Imágenes de páginas


INDUSTRY (Continued)

carrying the fruit from fields to canneries, to the railways for shipping, and to the near-by towns for quick consumption. In fact, California is gridironed with motor-transport routes.

This year the California fruit crop has exceeded all expectations, and every effort is being made to rush the fruit to the canneries to save the crop, owing to the shortage of freight cars. In talking with one of the representative bankers from the State at the recent Bankers' Convention, he stated that the raisin crop alone exceeded three hundred million pounds, which is three pounds for each man, woman, and child recorded in the Census. Regardless of the Eighteenth Amendment, the vineyards are also making an excellent showing, and wine grapes are selling for five and six times as much a ton as they were before the country went dry.



Throughout the Middle West, where great stretches of prairie make shipping difficult and where transportation by rai! often necessitates from three to four transfers of freight in what might be a twelve-hour trip, local business have seen a big field in the establishment of motorized express. With the advent of good roads express truck routes have been established through many sections of the country.

Seattle, Spokane, Portland, and Tacoma, in the Pacific Northwest, are alive with motor-truck transportation companies, as are the States of Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado, which even have their ore-carrying fleets. The recent unparalleled production of the Southwestern oil fields would have been impossible but for the motor truck, and Texas, with its 150,000 miles of roads, would stagnate but for motor transport.

A new development which is even now in an experimental stage is "logging" by In some motor over corduroy roads. sections of the Far West this logging by motor has been found more satisfactory in certain cases than the old-fashioned method of "running" the logs, especially so in the case of fine timber cr for purposes of rapid delivery, and for these specific purposes it threatens to supersede the old system. It also has the advantage that on return trips supplies may be brought back to the camp and better communication maintained with the world outside.


Speaking concretely, motor transport has done much for the country's economic needs. It has facilitated transport by expediting the short haul. renders auxiliary service to the railways; it enlarges the farmer's market, shortens the time of delivery, and reduces the spread of price between the producer and consumer. It is in no sense a competitor of the railways, for it moves in an altogether different field. Railways, waterways, and motor transport each have their place. To insure economical distribution each should be used to the full measure of its effectiveness.

White Star Liner ADRIATIC (24,541 tons)

Jan. 6, Feb. 24, 1923 Each of these distinguished transAtlantic liners is favored by travelers of discrimination for her steadiness, de luxe quarters, cuisine and service. These special winter voyages invariably attract those who require utmost service in their journeys to and from the sunny vacation lands that edge the Mediterranean.

Red Star Liner LAPLAND (18,565 tons) Jan. 18, Mar. 10, 1923 Itinerary: Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Monaco (the Riviera), Naples, Alexandria (for Egypt and the Nile), Haifa for Jerusalem, and Athens (Phaleron Bay).

Bookings for round trip cruise with ample time for delightful visits ashore,


To Naples via Egypt and the Holy Land, or to Egypt.

[merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][subsumed]

(Limited to 450 Guests-About Half Capacity)

By Magnificent New Cunard S.S. "SCYTHIA," Specially Chartered

Twin-Screw Turbine Oil-Burner, 20,000 Tons. Sailing Jan. 30, 1923, returning April 2, visiting

Egypt, Madeira, Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, Algiers, Tunis, Holy
Land, Constantinople, Greece,Italy,Sicily, Riviera, Monte Carlo,etc.

The "Scythia" is a veritable floating palace, with spacious decks, lounges, veranda cafés, 2
elevators, commodious staterooms with running water and large wardrobes; bedrooms and
suites with private baths. The famous Cunard cuisine and service. (Only one sitting for meals.)
Free optional return passage at later date by any Cunard steamer from France or England.
Rates, deck plans, itinerary and full information on request.
Early reservation advisable.

Also De Luxe Tours to Europe, South
America, Japan, China and California


489 Fifth Ave., New York (Established 1875) 219 So. 15th St., Philadelphia

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White Star Line, specially chartered June 27, 1923, for our 20th Mediterranean and Europe Cruise, 61 days, $600 and up. or $8 days with a week in Paris and 4 daysin London, $700 and up: New York, Madeira, Cadiz, Seville, (Alhambra), Gibraltar, Algiers, Athens. Constantinople, Palestine, Egypt. Naples, 4 days in Rome, Monte Carlo, Cherbourg (for Paris, London), Liverpool, New York.

