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The Luxury Cruise This Winter
A notable event in Cruising His-
tory From New York, Feb. 10,
1923.$950up-write for details.
American Express
Travel Dept.
65 Broadway
New York



Clark's 3rd Cruise, January 22, 1923


'EMPRESS of FRANCE "18481 Gross TONS
4 MONTHS CRUISE, $1000 and up
Including Hotels, Fees, Drives, Guides, etc.
Clark Originated Round the World Cruises
Clark's 19th Cruise, February 3, 1923


"EMPRESS of SCOTLAND" 25000 Gross Tons 65 DAYS CRUISE, $600 and up

Frank C. Clark, 401 Times Building, New York

[blocks in formation]

YOUR WANTSin every line of household, educational, business, or personal service-domestic workers, teachers, nurses, business or professional assistants, tc., etc.-whether you require help or are seeking a sitution, may be filled through a little announcement in the classified columns of The Outlook. If you have some article o sell or exchange, these columns may prove of real value to you as they have to many others. Send for descriptive cirular and order blank AND FILL YOUR WANTS. Address Department of Classified Advertising

The Outlook Company, 381 Fourth Ave., N. Y.

Leading Hotels



Two hotels that enjoy world-wide

fame for their lux

urious appoint

ments, charming surroundings and most excellent


We shall be pleased to send illustrated booklet upon request

[blocks in formation]


UNIQUE Christmas cards, ten and fifteen cents. Anna Wildman, The Clinton, Philadelphia.

WANTED-Competent teachers for public
and private schocls. Calls coming every day.
Bend for circulars. Albany Teachers' Agency,
Albany, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

Companions and Domestic Helpers RELIABLE, refined, Protestant lady to take care of three children and home twenty miles from New York. 2,961, Outlook.

WANTED-Resident or non-resident
housekeeper. Intelligent, refined woman to
take entire care of lady's apartment of six
sunny rooms at moderate salary. Require-
ments: Protestant, under forty, fine but light
cooking. A happy home in lovely surround-

DIETITIANS, cafeteria managers, govern-ings for the right person. 2,964, Outlook.
esses, matrons, housekeepers, superintend-
ents. Miss Richarda, Providence, R. I. Box 5
East Side. Boston Office, Trinity Court, Fri-
days, 11 to 1. Address Providence.

WANTED-Teachers all subjects. Good
vacancies in schools and colleges. Interna-
tional Musical and Educational Agency, Car-
negie Hall, N. Y.


UNUSUALLY desirable stationery for any grade note paper and 100 envelopes printed type of correspondence. 200 sheets high with your name and address postpaid $1.50. Samples on request. We sell hundreds of boxes for Christmas gifts. Please order early. Lewis, 284 Second Ave., Troy, N. Y.

OLD Hampshire bond; 100 sheets (6x7) and 75 envelopes, printed, $2 delivered. Franklin Printery, Warner, N. H.

FOR $1 postpaid. 200 sheets bond notepaper and 100 envelopes printed with your name and address. Good paper and first-class work. Samples stamp. M. C. Harp, Lansingburg, N. Y.

Professional Situations
COUNCILOR, Protestant, with following,
boys' summer camp, Maine. 2,905, Outlook.

Business Situations

WOMEN. Nation-wide demand for high-
salaried men and women. Past experience
unnecessary. We train you by mail and put
you in touch with big opportunities. Big pay.
fine living, interesting work, quick advance-
ment, permanent. Write for free book,
Hotel Training Schools, Room 5842, Wash-
ington, D. C.

WANTED-College professors with expe-
rience in European travel to conduct high-
grade parties during the spring, summer, or
winter. 8,306, Outlook.

Companions and Domestic Helpers WORKING housekeeper-Family of four and governess. Cooking; waiting; no washing. References. Telephone Scarsdale 283, or P. O. Box 54, Scarsdale, N. Y.

WANTED-Refined Protestant young woman to care for child four years old during the day. Brooklyn Heights. 2,969, Outlook. Teachers and Governesses

MAN or woman to head department of education in Southern college for women, work beginning November 15. Woman to teach high school French. College graduates; fine salaries. The Interstate Teachers' Agency, Macheca Building, New Orleans, La.

