UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION COMPARISON OF TARIFF ACTS A comparison by paragraphs of the dutiable schedules and the free list of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1934 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. Price 20 cents This publication contains the paragraphs of the dutiable schedules and of the free list of the tariff act of 1930, together with the corresponding provisions of the tariff act of 1922. The order of sequence is that of the act of 1930. Opposite each paragraph of this act are placed in parallel columns the corresponding paragraphs or parts of paragraphs of the act of 1922. Words misspelled in the statutes are not corrected. Changes in duties by Presidential proclamations are indicated in footnotes to the items affected. WASHINGTON, March 31, 1934. G CONTENTS Page Schedule 1.-Chemicals, oils, and paints. Schedule 2.-Earths, earthenware, and glassware. Schedule 3.-Metals and manufactures of Schedule 4.-Wood and manufactures of.. -Agricultural products and provisions. Schedule 8.-Spirits, wines, and other beverages. Schedule 9.-Cotton manufactures___ |