Attractive proposals to organizers

F. C. CLARK, Times Bldg., New York

4 4 4 EUROPE AB 1923

Popular Tours at Popular Prices Parties sailing in April, May, June, July and August. Reservations being made now. Write for booklet.

BENNETT'S TRAVEL BUREAU 500 Fifth Avenue New York City

THE beauty, fascination, and mystery of the Orient lures visitors from all over the world to


The quaintest and most interesting of all countries. Come while the old age custoins prevail. Write, mentioning "Outlook" to JAPAN HOTEL ASSOCIATION Care Traffic Dept. IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS TOKYO

for full information

Rates for a single room without bath and with 3 meals, $5-6 in cities and popular resorts, $4-5 in the country


WE can make your travel EASY

include Rome, Switzerland, Netherlands, France and British Isles. Sailing June 27. Twelfth Season.

ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH on the steamer for those enrolling early. HIGH GRADE TOURS at a very MODERATE PRICE. Write for an Illustrated Itinerary to

WORTHWHILE TOURS 17 Aldworth St., Boston 30, Mass.

FREE TRIP TO EUROPE will be given an organizer of a small party. Established 1900. BABCOCK'S TOURS, 13 Halsey St., Brooklyn. Residence

Dresden, Germany and chaperonage. $100 monthly. Party of older girl students sailing April 15. Apply 8,363, Outlook.

Egypt, Palestine

Large steamers throughout. Small groups,
personally conducted.
Sailings Jan. 17, $2125-Feb. 10, $1870-
Feb. 24. $1335.


Limited parties enrolling now.

TEMPLE TOURS 65-A Franklin St

Boston, Mass


and Mediterranean Lands Nile Cruise to Second Cataract in private steamer

Special Sailing Jan. 18 by Lapland Later sailings Feb. 15 and April 18

Write for information

OF UNIVERSITY TRAVEL vd Street, Newton, Mass.

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The Ideal Winter Resort



TINE, small private party sailing in February. Also IDEAL SUMMER TOUR of EUROPE. RESER European Tours, 171 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Europe Summer 1923 Superb Routes.

Experienced leadership. Limited number. For details write Robert H. Browning, 117 Elm St., Oberlin, O.

Health Resorts


Beautiful, quiet, restful and homelike. Over 26 years of successful work. Thorough. reliable, dependable and ethical. Every comfort and convenience. Accommodations of superior quality. Disorder of the nervous system a specialty. Fred. W. Seward, Sr., M.D., Fred. W. Seward, Jr., M.D., Goshen, N. Y.

Golf on New Year's Day

Join a foursome in Tucson, Arizona, on New Year's Day. Eighteen holes of suprises, then delightful, lazy rest in warm sunshine on green lawns. The soft, invigorating air, turquoise skies and bright days brim life full of revitalizing enjoyment.

Only a Few Hours Away Tucson is only 53 hours from Chicago, 73 from New York. Situated on a halfmile high plateau is this delightful, mod. ern city of 25,000 where snap of mountain climate and zest of desert air combine. Motoring through cactus forests, hunting, horseback-riding, golf (clubs are open to visitors), sight-seeing in Old Mexico, Indians, Missions, are experiences you will never forget. Come now and join a foursome on New Year's Day.

Reduced Rates

Reduced rates on all lines are effective with direct Pullman service via Rock Island or Southern Pacific. Rents are reasonable in Tucson; hotels excellent.

Send for Booklet

The Sunshine-Climate Club, composed of leading citizens and institutions of Tucson, has prepared a booklet telling of life where winter is unknown. Before you decide where to go this winterread this booklet. Just send the coupon.

