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'I will fly on the wings of the wind,' replied Catesby. Heaven grant that when I return the object of our solicitude may not be past all human aid!'

With this, he hurried to an out-building in which the horses were placed, and choosing the strongest and fleetest from out their number, mounted, and started at full gallop in the direction of Manchester; nor did he relax his speed until he reached the gates of the ancient College. Hanging the bridle of his smoking steed to a hook in the wall, he crossed the large quadrangular court; and finding the principal entrance open, passed the lofty room now used as the refectory, ascended the flight of stone stairs that conducts the modern visiter to the library, and was traversing the long galleries communicating with it, and now crowded with the learning of ages, when he encountered a grave but crafty-looking personage, in a loose brown robe, and Polish cap, who angrily demanded his business.

Apologizing for the intrusion, Catesby was about to explain, when a small oak door near them was partly opened, and an authoritative voice, from within, exclaimed, 'Do not hinder him, Kelley. I know his business, and will see him.'

The seer made no further remark, but pointing to the door, Catesby at once comprehended that it was Dee's voice he had heard; and, though somewhat startled by the intimation that he was expected, entered the room. He found the Doctor surrounded by his magical apparatus, and slowly returning to the chair he had just quitted.

Without looking behind him to see whom he addressed, Dee continued, 'I have just consulted my show-stone, and know why you are come hither. You bring a token from Miss Radcliffe.'

'I do,' replied Catesby, in increased astonishment. It is here.' 'It is needless to produce it,' replied Dee, still keeping his back towards him. I have seen it already. Kelley,' he continued, 'I am about to set out for Ordsall Hall immediately. You must ac company me.'

'Amazement!' cried Catesby. 'Is the purpose of my visit then really known to your reverence?'

'You shall hear,' rejoined Dee, facing him. 'You have a friend who is at the point of death, and having heard that I possess an elixir of wonderful efficacy, are come in quest of it.'

'True,' replied Catesby, utterly confounded.

'The name of that friend,' pursued Dee, regarding him fixedly, 'is Guy Fawkes,-your own, Robert Catesby.'

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'I need no more to convince me, reverend sir,' rejoined Catesby, trembling, in spite of himself, that all I have heard of your wonderful powers falls far short of the truth.'

'You are but just in time,' replied Dee, bowing gravely, in ac

knowledgment of the compliment. Another hour, and it would have been too late.'

'Then you think he will live!' cried Catesby, eagerly.

'I am sure of it,' replied Dee, 'provided-'

'Provided what?' interrupted Catesby. Is there aught I can do to insure his recovery?'

'No,' replied Dee, sternly. 'I am debating within myself whether it is worth while reviving him for a more dreadful fate.'

'What mean you, reverend sir?' asked Catesby, a shade passing over his countenance.

'You understand my meaning, and therefore need no explanation,' replied Dee. 'Return to Ordsall Hall, and tell Miss Radcliffe I will be there in an hour. Bid her have no further fear. If the wounded man breathes when I arrive, I will undertake to cure him. Add further, that I know the other request she desires to make of me, and that it is granted before it is asked. Farewell, sir, for a short time.'

On reaching the court, Catesby expanded his chest, shook his limbs, and exclaimed, 'At length I breathe freely. The atmosphere of that infernal chamber smelt so horribly of sulphur that it almost stifled me. Well, if Doctor Dee has not dealings with the devil, man never had! However, if he cures Guy Fawkes, I care not whence the medicine comes from.'

As he descended Smithy Bank, and was about to cross the old bridge over the Irwell, he perceived a man riding before him, who seemed anxious to avoid him. Struck by this person's manner, he urged his horse into a quicker pace, and being the better mounted of the two, soon overtook him, when to his surprise he found it was Martin Heydocke.

'What are you doing here, sirrah?' he demanded.

