tion to the city of Neodesha, Wilson county, Kansas, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also House bill No. 448, An act to restore certain lands now a part of the city of Columbus, in Cherokee county, Kansas, to Salamanca township, from which they were originally taken, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 390, An act to vacate the town site of Alamota "Ketch," and the streets and alleys thereof, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 354, An act defining and fixing the corporate boundaries of Hays City, Kas., and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 585, An act to release certain lands from the corporate limits of Rush Centre, and restoring the same to Center township, Rush county, Kansas, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 463, An act to release certain lands from the corporate limits of the city of McPherson, and restoring same to McPherson township, in McPherson county, Kansas, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 436, An act to vacate the town site of Woodsdale, in Stevens county, Kansas, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 350, An act to change the boundary lines of Lamont and Bear Creek townships, in Hamilton county, Kansas, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. JAMES SHEARER, Chairman. By unanimous consent the following bill was introduced, and read the first time: By Senator Landis: Senate bill No. 526, An act making appropriation to pay the bounty for certain sugar manufactured in the state of Kansas for the years 1893 and 1894. Senator Landis moved that an emergency be declared, the rules be suspended, and Senate bill No. 526 be read the second time. now, which motion prevailed. Senate bill No. 526, An act making appropriation to pay the bounty for certain sugar manufactured in the state of Kansas for the years 1893 and 1894, was read the second time. Senator Landis moved that an emergency be declared, the rules suspended, and Senate bill No. 526 be put upon third reading now, which motion prevailed. Senate bill No. 526, An act making appropriation to pay the bounty for certain sugar manufactured in the state of Kansas for the years 1893 and 1894, was read the third time, and the question being, Shall the bill pass? the roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 30, nays 0. Senators voting in favor of the passage of the bill were: Messrs. Armstrong, Baldwin, Bowling, Brown, Cooke, Dennison, Dillard, Forney, Helm, Helmick, Householder, Jumper, King, Landis, Leeds, Leedy, Metcalf, O'Bryan, Parker, Reilly, Rogers, Scott, Senn, Shearer, Smith, Taylor, Thacher, True, Willcockson, and Williamson. Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Baker, Carpenter, Danner, Dumbauld, McTaggart, Morgan, Price, Reid, Robbins, and Sterne. A constitutional majority having voted in favor of the passage of the bill, the bill passed, and the title was agreed to. By unanimous consent, the following bill was introduced, and read the first time: Senate bill No. 527, An act to confer the right of suffrage on certain persons herein named. Senator Parker moved that an emergency be declared, the rules suspended, and Senate bill No. 527 be read the second time now. A roll call was demanded. The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 17, nays 12. Senators voting in favor of the motion were: Messrs. Helm, Householder, Jumper, Leeds, McTaggart, Metcalf, Morgan, Parker, Rogers, Senn, Shearer, Smith, Taylor, Thacher, True, and Willcockson. Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Bowling, Brown, Carpenter, Cooke, Dillard, Helmick, Leedy, O'Bryan, Reilly, Robbins, Scott, and Williamson. Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Armstrong, Badwin, Baker, Baldwin, Danner, Dumbauld, Forney, King, Landis, Price, Reid, and Sterne. A majority not having voted in favor of the motion, the motion did not prevail. By unanimous consent, the following bill was introduced, and read the first time: By Senator Brown: Senate bill No. 528, An act to amend section six of chapter 116 of the laws of 1891, relating to evidence in actions for divorce and alimony, and being section 4765 of the general statutes of Kansas. CORRECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE JOURNAL. The journal of the thirty-first day was approved. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Senator Jumper moved that the Senate go into committee of the whole for the consideration of bills on the calendar under the head of "General Orders." A vote being had, the motion prevailed. The Senate went into committee of the whole, with Senator Reilly in the chair. After some time spent therein the committee rose, and through their chairman submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: The committee of the whole Senate have had under consideration bills on the calendar under the head of "General Orders," and I am directed to report as follows: Recommend that Senate bill No. 66, An act relating to certain promissory notes, and prescribing what statements shall be made upon the face thereof, be passed as amended. Also, Senate bill No. 57, An act prohibiting the making of contracts for the payment of contingent rates of interest, be passed as