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A Queer Pack of Hounds, in running, can


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Beat a Mill-boy

the British learned that the Amer

icans had

A Rod in Pickle.

The Bunker Hill Monument, reminds the British, that

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Yankees can Shoot Quickly.

will not produce timber enough,
to make A Fine Showy Coach.
look like

A White Snow or a Foggy Show.

in Europe, you can see

An Athenian in a Low Coach. usually live in

A City with Some King.

would be a severe punishment,

for the

Foe of a Dutch King.

[blocks in formation]

Still Water,

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

is a safe place for


A German,


A Boat or Heavy Gig.

when hungry, likes the company

of A Tea-saucer and a Cook.

At Saratoga Springs, there can be seen, a lot of dan

Tasting of Cake.



[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

In Rhode Island, they are near enough the ocean,

[merged small][ocr errors]

to see A Fine Ebbing Wave.

contains water enough, to fill

A Chinese Cup.

Fight the Chiefs.

is a place where soldiers

The King's Mountain, would make cooler dwellings


A Pen of Cows,

than Hot-houses or Caves.

is worth as much as

An Estate and a Gift.

Some Twelve or Two.

Guilt in a Court-house, is discovered by

A High Church on a Hill, is a better shelter, than

A Rainy Loft.

The Eutaw Springs, in Carolina, will, like the springs

[blocks in formation]

A Little Canoe,

takes many


A Fine Spear.

A Wet Tossing on the Tide.

The Queen of England, was thought by Prince Albert,


A Frenchman,


A Witty and Sweet Maiden.

is as polite as

A Sedate Madam.

At Sacket's Harbor, ship-carpenters repair a vessel,


Lay a New Bottom.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

can be made by chopping

An Oak or a Hazel Tree.

affords a passage across


are heard from the lips of every

does not show

Fine Orator.

An Ebb of Tide-water.

is sometimes seen on the

Bough of a Date-tree.

A Ball-room floor, is the scene of some exhibitions of


At New Orleans, - the


Sand and Cinders, in time of war, produce


Hosts Fought Well.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

A Shaking Palm Tree, over a river, would be

A Loose Bridge.

The Monterey Cathedral, looked to the soldiers like

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

An Abbey on a Narrow Ridge.

or little children, are well

Known in New York.

is rarely partaken by

are always able to

would look like

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

A Nun in Africa.

Man a Bark.

A Red Cork.

A Fancy Ring.

A Bad Mark.

or battering-ram, in striking a

house, makes

by Gen. Scott, or

Beat by a Warrior Whig.






The Nomenclature Table that follows, on page 133, is probably the most powerful aid to the memory, of any principle in Mnemotechny. Though, where all are important, and none can be fully appreciated without a knowledge of the others, it is difficult to tell which is the most useful or interesting. By the use of this Nomenclature Table, or new method of counting, as we call it, any person can perform most surprising feats of Memory. More names or figures can be committed to memory in one hour, by the aid of a Table like this, than by a day's study in the ordinary way. Let us see first its application to the Sovereigns of France. It will be observed, that each word in the table stands for the number it is intended to represent. Hat translates to No. 1, Honey to No. 2, and so on to the last word. This Table must first be committed to memory. The Sovereigns of France can be learned after committing it as high as 56. Eventually the Table must be learned up to 100, so fluently, that we can count as readily by saying Hat, Honey, Home, Harrow, &c., as we now can by One, Two, Three and Four. This Table is to be used as a method of counting. As each word articulates and translates according to the number it represents, we can, by a little practice, get so that when a number is given, we can instantly speak the word. If 52 is spoken, by thinking of the articulations le, ne, we recall the word Lion, and the same of any word wanted. On the other hand, when a word is given, like Rock, we can instantly tell its number (47) by translation.

Let the student first learn the Table as high as word Juice, or No. 60. Next read over carefully, four or five times, the Homophonic Analogies on pages 136 and 137.

The first twelve Homophonics, for the Governments, and the Sovereigns where there is but one of a name, will be readily understood. Where there are several Kings of one name, but of different numbers, like Henry 1st., 2nd., &c., a different kind of Homophonic is used. It will be easily understood after a little examination. Each Homophonic Analogy begins with some prominent letter or articulation found in the name of the King, and ends with an articulation that represents the number of the King. For example, each Homophonic for the Henrys, begins with R, and ends with t, n, m, or r, according to the number of the Henry represented. Henry I. is shown by the word Ri-te, the Re being for Henry, and te for 1. Henry II. has Ru-in, Re for Henry, and ne for 2. The Kings by the name of Louis, have Homophonics all beginning with L, and ending with one or two articulations which represent the number of the Louis. By looking these over carefully, four or five times, the learner will be able to repeat them both ways; that is, if a King is mentioned, like Robert I., the Homophonic Rabbit can be given, and if Fair is mentioned, Philip IV. can be given as its King. These must be made familiar, when the formulas on pages 138, 139 and 140 may be learned. The words in the formulas which represent figures, are in Antique Type, and the Homophonics representing the Sovereigns or Governments are in SMALL CAPITALS. After the formulas are learned, by a little practice, any King or Government can be called to mind, and the number, date and years of each reign or government given readily. The final phrase in each formula represents first the date, then all the remaining figures stand for the number of years the Sovereign reigned, or the time that administration or government continued.

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