No. 412, An act vacating a part of Keith's third addition to the city of Topeka, Shawnee county, Kansas, and placing the same outside of the said city and the corporate limits thereof.....
No. 415, An act authorizing the county commissioners of Jefferson county, Kansas, to sell the asylum for poor and buy another....
No. 421, An act authorizing the county commissioners of Geary county to appropri ate funds for the building of a bridge across the Republican river in Milford township, in said county.
No. 431, An act amendatory and relating to chapter CCXXVII of the session laws of 1889, being "An act concerning public schools in the city of Wichita, a city of the first class," and amending section 13 thereof........
No. 434, An act declaring all section lines in the county of Thomas public highways.. No. 436, An act to vacate the town site of Woodsdale, Stevens county, Kansas.. No. 440, An act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Rooks county. Kansas, to pay for the publication of the county delinquent tax list for the
No. 445, An act vacating parts of College Hill addition to the city of Hutchinson. Reno county, Kansas, and retaining the same without the corporate limits of
No. 448, An act to restore certain lands now a part of the city of Columbus, in Cherokee county, Kansas, to Salamanca township, from which they were origi- nally taken..
No. 452, An act to vacate certain lots, blocks, streets, alleys and public grounds in J. C. Rash & Sons' addition, Hughes's addition and Eberhardt's addition to and in the city of Salina, in Saline county, Kansas......
No. 453, An act to legalize the printer's affidavit of the publication of notice to sell real estate for delinquent taxes, and filing of the same, and the collection of taxes and charges thereunder by the county treasurer, in the county of Gra- ham, state of Kansas, in the year 1893.
No. 460, An act vacating all streets and alleys in Highland Park addition west of 285 feet west of Crowell street to Eleventh street, and south of Green street to Walnut street, known as Midland College campus, in the city of Atchison...... No. 463, An act to release certain lands from the corporate limits of the city of McPherson, and restoring same to McPherson township, McPherson county,
No. 465, An act authorizing Jerry T. Whitney, a minor, to exercise, the rights of majority
No. 466, An act authorizing George Adams, a minor, to exercise the rights of ma- jority.
No. 469, An act to amend section 19 of chapter 43 of the session laws of 1891, en- titled "An act providing for the organization and regulation of banks, and prescribing penalty for the violation of the provisions of this act".
No. 470, An act regulating certain fees and salaries of certain county officers therein named of McPherson county, Kansas, and certain fees for certain printing therein designated in the said county.
No. 471, An act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Johnson county to levy a bridge tax
No. 476, An act to change the names of persons therein named..
No. 485, An act to vacate Morse's addition to the city of Topeka, Shawnee county, in the state of Kansas
No. 504, An act regulating the fees and salaries of the county attorney and clerk of the district court of Marion county, Kansas....
No. 506, An act to authorize St. Mary's township, in Pottawatomie county, to sell, and Kaw township, in Wabaunsee county, to buy, one-half undivided interest In the toll bridge across the Kansas river near the city of St. Mary's, and to provide for paying for said one-half undivided interest and for keeping said bridge in repair, and to make the same a free bridge.
No. 512, An act to change the name of Mary W. H. Canaday to Mary W. Hester.....
No. 516, An act for the apportionment of the state of Kansas into eight congres- sional districts, and repealing an act entitled "An act providing for the appor tionment of the state of Kansas into seven congressional districts," etc., being paragraphs 287, 288, 280, 290, 291, 292, 203 and 294 of the general statutes of 1889
No. 523, An act making appropriation for the current expenses, providing an elec- tric-light plant, plumbing, and furnishing wing, new bakery, hospital building and furnishing additional grounds for the institution for the idiotic and imbe- cile youth for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1896, and June 30, 1897.
No. 525, An act to legalize the bonds issued by school district No. 72, of Pratt county, Kansas, voted at an election held in said district August 9, 1894, and issued for the purpose of refunding outstanding indebtedness and repairing house
No. 530, An act to provide for institute representation in the state board of agri- culture.......
No. 538, An act making appropriation for the plumbing, electrical wiring and fur- nishing of the new physic and electrical-engineering building, state univer- sity, Lawrence, Kas., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895.
No. 539, An act making an appropriation for the plumbing and heating of the new wing, idiotic and imbecile youth asylum, Winfield, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895.....
No. 540, An act making appropriation for the plumbing of the new detached cot- tage, insane asylum at Osawatomie, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895.. Substitute for No. 541, An act to provide for the needy farmers in the fifth, sixth and seventh congressional districts, and making appropriation therefor..
No. 544, An act regulating the fees and salary of the county treasurer of Scott county, Kansas.....
No. 549, An act authorizing the county treasurer and county clerk of McPherson county to charge the sum of $5,248.60, now charged to the Second National Bank of McPherson, Kas. (defunct), to the general revenue fund of the county...
No. 551, An act embracing certain congressional townships and parts of congres- sional townships in Marshall county into one district, and for the establish- ment and maintenance of a high school therein, to be known as the district high school of Frankfort, Kas.....
No. 554, An act regulating the granting of franchises to railroad and street-railway companies in cities of the first class having a population of over 40,000.
No. 552, An act to authorize the city of Frankfort, Kas., to issue bonds for the purpose of purchasing a site and erecting thereon a high-school building in the city of Frankfort, Kas., and authorizing the district high school of Frank- fort, Kas., created under an act entitled "An act embracing certain congres- sional townships and parts of congressional townships in Marshall county into one district, and for the establishment and maintenance of a high school there- in, to be known as the district high school of Frankfort, Kas.".
No. 556, An act regulating the sale of certain agricultural college lands, and amend- ing laws relating thereto.
No. 558, An act for the relief of certain taxpayers in Riley county, Kansas.
No. 560, An act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Ellis county, Kansas, to issue special warrants of said county for the relief of the poor fund..
No. 575, An act fixing the fees and salaries of certain officers named and other per- sons in Elk county.
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