TUCSON Sunshine Climate Club ARIZONA


151 Old Pueblo Club Bldg., Tucson, Arizona. Please send me your free booklet, "Man-Building in the Sunshine Climate."' Name



Directly on the Harbor. Accommodates 400. Open Dec. 15 to May 1. Grill room. Tiled swimming pool, golf, tennis, yachting, sea bathing, etc. Direction of L. A. TWOROGER CO. Reached by Steamers Furness Bermuda Line and Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.

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Hotels and Resorts



The BERYSTEDE HOTEL ASCOT T hotel, patronized by the élite of Europe and America.Garage, motorcars, saddlehorses, tennis court, croquet lawn, dance room,etc. Phone 153 and 154 Ascot.Telegrams, Berystede, Ascot.


RClass. Fine location. Running water it

ock Ridge Hall, Wellesley Hills,

bedrooms. Pleasant forest walks and country

drives. Our table a specialty. $15-$25 a week.


Hotel Hargrave

West 72d St., through

to 71st St., New York
300 rooms, each with bath. Absolutely
fireproof. One block to 72d St. en-
trance of Central Park. Comfort and
refinement combined with moderate
rates. Send for illustrated booklet J.



ton Square adjoining Judson Memorial Church. Rooms with and without bath. Rates $3.50 per day. including meals. Special rates for two weeks or uore. Location very central. Convenient to all elevated and street car lines.


22 miles from Historical Charleston Open January 1st

Special January Tournaments The most delightful month for golfers. No snow-only sunshine and flowers. Superb 18. hole golf course, Tennis, saddle and carriage horses. Cuisine and service on par with the best metropolitan hotels. Quail, Wild-Turkey, Fox and Deer hunting.

W. A. SENNA, Manager
Address until Dec. 15-Plymouth Inn,
Northampton, Mass.

Boarders Wanted

AYING GUESTS. Two ladies received PanYamily House new, sunny, well heated. Table good. Location, pine belt, opposite lake, hotel, links. LONGCHAMP, Lakehurst, N. J

Real Estate


furnished house, double verandas. modern improvements, stable, 12 acres, water front. Dr. A. H. FRITH, Hamilton, Bermuda.



FOR SALE 5-room modern cottage and 5 acres grapefruit and oranges. Perfect condition. Captiva Island, Fla. Ideal winter home at a bargain. Address J. Sanchez U., Captiva, Lee Co., Fla.

FOR RENT 4 or 5 room apart

ment, furnished, all conveniences, beautifully located on Indian River. $300 season. De Sacia, Merritt, Fla. Attractive country home,

Sorrento, Fla. All modern conveniences,

two bathrooms, sleeping porch. Ideal lo cation. Fine spring water. For quick sale, $10,000. Address owner, Box 94, City Point, Fla.




Winter Homes

For Sale and

for Rent



AUTOMOBILE OWNERS, garagemen, mechanics, send today for free copy of this month's issue. It contains helpful, instructive information on overhauling, ignition troubles, wiring, carburetors, storage batteries, etc. Over 120 pages, illustrated. Send for free copy today. Automobile Digest, 527 Butler Building, Cincinnati.



BIG money in writing photoplays, stories, poems, songs. Send today for FREE copy of America's leading writer's magazine, full of helpful advice on writing and selling. WRITER'S DIGEST, 688 Butler Building, Cincinnati.

SPEAKERS.-Special subjects prepared; lectures, articles, orations, debates. Expert service. Authors' Research Bureau, 500 Fifth Ave., N. Y.

TRAVELED lady (college graduate) writes papers for busy club women. Box 807, Binghainton, N. Y.

FREEMAN'S History of Cape Cod. New, complete, well bound. Limited number only. Box 52, Station O, New York City.


SAFE 8% FIRST MORTGAGE INCOME CERTIFICATES additionally secured, tax exempted, quarterly payments. Permanent or reconvertible. Ask circulars. Home Building & Loan Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

WANTED College woman, experienced private schools, to invest in established girls' school, California. 3,066, Outlook.


