No. 576, An ct to amend section 5 of chapter 100, laws of 1879, of an act providing] No. 578, An act making appropriation for the legislative department, including No. 584, An act to establish a high school in Gove county, Kansas.. No. 585, An act to release certain lands from the corporate limits of Rush Centre, 476 482 505 533 562 572 No. 586, An act granting to the superintendent of Gove county, Kansas, the power 476 481 505 627 689 764 No. 589, An act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Franklin county 478 483 508 628 690 766 No. 592, An act for the relief of the city of Leoti, in the county of Wichita. 478 484 504 599 688 705 No. 594, An act making appropriation to repair the boilers and heating apparatus 650 651 679 720 No. 601, An act to legalize the action of the clerk of the district court of Seward 476 481 503 598 688 761 No. 602, An act to dissolve joint school district No. 74, lying in the counties of Ot- No. 610, An act to require the assessment and taxation of mineral reserves. No. 615, An act authorizing school boards to send children outside their districts 743 743 802 888 950 962 No. 622, An act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Grant county, No. 630, An act to amend an act entitled "An act to legalize the town plat of Le No. 652, An act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Haskell county, 776 484 484 507 546 686 770 No. 653, An act to dissolve a depopulated school district, No. 36, Haskell county, 478 484 506 626 689 749 No. 655, An act to condemn land for ditch ways to drain bottom lands near Slate 828 833 837 872 No. 662, An act to establish free range for stock by townships in Stevens, Hodge- No. 665, An act relating to the building of bridges in Douglas county...... No. 681, An act authorizing the erection of a courthouse in Anderson county, state 476 481 509 No. 682, An act to authorize the city of Tribune to fund its floating indebtedness by 479 484 507 546 686 751 No. 683, An act to legalize the acts of certain school boards of Greeley county.. 478 483 506 627 689 762 No. 684, An act relating to the establishment of roads in Greeley county, and re- No. 685, An act declaring a certain bridge across the Republican river, in Cloud No. 687, An act authorizing and empowering the duly qualified electors of Franklin No. 697, An act to authorize and empower the board of education in the city of Gar- No. 705, An act to dissolve district No. 29, Franklin county, Kansas, and No. 26, No. 709, An act to disorganize school district No. 85, McPherson county, Kansas, No. 717, An act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Wilson county, ....... .......... No. 721, An act to extend or refund the bonded indebtedness of the state of Kansas 426 428 444 500 No. 731, An act to authorize the county commissioners of Chase county, Kansas, No. 732, An act enabling and authorizing the township board of Little Walnut town- No. 741, An act enabling the county of Reno, state of Kansas, to levy a tax for the No. 744, An act relating to the state penitentiary, at Lansing, Kas., and making ap- No. 745, An act authorizing Webster township, Wilson county, Kansas, to vote four No. 756, An act to vacate certain town sites in the state of Kansas herein named... 620 620 650 748 No. 759, An act providing for the investment of the sinking fund of Allen county No. 760, An act for the relief of John B. Elliott No. 762, An act to disorganize school district No. 18, Stafford county, Kansas... No. 766, An act entitled "An act to reestablish district No. 3, Wichita county, Kan- 594 597 621 675 760 No. 782, An act to authorize the school board of school district No. 1 of Kearny 478 484 506 627 689 762 No. 789, An act to amend an act providing for the appoint of commissioners to 680 680 710 817 914 No. 793, An act to dissolve joint school district No. 2, in the counties of Sheridan 594 595 595 820 859 No. 794, An act to change the boundaries of the city of Marion, in Marion county, 620 620 650 668 773 No. 796, An act to vacate a part of the town site of Day, Washington county, No. 795, An act to vacate certain lots, blocks, streets and alleys in the city of Ma- No. 799, An act to dissolve joint school district No. 2 in the counties of Sheridan 621 621 621 : No. 803, An act authorizing and empowering the mayor and council of cities of the 829 835 839 889 No. 805, An act to vacate certain additions to the city of Wichita, Kas..... 592 596 623 No. 809, An act to vacate a part of the town site of the town of Turon, in Reno No. 812, An act to legalize a certain issue of bonds of school district No. 18 in the 592 596 621 972 No. 814, An act to disorganize school district No. 114, Sumner county, and changing 680 681 710 888 966 |