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We repeat here what we said in our preface— that our pages are perfectly free from the slightest taint of indelicacy, or impropriety of thought or language. We are the more anxious to make this decided disclaimer, because we are conscious that the subject is, by many, esteemed, a very delicate one to handle, free from some approach to coarseness. It may be said that the progress of an author, on this track, is like treading Mahomet's bridge. This we deny the path is plain and open, and the objects and similes which surround it, breathe nothing but purity. Our book is not stained by a single stale jest or allusion. In the language of Boileau in his L'Art de Poet,'

"Je ne puis estimer ces dangereux auteurs,
Qui de l'honneur en vers infames deserteurs,
Trahissant la vertu sur un papier coupable,
Aux yeux de leur lecteurs rendent la vice aimable,
En vain l'esprit est plein d'un noble vigueur,
Si vers se sent toujours des bassesses du cœur."

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More last words!'-we really cannot tear ourselves away. It is like parting with a dear friend

-the hand is often shook, and the farewell often spoken. The fact is, we feel melancholy at the thought of bidding adieu to our delightful friends, we have been happy in their company, and shall feel a blank in head and heart when they are gone from us.

We would beseech them once and for all-to be content and they will be happy!-This is the

"Cordial drop-Heaven in our cup has thrown!"

and they will find abundant cause for being so, on perusing our pages. Let the reproach of ill-nature and selfishness be no more heard, and let Old Maidism, in place of being considered as a condition to be feared by the young, and disliked by the old, be looked upon as a safe and pleasant mode of journeying through life. And now, in truth and sincerity, we bid them farewell. One

word more, and then, indeed, farewell.-Should the world, at any time, treat Ancient Virginity with unbecoming rudeness or coldness, let it remember that it has a champion, ever ready to gird on his sword for its defence.-Let it apply to him, and whether he is in hall or in bower -at the festal board or in the house of sorrow, he here pledges his honor, dearer to him than life, that the call shall be instantly answered, and woe to the man who meets him in the lists, for—

"thrice is he armed

That hath his quarrel just !”

and now again-farewell!


LET us say with Tibullus- Ite procul durum

curæ genus-ite labores.'

"Fly hence ye troubles, vanish into air,
And fly, ye wrinkled family of care!"

No longer shall the borders of the stream separat.. ing young from Old Maidenhood, be traversed by disconsolate damsels, wringing their hands and filling the air with cries of anguish, and vainly imploring the fates to protract their destined hour, -but at the sight of its wished-for waters-the sisters shall sing

"Joy! joy for ever! our task is done,
The gates are pass'd, and heaven is won!
Farewell ye odours of earth that die,

Passing away like a lover's sigh.”

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