CHRISTMAS stocking boxes. Send $1.00 for ten toys for your child's stocking. Santa Clans Wonder Balls of ten miniature toys, $1.25. Two styles-boys and girls. The Kindermart, 1613 Linden Ave., Baltimore, Md. WHIFF from the Maine woods. Creton covered real fir balsam pillow, size 12 x 16, $1 by parcel post. Also handsome long-haired Angora kittens. Mrs. Wallace Weston, Madisoli. Me.


SECRETARIES and social workers, dietitians, cafeteria managers, governesses, matrons, housekeepers, superintendents. Miss Richards, Providence, R. 1. Box 5 East Side. Boston Office, Trinity Court, Fridays, 11 to 1. Address Providence.

WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schools. Calls coming every day. Send for circulars. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N. Y.

WANTED-Teachers all subjects. Good vacancies in schools and colleges. International Musical and Educational Agency, Carnegie Hall, N. Y.

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UNUSUALLY desirable stationery for any type of correspondence. 200 sheets high grade note paper and 100 envelopes printed with your name and address postpaid $1.50. Samples on request. You can buy cheaper stationery, but do you want to? Lewis, 284 Second Ave., Troy, N. Y.

OLD Hampshire bond; 100 sheets (64x7) and 5 envelopes, printed, $2 delivered. Franklin Printery, Warner, N. H.

150 letter sheets and 100 envelopes, $1. Sampies on request. Burnett Print Shop, Box 145, Ashland, O.

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Companions and Domestic Helpers WANTED-Mother's helper to assist in care of three little girls-one in school. Connecticut home-two hours from New York. 3,075, Outlook.


Business Situations

YOUNG man with a wide and varied experience in child welfare work, recently superintendent of an orphanage, desires executive or sub-executive position. Conversant in French, Italian, and German, Capable grade school teacher. Best of references. 3,038, Outlook.

EXPERIENCED librarian wants temporary work; not necessarily in a library, but where library training counts. 3,039, Outlook.

WOMAN who has had training in institutional management and several years' expe rience as manager of college dining room and as housekeeper in boys' school would like position in school or institution in New England. 3,050, Outlook.

WOMAN with experience and executive ability desires position April, 1923, as institutional director or superintendent. References. 3,065, Outlook.

SECRETARY- Educated, refined young woman desires position after January 1 in office of girls' school or other educational institution. Address 3,081, Outlook.

Companions and Domestic Helpers

YOUNG American teacher, college graduate, seven years' residence in Europe, speaks four languages, will chaperon young ladies to Europe for travel and study. Details on request. 8,384, Outlook.

HOUSEKEEPER, supervising, by American woman of ability, refinement. Excellent references. 3,068, Outlook.

COMPETENT middle-aged woman desires position. Dressmaker, resident seamstress, clever shopper. Generally useful in home. Salary $15 weekly. References. 3,073, Outlook. COMPANION to elderly lady or semiinvalid. Practical nursing experience. Will go South or California. 3,070, Outlook.

CULTURED young woman as companion or social secretary. College education. Will travel. 3,071, Outlook.

WANTED, by an experienced gentlewoman with best of references, a post as companion to an adult or children. Apply to S. B., care Mrs L. J. Phelps, 441 Park Ave., New York.

REFINED woman as companion, housework assistant, seamstress. Good home more of an object than high wages. 3,077, Outlook.

COMPANION to motherless girls. Cultivated lady will give devotion, sympathy, and intelligent care. Supervision of clothing and housekeeping. Box 263, Merion, Pa.

REFINED, educated lady wishes position as companion or nursery governess, with family going South for winter. 3,079, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses

TUTOR (English, wife American) receive one or two boys for very special care into their home. Limit five. Highest references bear strictest investigation. English, French, Latin, mathematics, etc. Fine gymnasium. Outdoor sports. Happy home atmosphere. 3,052, Outlook.

PHYSICAL director desires position beginning February. Five years' experience in college and normal school work.3,064, Outlook. GENTLEWOMAN, American, Protestant, desires position of trust in private family. Experienced in teaching English subjects and music. Excellent traveler, domestic, resourceful. 3,069, Outlook.


TO young women desiring training in the care of obstetrical patients a very thorough nurses' aid course of six months is offered by the Lying-In Hospital, 307 Second Ave., New York. Monthly allowance and full maintenance is furnished. For further information address Directress of Nurses.

