FIFTH DAY. MORNING SESSION. SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKA, KAS., January 12, 1895. 9 o'clock A. M. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; the president in the chair. The roll was called; 37 members present, being a quorum of the Senate. Absent: Senators Baker, Dillard, and Metcalf. Prayer by the Rev. V. H. Biddison. Senator Brown introduced Senate resolution No. 25, and it was laid over, under the rules. Senator Reid moved that the rules be suspended, and that the Senate go into executive session, to consider confidential messages from the governor. The motion prevailed. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Senate went into executive session, for the consideration of confidential messages from the governor. The appointment of S. M. Scott as a member of the state board of public works was confirmed. The appointment of S. H. Snider for commissioner of insurance was confirmed. On motion, the executive session was dissolved. The Senate reconvened in open session. Senators Williamson and Willcockson were excused until Monday morning. Senator Landis was excused from further attendance, indefinitely. Senator Carpenter moved that when Senate adjourn it adjourn till 1 o'clock P. M., and the motion prevailed. On motion of Senator Reid, the Senate adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKA, KAS, January 12, 1895. 1 o'clock P. M. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; the president in the chair. The roll was called; 37 members present, being a quorum of the Senate. Absent: Senators Baker, Dillard, and Price. On motion of Senator Householder, the Senate went into executive session, to consider confidential messages from the gov ernor. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The appointment of N. M. Hinshaw as a member of the state board of charities was before the Senate. The question being, Shall the appointment be confirmed? the roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 21, nays 11. The appointment was confirmed. On motion, the executive session dissolved. The Senate reconvened in open session. On motion of Senator Reid, the Senate then took a recess until 7:30 o'clock P. M. The hour to which recess was taken having arrived, the Sen ate resumed business; the president in the chair. The roll was called; 31 members present, being a quorum of the Senate. Absent: Senators Baker, Dillard, Metcalf, O'Bryan, Price, Robbins, Thacher, Willcoxson, and Williamson. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. The following bills were introduced, and read the first time: By Senator Brown: Senate bill No. 133, An act amending section 6226 of the general statutes of 1889, of Kansas, and repealing said original section 6226. By Senator Forney: Senate joint resolution No. 6, In reference to a claim against the government of the United States by W. D. Boutwell. SECOND READING AND REFERENCE OF BILLS. The following bills were read the second time, and referred to the committees indicated: Cities of the First Class: House bill No. 1, An act to prohibit lotteries, gift enterprises, policy, and schemes in the nature of lotteries. House bill No. 2, An act in relation to gambling, and repealing section 239 of chapter 31 of the laws of 1868, as amended by section 1 of chapter 149, laws of 1887; also repealing section 241 of chapter 31 of the general statutes of Kansas of 1868, and all other provisions inconsistent therewith. State Affairs: House bill No. 99, An act authorizing and empowering the secretary of state and the assistant secretary of state to administer oaths. INTRODUCTION OF ORIGINAL MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Senator Danner introduced Senate resolution No. 26. It was laid over, under the rules. Senator Forney introduced Senate resolution No. 27. It was laid over, under the rules. CONSIDERATION OF MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Senate resolution No. 19 was read, and is as follows: Resolved, That 500 copies of the rules of the Senate, 1895, be, and the same are, hereby ordered printed for the use of the Senate. Senator Scott moved the adoption of Senate resolution No. 19. Senator Dennison moved to amend the resolution by adding the words: "The state printer is instructed to submit a copy to the Committee on Rules, for revision, before printing the rules." The amendment was adopted. Senator King moved to strike out the words "five hundred" and insert the words "two hundred and fifty." The amendment was adopted. The question then being upon the adoption of the resolution as amended, the resolution was adopted. Senate resolution No. 20 was read, and laid over under the rules. Senate resolution No. 21 was read, and is as follows: WHEREAS, Owing to the fact that a large number of the Senators are too great a distance from home to go and return at the weekly adjournments: Resolved, That it shall be the policy of this Senate to hold sessions six days in the week. Senator Cooke moved the adoption of the resolution. Upon a vote being taken, the resolution was not adopted. Resolved, That a committee of five senators be appointed by the president of the Senate for the purpose of investigating charges of malfeasance in office made in public print, and otherwise, against such of the state boards as may be implicated in such charges, with power to send for persons and papers, and with authority to employ a clerk and stenographer. Senator Dennison moved to amend the resolution by adding the following words: "That the said committee be instructed to report a bill providing for a board of railroad assessors and equalization." The amendment was not adopted. The question being upon the adoption of the resolution, a roll call was demanded. The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 24, nays, 5. Senator voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Armstrong, Bowling, Brown, Carpenter, Danner, Dennison, Dillard, Dumbauld, Forney, Helmick, Householder, King, Leeds, Morgan, Parker, Reid, Robbins, Rogers, Scott, Senn, Shearer, Smith, Taylor, and True. Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Baldwin, Cooke, Helm, Jumper, and Reilly. Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Baker, Dillard, Landis, Leedy, McTaggart, Metcalf, O'Bryan, Sterne, Thacher, Willcockson, and Williamson. A majority having voted in favor of the resolution, the resolution was adopted. Senator Rogers moved that the Senate go into executive session, to consider confidential messages from the governor, and the motion prevailed. EXECUTIVE SESSION. By unanimous consent, the governor withdrew the following appointments: State board of health-For the term ending March 28, 1895: H. W. Roby, of Shawnee county; E. Swarts, of Wyandotte county, and A. J. Anderson, of Douglas county. For term ending March 28, 1896: Thomas Kirk, of Jewell county; P. Daugherty, of Geary county, and J. P. H. Dykes, of Stafford county. For term ending March 28, 1897: J. W. Jenney, of Saline county; R. E. Jones, of Wilson county, and J. P. Stewart, of Clay county. The following message from the governor was received: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Topeka, January 12, 1895. To the Senate: I respectfully submit for your consideration the following appointments: State board of health-For the term ending March 28, 1895: A. Gifford, of Lawrence; S. B. S. Wilson, of Olathe; John Miller, of Minneapolis. For the term ending March 28, 1896: M. M. Smith, of Washington; J. L. Benepe, of Kingman; and M. B. Ward, of Topeka. For term ending March 28, 1897: P. D. St. John, T. E. Rams, and C. F. Menninger. L. D. LEWELLING, Governor. The above appointments were confirmed. The following message from the governor was received: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Topeka, January 12, 1895. To the Senate: I respectfully submit for your consideration the following appointments: For adjutant general, A. J. Davis, to succeed H. H. Artz, resigned. The above appointments were confirmed. The appointments of G. M. Dickson, J. W. Brown, and T. A. Davis, as police commissioners of Wichita, were confirmed. The appointments of C. E. Goodyear, of Sedgwick county, to succeed Joshua Wheeler, and C. B. Hoffman, of Dickinson, to succeed A. P. Forsythe, as members of the board of regents of the Kansas agricultural college, were confirmed. The appointment of Henry S. Clark, as a member of the board of regents of the Kansas state university, was confirmed. The appointment of Geo. W. Hollenbeck, as a member of the board of directors of the state penitentiary, was not confirmed. The executive session was then dissolved. The Senate reconvened in open session. Senator Householder moved that when the Senate adjourns it adjourn until 9 o'clock A. M., Monday. Senator Carpenter moved to amend the motion to "meet at 10 o'clock A. M., Tuesday." The amendment was not adopted. The question being upon the original motion, a vote was had, and the motion prevailed. On motion, the Senate then adjourned. |