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would understand, and appreciate, T

and remember.

They would find that you had made your will, putting your wishes for their welfare into the tangible form of directions to your executor.

They would find that careful plans had been made to protect, for their benefit, your property, life insurance, and other affairs.

They would find the burdens of estate management being attended to by a trust company. They would find the trust company sympathetic and considerate in all its dealings with them. They would know their inheritance was in safe hands.

You should make this vital gift of protection. Then you can give your other gifts with a freer hand and a freer heart.

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HERE is a new era dawning for America. To-day city and country are being rapidly tied together by a new link which will make it possible for us all to have twenty-four-hour eggs for breakfast, milk from last night's milking, vegetables still wet with the dew, and any number of things which have heretofore been the prerogative of the gentleman farmer. No longer will the individual find it necessary to wrestle with the cutworm and swap garden lore over the fence with his nextdoor neighbor, for his wife will be able to purchase fresh vegetables in the open market for less than he can grow them, and of a better quality.

On the other hand, the wife of the farmer is coming into her own. Up to ten years ago the life of the woman on the farm was one eternal round of petty duties. To-day the farmer's wife is part of the near-by community. She shares its interests, belongs to the Woman's Club, attends lectures, knows her neighbors, is able to talk understandingly on public questions; she joins classes in domestic science, reads the magazines, and follows along with her children in their work at school.

public questions; she joins classes in

She shops in the near-by town and she knows values. No longer is she dependent on the itinerant peddler for sleazy calico and thin-bottomed pans. She attends bargain sales, supports local merchants with her trade, stands for better merchandising, and knows to a cent just what commodities are worth. She visits the moving-picture shows and enjoys educational films. She knows why unsanitary methods are a public menace, and she finds herself enjoying the neighborly competition which makes her but ter a little better and more in demand than that of her neighbor next door.

What has brought about this change, and what is all this doing toward the making of a broader and better America?

All the way down the annals of history progress has been marked by better communication. Isolated sections cannot grow beyond a certain point. Interchange of commodities, interchange of ideas, has meant not only the upbuilding of commerce but the mental advancement of every community.

While the introduction of the automobile has meant much to the pleasureloving members of the community, it has played a much greater part in its readjustment of social conditions. Chi!dren are carried to school by auto-bus without tying up motive power which is needed for work on the farm; smallstore keepers are learning better business methods because of better touch with the outside world and increased business: and women are patronizing home markets because they are able to get there and make personal selections. Then, too, the city worker finds it possible to live in the outlying districts and still go to his work in town even if he is not the possessor of a car, for bus lines are gridironing outlying districts; the rural motor express is making short work of carrying commodities and transportation is just at the other end of the telephone.

An interesting experiment was made some little time ago by a local Chamber of Commerce in New York State. The purpose was to provide better transportation facilities for out-of-town residents and to increase local business.

A waiting station was built in a central location of the town, and in the sta tion were placed a number of small bins, each bin being marked with the number of a motor-bus route. Packages sent to the station by merchants are deposited in the proper bin, and may be claimed by the passenger on a special ticket or are delivered at the homes by the motor-bus driver, who drops them off at the respective houses as he covers his

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route. A small fee is charged, and the expense is sometimes borne by the merchant and sometimes by the customer. As the busses serve the country district for a radius of eighteen miles, this has proved not only a distinct service to country buyers but an immense stimulant to local trade. Telephone orders have increased to such an extent that telephone order desks have been installed in many of the stores and special buyers fill orders by personal selection, becoming so well acquainted with the needs of their trade that they make selections with almost unerring accuracy.

Maintenance costs, including salary of the attendant at the termina!, are covered by the profits from the news-stand, which sells the usual run of popular

magazines and candies, and by the small
charge for package storage. Each bus
driver carries a key to the station, and
the door is unlocked by the first one who
comes in the morning and is locked
again by the man who covers the last
route. Increase in local trade has
proved remarkable even to the most en-
thusiastic sponsors of the plan.

Not only has the motor bus brought
the outlying district into close touch
with the city, but it has been a flexible
means of bridging temporary gaps in
transportation. In the Far West it has
penetrated to those isolated sections
whose inhabitants have many of them
never seen a railway. Twelve thousand
motor trucks are used to take children
to school in this country and hundreds

of bus lines have been established with regular scheduled routes.

