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Varieties.-Omens and CharmsA


Countenances, which have not yet lost What then is to be the fate of these

A more favourable prospect seems to open upon us: "A Guardian Society for providing an asylum for unfortunate Females," has been formed; and sure I am that the claims of this most pitiable class of sufferers will not be permitted to pass unheeded by the philanthropie characters who conduct the affairs of this excellent Charity.

the traces of childhood! Let any man unfortunate beings, whose doom appears' walk from the Exchange to Charing- thus to be fixed, before reason or choice cross, under the glare of the mid-day can take any part in the event? Must sun, and the slightest degree of observa- they perish by misery and disease before tion will point out to him a multitude of the pen of Time has written Woman victims to early disgrace, who, in point upon the brow? or will the benevolent of age, are hardly yet fit to be emanci- stretch out the hand of compassion, and pated from the restraints of the nursery; rescue from sorrow, from sin, and from and who, it is a melancholy truth, are no the grave, these hapless daughters of less distinguishable by their infantile Affliction, who have yet known little of appearance, than by the unblushing life, except its crimes and its miseries? manner in which they force themselves upon the attention of the passenger. Whatever may be said relative to the causes which seduce those of a more mature age from the paths of Virtue (and I have in general found this most unfortunate description of persons to be far more sinned against than sinning,) we cannot impute to extravagance, to credulity, or to the operation of uncon- I will now leave the subject to the trolled passions, the fall of these youth- consideration of your Readers; requestful sacrifices to the depravity of the other ing those who, at this festive season, sex. They are, and from the nature of behold their own blooming offspring the case must be, involuntary, passive, smiling around them in peace and secuunresisting victims upon the altar of Mo- rity, to contrast the sufferings of the loch! but whether overawed through infant daughters of Sin with these happier the operation of fear, or forced by open prospects, and to shew their gratitude to and undisguised violence, they are alike the Giver of all good things, by uniting plunged into the abyss of destruction, to save his fallen and deserted creatures! before they are conscious of the ruin they Yours, &c. E. L. are compelled to suffer.




is unlucky, says his Popu-
lar Antiquities, to lay one's knife and fork
Crosswise. Crosses and misfortunes are
likely to follow. Melton, in his Astrol-
gator, observes, that "It is naught for
any man to give a pair of knives to his
sweetheart, for fear it cut away all love
that is between them." Thus Gay, in
the Shepherd's Week:

as they are apt to cut love or friendship.
To avoid the ill effects of this, a pin, a
some trifling recompense
farthing, or
must be taken. To find a knife or ra-
zor denotes ill luck or disappointment to

THE HOWLING OF DOGS.-A superstitious opinion prevails, that the howling of a dog by night in a neighbourhood is the presage of death to any that are sick in it. We know not what has given rise “But wo is me! such presents luckless prove, to this: dogs have been known to stand "For knives, they tell me, always sever love." and howl over the dead bodies of their It is, says Grose, ur ky to present a masters, when they have been murdere ' knife, scissors, razor. Mag. V sharp or cut- or died an accidental or sudden death ting instrument to ess or friend, taking such note of what is past, is


Varieties: Literary, Critical, and Historical.

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AT THE BARS OF GRATES, PURSES, AND COFFINS.-A flake of soot hanging at the bars of the grate, says Grose, denotes the visit of a stranger, like the fungus of the candle, from that part of the Dr. Goldcountry nearest the object. smith, in his Vicar, among the omens of his hero's daughter, tells us, "purses bounded from the fire." In the north of England, the cinders that bound from the fire are carefully examined by old women, and, according to their respective forms, are called either coffins or purses; and consequently thought to be the presages of death or wealth: aut Casar aut nullus. A coal, says Grose, in the shape of a coffin, flying out of the fire to any particular person, betokens their death not far off.

CHARMS. SALIVA, OR SPITTING.Spittle, among the ancients, was esteemed a charm against all kinds of fascination : so Theocritus,

«From fascinating charms."
"Thrice on my breast I spit, to guard me safe

my. Hence seems to be derived the custom our bruisers have of spitting in their hands before they begin their barbarous diversion, unless it was originally for luck's sake. Several other vestiges of this superstition, relative to fasting spittle, mentioned also by Pliny, may yet be placed among our vulgar customs.

