Senator Dennison moved to amend by adding the words "subject to the right of employés to appeal to the Senate." The amendment was accepted. The question being upon the report as amended, Senator Dillard moved a division of the question. The motion prevailed. The question being upon the first section of the report, a vote was had and the first section was adopted. The question being upon the second section as amended, a vote was had, and the second section was adopted. The question then being upon the adoption of the report, the report was adopted. Senator Helm moved to add the name of C. E. Rodgers to the force of janitors. Senator Scott moved to refer the motion to the committee on employés, which motion prevailed. MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE. MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has passed House concurrent resolution No. 5, A request to the United States Congress in the interest of irrigation on the great plains. Also, substitute for House concurrent resolution No. 4, In relation to the furnishing of coal to destitute settlers of the state. The House also passed House bill No. 137. An act declaring the 22d day of February a legal holiday. Also, Senate bill No. 147, An act making appropriation for the legislative department, including clerks, committee clerks and employés, mileage for members and delegates of both houses, postage for members of both houses, lieutenant governor, secretary of the Senate and chief clerk of the House, and expenses incident to the general session of the legislature of 1895. The resolutions and bills are transmitted herewith. FRANK L. BROWN, Chief Clerk. The following House bills were read the first time: By Mr. Hunt: House bill No. 137, An act declaring the 224 day of February a legal holiday. Substitute for House concurrent resolution No. 4 was received, read, and laid over, under the rules. House concurrent resolution No. 5 was received, read, and laid over, under the rules. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Senator King, chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 157, An act providing for railroad passes to shippers of fruit, stock and vegetables under certain conditions, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed as amended. Also, Senate bill No. 146, An act amendatory and supplemental to section 6 of chapter 65, general statutes of Kansas, 1889, and repealing all acts and parts of acts conflicting, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed as amended. Also, Senate bill No. 23, An act to define and regulate the charges of public stock yards, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommenation that it be passed. L. P. KING, Chairman. Senator Dennison, chairman of the Committee on Judiciary, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 4, An act concerning appellate courts, defining their jurisdiction and the proceedings therein, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be amended as follows, and that when so amended it be passed as amended, viz.: At the end of section 5, add these words: "Provided, That all fees received in excess of $1,500 per annum shall be paid annually by said clerk into the state treasury, and become a part of the state funds, the said treasurer issuing duplicate receipts therefor." Amend section 11 by striking out the word "may," in the first line, and inserting the word "shall." In the fourth line of section 11, strike out the words, "as may be deemed proper." In section 19, in the second line, strike out "$3,000.00," and insert " "$2,500.00." Also, Senate bill No. 1, An act for the suppression of crime, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also. Senate joint resolution No. 2, Recommending the calling of a convention to revise, amend or change the constitution of the state of Kansas, and instruct me to report the resolution back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. A. W. DENNISON, Chairman. Senator Dillard, chairman of the Committee on Federal Relations, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Federal Relations, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 136, An act to amend section 4057, general statutes 1889, to repeal said section, and to provide a penalty for violations of the provisions thereof, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 135, An act to amend section 3734 of general statutes 1889, to repeal said section, and to provide a penalty for viola; tions of the provisions thereof, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. W. P. DILLARD, Chairman. Senator Smith, chairman of the Committee on Roads and Bridges, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Roads and Bridges, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 3, An act requiring hedges to be cut at all intersections of public highways with railroads, affixing a penalty therefor, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed, with the following amendment: In section 1, line 6, strike out the words "two hundred feet," and insert the words "three hundred feet" instead. Also, Senate bill No. 142, An act enabling the county of Harvey, state of Kansas, to levy a tax for the purpose of erecting and equipping a courthouse, and providing for the investment and expenditure of the moneys raised under this act, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 108, An act to prevent the obstruction of highways, and providing a penalty therefor, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. G. E. SMITH, Chairman. Senator Dumbauld, chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Education and Educational Institutions, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 128, An act enabling county superintendents to dissolve school districts, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 129, An fixing the time of the annual school meeting, and repealing section 5582 of the general statutes of 1889, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 130, An act to amend sections 5599 and 5601 of the general statutes of 1889, in relation to schools, and instract me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. LEVI DUMBAULD, Acting Chairman. Senator Armstrong, chairman of the Committee on Penal and Charitable Institutions, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Penal and Charitable Institutions, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 52, An act relating to charities and corrections, providing penalties for violation of the provisions of this act, and repealing sections 6150 to 6201, inclusive, 6211 to 6224, inclusive, and sections 6462, 6463, 6464, 6468, and sections 6479 to 6529, inclusive, sections 6532 and 6533, of the general statutes of 1889, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be considered in committee of the whole, and that 50 copies be printed for reference. JOHN ARMSTRONG, Chairman. Senator O'Bryan, chairman of the Committee on Municipal Indebtedness, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Municipal Indebtedness, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 90, For vacating certain lots and additions in the city of Wichita, Kas., have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. ED. O'BRYAN, Chairman. Senator Cooke, chairman of Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Printing, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 16, An act to repeal chapter 156 of the laws of Kansas of 1891, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be passed. ANSON S. COOKE, Chairman. By unanimous consent, the following bills were introduced, and read the first time: By Senator Thacher: Senate bill No. 199, An act relating to the police judge and police court in cities of the second class, and supplemental to article 4 of chapter 19 of the general statutes of 1889. Also, Senate bill No. 200, An act concerning claims against cities of the second class, and amending section 826 of general statutes of 1889, and repealing said original section 826. Also, Senate bill No. 201, An act conferring certain additional powers upon the mayor and council of cities of the second class, and supplemental to article 3, chapter 19, of the general statutes of 1889. By Senator Dumbauld: Senate bill No. 202, An act making appropriation to repay Lyon county, Kansas, for money paid for the burial of cattle that died of Texas fever in the summer of 1892. By Senator Baker: Senate bill No. 203, An act relating to sidewalks in the cities of the first class, and providing for the building and repairing of the same. By Senator Taylor: Senate bill No. 204, An act making appropriation to the state horticultural society for the salary of secretary, salary of stenographer, for publication of reports and for expenses of the society for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1896, and June 30, 1897. Also, Senate bill No. 205, An act to regulate the tenure of office of county, city and township officers, and to fix the date of election of officers, and to provide for primary elections, and to regulate the manner of holding the same, and to provide for the nomination of candidates for public office, and to provide for secrecy of the ballot at primary elections, to provide for the printing and distribution of ballots for primary elections at public expense, and to provide punishment for the violation of this act, and repealing sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, chapter 78, session laws 1893, and sections 629, 630, 770, 927, and 2768, and amending sections 632, 769, 1619, of the general statutes. Also, Senate bill No. 206, An act to fix the compensation of the clerk of the district court, clerk of the common pleas, probate judge, register of deeds and sheriff in all counties in the state of Kansas, except those which have special acts governing the fees and the salaries of their county officers, and to provide a penalty for false statements by said officers concerning their fees. Also, Senate bill No. 207, An act relative to levy of taxes in cities of over 40,000 population, amending section 555 of general statutes of 1889. Also, Senate bill No. 208, An act to authorize the establishing, erection, maintenance and government of city and county workhouses in counties containing cities of the first class, etc. Senator Dennison moved that when the Senate adjourn it adjourn until 10 o'clock A. M. to-morrow, which motion prevailed. Senator McTaggart moved that the use of the Senate chamber be tendered to the republican members of the House and Senate to hold a caucus, which motion prevailed. |