Not less difficult than that of the outof-town resident has been the position of the railways in handling passenger, mail, and light express service on their side-lines. Little jerk-water railways have often been willing enough to give service, but the expense involved in providing a crew of three or four men to operate the engine and combination passenger and freight car not only ate up the profits of that branch but those of the others as well. Fare for half a dozen passengers a day, a little freight, and a few bags of mail does not offset wages, coal, and the standing charges of equipment.

With a view to relieving their diffi




A Cotton Shipment and
Banking Service

NE of our customers in the South
recently had demonstrated to
him the value of a banking connection
through which he could obtain adequate
credit and service.

He had made a shipment of cotton to
a Liverpool firm. On its arrival, a cer-
tain proportion was not accepted by the
consignee. Its disposition now became
a problem to the exporter.

Through our New York Office we ex-
tended the shipper credit with which to
repay the British firm for the unaccepted
cotton. Through our Liverpool Office

we arranged sale of the cotton on a basis
satisfactory to our customer, and at-
tended to the collection of the proceeds
for him.

This Company finances a large vol-
ume of American cotton exports. It
has developed a service which is of
genuine value, not only in routine.
matters, but in such emergencies as the
foregoing, which are inevitable from
time to time.

Similarly, manufacturers and merchants
in practically every line find our service
an asset in their business.

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$5 $6 $7 &$8 SHOES



TO MERCHANTS: If no dealer in your town handles W. L. Douglas shoes, write today for exclusive rights to handle this quick selling, quick turn-over line.

W. L. Douglas Shoe Co,

167 Spark St. Brockton, Mass.


INDUSTRY (Continued)

culty, the motor-truck companies came to the rescue with the offer of a rail car which would fill all their requirements and yet permit of one-man operation. This car is fashioned much like a motor bus, except that it has flanged wheels and a place for mail or light freight. It is operated over side-lines by one man, and tests have proved that it not only maintains good speed and takes the inclines as well as the ordinary train, but that it is a bear for heavy snow and plows through it like a steam-engine, a very necessary requisite for the side-line car. At the present time something over twenty roads are operating these rail cars, with excellent results.

And just as the motor bus fills a great social need, so the motor truck is giving us a quick and economical method of transporting commodities over short hauls. The truck is not only bringing in produce from the outlying farm to the city dweller, but it is carrying back to the farmer in its return loads the commodities he needs for running his farm and for the comfort of his family.

There are said to be something over a hundred concerns operating trucks on sixteen regular routes which pass through New York City and which cover the country to the south through New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware to the District of Columbia, and to the north they extend all over New England. These companies not only haul produce and fruit, but also manufactured articles.

As an example of the opportunities which present themselves for motortruck distribution, the Port of New York offers an excellent illustration. Within a trucking radius of the Port of New York 8,000,000 people are supplied with thousands of tons of food every year. The more directly and more rapidly this tonnage can be transported from shipper to consumer, the less will be the waste, the better the quality, and the lower the cost.

Throughout New England farmers have been quick to use the motor truck to reach city tables with their produce. It has been estimated that the Boston Post Road alone carries $15,000,000 worth of commodities a year. But this does not cover merely foodstuffs and farm produce, although thousands of dozens of eggs are one of the largest individual items. Manufacturers have found that for small articles which have great intrinsic value and for transporting commodities where crating or heavy boxing would be necessary in railway haulage, the truck offers an easy means of moving them. Farm produce is packed in baskets and no heavy packing is needed even for such breakables as eggs.

How to keep transport costs at their lowest figure is continually in the mind of every transport company. The American Railway Express, whose tonnage mounts to the millions, found that standing motors and idle drivers constituted a large share of their expense. Now

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they keep their drivers busy and use demountable trailers, which are backed up to the loading platforms and are loaded while the driver takes out the already waiting load, which is quickly attached to his traction chassis. In Chicago and New York terminals hundreds of these traction units are continually on the move, picking up and releasing loaded and unloaded trailers. In all, the American Railway Express operates something over 3,400 trucks.

