Bookkeeper Doorkeeper W. L. Brown. Jas. L. Root. H. N. Boyd. Solon Gray. Ed. Marshall. A. D. Gilpin. Edith Coles. Fred. Pettey. A. C. Baker. R. J. Williams .Mrs. Sam. Wo D. B. Craig. J. J. Barnes. ..Capt. H. Allen Assistant Doorkeepers.- Erwin Covey, J. C. McCarty, A. C. Pratt, Geo. Baldwin, McKinney, G. H. Fish, M. B. Crawford, A. R. Sherrill. Guard to Cloak Room..... Night Watch.. Head Janitor.. T. B. Carr. F. P. Daniels! W. S. Decker Janitors.-Geo. Ray, Joe Griffin, T. P. Moore, Milton Tyler, J. B. Gibbs. ...Lizzie Armst Assistant Enrolling Clerks.-Anna Brown, Katie Dolan, Ella C. King, Nellie JOURNAL OF THE SENATE. FIRST DAY. SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKA, KAS., January 8, 1895. 12 o'clock noon. In accordance with the provisions of the constitution, the Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock noon, by Lieut. Gov. Percy Daniels who, by virtue of his office, is president of the Senate. Senator Landis moved that Senator Forney act as temporary secretary. A vote being had, the motion prevailed. Prayer by the Rev. V. H. Biddison. The roll was called, and the following senators were present and answered to their names: Messrs. Armstrong, Baker, Baldwin, Bowling, Brown, Carpenter, Cook, Danner, Dennison, Dillard, Dumbauld, Forney, Helm, Helmick, Householder, Jumper, King, Landis, Leeds, Leedy, McTaggart, Metcalf, Morgan, O'Bryan, Parker, Reid, Reilly, Robbins, Rogers, Scott, Senn, Shearer, Smith, Sterne, Taylor, Thacher, True, Willcockson, and Williamson. Senator Price was absent. Senator Dennison introduced senate resolution No. 1, and moved its adoption. The resolution was read, and is as follows: Resolved, That the rules of the Senate of 1893 shall govern this session until permanent rules are adopted, and that a committee of five be appointed, who, with the president of the Senate, shall report rules for consideration and adoption. A vote being had, the resolution was adopted. Senator Landis nominated Senator L. P. King as president pro tem. of the Senate. Senator Scott nominated Senator S. O. Thacher for president pro tem. of the Senate. A vote being had, Senator King received 23 votes, and Senator Thacher received 15 votes. Senator King having received a majority of the votes cast, was declared elected. 2 ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYÉS. Senator Landis offered Senate resolution No. 2, and adoption. The resolution was read, and is as follows: Resolved, That the following persons be declared office ployés of the Senate for the present session, viz.: W. L. Brown, secretary. James L. Root, assistant secretary. Ben. C. Rich, reading clerk. H. N. Boyd, sergeant-at arms. Solon Gray, assistant sergeant-at-arms. Ed. Marshall, second assistant sergeant-at-arms. Rev. J. D. Botkin, chaplain. V. H. Biddison, docket clerk. Bertha Morris, assistant docket clerk. Edna Steele, assistant journal clerk. R. J. Williams, assistant document clerk. D. B. Craig, assistant postmaster. Erwin Covey, assistant doorkeeper. |