Clarence Rogers, page. Ray Brown, page. Russel Helm, page. Charlie Rice, page. Louie Griley, page. Morrie Hester, page. Lizzie Armstrong, chief enrolling clerk. Senator O'Bryan moved to insert the name of Ed. Brenner,. of Topeka, as page. The motion did not prevail. Senator Brown moved to strike out the name of Ben. C.. Rich as reading clerk. A roll call was demanded. The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 8, nays 29. Senators voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Brown, Carpenter, McTaggart, Metcalf, Morgan, Parker, Scott, and Williamson. Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Armstrong,. Baldwin, Bowling, Cook, Danner, Dennison, Dillard, Dumbauld, Helm, Helmick, Householder, Jumper, King, Landis, Leeds,. Leedy, O'Bryan, Reid, Reilly, Robbins, Rogers, Senn, Shearer,. Smith, Sterne, Taylor, Thacher, True, and Willcockson. Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Baker, Forney,. and Price. A majority not having voted in the affirmative, the motion was lost. 4 The question being upon the adoption of the reso resolution was adopted. Senator Shearer offered Senate resolution No. 3, as Resolved, That the secretary of the Senate be instructed to exceed three typewriters for the use of the officers of th Senator Jumper moved the adoption of the resolut The question being upon the adoption of the re resolution was adopted. The sergeant at arms announced a MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed by the House to info that the House of Representatives has organized, by Chas. E. Lobdell, speaker; J. K. Cubbison, speaker pro Brown, chief clerk; L. S. Sears, assistant chief clerk; A. geant-at-arms, and is ready to receive any communic Senate. I am also directed by the House to inform the House has appointed a committee to wait upon the g form him that the House is organized and ready for bu FRANK L. BROW The president directed the secretary to inform the Senate is now organized. Senator King moved that a committee of th appointed to wait upon the governor and infor Senate is organized, and ready to receive any co have to make. may The motion prevailed. The president appointed Senators King, Re the committee to wait upon the governor. Senator Householder offered Senate resolu moved its adoption. The resolution was read, and is as follows: Resolved, That the hours for convening shall be 2 o'clock P. M. of each legislative day, until further The resolution was adopted. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYÉS SW The following officers and employés of th ward and took and subscribed to the oath of by law: W. L. Brown, secretary. Jas. L. Root, assistant secretary. Ben. C. Rich, reading clerk. H. N. Boyd, sergeant-at-arms. Solon Gray, assistant sergeant-at-arms. Ed. Marshall, second assistant sergeant-at-arms. Rev. J. D. Botkin, chaplain. V. H. Biddison, docket clerk. Bertha Morris, assistant docket clerk. A. D. Gilpin, journal clerk. Edna Steele, assistant journal clerk. A. C. Baker, document clerk. R. J. Williamson, assistant document clerk. Mrs. Sam. Wood, postmistress. D. B. Craig, assistant postmaster. Ray Brown, page. Russel Helm, page. Charlie Rice, page. Louie Griley, page. Morrie Hester, page. Lizzie Armstrong, chief enrolling clerk. Anna Brown, assistant enrolling clerk. Katie Dolan, assistant enrolling clerk. Ella C. King, assistant enrolling clerk. On motion, the Senate then adjourned until 10 A. X ary 9. SECOND DAY. MORNING SESSION. SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKA, KAS., January 9, 1895. 10 o'clock A. M. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; the president in the chair. The roll was called. Thirty-nine members present. Absent: Senator Price. Prayer by Rev. V. H. Biddison. The following communication was read: ATCHISON, KAS., January 7, 1895. To the Hon. Percy Daniels, Lieutenant Governor of Kansas, Topeka : MY DEAR SIR-At present I am sick and unable to take my seat as senator from the second senatorial district. I hope to be able to take my place within a few days, but until such time I ask to be granted leave of absence. JOHN M. PRICE. Very truly yours, Senator Dillard moved that an indefinite leave of absence be granted to Senator Price, which motion prevailed. Senator Scott offered Senate resolution No. 5, and moved its adoption. The resolution was read, and is as follows: Resolved, That the secretary of state be requested to furnish the Senate with a suitable supply of pens, ink, and stationery. The resolution was adopted. Senator King, chairman of the committee to wait upon the governor, submitted the following report. MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee, in conjunction with a similar committee from the House, have informed the governor that the Senate is organized and ready for business. The governor requested the committee to inform the Senate that he would communicate, in writing, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. L. P. KING. J. H. REILLY. |