Much this same plan has been adopted by one of the largest drug chains in the country in supplying their local stores in and around New York City. Careful analysis proved to them that at least within a radius of forty-five miles of their warehouses they could deliver more economically and satisfactorily by truck. Not the least of the considerations included the more rapid turnover of money invested, owing to the rapidity of truck delivery, which eliminated long waits on sidings and lost sales through uncertain delivery.

This company uses seven large cranes, which are adjusted to their shipping platform and which permit the hanging of extra auto bodies. When the truck arrives in the morning, it deposits an extra body. Within a few minutes a loaded body has been attached to the chassis and it has made way for another truck, thus materially decreasing the space necessary for loading platforms. Extra bodies are always in the process of loading and the chauffeurs are not obliged to waste any time standing around.

In the Far West, where great stretches of country are without railway transportation, motor haulage has greatly facilitated and lowered the cost of distribution. It has been estimated that not less than 4,000 motor trucks are used in California for contract hauling, and the traffic count shows an average of 286,375 truck miles a day. In the fruit belt motor transport is the ideal solution for the handling of perishable fruit, and great fleets of trucks are continually

Give McCutcheon Linens for Christmas!

ONE gift that is always certain of an

enthusiastic welcome is the Christmas remembrance of McCutcheon Linen. For people know that whatever it may be-a box of beautifully embroidered handkerchiefs, or of plain, sturdy bed sheets, a luncheon set rich with delicate hand-work and lace-so long as it comes from McCutcheon's, it's of the finest quality obtainable.




Write for our Catalog No. 35

In our fall and Winter Catalog No. 35 you'll find prices and descriptions of the Linens mentioned above, and of many other delightful gift suggestions for Christmas. We give mail orders careful, painstaking attention. Deliveries are promptly made.

James McCutcheon & Co.

Department No. 35

Fifth Avenue and 34th Street, New York

Just what is Listerine, anyhow?

YOU'LL be interested to know

just why Listerine is so efficient and so safe as an antiseptic-why it has grown so steadily in popularity for the last half century.

Listerine consists of antiseptic oils and essences, such as thyme, eucalyptus, baptisia, gaultheria and mentha, scientifically combined with a saturated solution of boric acid.

Thus it has a two-fold antiseptic effect-first, the liquid itself halts infection; then upon evaporation it leaves a film of pure boric acid to protect the wound while Nature heals.

Its action is safe and sure. Don't be without it at home. For with Listerine near at hand you enjoy that comfortable feeling of knowing the antiseptic you use is both efficient and safe.

The booklet that comes with each bottle explains more fully

some of its many uses A safe, unirritating antiseptic for cuts, wounds and scratches, affording protection against infection while Nature heals.

As a gargle for sore throat to ward off more serious ills

As a spray in nasal catarrh.
A safe and fragrant deodorant
in matters of personal hygiene.
Delightful after shaving.
Effective in combating dandruff.
Useful in many skin disorders.

As a mouth-wash to correct unpleasant breath [halitosis]

Lambert Pharmacal Company

St. Louis, U. S. A.

By the author of "White Shadows in the South Seas "




By Frederick O'Brien

HE new book deals with those blazing coral wreaths upon the equatorial Pacific known as the Dangerous Archipelago, which are among the most amazing habitations of man. Mr. O'Brien spent months among the Paumotuans taking part in their daily lives.

Moreover, in the new book he tells of further adventures in the Marquesas Islands, and the reader meets again those unforgetable native figures-Exploding Eggs, Vanquished Often, Daughter of the Pigeon, Seventh Man Who Wallows in the Mire, and many others who first appeared in his " White Shadows in the South Seas." Profusely illustrated from photographs. Price $5.00.


By S. E. Forman

This is literally a book that no American can afford to be without. It is an authoritative, up-to-date, entertainingly written history of the United States from the earliest times down through the Armament Conference. It is about the country's business as well as about its wars; it is about its industrial life as well as about its political life. It is not a text-book, and the emphasis is quite properly on the marvelous development of the country. America's story is one of the most romantic and stimulating of all national histories. Illustrated. Price $5.00.

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