus and shay as well.'

"Crikey cried Benjamin; 'here's a figure futman wot looks arter an 'oss and chay! Vy, you'll be vot they call a man of 'all vork,' a

vite nigger in fact! Dear me !" added he, eye- and talliho! till they bring the street-keeper to ing him in a way that drew a peal of laughter make them quiet." from the party; "vot a curious beast you must be! I shouldn't wonder now if you could mow!'

[blocks in formation]

"Never tried-dare say I could though.'
"And do ye feed the pigs? inquired Benjamin.
"Yee'as, when Martha's away.'
"And who's Martha?"

"Whoy, she's a widder woman, that lives a'back o' the church. She's a son aboard a steamer, and she goes to see him whiles.'

"You had a fine run t'other day, I hear,' observed Joe, the deputy-helper, in a deferential tone to Mr. Brady. Uncommon!' replied Benjamin, shrugging up his shoulders at the recollection of it, and clearing the low bars of the grate out with his toe. They tell me your old governor tumbled off,' continued Joe, and lost his hoss.' Wery like,' replied Benjamin with a grin. A great fat beast! he's only fit for vater carriage!"--Vol. i. pp. 224--232.

After the Newcastle-man's installation the affairs of the Hunt assumed a much more agreeable appearance-and we are entertained with a variety of field-scenes, Your governor s an apothecary, I suppose, exhibiting the noblest of our sports in a by that queer button,' observed Benjamin, eyeing Sam's coat-wot we call a chemist and style of description not inferior, we think, druggist in London. Do you look arter the red even to Mr. Apperley's. But, spirited as and green winder bottles now? Crikey! he these are, and highly as they are set off by don't look as though he lived on physic altogeth- the picturesque peculiarities of the illustrier, does he?' added Benjamin, turning to Billous grocer, we must not be tempted to Brown, the helper, amid the general laughter of quote them. We are, in fact, still more

the company.

"My master's a better man than ever you'll be, you little ugly sinner,' replied Samnel Strong breaking into a glow, and doubling a most serviceable-looking fist on his knee.

pleased with the hero in his evening uniform-"a sky-blue coat lined with pink silk, canary waistcoat and shorts, pink gauze-silk stockings, and French-polished pumps,"-than when arrayed in the scarlet of the morning. His jolly countenance, free and easy manners, unconquerable good humor, and delightfully open vanity, cannot but recommend him to the hospitable "Vy, cookmaids and such-like h'animals-attentions of the neighboring gentry whose women in general.'

"We've only your word for that,' replied Benjamin; he don't look like a werry good 'un by the way he rigs you out. 'Ow many slaveys does he keep?"

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"Slaveys? repeated Samuel; slaveys?

what be they?"

"Ow, two-one to clean the house and dress the dinner, t'other to milk the cows and dress the childer.'

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Oh, you 'ave childer, 'ave you, in your 'ouse?' exclaimed Benjamin in disgust. Well, come, ours is bad, but we've nothing to ekle that. I wouldn't live where there are brats for no manner of consideration.'

"You've a young missis, though, havn't you?" inquired the aged postboy: there was a young lady came down in the chay along with

the old folk."

covers are included in "Mr. Jorrocks's country." We have him dining with the young Earl of Ongar amidst a most distindrunk"-is soused into a cold bath at night, guished company, where he gets "werry and finds his face painted like a zebra in the morning-all without the least disturbance of his equanimity; for "sport is sport"

pleasure as we like it"-are of old the maxims of Coram Street. Indeed, we might go over a dozen different dinners, from the "That's the niece,' replied Benjamin-"a lordly castle to the honest farmer's homejolly nice gal she is too-her home's in Vite- stead, without finding him once put out. chapel-often get a tissey out of her-that's to Jorrocks is, in fact, bore-proof. Scarcely say, the young men as follows her, so it comes a sympton of flinching even when he is to the same thing. Green-that's him of Tooley planted right opposite to a celebrated exStreet-gives shillings because he has plenty; president of the Geological Society, who then Stubbs, wot lives near Boroughbridge--president

the place the rabbits come from-gives half (unlike the learned and gallant President) crowns, because he hasn't much. Then Stubbs has never had any familiarity with the is such a feller for kissing of the gals. 'Be'have yourself, or I'll scream,' I hears our young lady say, as I'm a listening at the door. Don't, says he, kissing of her again, you'll hurt your throat,-let me do it for you.' Then to hear our old cove and he talk about 'unting of an evening over their drink, you'd swear they were as mad as hatters. They jump, and shout, and sing,

We fancy this proverbial similitude has no reference to the makers of hats; but originated during the early phrenzy of the Quakers.

chances of the field. This philosopher was spunging on some great Duke or Marquess not far off; but Jorrocks and he are accidentally thrown together at the festive board of a certain ultra-liberal squire, who, after a fashion, patronises both the whip and the hammer, but whose chief glory is having been put on the commission under the late, and we trust last, administration of the Whigs:

"Been in this part of the country before, sir ? | S. M. Phillipps, in fact-don't do business at the inquired Professor Gobelow, cornering his chair towards Mr. Jorrocks.

