STATE OF KANSAS, EXECUTIVE Department, To the Senate: I respectfully submit to your consideration the following appointments: State board of charities: For the term ending April 1, 1897, Walter N. Allen, of Jefferson county, and N. M. Hinshaw, of Lyon county. L. D. LEWELLING, Governor. The message was referred to the Committee on Penal and Charitable Institutions. STANDING COMMITTEES. The president announced the following committees: JUDICIARY.-Dennison, chairman; Dillard, O'Bryan, Cooke, Baldwin, Leeds, Carpenter, Brown, Thacher. WAYS AND MEANS.-Rogers, chairman; Dumbauld, King, Forney, Landis, Parker, McTaggart. ELECTIONS.-Leedy, chairman; Bowling, Shearer, Smith, Scott. FEDERAL RELATIONS.-Dillard, chairman; Helmick, Reid, Williamson, Metcalf. RAILROADS.-Householder, chairman; Senn, Reilly, Leedy, Helm, Jumper, Sterne, Danner, Robbins. ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION.-Senn, chairman; True, Armstrong, Willcockson, Morgan. FEES AND SALARIES.-Taylor, chairman; Jumper, Landis, Baker, Willcockson. MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS.-O'Bryan, chairman; Forney, Leeds, Householder, Price, McTaggart, Carpenter. CORPORATIONS.-Bowling, chairman; King, True, Cooke, Parker. STATE AFFAIRS.-Helm, chairman; Taylor, Smith, Williamson, Thacher. DISTRICT APPORTIONMENT.-Jumper, chairman; Leeds, Dennison, Dillard, Reid, Rogers, Carpenter, Brown, Williamson. ENGROSSED BILLS.-Forney, chairman; Cook, Helm, Danner, O'Bryan. ENROLLED BILLS.-Leeds, chairman; Smith, Senn, Carpenter, Scott. AGRICULTURE AND IRRIGATION.-King, chairman; Armstrong, Shearer, Robbins, McTaggart, Cooke, Leeds, Brown, Willcockson. TEMPERANCE.-Morgan, chairman; Baldwin, Helmick, Taylor, Williamson. PENAL AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS.-Armstrong, chairman; Reid, Reilly, Metcalf, McTaggart. MANUFACTURES AND INDUSTRIAL PURSUITS.-Reilly, chairman; Bowling, Forney, McTaggart, Sterne. MINES AND MINING.-Reid, chairman; Jumper, Householder, Baker, Morgan. BANKING AND INSURANCE.-Baldwin, chairman; Landis, Leedy, Sterne, Price. PRINTING. Cooke, chairman; Landis, Householder, Scott, Parker. EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. - Landis, chairman; Dumbauld, Baldwin, King, Danner. PUBLIC BUILDINGS.-Dumbauld, chairman; Helm, Leedy, Senn, Rogers. CITIES OF FIRST CLASS.-Thacher, chairman; Dillard, Dennison, Price, Taylor, Forney, Sterne. CITIES OF SECOND AND THIRD CLASS.-Shearer, chairman; Dillard, Scott, Price, Willcockson, Reilly, Baldwin. ROADS AND BRIDGES.-Smith, chairman; Taylor, Helmick, Danner, Scott. COUNTY SEATS AND COUNTY LINES.-True, chairman; Dennison, Jumper, Brown, Morgan. MILITARY AFFAIRS AND CLAIMS.-Helmick, chairman; Rogers, Bowling, Robbins, Metcalf. PUBLIC HEALTH AND IMMIGRATION.-Metcalf, chairman; Armstrong, True, Dumbauld, McTaggart. On motion, the Senate adjourned until 2 o'clock P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKA, KAS., January 11, 1895. 2 o'clock P. M. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; the president in the chair. The roll was called; 38 members present, being a quorum of the Senate. Absent: Senators Price and Baker. Senator Dillard moved that the appointment of committees reported by the president be approved, which motion prevailed. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. By Senator Dillard (by request): Senate bill No. 126, An act to prevent vexatious litigation, and to amend section 578, chapter 80, general statutes of 1868, being section 4679, general statutes of 1889. By Senator Reid (by request): Senate bill No. 127, An act authorizing the appointment of the commissioners of fisheries, and fixing the salaries and compensation of such commissioners, and providing for the protection, preservation and propagation of fish in the waters of the state of Kansas, providing penalties for this act, and repealing certain sections of former laws of this state concerning fish. By Senator O'Bryan: Senate joint resolution No. 5, Relating to double liability of stockholders in private corporations, and amending section 2, article 12, of constitution. By Senator Danner: Senate bill No. 128, An act enabling county superintendents to dissolve school districts. Also, Senate bill No. 129, An act fixing the time of the annual school meeting, and repealing section 5582 of the general statutes of 1889. Also, Senate bill No, 130, An act to amend sections 5599 and 5601 of the general statutes of 1889, in relation to schools. By Senator Willcockson: Senate bill No. 131, An act to prohibit the carrying of deadly weapons and to regulate the traffic in the same. By Senator McTaggart: An act in relation