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'I have been sent by Mistress Viviana with a message to Master Humphrey Chetham,' replied the young man, in great confusion. 'Indeed!' exclaimed Catesby, angrily. And how dared you convey a message to him, without consulting me on the subject!' 'I was not aware you were my master,' replied Martin, sulkily. If I owe obedience to any one, it is to Master Chetham, whose servant I am. But if Mistress Viviana gives me a message to deliver, I will execute her commands, whoever may be pleased or displeased.' 'I did but jest, thou saucy knave,' returned Catesby, who did not desire to offend him. Here is a piece of money for thee. Now, if it be no secret, what was Miss Radcliffe's message to thy master!' 'I know not what her letter contained,' replied Martin; but his answer was, that he would come to the hall at nightfall.'

It is well I ascertained this,' thought Catesby, and he added aloud, 'I understood your master had been arrested and impri


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'So he was,' replied Martin; but he had interest enough with the Commissioners to procure his liberation.'

'Enough,' replied Catesby, and striking spurs into his charger, he dashed off.

A quarter of an hour's hard riding brought him to the hall, and, on arriving there, he proceeded at once to the wounded man's chamber, where he found Viviana and Garnet.

'Have you succeeded in your errand?' cried the former, eagerly. 'Will Doctor Dee come, or has he sent the elixir ?'

'He will bring it himself,' replied Catesby.

Viviana uttered an exclamation of joy, and the sound appeared to reach the ears of the sufferer, for he stirred, and groaned faintly. 'Doctor Dee desired me to tell you, Miss Radcliffe,' said Catesby, drawing her aside, and speaking in a low tone, 'that your other request was granted.'

Viviana looked surprised, and as if she did not clearly understand him.

'Might he not refer to Master Humphrey Chetham ?' continued Catesby, somewhat maliciously.

'Ah! you have learnt from Martin Heydocke that I have written to him,' returned Viviana, blushing deeply. What I was about to ask of Doctor Dee had no reference to Master Chetham. It was to request permission to privately inter my father's remains in our family vault in the Collegiate Church. But, how did he know I had any request to make?'

'That passes my comprehension,' replied Catesby, unless he obtained his information from his familiar spirits.'

Shortly after this, Doctor Dee and Kelley arrived at the hall. Catesby met them at the gate, and conducted them to the wounded man's chamber. Coldly saluting Garnet, whom he eyed with suspicion, and bowing respectfully to Viviana, the Doctor slowly advanced to the bedside. He gaxed for a short time at the wounded man, and folded his arms thoughtfully upon his breast. The eyes of the sufferer were closed, and his lips slightly apart, but no breath seemed to issue from them. His bronzed complexion had assumed the ghastly hue of death, and his strongly-marked features had become fixed and rigid. His black hair, stiffened and caked with blood, escaped from the bandages around his head, and hung in elf-locks on the pillow. It was a piteous spectacle. And Doctor Dee appeared much moved by it.

'The worst is over,' he muttered: 'why recall the spirit to its wretched tenement ?'

'If you can save him, reverend sir, do not hesitate,' implored Viviana.

'I am come hither for that purpose,' replied Dee; 'but I must have no other witness to the experiment except yourself, and my attendant Kelley.'

'I do not desire to be present, reverend sir,' replied Viviana; 'but I will retire into that closet, and pray that your remedy may prevail.'

'My prayers for the same end shall be offered in the adjoining room,' observed Garnet. And taking Catesby's arm, who seemed spell-bound by curiosity, he dragged him away.

The door closed, and Viviana withdrawn into the closet, where she knelt down before the crucifix, Doctor Dee seated himself on the bedside; and taking a gourd-shaped bottle, filled with a clear sparkling liquid, from beneath his robe, he raised it to his eyes with his left hand, while he placed his right on the wrist of the wounded man. In this attitude he continued for a few seconds, while Kelley, with his arms folded, likewise kept his gaze fixed on the phial. At the expiration of that time, Dee, who had apparently counted the pulsations of the sufferer, took out the glass stopper from the bottle, the contents of which diffused a pungent odour around; and wetting a small piece of linen with it, applied it to his temples. He then desired Kelley to raise his head, and poured a few drops down his throat. This done, he waited a few minutes, and repeated the application.