WANTED-Young nursery governess for little girl of four. New York in winter. 2,942, Outlook.

WANTED, in New York City, a college graduate, with some experience in teaching, for four hours every afternoon to supervise school work of girl of 14 or teach if absent, also to go out with her for lessons, recreation, etc. State age, experience, references, and salary expected. 2,955, Outlook.

WANTED-Governess and mother's helper. Protestant. Country home, two children. Phonetic system kindergarten. Young, cheerful disposition. References. Salary $50. 2,967, Outlook.


Professional Situations

NURSE, practical, refined, reliable, desires
care of invalid, matron institution or nurs
ing. Any executive position. 2,960, Outlook.
Companions and Domestic Helpers
REFINED, active, middle-aged widow
wishes position as companion and assistant
or managing housekeeper where maid is
kept. Would travel. References exchanged.
2,962, Outlook.

GENTLEWOMAN desires position as com-
panion, housekeeper, or housemother. Some
institutional experience. 2,963, Outlook.

EDUCATED woman, Christian, used to responsibility, understanding requirements of refined home, to take supervising charge of house. References. 2,958, Outlook.

COMPANION to lady, capable, educated, mother's assistant. Good all around sewer. Protestant. 2,957, Outlook.

YOUNG woman, highly cultured, widely traveled, would act as traveling companion for expenses. References. 2,956, Outlook.

SITUATIONS WANTED Companions and Domestic Helpers EXPERIENCED man will care for elderly or invalid gentleman. References. Box 257, Hugoton, Kansas.

ENGLISH college graduate, 25, bright, cheerful companion, to refined lady or gentle man; also knowledge of housekeeping and nursing; would travel. References and interview. 2,947, Outlook.

INFANT'S nurse, English, best references. Address Nurse, 336 West 55th St., New York.

WANTED, by a gentlewoman, a position of trust in home, institution, or field work. Valuable experience in housekeeping and social service work. Highest references. 2,953, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses

TRAINED woman desires to tutor in New York City. Psychology, literature, Latin, mathematics, history. Day or evening. Address 2,950, Outlook.

ASSISTANT in children's institution or private school. Protestant, 25, education, adaptability, story-telling and kindergarten experience. 2,959, Outlook.


PROFESSIONAL nurse owning luxurious home would like elderly couples or persons as guests or patients. Address 2,948, Outlook.

TO young women desiring training in the care of obstetrical patients a very thorough nurses' aid course of six months is offered by the Lying-In Hospital, 307 Second Ave., New York. Monthly allowance and full maintenance is furnished. For further information address Directress of Nurses.

MISS Guthman, New York shopper, will shop for you, services free. No samples. References. 309 West 99th St.

BOYS wanted. 500 boys wanted to sell The Outlook each week. No investment necessary, Write for selling plan, Carrier Department, The Outlook Company, 381 Fourth Ave., New York City.

M. W. Wightman & Co. Shopping Agency, established 1895. No charge; prompt delivery. 25 West 24th St., New York.

EXCELLENT private home and nursing for limited number tubercular patients. Special diets. Address 2,949, Outlook. WANTED-Defective

Address W., Pawling. ve people to board.

CAPABLE young woman out of city desi manuscripts to typewrite at 25 cents typed page, paying return registry ar age. Price includes one carbon copy Outlook.

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American Bankers Association



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Ask for them at your bank or write for particulars to


New York City


About A-B-A Cheques -universally used by travelers in every land.

-your counter-signature in presence of acceptor identifies you.

-safe to have on the person because they can not be used until they have been countersigned by the original holder.

-safer than money, and frequently more convenient than Letters of Credit because the bearer is less dependent on banking hours.

-issued by banks everywhere in denominations of $10, $20, $50, and $100. -compact, easy to carry, handy to use.



E all have our little tricks in

"Wspeech or in writing, says

Philip Hale in the Boston "Herald." "Jones will never forsake 'however;' Brown has sworn fidelity to 'nevertheless;' Robinson begins every other sentence in a speech, stump or after-dinner, with 'Now.' The word 'angle' is often overworked. 'From this angle it seems.' There was a time when 'it bulked' was used ad nauseam. 'It is a far cry' is another overworked phrase." "What's

the big idea?" "The right slant," "Good eats," "intrigued," "You said it," are other bromidian expressions that are likely soon to go to the melting pot.