MISS Guthman, New York shopper, will shop for you, services free. No samples. References. 309 West 99th St.

BOYS wanted. 500 boys wanted to sell The Outlook each week. No investment necessary, Write for selling plan, Carrier Department. The Outlook Company, 381 Fourth Ave., New York City.


Address W., Pawling. N. people to board.

PROFESSIONAL nurse owning luxurious home would like elderly couples or persons as guests or patients. Address 2,948, Outlook.

M. W. Wightman & Co. Shopping Agency, established 1895. No charge; prompt delivery. 25 West 24th St., New York.

EXCELLENT private home and nursing for limited number tubercular patients. Special diets. Address 2,949, Outlook.

THE Olivia Sage School of Practical Nursing offers a one year's course in bedside nursing to a limited number of women. Pupils receive maintenance, uniform, and salary. For further information apply to Director. New York Infirmary for Women and Children, Stuyvesant Square, New York.

FOR adoption. Sister and brother, aged three and four years. Girl has dark hair and brown eyes: boy has dark hair and gray eyes. Apply 610 Elm St., New Haven, Conn.

The Land of Sports


Visit this Winter paradise for sportsmen. Wonderful golf (2 new 18-hole courses), tennis, fishing, bathing.


"The Comfort Route" Weekly sailings from New York by S. S. ARAGUAYA (17,500 tons displacement), the largest steamer sailing to Bermuda.

Send for booklet 0.5

West Indies Cruises Jan. 24th and Feb. 24th Two fascinating cruises among these fascinating islands on the S. S. ORCA, (25,500 tons displacement) newest, largest, and most luxurious steamer engaged in West Indies cruises. Visits to Nassau, Havana, Jamaica, Colon (Panama Canal), La Guayra, Trinidad, Barbados, Martinique, St. Thomas, San Juan and Bermuda. Rates, $250 and up.

Send for booklet 0-6

Fortnightly sailings to Cherbourg,
Southampton and Hamburg
by famous "O" steamers.

The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.

26 Broadway.. New York 607 Boylston St.. Boston 117 W. Washington St., Chicago Seattle San Francisco



(Under Contract with Bermuda Government) Offers Bermuda Tourists the following exclusive advantages


via Fastest Steamers on route Landing Passengers directly at Hamilton Dock avoiding inconvenience of transfer by tender.

Tickets good on either steamer insuring unequalled express service via Palatial Twin-Screw, Oil-burning Steamers.


From New York Every Wed. and Sat. From Bermuda Every Tues. and Sat. SPECIAL HOLIDAY SAILINGS Leaving New York Dec. 20, 23 and 30 For Christmas or New Year's in Bermuda Bermuda Offers All Out-door Sports including Golf (Two 18-hole Courses). Tennis, sailing, bathing, trapshooting, horse racing, fishing, riding, driving, cycling, etc.

Modern Hotels-No Passports Book NOW for Winter and Holiday Sailings For illustrated Booklets write to


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Direct to you

at Dealers' Prices This exquisite lamp is of a type and quality for which you would have to pay $10 in any store selling lamps. It is of artistic Tudor rose design, and was given a place of honor on an onyx pedestal at a recent lighting show because of its extreme beauty. The shade is 8 inches in diameter and is of finest double silk, with Tudor rose rosette and edging of gold braid. Instead of asking you to go to a store and buy this appealing lamp, we're offering it to you direct, at the same price which the dealer would pay for it, or just half of what he would charge you for it. THINK OF IT!

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Commemorating the 50th Anni

versary of our first Around the World tour



Sailing from New York Jan. 24 Returning May 31

by the specially chartered,oil-burning NEW CUNARD STEAMSHIP "SAMARIA" Visiting Each Country in Glorious Springtime.

The gorgeous itinerary of 30,000 miles embraces: Mediterranean cities and Egypt--four weeks in India, Dutch East Indies, and Straits Settlements -Saigon in Indo-China, the Phiiippines, and China-two weeks in Japan Hawaii, San Francisco, and Panama Canal.


