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Coolness and good Conduct of Colonel Cope, of the Armagh, does him infinite Credit, and it is with the most real Satisfaction I add, that the Zeal and fpirited Conduct of the Yeomanry Corps, were every Thing I could wish.

To Lieutenant-Colonel Blackwood, of the late 33d, and Lieutenant-Colonel Cleghorn, of the Meath, who did me the Honor to ferve with me upon this Occafion, I am indebted for the moft effential Services, and I am happy thus to acknowledge my Obligations to them both, and of the fpirited Exertions of Mr. Whaly I cannot fpeak too highly.

I muft, in Juftice to my Aide de Camp, CaptainMoore, of the 4th Dragoon Guards, and Major of Brigade Captain Needham, of 9th Dragoons, mention their great Alertnefs. To the Activity and Information of the former I am much indebted, and he will detail to you all other Particulars.


Lieutenant-General Lake, &c. &c. &c.



Dublin Caftle, June 10, 1798. I HAVE the Honour to acquaint your Grace, that a Letter has been this Day received by Lieutenant-General Lake, from Major-General Nugent, at Belfaft, dated the 9th Inftant, ftating, that the Rebels in the County of Antrim were disperfed in all Directions, except at Toome, whither Brigadier General Knox and Lieutenant-Colonel Clavering were proceeding; and that many of them had laid down their Arms.

Major-General Nugent alfo ftates, that Mr. McCleverty had returned from Donegorr Hill, whither he had been carried Prifoner by a Body


of 2000 Rebels.-Whilst they were in this Station they difagreed, and quarrelled amongst themfelves, and, from his Influence and Perfuafion, above 1500 left the Camp, broke and deftroyed their Arms, and declared that they would never again carry an offenfive Weapon against His Majefty or his loyal Subjects. Many more difperfed, and the Commander of them was left with Fifty Men only.

I have the Honor to be, &c.


His Grace the Duke of Portland, &c. &c. &c.



LONDON GAZETTE or JUNE 16th, 1793.

Whitehall, June 16, 1798.

ISPATCHES, of which the following are Copies, have been this Day received from His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland by His Grace the Duke of Portland, His Majefty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department.


Dublin Cafle, June 11, 1798. AM concerned to acquaint your Grace that the Accounts received from Major-General Nugent this Morning are not fo favourable as from the Details which were Yesterday received I had Reason to hope. A Body of Rebels having affembled near Saintfield, they were attacked by a Detachment under Colonel Stapleton, who at firft suffered fome Lofs; but he afterwards put the Rebels to Flight. Being ordered to proceed to Newtown Ardes, Colonel Stapleton found the Rebels in Poffeffion of the Town, upon which General Nugent ordered him to retire until his Force could be augmented.

There is no official Account as to the Body of Rebels which were to be attacked by Brigadier General

Knox, at Toome Bridge. Private Accounts ftate

that they have been difperfed.

I have the Honour to be, &c.

His Grace the Duke of Portland.



Dublin Cafle, June 12, 1798. I HAVE the Honor to acquaint your Grace, that Accounts have been this Day received from MajorGeneral Nugent, who is at Belfast, which ftate, that the Information he had received of a large Body of Rebels having entrenched themselves near Toome Bridge, was unfounded. One Arch of the Bridge had been broken down by an inconfiderable Party, which had been difperfed; the Bridge has been fince rendered paffable.

Colonel Clavering has reported from Antrim to Major-General Nugent, that the Difaffected in the Neighbourhood of that Town had expreffed a Defire to fubmit, and to return to their Duty. At Bally mena, 150 Mufquets and 800 Pikes had been given up to the Magiftrates. Many Arms, 500 Pikes, and a Brafs Field-Piece, have been furrendered to Major Seddon.

Major-General Nugent expreffes his warmeft Acknowledgements to the Regulars, Militia, and Yeomanry Forces under his Command, for their Alertnefs, Zeal, and Spirit.

Other Advices ftate, that Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart, having marched from Blaris with a Part of the Argyll Fencibles, 30 Cavalry, and fome Yeomanry, arrived at Ballinahinch as the Rebels were beginning to collect. He relieved fome Yeomen who were in their Poffeffion, and the Rebels fled into Lord Moira's Wood, whither they were pursued, about 40 of them killed, and the Remainder dispersed.


By a Letter received this Morning from MajorGeneral Sir Charles Afgill, it appears, that he had attacked,

attacked, with 300 Men, a Rebel Camp at the Roar near Rofs, which he completely difperfed; 50 Men were killed, and their Leader.

I have the Honour to be, &c. &c.


His Grace the Duke of Portland.

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