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I hereby appoint A. S. Newman clerk, and R. Augusta Edington stenographer, of the Ways and Means Committee, to date from the first day of the session.-WM. ROGERS.

I hereby appoint Lota McMahon stenographer of secretary's office. -W. L. BROWN, Secretary.

I hereby appoint A. A. Dunmire as stenographer to the Committee on Enrolled Bills.-J. M. LEEDS.

The president announced the following permanent Committee on Employés: Senators O'Bryan, Forney, Carpenter, Taylor, and Scott.

On motion, the Senate adjourned until 10 o'clock A. M., January 18.




TOPEKA, KAS., January 18, 1895. 10 o'clock A. M.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; the president in the chair.

The roll was called; 38 members present, being a quorum of the Senate.

Absent: Senators Baker and Parker.

Prayer by the Rev. J. D. Botkin, chaplain of the Senate.


By Senator Dillard: Senate petition No. 6, Praying for the passage of a law for the protection of hotel keepers. The petition. was placed on file.

By Senator Householder: Senate petition No. 7, In relation to a woman's reformatory. Referred to Committee on Penal and Charitable Institutious.

By Senator Brown: Senate petition No. 8, In relation to press gang. Referred to Committee on Public Health.


The following bills were introduced, and read the first time: By Senator Brown: Senate bill No. 209, An act to provide for payment to the county of Hodgeman for costs and expenses expended and incurred in the prosecution and conviction for murder of Cordelia Short, a criminal of Garfield county.

By Senator Danner (by request): Senate bill No. 210, An act to provide for the education, support, maintenance, protection and detention of minors.

By Senator Landis: Senate bill No. 211, An act to repeal sections 285, 286 and 287 of the general statutes of 1868, the same being paragraphs 4380, 4381 and 4382 of the general stat

utes of 1889, being chapter 80, procedure civil, “An act to establish code of civil procedure," which took effect October 31, 1868.

Also, Senate bill No. 212, An act supplementary to "An act regulating crimes and punishments," which took effect October 31, 1868.

Also, Senate bill No. 213, An act to provide the amicable adjustment of grievances and disputes that may arise between employers and employés, providing penalties for the violation of the act, and the creation of a state board of arbitration.

By Senator Landis: Senate bill No. 214, An act to protect employés and laborers in their claim for wages.

Also, Senate bill No. 215, An act prescribing the compensation of the clerk of the supreme court of Kansas and the assistant clerks.

By Senator Cooke: Senate bill No. 216, An act regulating the fees and salaries of the county treasurer, county clerk, county attorney, county superintendent, clerk of the district court, sheriff, probate judge, register of deeds, county surveyor and coroner of Mitchell county.

By Ways and Means Committee: Senate bill No. 217, An act making appropriation for state printing for the balance of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895.

By Senator Forney: Senate bill No. 218, An act providing for the letting of contracts for the maintenance and repair of public highways.

Also, Senate bill No. 219, An act providing for the vacation of streets, alleys, public reservations and the changing of corporate boundaries of cities.

Also, Senate bill No. 220, An act to authorize the township officers of Belle Plaine township, Sumner county, Kansas, to levy a tax for the purpose of purchasing a lot and erecting a hall.

By Senator Householder: Senate bill No. 221, An act to amend section 77 of the laws of 1891, in relation to civil procedure.

By Senator Sterne: Senate bill No. 222, An act making an appropriation and levying a tax for the completion of the statehouse and improving the grounds thereof.

By Senator Taylor: Senate bill No. 223, An act to prohibit railroads and street railways operated wholly or partly in the state of Kansas from issuing free or reduced transportation to

citizens of public offices in the state, except as herein provided; to prohibit railroad and street railway conductors from accepting any form of transportation except such as they take up and mutilate; providing for the form, size and color of railroad tickets of different classes; prohibiting public officers from accepting free or reduced transportation from railroads or street railways operated wholly or partly in this state, and providing for the payment of necessary traveling expenses of public officers, when in the line of their duty, by the state; prohibiting railroads or street railways from making payment for real or alleged services or things with transportation over their lines, and providing punishment for the violation of the several provisions of this act.

By Senator Armstrong (by request): Senate bill No. 224, An act providing for the establishment of free employment officers in cities of the first class, providing for the appointment of superintendents thereof, defining their duties, salaries, etc.


The following bills were read the second time, and referred to committees indicated:

State Affairs:

House bill No. 137, An act declaring the 22d day of February a legal holiday.


Senate bill No. 189, An act to amend sections 3498, 3499 and 3501 of the general statutes of 1889, being an act regulating the rate of interest upon money, prohibiting usury, and providing penalties therefor, and repealing said sections 3498, 3499, and


Senate bill No. 193, An act empowering district courts to vacate sales of real estate for inadequacy of price.

Senate bill No. 197, An act to amend section 32 of chapter 78 of the laws of Kansas of 1893, and repealing said original section 32.

Penal and Charitable Institutions:

Senate bill No. 190, An act making an appropriation for the continuing and forwarding the construction of the state industrial reformatory, at Hutchinson.


Senate bill No. 191, An act providing for the election of county superintendent of public instruction, and fixing the time. when his term of office shall begin, and amending section 5564, general statutes of 1889, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith.

Senate bill No. 198, An act to amend section 6 of an act entitled "An act amending sections 7 and 9 of article 6, chapter 122, laws of 1876, entitled 'An act for the support and regulation of common schools,' and providing for the acceptance of certain grades from certain institutions of learning by the state board of education," approved March 11, 1893.

Fees, Salaries, and Mileage:

Senate bill No. 192, An act to regulate the fees and salaries of the county treasurer, county clerk, county attorney, probate judge, register of deeds, clerk of the district court, surveyor, superintendent of public instruction, coroner and sheriff of Dickinson county, Kansas, and defining their duties and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Senate bill No. 195, An act regulating the fees and salaries and prescribing certain duties of the county officers of Marshall county, Kansas.

Senate bill No. 206, An act to fix the compensation of the clerk of the district court, clerk of the court of common pleas, probate judge, register of deeds and sheriffs in all counties in the state of Kansas, except those which have special acts governing the fees and salaries of their county officers, and to provide a penalty for false statement by said officers concerning their fees.

Cities of Second and Third Class:

Senate bill No. 194, An act relating to the excluding of territory from the limits of cities of the third class, and modifying and reducing the corporate limits of the city in accordance therewith, and vacating the detached territory.

Senate bill No. 199, An act relating to the police judge and police court of cities of the second class, and supplemental to article 4 of chapter 19 of the general statutes of 1889, entitled "An act to incorporate cities of the second class, and to repeal former acts."

Senate bill No. 200, An act canceling claims against cities of

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