Imágenes de páginas

Three Brafs Mortars, of 12 Inch.
Some Shells, of 13 Inch and of 8 inch.
Two Topmafts for 74 Gun Ships.
Three leffer Ones.

Several Caps and Spars.

1000 Fir Planks.

Several Knees, and fome Oak Plank.
Twenty Tons of Nails of all Sorts.

Thirty Bolt of new, and about 400 Yards of old

Fourteen Spanish Pendants.

Blocks for the Sheers and heaving Ships down of ail Descriptions, with various other fmall Articles.


November 18, 1798.

J. WOOLDRIDGE, Lieutenant of the Cormorant.

Lift of Ships and Veffels found at Port Maben, and taken Poffeffion of.

A Ship of 540 Tons, partly laden with Cotton, Gum, and Drugs,

A Ship of 200 Tons, in Ballast.

A Xebec of 60 Tons, laden with Horn.
And Four fmall Tartans.


November 18, 1798.

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J. WOOLDRIDGE, Liectenant of the Cormorant.




Admiralty-Office, December 25, 1798.

Copy of a Letter from Admiral Earl of St. Vincent, K.B. Commander in Chief of His Majefty's Ships and Veffels in the Mediterranean, to Evan Nepean, Efq. dated on board Le Souverain, Gibraltar, November 27, 1798.


TEREWITH you will receive the Copy of a Letter from Rear-Admiral Lord Nelfon, inclofing one from Captain Ball, of His Majefty's Ship Alexander, with the Capitulation of the Island of Goza.


Vanguard, at Sea, Nov. 1, 1798. I HAVE the Honor to tranfmit you a Letter received from Captain Ball, dated October 30, together with the Capitulation of the Caftle of Goza, and a Lift of Ordnance, &c. found in it; the Prifoners are now embarked in the Vanguard and Minotaur till I can get a Veffel to fend them to France. Captain Ball, with Three Sail of the Line, a Frigate, and Firefhip, is entrusted with the Blockade of Malta, in which are Two Sail of the Line and Three Fri

[blocks in formation]

gates ready for Sea; and from the Experience I have had of Captain Ball's Zeal, Activity, and Ability, I have no Doubt but that in due Time I fhail have the Honor of fending you good Account of the French in the Town of Valetti.

I am, with the greatest Respect, your Lordship's moft obedient Servant.

Admiral Earl of St. Vincent.



Alexander, off Malta, October 30, 1798.

I HAVE the Honor to acquaint you, that the Commandant of the French Troops in the Castle of Goza, figned the Capitulation the 28th Instant, which you had approved. I ordered Captain Creswell, of the Marines, to take Poffeffion of it in the Name of His Britannic Majefty, and His Majefty's Colours were hoifted. The next Day the Place was delivered up in Form to the Deputies of the Ifland, His Sicilian Majesty's Colours hoifted, and he acknowledged their lawful Sovereign,

I embarked Yefterday all the French Officers and Men, who were on the Ifland of Goža, amounting to Two Hundred and Seventeen.

I inclose the Articles of Capitulation, and an Inventory of the Arms and Ammunition found in the Caftle, Part of which I directed to be fent to the Affiftance of the Maltese, who are in Arms against the French. There were Three Thousand Two Hundred Sacks of Corn in the Caftle, which will be a great Relief to the Inhabitants, who are much in Want of that Article.

I have the Honor to be, &c.


Rear Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson.

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Between Alexander John Ball, Efq. Captain of His Britannic Majefty's Ship Alexander, appointed to conduct the Blockade of Malta, under Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, K. B. on the Part of Great Britain, and Lieutenant-Colonel Lochey, Auj. de Batt. Commander of the French Troops in the Caftie of Goza.

I. THE French Troops fhall march out of the Caitle of Goza, with the Honors of War, and shall lay down their Arms as they get out of the Gate.

II. The Cafle of Goza, with all the Military Em. plements and Stores, fhall be delivered up to the Bri tif Officer appointed to take Charge of them.

III. The French Officers and Troops fhall be protected in their Perfons and Effects, and the Officers allowed to retain their Side-Arm Arms; they shall be embarked immediately on board His Britannic Majefty's Ships, and fent to France in Transports, at the Expence of the French Government. They are not to ferve against His Britannic Majefty, or his Allies, during the War, until regularly exchanged.

Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelfon, K. B. has entered into Articles with the Inhabitants of Goz, that if the French furrender to the British, they shall be confidered as under their Protection, and they will not offer them the (mallest Infult or Molestation.

Signed the 28th October 1798.

Captain of His Britannic Majefty's
Ship Alexander.

LOCHEY, Auj de Battalion.

Approved.-Horatio Neljon.

Extract of Articles found in the Cafle of Goza, the

28th October, 1798.)

50 Barrels of Powder.

goo Ball Cartridges.

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