"In course,' replied Mr. Jorrocks; 'I 'nnts the country, and am in all parts of it at times-ven I goes out of a mornin' I doesn't know where I may be afore night.'

Indeed!' exclaimed the professor. 'Delightful occupation!' continued he: 'what opportunities you have of surveying Nature in all her moods, and admiring her hidden charms! Did you ever observe the extraordinary formation of the hanging rocks about a mile and a half to the east of this? The-'

"I run a fox into them werry rocks, I do believe,' interrupted Mr. Jorrocks, brightening up. 'We found at Haddington Steep, and ran through Nosterley Firs, Crampton Haws, and Fitchin Park, where we had a short check, owin' to the stain o' deer, but I hit off the scent outside, and we ran straight down to them rocks, when all of a sudden thounds threw up, and I was certain he had got among 'em. Vell, I got a spade and a tarrier, and I digs, and digs, and works on, till, near night, th' 'ounds got starved, th' osses got cold, and I got the rheumatis, but, howsomever, we could make nothin' of him; but I'

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"Then you would see the formation of the whole thing,' interposed the professor. The carboniferous series is extraordinarily developed. Indeed, I know of nothing to compare with it, except the Bristol coal-field, on the banks of the Avon. There the dolomitic conglomerate, a rock of an age intermediate between the carboniferous series and the lias, rests on the truncated edges of the coal and mountain limestone, and contains rolled and angular fragments of the latter, in which are seen the characteristic mountain limestone fossils. The geological formation

Here the Professor is unfortunately interrupted:

"Letter from the Secretary of State for the HOME Department,' exclaimed the stiff-necked boy, re-entering and presenting Mr. Muleygrubs with a long official letter on a large silver tray. "Confound the Secretary of State for the Home Department!' muttered Mr. Muleygrubs, pretending to break a seal as he hurried out of the room.

"That's a rouse!' (ruse,) exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, putting his forefinger to his nose, and winking at Mr. De Green-'gone to the cellar.' "Queer fellow, Muleygrubs,' observed Mr. De Green. What a dinner it was exclaimed Mr. Slowman. "Ungry as when I sat down,' remarked Mr. Jorrocks. All flash!' rejoined Professor Gobelow.

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"The footboy now appeared, bringing the replenished decanter."

Jorricks of course proposes the squire's health, with three times three, and one cheer more. He returns a speech again -more cheers:

Home Office as they used when Russell was there-wrote himself-Dear Muleygrubs-Dear Russell-good man of business, Lord John.'

"Ah,' said Mr. Jorricks, 'Lords are all werry well to talk about; but they don't do to live with. Apt to make a conwenience of one-first a towel, then a dishclout.'

"I don't know that,' observed Professor Gobelow: 'there's my friend Northington, for instance. Who can be more affable?

"He'll make a clout on you some day,' rejoined Mr. Jorricks.

"Tea and coffee in the drawing-room,' observed the stiff-necked footmen, opening the door and entering the apartment in great state. 'Cuss your tea and coffee!' muttered Mr. Jorricks, buzzing the bottle. "Haven't had half a drink.'". vol. ii. p. 256.

We hope we have now done enough to bring Jorrocks fairly before the non-sporting part of the public-the others will not need our recommendation. His historian, it must be obvious, is a writer of no common promise. On this occasion Mr. Surtees has not thought proper to trouble himself with much complication of plot; but the easy style in which he arranges and draws out his characters satisfies us that he might, if he pleased, take a high place among our mo dern novelists. He has a world of knowledge of life and manners beyond what most of those now in vogue can pretend to; and a gentleman-like tone and spirit, perhaps even rare among them. We advise him to try his hand-and that before he loses the high spirits of youth;-but he must, in so doing, by all means curb his propensity to


AMERICAN MONUMENTS.-From Copenhagen, we have accounts of the annual meeting of the Northern Archæological Society-the most interesting of whose proceedings were the presentation and explanation of several monuments recently discover ed in America, corroborative of the view of its early intercourse with Europe, long before the days of Columbus. These monuments were,-1, a stone slab, bearing an inscription composed of twenty-four Runic characters, discovered in the valley of the Ohio; 2, a pair of pincers, of massive silver, found in the Brazilian province of Bahia, exactly resembling those of the same kind, in bronze, so often met with in the tumulary mounds of Scandinavian countries; 3, arrows, with heartshaped heads in rock crystal, saws made with the teeth of sharks and fragments of flints, discovered in California, and resembling iall respects those used by the ancient Greenlanders, and 4, three very ancient Peruvian vases.—Athenæum.

OPACITY OF MILK-Milk consists of a multitude of transparent globules of fat (butter), floating in a transparent liquid; or rather of two liquids both "And 'ow's the Secretary o' State for the transparent, but of different refractive powers: that 'Ome Department? inquired Mr. Jorricks, with is, they break the rays of light in opposing directions, producing irregular refraction, and to this the opaa malicious grin, after Mr. Muleygrubs had sub-city is due. Mr. Fownes mentioned frosted glass as an explanatory instance of an irregularly refractive surface, the glass itself clear. Lit. Gaz.

sided into his seat.

"Oh, it was merely a business letter-official!

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