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penter, Danner, Helmick, McTaggart, Metcalf, Morgan, Parker, Robbins, Scott, Sterne, Willcockson, and Williamson.

Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs Armstrong, Baldwin, Cook, Dennison, Dillard, Dumbauld, Helm, Householder, Jumper, King, Landis, Leeds, Leedy, Reid, Reilly, Rogers, Shearer, Smith, Taylor, and Thacher.

Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Baker, Bowling, Forney, O'Bryan, Price, and Senn.

A majority not having voted in favor of the motion, the motion did not prevail.

Senator King moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Rules as amended.

A roll call was demanded.

The roll was called with the following result: Yeas 21, nays 11. Senators voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Baldwin, Cooke, Dennison, Dillard, Dumbauld, Forney, Helm, Helmick, Householder, Jumper, King, Leeds, Leedy, Reid, Reilly, Senn, Shearer, Smith, Taylor, Thacher, and True.

Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Brown, Carpenter, Danner, McTaggart, Metcalf, Morgan, Parker, Robbins, Scott, Willcockson, and Williamson.

Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Armstrong, Baker, Bowling, Landis, Price, and Sterne.

A majority having voted in favor of the adoption of the report as amended, the report was adopted.


Senate resolution No. 6 was read, and is as follows:

Resolved, That the list of committees be enlarged by adding thereto a committee on irrigation composed of five senators.

Senator Householder moved that the resolution lie on the table.

A roll call was demanded.

The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 13, nays 15. Senators voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Bowling, Dennison, Dillard, Dumbauld, Forney, Householder, King, Landis, Leeds, Reid, Reilly, Shearer, and Smith.

Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Armstrong, Baldwin, Brown, Carpenter, Cook, Danner, Helm, Helmick, Mc

Taggart, Metcalf, Morgan, Parker, Robbins, Scott, Sterne, Willcockson, and Williamson.

Senators absent or not voting were: Baker, Leedy, O'Bryan, Price, Rogers, Senn, Taylor, Thacher, and True.

A majority not having voted in favor of the motion, the motion did not prevail.

The question being upon the adoption of the resolution, a roll call was demanded.

The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 15, nays 19. Senators voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Armstrong, Brown, Carpenter, Danner, Helmick, McTaggart, Metcalf, Morgan, Parker, Robbins, Rogers, Scott, Sterne, Willcockson, and Williamson.

Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Baldwin, Bowling, Cook, Dennison, Dillard, Dumbauld, Forney, Helm, Householder, King, Leeds, Leedy, Reid, Reilly, Senn, Shearer, Smith, Taylor, and True.

Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Baker, Landis, O'Bryan, Price, and Thacher.

A majority not having voted in favor of the adoption of the resolution, the resolution was not adopted.

Senate resolution No. 9 was read, and is as follows:

Resolved. That the secretary of state be required to furnish the stenographers who are employés of the Senate with a suitable supply of notebooks.

The question being upon the adoption of the resolution, a vote being had, the resolution was adopted.

Senate resolution No. 10 was read, and is as follows:

Resolved, That the secretary of state be requested to furnish each senator, if he desires it, a copy of the revised statutes for his use during the session.

The question being upon the adoption of the resolution, a vote was had, and the resolution was adopted.

Senate resolution No. 11 was read, and is as follows:

Resolved, That the representatives in congress from Kansas be requested, and the senators in congress from Kansas be and they are hereby instructed, to use their best efforts in the enactment of a law in relation to interstate irrigation; and that in said law it be provided that the right of prior appropriation of the waters for irrigation purposes in interstate streams be recognized and protected, without regard to state lines or boundaries.

The question being upon the adoption of the resolution, a vote was taken, and the resolution was adopted.


The following message from the House of Representatives was read:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has passed House concurrent resolution No. 2. Providing each senator and representative with postage.

Also, House concurrent resolution No. 1, Providing for a joint committee of the Senate and House to act as a committee of arrangements for inauguration of state officers. Committee on part of the House: Messrs. Warner, Robinson, and Barkley.

The resolutions are transmitted herewith.

FRANK L. BROWN, Chief Clerk.

House concurrent resolution No. 1 was read, and is as follows: Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, That a committee of three on the part of the House and two on the part of the Senate be appointed by the presiding officers of their respective bodies to act as a committee of arrangements for the inauguration of state officers on January 14, 1895.

The question being, Shall the resolution be concurred in? a vote was taken, and the resolution was concurred in.

House concurrent resolution No. 2 was read, and, on motion, was laid over, under the rules.

On motion, the Senate then adjourned until 10 o'clock A. M., January 11.




TOPEKA, KAS., January 11, 1895. 10 o'clock A. M.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; the president in the chair.

The roll was called; 38 members present, being a quorum of the Senate.

Absent: Senators Baker and Price.

Prayer by the Rev. V. H. Biddison.

The president appointed Senators Scott and Helm as a committee in compliance with House concurrent resolution No. 1.


The following bills were introduced, and read the first time: By Senator Brown: Senate bill No. 84, An act to provide free text-books to the common schools of the state.

Also, Senate bill No. 85, An act relating to the operation of railroads, declaring when any railroad is operated in violation of law, and any person is injured or killed, or any property is injured or destroyed by reason of such violation, that the corporation, receiver or person engaged in operating such railroad is liable for damages by reason of such violation; that contributory negligence less than intentional negligence shall not be a defense of the corporation, receiver or person operating such railroad, in any suit brought to recover damages in consequence of such violation; providing for an attorney's fee in such cases, and to repeal all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.

Also, Senate bill No. 86, An act to regulate the issue of municipal and other bonds, providing for their examinations by the attorney general, compensation therefor, registration by the auditor of state, prescribing a rule of evidence in relation thereto, and penalty for the violation of the provision thereof.

Also (by request), Senate bill No. 87, An act for the protection of prairie from incursion by fire and for the construction of reservoirs, and amendatory of section 1 of chapter 125 of session laws of 1893, and amendatory of sections 3128, 3130, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3134 and 3135 of the general statutes of 1889, and repealing certain laws and parts of laws.

Also (by request), Senate bill No. 88, An act in relation to culverts over irrigation canals, ditches, and laterals.

Also, Senate bill No. 89, An act relating to county officers. By Senator O'Bryan: Senate bill No. 90, An act for vacating certain lots and additions in the city of Wichita, Kas.

Also, Senate bill No. 91, An act relating to marriage, and amending and reënacting paragraph 3747 general statutes of 1889.

Also, Senate bill No. 92, An act for the relief of Harvey Parks, of Sedgwick county, Kansas.

Also, Senate bill No. 93, An act limiting the liability of stockholders in private corporations.

By Senator Shearer: Senate bill No. 94, An act to prevent the docking of hogs, or the inspection of hogs for the purpose of dockage, in any market or public stock yards in this state, and providing penalties therefor.

Also, Senate bill No. 95, An act to increase the duties of the board of railroad commissioners, changing the name of said board, providing for the organization of public warehouses, and to regulate the warehousing, inspection and weighing of grain in public warehouses,

By Senator Danner: Senate bill No. 96, An act providing for free text books and stationery in the public schools.

Also, Senate bill No. 97, An act concerning the issuing of teachers' certificates, and fixing the requirements for the same, and repealing sections 5645 and 5646, general statutes of 1889, and all other acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith.

Also, Senate bill No. 98, An act prohibiting the use of cigars, cigarettes, or tobacco in any form, by minors under 16 years of age.

By Senator Forney: Senate bill No. 99, An act to amend section 3412 of the general statutes of 1889, relating to mutual insurance companies.

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