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Admiralty-Office, October 27, 1798.

Copy of a Letter from the Right Honorable Lord Bridport, K. B. Admiral of the White, &c. to Evan Nepean, Efq. dated at Spithead the 24thInftant.



HE enclosed Copy of a Letter which I received this Morning will manifeft to their Lordships the Courage, Skill, and Intrepidity of Captain Martin, his Officers, and Ship's Company, in the Capture of the French Frigate L'immortalités after a perfevering and brilliant Action against a Ship of fuch fuperior Force.


I am, Sir, &c. &c. &c.


Fifgard, Plymouth Sound,
October 22, 1-98.

IN Compliance with your Order of the 17th Inftant, I proceeded with all poffible Difpatch to the Southward, and on the 20th Inftant, having arrived in Latitude 48 Deg. 23 Min. North, Longitude 7 Deg. Weft, I had the Satisfaction to fall

in with a large French Frigate, and, after an Hour's running Fight, came to clofe Action with her, which lafted for Twenty-five Minutes, when the Fifgard became perfectly ungovernable; the Bowlines, Braces, Topfail-Ties, Back-Stays, and the whole of the Running Rigging being cut to Pieces.. At this critical Moment the endeavoured to make off, but the Activity of the Officers and Ship's Company in repairing the Damages and making Sail, foon enabled us to clofe with her again, and the Fight was renewed and continued with great Spirit and Refolution for an Hour and Fifty Minutes, when the furrendered to His Majefty's Ship, and proved to be L'Immortalité, a new Frigate, mounting Forty-two Guns, Twenty-four- Pounders, on the Main-Deck, and Nine- Pounders, with Fortytwo Pound Carronades, on the Quarter-Deck and Forecastle, commanded by Citizen Le Grand, who was killed in the Action. She was one of the Squa. dron that compofed the Expedition to Ireland; and at the Commencement of the Action had on board Five Hundred and Eighty Men, including. General Menage, Second in Command of the Trcops, (who was alfo killed in the Action,) Adjutant-General Crazey, and fome Soldiers.

I fhould wish to recommend the fteady good Conduct of Mr. Carden, Firl Lieutenant of the Eifgard, on this Occafion, but not to the Prejudice of any other Perfon, as every Officer and Man on board behaved with that Courage and Intrepidity which at all Times diftinguishes His Majefty's Subjects in the prefence of the Enemy. Annexed is a Lift of Killed and Wounded. I am forry to fay, Tairtsen of our wounded Men have fuffered fo much as to preclude all Hope of their Recovery.

I have the Honor to be, &c. &c. &c.

Lift of Killed and Wounded on board His Majefty's Ship Fifgard.

Killed-William Bennett, Richard Wallis, John Caird, Edward Paine, Thomas sketton, George Snalum, George Morton, Solomon M'Cormick, John Maxworthy, John Williams.

Wounded.-Lieutenant Gerrard, Marines; Seamen 23, Marines 2.

Total, killed and wounded, 36

Killed and Wounded on board L'Immortalité.

Killed.-Officers 10, Men 44.


Total, killed and wounded, 115.





Admiralty-Office, October 30, 1798.

Copy of a Letter from Captain Durbam, Commander of His Majesty's Ship Anfon, to Evan Nepean, Efq dated in Plymouth Sound.

BEG Leave to inclose you a Copy of a Letter fent

I by this Poft to the Right Honorable Admiral

Lord Bridport.


Anfon, in Plymouth Sound, · October 27, 17 98, £793

FROM the difabled State of His Majelly's Ship under my Command in the Action of the 13th Inftant, and the Wind remaining to the S w. I was unavoidably feparated from the Squadron under the Command of Sir John Borlafe Warren. Bart, K. B. and drove confiderably to the N.W. of Ireland.

I have great Satisfaction in informing your Lordfhip, that on the 18th at Daylight in the Morning, I discovered a large Ship to Leeward, fortunately for me, with the Lofs of her Fore and Main-TopMafts, (the Anson being by no Means in a Situation


to chafe) her Mizen-Maft gone, Main-Yard and Main-Crofstrees; the Bowfprit and Fore-Yard fhot through in feveral Places.

I immediately bore up, and got alongside of her; after an Action of One Hour and Quarter, most gallantly difputed, which does the higheft Honor to Citizen Jofeph Andrien Segone, her Commander, the ftruck; proved to be La Loire, one of the largest and fineft Frigates belonging to the Republic, prefented by the City of Nantz, quite new, and never before at Sea, pierced for Fifty Guns, mounting Forty-fix (Eighteen-Pounders), having on board Six Hundred and Sixty-four Men, (Troops in. cluded,) among whom are a Number of Artillery, Etat Major for Three Regiments. La Loire had Forty eight Men killed and Seventy-five wounded, was One of the Four Frigates which the Anfon engaged the 13th, and was making her Efcape from the Coaft.

I beg Leave particularly to acknowledge the steady and good Behaviour of my Officers and Petty Of ficers; cannot avoid recommending to your Lord. fhip's Notice my Firft Lieutenant Mr. John Hin ton, whole Conduct not only upon this Occafion, but many others, has met with my fulleft Approbation; not derogating from the Behaviour of Lieutenants Meager, Manderson, and Mr. William Chrif hop, the Mafter.

I have alfo to acknowledge the Services of Lieutenants Bell and Derring of the Marines, who com. manded the Carronades; as to my Ship's Company, they have been my faithful Companions during Four Years in pretty active Service, and whofe Conduct upon all Occafions merits my warm Approbation.

Having fallen in, the Night before the Action, with His Majetty's Brig Kangaroo, I ordered Captain Brace, from the Anfon's difabled State, to continue in Company, and am much indebted to him for the Services he has rendered me in taking Pof feffion of La Loire.


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