to assessment and taxation, and amendatory of chapter 34 of the laws of 1886. SECOND READING AND REFERENCE OF BILLS. The following bills were read a second time and referred to the committee indicated. Judiciary: Senate bill No. 1, An act for the suppression of crime. Senate bill No. 4, An act concerning appellate courts, defining their jurisdiction and the proceedings therein. Senate bill No. 6, An act in relation to the qualifications and admission of the attorneys at law, and to repeal sections 1 and 2 of chapter 2 of the general statutes of Kansas of 1868. Senate bill No. 7, An act amending certain sections therein named of an act entitled "An act to establish a code of civil procedure," the same being chapter 80 of the general statutes of Kansas of 1889, and repealing said original sections. Senate bill No. 11, An act providing for the levy on and sale of corporate stock by judicial process. Senate bill No. 14, An act relating to contracts limiting the time for the commencement of civil actions. Senate bill No. 27, An act in relation to gambling, and repealing section 239, chapter 31, of the laws of 1868, as amended by section 1 of chapter 149, laws of 1887, also repealing section 241 of chapter 31 of the general statutes of Kansas of 1868, and all other provisions inconsistent herewith. Senate bill No. 30, An act relating to bribery, and amendatory of an act supplemental to chapter 31 of the general statutes of 1889, entitled "An act regulating crimes and punishments." Senate bill No. 32, An act concerning the duties of the reporter of the supreme court, and amending section 1947 of the general statutes of 1889. Senate bill No. 38, An act to amend section No. eleven hundred and two (1102) of the general statutes of the state of Kansas of 1889. Senate bill No. 43, An act to amend section 3887 of the general statutes of 1889, being an act entitled "An act concerning mortgages," and to repeal said section 3887. Senate bill No. 44, An act to amend section 5504, general statutes of 1889. Senate bill No. 50, An act to amend section 5306 of an act entitled "An act to establish a code of criminal procedure," being chapter 82 of the general statutes of 1889, adding an additional section thereto, repealing said original section 6306, and declaring an emergency. Senate bill No. 51, An act to amend sections 4378 and 4379 of "An act to establish a code of civil procedure," and repeal-ing sections 4378, 4379, 4380, 4381 and 4382 of said act, as set out in the revised statutes of 1889, being chapter 80 thereof. Senate bill No. 56, An act to amend section 55 of an act en titled "An act to establish a code of civil proceedure," paragraph 4134 of the general statutes of 1889. Senate bill No. 58, An act amending section 2977, general statutes of 1889, respecting executors and administrators, and the settlement of the estates of deceased persons. Senate bill No. 63, An act to amend paragraph 4368, general statutes of 1889, relating to special findings. Senate bill No. 65, An act relating to civil procedure, amending paragraph 4170, general statutes 1889. Senate bill No. 71, An act to amend section 551 of an act entitled "An act to establish a code of civil procedure," approved February 25, 1868. Senate bill No. 81, An act to amend section 2382, general statutes of 1889, relating to crimes and punishments. Fees and Salaries: Senate bill No. 2, An act relating to the fees and salaries of the county treasurer, county clerk, county attorney, probate judge, register of deeds, clerk of the district court, surveyor, superintendent of public instruction, coroner, county commissioners and sheriff of Montgomery county, Kansas. Senate bill No. 8, An act fixing the fees and salaries of the county treasurer, county clerk, county attorney, probate judge, sheriff, register of deeds and clerk of the district court of Bourbon county, Kansas, prescribing a penalty for the violation of the provisions thereof, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith. Senate bill No. 9, An act to amend certain sections therein named of an act entitled "An act fixing the fees of certain officers and persons therein named," the same being chapter 39 of the general statutes of Kansas of 1889, and to repeal said original sections. Senate bill No. 42, An act to amend sections 1, 2 and 10 of an act entitled "An act regulating the fees and salaries and prescribing certain duties of the county officers of Osage county, Kansas,' and being chapter 68 of the laws of 1893. Senate bill No. 55, An act regulating certain fees and compensation of county surveyor, and repealing sections 11 and 13 of chapter 89 of the laws of 1891. |