CANDLE OMENS.-The fungus parcels, as Sir Thomas Brown calls them, about the wicks of candles, are commonly thought to foretell strangers. In the north as well as in other parts of England, And thus Persius, upon the custom of they are called letters at the candle, as if nurses spitting upon children; "See how old Beldams expiation make: the forerunners of some strange news. "To atone the Gods the bantling up they take, These, says Brown, with his usual pedan- "His lips are wet with lustral spittle, thus try of style, which is well atoned for by "They think to make the gods propitious." his good sense and learning, only indi- Spitting, according to Pliny, was supercate a moist and pluvious air, which hin- stitiously observed in averting witchcraft, ders the avolation of the light and favil- and in giving a shrewder blow to an enelous particles whereupon they settle upon the shast. That candles and lights, he observes also, burn blue and dim at the apparition of spirits, may be true, if the ambient air be full of sulphureous spirits, as it happens often in mines. Melton in his Astrologaster, says, that “if a candle burne blew, it is a signe that there is a spirit in the house, or not farre from it." A collection of tallow, says Grose, rising up against the wick of a candle, is styled a winding sheet, and deemed an omen of death in the family. A spark at the candle, says the same author,denotes that the party opposite to it will shortly receive a letter. A kind of fungus in the cand'e, observes the same writer, predicts the visit of a stranger from that part of the country nearest the object. Dr. Goldth, in his Ficar of Wakefield, speakof the waking dreams of his hero's ghter, says, the girls had their omens they saw rings in the candle.



The boys in the north of England have a custom amongst themselves of spitting their faith (or as they call it in the northern dialect, "their saul," i, e. soul), when required to make asseverations in matters which they think of consequence.

In the combinations of the colliers, &c. about Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for the purpose of raising their wages, they are said to spit upon a stone together, by way of cemen to cemen to Their confederacy.Hence the ponark of ing, when persons are of the pa that they



e in sentiments, aine stone."

49] Shakspeare's Birth-day.-Remarkable Proverbs, obscure Sayings, &c. [50

We gather from a collection of the ancient religious customs in North Wales, drawn up by a clergyman deceased, thaf there," in the church, they usually spit at the name of the devil, and smite their breasts at the name of Judas. In their ordinary conversation, the first name gives them no salivation, but is too familiar in their mouths."

Mr. Urban,


Westfelton, Salop, April 5.

Fish women generally spit upon their But as among these are several that have handsels, i. e. the first money they take, made remarks in the highest degree acute, for good luck. Grose mentions this as a judicious, and elegant; and the others common practice among the lower class (like an execrable pun) being frequently of hucksters, pedlars, and dealers in fruit highly entertaining from their very and or fish, on receiving the price of the first extreme absurdity,-might not (in this goods they sell. book-making age) a very useful and interesting book be got up, by printing, in large octavo, with two columns, on a very small type, ALL the Prefaces, Essays, Remarks, Poems, &c. &c. &c. that have ever been written, published with or without, or anywise relating to Shakspeare? This book should be got up uniformly with Miller's edition, 8vo. 1806; a good Family Shakspeare: or Ayscough's Concordance of the Bard. The Prefaces, Essays, Poems, &c. to come first, and the Annotations to follow, regularly distributed under the heads of SHAKSPEARE has this present each Act, Scene, &c. of the particular month lived, with increasing warmth Plays: so would this book serve for and brilliance, in the hearts of his Coun- any edition; and people already protrymen exactly two hundred years from vided might so have what they would his mortal decease; and I have authority not otherwise procure; and the things to say, the event is likely to be celebrated themselves become a million times more with cordial rapture, both at the place pleasing and useful than when tacked to exulting in the high honour of his nativity, the text, ever distracting the attention and as well as in the Metropolis. For my interest by "thrusting their farthing self, it will be the seventh annual recur- candles to the sun." The method of rence of the convivial delight, since my reading recommended by Dr. Johnson residence here, wherewith his birthday in his admirable Preface to the Bard has been garlanded, by a few literary (which it is "useless to praise, and folly friends, who on that occasion have hon- to blame,") would then and thus be more oured my humble dwelling; where, readily attained. There can be no even should I be unable to resist the doubt of the success of sale to the persons impulse of revisiting Stratford-on-Avon embarking in such an undertaking; and this time, I shall take care the day goes arrangement might be made for incornot ungraced with its usual garniture. I porating therein whatever the right of cannot embrace a fitter time, Mr. Urban, copy might otherwise exclude. I to propose, through your pages, a thought merely drop this as a seed into your I have long been desirous of extending, pages, where I hope to see it ramify and with respect to the immortal remains of blossom hereafter; and finally be the this "matchless man." Disgusted to means of producing the projected fruit. see his blossoms of ambrosial and purest I cannot more appropriately conclude, bloom loaded, stuffed, and daubed with than with the four verses that may be the trash and trumpery of certain crea- found written on one of the fly-leaves of rres calling themselves Commentators, my first folio of the Bard: that stick to Authors, as the Remora to