"Tom Sawyer" was not completed all at once. Mark Twain had to stop when he was half through and wait two years before he knew how to finish the story. "At page 400 of my manuscript," he says in a chapter of his hitherto unpublished "Autobiography" in "Harper's Magazine," "the story made a sudden and determined halt and refused to proceed another step. . . . The reason was very simple-my tank had run dry." After a couple of years he took it up again. "It was then that I made the great discovery that when the tank runs dry you've only to leave it alone and it will fill up again, in time, while you are asleep. . . . There was plenty of material now, and the book went on and finished itself without any trouble."

"During a recent visit to the Tower of London," a subscriber writes, "while in the armory, we saw a mace that bore the inscription, 'Borne before Charles II.' 'Born before Charles the Second!' another visitor said; 'how could that be?" "

"The story told by Bishop Candler, of Atlanta, and quoted lately in your column, was told to me in the summer of 1857 by the Rev. James R. Bourne." So begins a letter from a subscriber, and makes us feel blue at having inadvertently worked off another old chestnut on our much-enduring readers. But this reassuring sentence follows: "I have never heard it since except perhaps two or three times when I told it myself, nor have I ever seen it in print before." Apropos of another subject, our friendly critic continues: "Rather curiously, the next year at school I studied Gillespie's Surveying, and he describes a method of mapping which Mr. Kennan describes as being used by Alexander Graham Bell."

Only two men have succeeded in swimming across the English ChannelCaptain Webb and William T. Burgess. An American recently tried and failed. Luck seems a factor that decides success or failure in this feat, for if the shifting winds and tides prove unfavorable the attempt is foredoomed to failure. Webb swam the Channel in 1875, in 21 hours 45 mintes. Burgess accomplished the feat thirty-six years later, in 22 hours 35 minutes.

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from the old shoemaker

YOU read a speech of David Lloyd George, and you say: "How did he learn to think so clearly and express himself with such power? What college did he attend?"

His college was the cobbler shop in a little village in Wales; his teachers I were his uncle the cobbler-and a few really worth-while books.

It was those books, wisely selected for him, and systematically read, that gave Lloyd George his start.

Why not decide to-day to stop wasting your reading hours? Why not say: "From now on I will read only the books that will build me into a more successful man or

woman; the books that have proved their building power in other lives."

You can do it, if you will. Your reading problem has been solved; the solution is contained in a free booklet which every ambitious man and woman should own. It is called "Fifteen Minutes a Day" and it tells the whole story of


The Fascinating Path to a Liberal Education Every well-informed man and woman should at least know something about this famous library.

The free book tells about it-how Dr. Eliot has put into his Five-Foot

Shelf" the essentials of a liberal education," how he has so arranged it that even "fifteen minutes a day' are enough, how in pleasant moments of spare time, by using the reading courses Dr. Eliot has provided for you, you can get the knowledge of literature and life, the culture, the broad viewpoint that every university strives to give.

"For me," wrote one man who had sent in the coupon, "your little free book meant a big step forward, and it showed me besides the way to a vast new world of pleasure."

Every reader of The Outlook is invited to have a copy of this handsome and entertaining little book. It is free, will be sent by mail, and involves no obligation of any sort. Merely clip the coupon and mail it

Send for this FREE BOOK


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"THE CITY OF PRINEVILLE RAILWAY" Oregon, they found a charming little valley at the junction of two rollicking mountain streams. These had cut their channel eight or nine hundred feet down through the hard lava flow that ages and ages ago spread itself in a sheet of molten rock over this region. One stream was called the Ochoco and the other, from its characteristic course, was unhesitatingly called Crooked River. These early pioneers may have wondered just where these clear, cold streams came from in the midst of such a desert. Enough for them, however, that their waters flowed so close on the surface as to make it a comparatively simple job to turn it out onto the level land of the valley for irrigating purposes.

