Imágenes de páginas


No. 420, An act to exempt from legal process to beneficiaries the proceeds of life
insurance policies........

No. 421, An act to amend section 4558 of the compiled laws of 1889.

No. 422, An act to amend section 8, chapter 11, general statutes of 1868, entitled
"An act relating to attorneys at law"

No. 423, An act vacating certain blocks in Coy's addition, Valley Falls.

No. 424, An act to amend section 80 of chapter 37 of the session laws of 1881, being
section 634 of the general statutes of 1889.

No. 425, An act to amend section 9 of chapter 3 of the session laws of 1891, being an
act entitled "An act in regard to aliens, and to restrict their rights to acquire
and hold real estate, and to provide for the disposition of the lands now owned
by nonresident aliens," approved March 6, 1891..

No. 426, An act to extend or refund the bonded indebtedness of the state of Kansas
maturing March 15, 1895, and July 1, 1896...

No. 427, An act to prohibit the importation of paupers or persons who are likely to
become objects of public charity; also prohibit the importation of homeless,
neglected or destitute children except under authority of the state of Kansas... 340

No. 428, An act to repeal section 543, general statutes of Kansas, 1889.
No. 429, An act to repeal section 1739, general statutes of Kansas, 1889.

No. 430, An act to amend section 534, general statutes of Kansas, 1889, being sec-
tion 4, chapter 67, laws of 1875, relating to the census.

No. 431, An act enabling and authorizing the township board of Little Walnut
township, in Butler county, state of Kansas, to invest and collect the proceeds
of the sale of stocks in St. Louis, Wichita & Western (now St. Louis & San
Francisco) Railway Company...

[blocks in formation]

No. 432, An act to amend section 9 of chapter 3, laws of 1891..




No. 433, An act relating to taxation of corporations, and amendatory of section
6868 of the general statutes 1891.


363 625

No. 434, An act relating to insurance policies, and prohibiting insurance companies
from canceling policies without first giving notice.






350 597



349 370







555 983 1036 1055 1059

No. 435, An act making appropriation for cleaning and repairing the hall of the
House of Representatives, the Senate chamber, and adjoining rooms, for clean-
ing and repairing furniture of the same, and for material for the repair of
said rooms..........

No. 436, An act relating to policies or contracts of insurance...

No. 437, An act making appropriations for the erection of a boiler house, electric-
light plant, laundry, hospital, and equipment of the same, and for the con-
struction of a water plant, including electric motor and well, at the industrial
school for girls, at Beloit, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1895, and June
30, 1896....

No. 438, An act to amend section 1799 of the general statutes of Kansas of 1889, re-
lating to the compensation of county attorneys, and to repeal said section 1799.. 349
No. 439, An act to amend section 3014 of the general statutes of Kansas of 1889, re-
lating to the salary of the county clerks, and to repeal said section 3014

[blocks in formation]

No. 440, An act to amend section 1625 of the general statutes of 1889, relating to
meetings of county commissioners, and to repeal said original section 1625
No. 441, An act ro vacate part of the Jno. D. Knox & Co.'s addition to the city of

[blocks in formation]

No. 442, An act to amend section 3889 of the general statutes of 1889, relating to the
discharge and satisfaction of mortgages of record on real property.




[ocr errors]


757 906



[blocks in formation]


371 718

No. 443, An act to prohibit the taxation or collection or attempted collection
of constructive fees, defining certain terms in this act contained, and prescrib-
ing punishment for the violation of this act.........

No. 444, An act to provide for the classification of the prisoners confined in the
state penitentiary, for their description and conditional liberation, and for the
repeal of sections 3973, 3974, 3975, 3976, of the general statutes of 1889.

[blocks in formation]

No. 445, An act regulating the fees of certain officers in Douglas county, Kansas.



395 419


No. 446, An act providing for the investment of the sinking fund of Allen county,
and of the various townships and cities therein






No. 447, An act supplemental to and amendatory of chapter 168 of the session laws
of 1885, creating a township road improvement fund..





No. 448, An act to establish agricultural experiment station in Logan and Finney
counties, state of Kansas, and to appropriate money therefor.






No. 449, An act anthorizing the erection of a hospital for the medical school of the
university of Kansas and providing for the current expenses of the said school,

No. 450, An act providing for the Inclosure of cars, engines and motors used on
street railway lines, providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of

this act..

No. 451, An act to establish a county high school in Mitchell county

[blocks in formation]

No. 452, An act to establish and permanently locate a state normal school at Fort
Scott, Bourbon county, Kansas, and making an appropriation therefor

No. 453, An act relating to the school fund commissioners, amendatory of section
6654 of the general statutes of 1889, and fixing penalties for the violation of the


No. 454, An act providing for the vacation of town sites, additions to towns or
cities, streets, alleys, and other public reservations, and for placing the same
without the limits of any town or city, and restoring original description and
survey, and repealing paragraphs 7179, 7180, 7181, 7182, 7183, and 7184-being
chapter 115a of the general statutes of 1889.

[blocks in formation]

No. 455, An act to prevent discrimination of corporations or individuals against
members of labor organizations........




No. 456, An act for the protection of discharged employés and to prevent black-

No. 457, An act to change the boundaries of El Dorado, and to vacate the streets
and alleys of Bryan and Ewing's addition to the city of El Dorado, Butler
county, Kansas, and to exclude said addition and Sharp's addition to said city,
and certain unplatted lands, from the corporate limits of said city.

[blocks in formation]


No. 458, An act in relation to the attendance and compensation of expert witnesses
in criminal and civil procedure.
No. 459, An act entitled "An act to reestablish district No. 3, Wichita county, Kan-
sas," and repealing chapter 144 of the session laws of 1893.......

[blocks in formation]

No. 460, An act providing for the designation of an official county printer, and fix-
ing his compensation


386 429

No. 461, An act to amend section 1, chapter 12a, statutes of 1889, relating to the
building of bridges, issuing bonds therefor, aiding in the construction of rail-
roads, and other improvements.....


424 448

No. 462, An act for the relief of Sarah F. Johnson.


424 453

No. 463, An act to amend sections 7 and 8 of chapter 77 of the laws of 1893, and re-
pealing said sections 7 and 8 thereof.


425 517

No. 464, An act to establish a state normal school at Great Bend, Kas., and making
appropriation therefor.






No. 465, An act to legalize the records of the office of the register of deeds of Har-
vey county, Kansas

No. 466, An act vacating streets and alleys in Highland Park addition to the city of
Wellington and Sylvan Height addition to the city of Wellington..

No. 467, An act in relation to the exemption of personal earnings of wage-earners
in the state of Kansas..........

No. 468, An act to establish a state normal school at Garden City, Kas., and provid-
ing for the acceptance of a donation therefor, and the control and government

No. 469, An act relating to assessments and taxation, and amendatory of chapter
107 of the general statutes of 1889 of the state of Kansas.........
No. 470, An act fixing the fees and salaries of county treasurer, county clerk, county
attorney, county superintendent, clerk of the district court, sheriff, register of
deeds and probate judge of Lyon county, Kansas, and prescribing a penalty for
the violation of the provisions thereof, and repealing all acts and parts of acts
in conflict therewith..

No. 471, An act to authorize the city of Iola, Allen county, Kas., to vote $10,000 in
bonds, for the purpose of sinking wells or purchasing wells already in exist-
ence, for the purpose of supplying the city with natural gas

No. 472, An act authorizing cities of the second class containing a population of
3,575 and not greater than 3,600, as shown by the census of March, 1894, to con-
tract for and purchase waterworks and to improve the same, and issue bonds
in payment therefor.....

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