the Whale, hoping so to glide down the Goode frende, for Shakspeare's sake forbeare stream of time, I would recommend that To marre one jotte that's written here; in future his text be always printed Bless'd bee they that rightlie conn him, without any gloss or comment whatever. And cursed they that comment on him.

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Varieties: Literary, Critical, and Historical.


ILLUSTRATION OF REMARKABLE amounts to no more than this, that the



prisoner has an opportunity and full liberty of manifesting his innocence.


This is a vulgarism to be met with only in low companies, though it has This word is frequently made use of sometimes been transplanted from thence, when some extravagant circumstance is and introduced into noble and even related which it would be an insult to princely mansions. It is an expression the understanding to believe: but as it of contempt and defiance, when a per- is seldom heard except among the lower son is not to be convinced or satisfied orders of society, so it entirely derives its origin from thence. Two journeymen mechanics were one day contending for superiority in the art of invention, and at length laid a wager which of them could coin the greatest lie. When the stakes were deposited, he that was to begin swore vehemently that one moonlight night he threw a tenpenny nail with such force, that it went quite through the body of the lunar orb, which was then at full. "That's true," said

with any thing that is said in the way of explanation, in opposition to which the indignant sceptic is apt to exclaim: ""Tis all my eye Betty Martin." Of these strange and apparently unmeaning words the following appears to be a correct definition. A man going once into a ehurch or chapel of the Romish persuasion on St. Martin's day, heard the Latin Litany chaunted, when the words "Mihi Beate Martin," occurred so often,

that upon being asked how he liked the service, he replied it was nothing but nonsense or something worse, as from beginning to end "it was all my eye Betty Martin."


It is universally known that our aneient proceedings in the courts were managed in the French language; and this will lead to an explanation of the word culprit, about which there has been a strange difference of opinion among law


his opponent; "for I was on the other side at the very moment, and with my claw hammer I clinched the nail." The last fellow was adjudged the prize, and from that time every outrageous falsehood has been termed a clincher.


Blarney Castle, the ancient seat of the Macarty family, is situated about three miles from Cork; and adjoining to it is an old ruinous tower on an eminence, with winding stone steps up to the summit. Formerly it was a singular custom After reading the indictment, the pri- for all strangers who ascended to the top soner at the bar is asked whether he is of this tower to creep on their hands guilty or not guilty of the matter charged and knees to the corner stone of the against him if he answers not guilty, highest pinnacle, and kiss the same, by the clerk of arraigns replies culprit; virtue of which it was pretended that which is said by some to be derived from they acquired the singular power of pleaculp prist, and culp prit from culpabilist sing in conversation. Hence came the and presto, signifying guilty already. expression, in speaking of a fawning, This far-fetched interpretation is out wheedling fellow, that he had been at of all character, and contrary to the spirit Blarney. of the law, which supposes a person innocent till his guilt is proved by the evidence of others, or his own confession. The word is clearly a corruption of the French Qu'il paroit? The officer of the court says, Guilty or not guilty?" Now if the prisoner replies "guilty," and persists in so doing, his confession is recorded; but if he answers "not guilty," the officer says Culprit," when he should rather say "Qu'il paroiti. e. make it appear, or let it appear; and it