Look!' he cried to Kelley. The elixir already begins to operate. His chest heaves. His limbs shiver. That flush upon the cheek, and that dampness on the brow, denote that the animal heat is restored. A third dose will accomplish the cure.'

'I can already feel his heart palpitate,' observed Kelley, placing his hand on the patient's breast.

'Heavens be praised!' ejaculated Viviana, who had suspended her devotions to listen.

'Hold him tightly,' cried Dee to his assistant, while I administer the third dose. He may injure himself by his struggles.'

Kelley obeyed, and twined his arms tightly round the wounded man. And, fortunate it was that the precaution was taken; for, no sooner was the elixir poured down his throat than his chest began to labour violently, his eyes opened; and, raising himself bolt-upright, he struggled violently to break from the hold imposed upon him. This he would have effected, if Dee had not likewise lent his aid to prevent him.

This is, indeed, a wonderful sight!' cried Miss Radcliffe, who had quitted the closet, and now gazed on, in awe and astonishment. 'I can never be sufficiently thankful to you, reverend sir.'

'Give thanks to Him to whom alone they are due,' replied Dee. 'Summon your friends. They may now resume their posts. My task is accomplished.'

Catesby and Garnet being called into the room, could scarcely credit their senses when they beheld Guy Fawkes, who by this time. had ceased struggling, reclining on Kelley's shoulder, and, except a certain wildness in the eye, and cadaverousness of hue, looking as he was wont to do.



EVENING had just begun to set in, when a long train of mules, heavily laden, obedient to the voice of their arrieros, stopped with one accord before the door of a venta, between Castile and Andalusia. The hostel was isolated, but in spite of its miserable appearance, was a place of great resort. In front, rising to a considerable elevation, was seen one of those wells, called in India Persian wheels, for raising water, whose simple construction dates from the time of the Moors, and whose machinery is set in motion by a mule, who, blindfolded, keeps pacing in the same circle.

The caravan had just crossed the desolate plains of La Mancha, the monotonous track of which is relieved by no species of vegetation. They seemed enveloped in an atmosphere of dust and flame. Men and beasts were covered with the red and argillaceous dust, and all expressed, each in his own way, delight at having reached their destination after the toils of the day.

But the barking of half a dozen dogs, chained on both sides of the door, was the only welcome which the travellers received. No one passed the threshold to do the honours of the house; and the mayoral, or head of the caravan, without appearing in the least surprised at this want of hospitality, prepared to make his way at once into the house by the narrow passage left between the Cerberuses. 'Gracias a Dio!' said he, leaping nimbly from his palfrey, and walking straight to a wicket in the great portal of the venta, which being already unbarred, he led in his horse, and all the mules followed, one by one, in the same order which they had kept during the march, and then, like a well-drilled troop of dragoons, ranged them. selves in line, their necks outstretched, and waiting patiently to be relieved of their burthens. The mule-drivers, and some travellers, who had for mutual security joined the convoy, closed the caval cade; and, as soon as they had all entered, the door was carefully shut and bolted as before,—for the night had now completely closed in.

The description of the interior of the venta will give an exact idea of the inns in Spain, or rather 'refuges,' as they might more properly be called, established by the contributions of the pious, or by the vanity of some high and mighty dons, and which have often been compared to the caravanseras of the East.

This interior consists of a single apartment, a vast barn, whose raftered roof rests upon three ranges of square stone pillars. The light of day is only admitted by some openings cut out of the wall, resembling loop-holes in a fortress, and these so narrow, that at midday the eye must be habituated to the twilight before it can distinguish the objects within. Men, beasts, and their burthens, have all the same accommodation; and it has often happened that this spacious domicile has contained more than a hundred travellers, and double or triple the number of mules and horses. These latter are fastened on both sides of the wall. They are heard, however, rather than seen; for the windows, innocent of glass, are so placed, that the light can only penetrate to the middle of the room and the two



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