amended. Also, Senate bill No. 62, An act relating to the payment of principal and interest on bonds, bills, promissory notes, etc., be passed as amended. Also, Senate bill No. 242, An act amending section 6534, article 13, section 6940, article 14, section 6941, article 15, section 6948, article 14, section 6954, article 17, section 6955, article 17. Section 6934, article 13, shall be amended as follows: that the enacting clause be stricken out. Also, Senate bill No. 182. An act providing for the levying of a state tax for the support of the common schools of the state, and providing for the distribution of the money raised by said state tax, be passed as amended. Also, Senate bill No. 181, An act providing for the levying of a county tax for the support of the common schools of the counties, and providing for the distribution of the money raised by said county tax: that the enacting clause be stricken out. Also, Senate bill No. 191, An act providing for the election of county superintendent of public instruction, and fixing the time when his term of office shall begin, and amending section 5564, general statutes of 1889, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith: that the enacting clause be stricken out. Also, Substitute for Senate bills Nos. 84 and 96, An act providing for free text-books and stationery for the public schools of the state: Also, Senate bill No. 45, An act to provide for uniformity of textbooks, maps, and charts, and to provide for printing and distributing the same: that they be made a special order for Monday evening, at 7:30. Also, Senate bill No. 491, An act relating to railroad corporations, limiting the issue of capital stock, providing for an increase of capital stock, limiting the issue of bonds and other indebtedness thereof, and requiring the board of railroad commissioners of the state of Kansas, upon proper application of any railroad corporation, to determine the amount of such capital stock that may be issued or increased, that it be placed at the head of "General Orders." J. H. REILLY, Chairman. Senator Senn moved that the report of the committee of the whole as to Senate bill No. 242 be not agreed to, and that the bill be reported for passage, subject to amendment and debate. A roll call was demanded. The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 22, nays 8. Senators voting in favor of the motion were: Messrs. Armstrong, Baldwin, Bowling, Brown, Danner, Forney, Helm, Helmick, Householder, Jumper, King, Landis, Leedy, Reilly, Robbins, Senn, Smith, Sterne, Taylor, Thacher, True, and Willcockson. Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Carpenter, Cooke, Dennison, McTaggart, Metcalf, Parker, Shearer, and Williamson. Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Baker, Dillard, Dumbauld, Leeds, Morgan, O'Bryan, Price, Reid, Rogers, and Scott. A majority having voted in favor of the motion, the motion prevailed. Senator King moved to amend the report of the committee of the whole with reference to Senate bill No. 181, to recommend the bill for passage, subject to amendment and debate. A roll call was demanded. The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 18, nays 14. Senators voting in favor of the motion were: Messrs. Arm strong, Baldwin, Bowling, Brown, Cooke, Danner, Householder, Jumper, King, Landis, Leeds, Leedy, McTaggart, Metcalf, Reilly, Senn, Shearer, and Smith. Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Carpenter, Dennison, Forney, Helm, Helmick, Morgan, Parker, Robbins, Sterne, Taylor, Thacher, True, Willcockson, and Williamson. Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Baker, Dillard, Dumbauld, O'Bryan, Price, Reid, Rogers, and Scott. A majority having voted in favor of the motion, the motion prevailed. Senator Danner moved that the report of the committee of the whole with reference to Senate bill No. 191 be disagreed to, and that said bill be recommended for passage, subject to amendment and debate A roll call was demanded. The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 17, nays 15. Senators voting in favor of the motion were: Messrs. Armstrong, Brown, Danner, Forney, Householder, King, Landis, Leeds, McTaggart, Metcalf, Morgan, Parker, Robbins, Smith, Sterne, Thacher, and Williamson. Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Baldwin, Bowling, Carpenter, Cooke, Dennison, Helm, Helmick, Jumper, Reilly, Rogers, Senn, Shearer, Taylor, True, and Williamson. Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Baker, Dillard, Dumbauld, Leedy, O'Bryan, Price, Reid, Scott, and Willcockson. A majority having voted in favor of the motion the motion prevailed. Senator Dennison moved that the report of the committee of the whole with reference to Senate bill No. 182 be disagreed to. A roll call was demanded. The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 11, nays 21. Senators voting in favor of the motion were: Messrs. Bowling, Carpenter, Dennison, Leeds, Morgan, Parker, Robbins, Sterne, True, Willcockson and Williamson. Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Armstrong, Baldwin, Brown, Cooke, Danner, Forney, Helmick, Householder, Jumper, King, Landis, Leedy, McTaggart, Metcalf, Rogers, Reilly, Senn, Shearer, Smith, Taylor, and Thacher. |