Right and Wrong. Exhibited in the

History of Rosa and Agnes. Weit. ten for her Children, by a Mother, Author of " Always Happy;" "An Introduction to Mrs. Barbauld's Lessons;" "Key to Knowledge," &c. In the opposite conduct, in early life, of these Twin Sisters, the Author of his little volume has largely exemplified the consequences of acting "right" and


Varieties: Literary, Critical, and Historical.


“wrong," in a variety of instances, which within their reach. The cessation very cannot fail of impressing the mind of a young reader. Of the neat simplicity of the Author's language, her description of a Sunday shall serve as a specimen:


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of labour and exertion, to those who toil hard during six successive days, is no small blessing, and such as the wealthy and the indolent can form no just conception of.''There is something "The morning was fine, and was cheerfully ushered in with the enlivening pleasant in the very idea, that even the chime of the church bells. The twin- poor beasts enjoy, on this day, rest and sisters, as usual, rose somewhat earlier freedom from ill-treatment,' said Rosa on this welcome day, for many were its True, Rosa; and that man, under the peculiar privileges and pleasures, Neatly most inclement seasons, has still his comforts. The wholesome meal, round dressed in their best attire, clean, and decent, with fresh-washed cheeks, and which his family assemble, the blazing eyes beaming with good humour, they fire, beaming on many a happy face, joined their parents at the breakfast- the evening hours profitably spent in table. I am always so glad when it is reading the sacred volume, which confirms our best purposes, and invigorates Sunday,' said Agnes; for we have so many pleasant things to do, and to talk our highest hopes; or innocently cheerabout; so much variety, and so much ed by the soothing notes of sacred melody comfort! And I love Sunday too, prayer and praise, or the social convery much,' said the little lisping Ed- verse that, opening the heart, binds man to man in the strong link of social win, her young brother; for you papa, it is the forgiving day. His fa- converse and friendly confidence,-You ther smiled at his innocent prattle. If have left me,' said the attentive husband, you never did wrong, Edwin, there to name one other Sunday blessing; would be no occasion for a forgiving the noblest joy of all.'-' I understand day, as you call it.'— But, as I do wrong the satisfaction of going to, papa,' said Aghes; you mean sometimes, papa, I love to be forgiving; You are right, Agnes; for, what can and you know you always forgive me, most willingly, on Sunday. Yes, Ed be a nobler employment than to offer, to the Great Giver of Good, the thankswin, because Sunday is a holy day, a givings of our grateful hearts, to appear day set apart by God for peace and com fort.' And therefore we ought to for- in his more immediate presence, and, get and forgive, and love every body, in his own sacred temple, confess our frailties, entreat his mercy, and adore and be as happy and as quiet as ever his power? Oh, my children! what a we can,' said Edwin. His sisters laughed at his curious list of Sunday duties, blessing is this, what a high, what a glorious privilege!'-The little circle closing with what he thought a great virtue, to be as quiet as we can listened with reverence to this affectFor my part,' said his mother, one ing appeal. Their worthy father con'How soothing to the best afof my many Sunday pleasures is, to be- tinued. hold all classes of people enjoying them- fections, to behold our fellow creatures The joining with us in this sacred act of piety, selves in their several modes. shopkeepers taking pleasant walks with to look around us, and view a whole their wives and children, the poor day- kneeling congregation uniting in the labourers resting from their week's hard same expression of adoration; one great service, and dressed in their best gar- family, acknowledging their Universal ments, playing with their little ones, and Father! Who can so feel, and leave the having a little harmless chat with their house of God with any other feelings friends and neighbours,' And there- than those of pious awe and unbounded fore mamma, I am always sorry when charity!'-The bell now proclaimed the the weather is bad on a Sunday,' said hour of worship. The smiling family, Agnes. So am I, Agnes; but, even with eager haste, prepared to obey the welcome summons; the little ones in that case, there are many pleasures

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