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LANTIN, the famous old-time printer of Antwerp, founded a business which flourished for three hundred years. It was then bought up by the municipality of Antwerp and the establishment converted into a museum. An American tourist who visited it recently describes in the "American Printer" an incident of his visit, thus:

"An attendant was at one of the old wooden presses, and a form of type was on the bed. He was selling prints from the form for two francs each. I asked to be allowed to pull a proof. I took hold of the handle and pulled. He told me to pull harder. I pulled harder. (I don't think I'd care to have been a pressman in the old days.) He took the proof and examined it; then shook his head and pointed out that the margins were not straight. With Plantin traditions back of him he wouldn't pass the print, but made me pull another."

This interesting survival of old publishing days narrowly escaped destruction during the war, as a bomb from a Zeppelin fell near it and laid waste a large space.

Dear Mrs. McGowan across the hall was speaking of the trouble she's been having with her car, "Motor Life" ra. ports. "But everybody has trouble lately," she said; "and it's nothing in the world but them using these raw materials at the factories."

"In The Outlook of October 11," a subscriber writes, "an article on 'Platinum' contains this sentence: 'Platinum is one of the heaviest things in nature, being passed only by iridium, with which that metal is always associated, and by tungsten and molybdenum.' Platinam, with a specific gravity of 21.48, is surpassed by two other metals of the platinum group -iridium and osmium. The latter, with its specific gravity of 22.48, is the heaviest substance known. Tungsten is a little lighter than gold, and molyb denum is but little heavier than iron."


Patience was the subject of the teacher's discourse, the "Argonaut" says, and to illustrate her point she drew on the blackboard a picture of a small boy sitting on the bank of a stream, fishing. "You see this lad, children," she said, beaming on her pupils. "He's fishing. Well, even the pleasure of fishing requires patience. He must be prepared to sit and wait." And she dilated on the importance of being patient. "Now, then, can any of you boys tell me what we need most when we go fishing?" she invited. Like one voice came a chorus from the class: "Bait!"

"I must say, cook," said the lady of the house, as reported by the London "Morning Post," "that of late vour work has been very perfunctory." Before she could continue, cook broke in with: "Thank yer kindly, mum. I've been here three months now, and though I've tried my best, that's the first bit of praise I've had since I've been here."

The Best Gift


How much this vast fund of information will be enjoyed in your home! It will be admired, treasured, and used not only during the holiday season but for months and years to come-a constant reminder of the giver. This "Supreme Authority" answers all kinds of questions about words,

people, places, questions of what, why,

It will be



how. Wise parents well know its value in making home study easy and effective. This work is a
necessary part of every home, school, and office. A century of developing, enlarging, and perfecting
under exacting care and highest scholarship insures accuracy, completeness, compactness, authority.

Here is proof that settles the matter when it comes to selecting a dictionary:
The NEW INTERNATIONAL is the standard of the Federal and State Courts.
The standard of the Government Printing Office.
Indorsed by State School Superintendents.

Universally recommended by Statesmen, College Presidents, Educators, and Authors.

The Colleges voted overwhelmingly in favor of WEB-
STER as the standard of pronunciation in answer to
questions submitted by the Chicago Women's Club.
The actors from all over the country recently voted over-
whelmingly in favor of Webster.

Adhered to as standard by over 99% of the Newspapers.
All States that have adopted a large dictionary as
standard have selected WEBSTER'S NEW

400,000 Vocabulary Terms.
30,000 Geographical Subjects.
12,000 Biographical Entries.
Thousands of Other References.
2,700 Pages.

6,000 Illustrations.

NEW WORDS as barrage,
Boche, ace, camouflage, tank,
Fokker, lorry, soviet, etc.
The only dictionary with the
new divided page, charac-
terized "A STROKE OF

Type matter is equivalent to that of a 15-volume

WRITE for a sample page of the New Words, specimen
of Regular and India Papers, also booklet "You are
the Jury," prices, etc. To those naming Outlook we
will send free a set of Pocket Maps.



Established 1831

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