Thus began the little settlement of Prineville. All about them, up on top of the lava plains, lay one of the finest live-stock ranges to be found in all the West, especially in winter. Naturally they became range live-stock men, and as such prospered. For forty or more years Prineville was the central point of southeastern Oregon. They had dreams of some day rivaling Portland, far to the northwest. But alas for their future! no railway came near them. To the west, along the coast, and again to the north, along the great Columbia River, men built railways, but none ventured into that desert of lava rock and pumice. Then came the well-remembered fight between two great railway builders, each eager to outstrip the other in being the first to open up the huge belt of timber that covered the eastern slopes of the Cascade Ranges along the head-waters of the Deschutes River. For some time it looked as if this line would touch Prineville on its way to the south from the Columbia, but fate decreed that the road could be most economically built by going considerably to the west of the town, so their one chance for a railway was everlastingly blasted.

For about ten years they hoped against hope that the builders of the road up the Deschutes River would take pity on them and at least build a branch line into their town. But their hopes

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Try the


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"Daily Dozen"
To Music!

FREE PROOF that Ten Minutes' Fun a Day
Gives You Health, Strength and Vitality

GREAT and new idea-and more fun than a game!
You cannot appreciate the fascination, the glow of
health, the amount of "pep" you acquire from
exercising to music until you have tried it!

Ten minutes a day of genuine fun will keep you fit. Walter Camp has made it possible. The famous "Daily Dozen" Exercises of this great Yale coach-exercises that reach and strengthen every muscle in your bodyhave been set to music on phonograph records, with Mr. Camp's special permission."

You put a record on the machine and the lively, spirited
music carries you through ten minutes of the most ex-
hilarating fun. A clear voice on the record gives the
commands, telling you exactly what to do. You are swept
along with a buoyancy that will amaze you. And the
result of this ten minutes' fun a day is a glowing health,
a glorious vitality, a springy step, a bright eye-and
in short, a whole, healthy, breathing and zestful
man or woman tingling with the very glow of life.
But the famous "Daily Dozen" do not stop
their wonderful work there. Far from it. If
you are overweight they will reduce your
waist line. If you are underweight they
will put firm, sound flesh on you. They
revitalize your body. They revive
weak, flabby muscles and rebuild
them into live, vital tissue. Thou-
sands of men and women, boys
and girls are regaining health,

strength and vitality through
use of the "Daily Dozen

The "Daily Dozen"
Build Muscle

Increase your wind, de-
velop your chest, strengthen
your powers of endurance
and your energy to work.
Put on muscular shoulders,
acquire strong stomach
muscles, get a wonderful


and superb physique-and enjoy yourself every
minute you are doing it.

You can say good-bye to constipation, head-
aches, backaches, insomnia, run-down condition,
nervousness, emaciation, want of appetite and
that tired, exhausted feeling

Five Days Free Trial

You cannot fully appreciate the real joy of doing the "Daily Dozen" to music until you try it. So we want to send you, absolutely free for five days, the five full-size, ten-inch, double-disc records, playable on any disc machine, containing the complete Daily Dozen Exercises, and the 60 actual photographs showing clearly every movement. A beautiful record album comes free with the set.

A slender and graceful form can only physical condition. come from a healthy.

No need to send any money. Simply mail the coupon below. Enjoy the records for five days, and if for any reason you are not satisfied, return them and you owe nothing. But if you decide to keep the records, you can pay for them at the easy rate of only $2.50 down, and $2 a month for four months until the sum of $10.50 is paid. Thousands of people have paid $15 for the same system.

Simply mail the coupon and see for yourself, at our expense, the new, easy, pleasant way to keep fit. It will add years to your life and make you happier by keeping you in glowing health. Mail the coupon to-day. Address HEALTH BUILDERS, INC., Dept. 611, Garden City, N. Y.

Five Day Trial Coupon


HEALTH BUILDERS, Inc., Dept. 611, Garden City, N. Y.

Please send me for five days' Free Trial at your expense the Complete Health Builder Series containing Walter Camp's entire Daily Dozen on five double-disc ten-inch records. the 60 actual photographs; and the beautiful record album. If for any reason I am not satisfied with the system, I may return it to you and will owe you nothing. But if I decide to keep it, I will send you $2.50 in five days (as the first payment) and agree to pay $2 a mouth for four months until the total of $10.50 is paid.




(Please write plainly)


If you prefer to take advantage of our cash price send only $10.0
(Orders from outside the U. S. are payable cash with order.)

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