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voted to remarks upon his razor and toothbrush—the allusion made to his once having been a barber and a dentist, with the suggestion that he had better return to "his plebian accomplishments" would have been somewhat annoying to a mind less philosophical than that of Dostie's.

Firmly defending his rights, until overpowered by his enemies, he yielded to despotic power, and hopefully looked to future events for the triumph of justice.

On the 17th of June a mass-meeting was called, and the citizens of New Orleans assembled on Lafayette Square for the purpose of honoring Governor Wells, and upholding his administration. The following letter from one of the vice-Presidents of that meeting is in harmony with the principles there expressed :

NEW ORLEANS, June 18, 1865.

Hon. A. P. Field, Chairman:

"Sir-I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt. of your note, appointing me one of the Vice-Presidents at the Mass Meeting to-morrow evening, to receive our Governor. Reluctant as I am to appear amidst the hurly-burly of politics, I thank you for this honor and accept it. The man and the occasion demand an expression of opinion from the Conservatives of this beautiful State:

"Where grows the orange, and pomegranate, and fairest of fruit,
And the song of the nightingale never is mute."

"We have beheld the pitiful spectacle of the successor of Chief Justice Marshall soiling his ermine by making electioneering speeches-prostituting his almost sacred office as a political huckster-pandering to the most depraved appetites to effect his unholy ambition; placing

the ignorant horde on a level with the intelligent. You, sir, as a former Secretary of State of Illinois, know what the poor African suffered, until very recently, there. That, so far from granting him the privileges of a voter, he was sold to the highest bidder. In New York, it requires double taxes and twice the time of residence, to enable the colored man to vote; yet these radicals would fain make voters of millions of men who could not read their ballot! But such are the debris of civil war. Addison truthfully puts into the mouth of Cato, and we are but repeating the history of all Republics:

"When the kettle of sedition boils,

The scum arises to the top."

"Very respectfully, yours, &c.,
"S. F. GLENN.”

The following we quote from the address of Governor Wells, delivered on that occasion :

"Not being myself a candidate for re-election to Gubernatorial honors, I hope I shall be acquitted of any attempt to favor party politics for political purposes. In regard to National affairs I have but little to say. The war that has but recently so happily ended, has left us almost without resources and without government, and in our attempt to resume our relations with the General Government, we will have many obstacles to meet. A party unscrupulous and exacting will insist upon our utter humiliation as a means by which we may learn to love our country better, and as the ultimatum for our return to the folds of the Union, but happily for us this party has lost much of its prestige.

"It must be perceptible to every one, who is at all consistent with the political history of this country, that

the Radical Abolition party is broken up, disorganized, and demoralized, despite their apparent success during the present war.

"Their official corruption, unequaled by any party which has ever preceded or may ever succeed it, has rendered them obnoxious to the American people.

"The heavy taxation which must necessarily follow to pay the enormous debt of this war, and which must continue for the next half century, fixes an odium upon the party which will outlive the party itself. Then to whom are we to look for the healing of the National wounds? Is it not to those who have taken National Conservative grounds, and who have ever, during this war, advocated conservative principles-those principles advocated in past years by the old Whig party, and more recently, by the Conservatives of the Republican party, and of the Democracy, and under whose benign teachings we have grown and prospered as a nation?

"Our President, Andrew Johnson, has ever been a Conservative Democrat. In his hands is placed the destiny of this Nation, and from him we have nothing to fear, but everything to hope. I speak for his Administration one of the brightest pages in our history: and under his Administration, fellow-citizens, looking to him for protection, and taking his policy as our guide, must we organize our State Government.

"Every effort will be made by the Radical Abolition party to prevent the return of power to the Conservatives of the South, and all the elements of opposition will combine to prevent their success, and one of their most formidable anxiliaries, as they suppose, is to extend the benefit of suffrage to that numerous class of persons recently

put in possession of their freedom. This has been too clearly fore-shadowed by the political adventurers who have come among us to have escaped your attention.

"This, then, will be a question for your future action, and if, after having taken this continent from the red man, and holding it for more than a century, you have become so charitable as to give it to the black man, I can only submit, and bow to the will of the people." The following letter from the pen of J. Ad. Rozier, was read at the meeting:

NEW ORLEANS, June 16, 1865. "Hon. A. P. Field, Chairman of Committee of Arrange

ments for the Reception of Governor Wells:

"I embrace this occasion to say that I regard with no little concern, the strides made by Governor Wells in the right direction of maintaining the true principles of government. I take it he means to follow in the footsteps of President Johnson, with regard to the reorganization of civil government in the State of North Carolina. Louisiana is as much entitled to self-government, subordinate to the Constitution of the United States, as North Carolina.

"Governor Wells is giving us unmistakable evidence of his intention to purify the ballot-box, to rid himself and the country of so many obscure and fifteenth-rate men who have swarmed in the public offices; to allow the good and the honest to be heard in the public councils ; to purify the political atmosphere; to make the judiciary independent, in all cases, and not to reverse the decision of a duly constituted Judge in the Governor's Office, at the same time kicking the Judge out of office to the great scandal of the people. In a word, he is endeavor

ing to restore the people of Louisiana, as his friends assure us, to their civil rights.

"If this be his programme, or that of any other man, I say, God speed him! The country needs repose. Conservatism will be the balm to all political wounds. Let us eschew all intemperate men; let us detest the sanguinary.

"Radicals instil venom in the body politic; they always have and always will. They quote Christianity, but act like heathens.

"It is very evident that the masses of the Southern people are fast returning to their allegiance in a bona fide manner-they have gone to work to repair their fortunes, they recognize a great change as a fixed fact-like the rest of their countrymen, their characteristic trait is lawabiding, promises will be held sacredly obligatory. The arts of peace will be cultivated by them.

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Now, at the glorious close of this bloody civil war, let us imitate the Romans, who, in similiar circumstances, went into mourning for the precious lives lost. Let confiscations, and other pains and penalties, be blotted out of the statute book-let the era of good feeling return and be perpetual-let us not be Christians in name, but also in our hearts and our acts, toward our erring brethren. Very respectfully,


The following resolutions were then read and adopted. 1, Resolved, That we welcome among us again our distinguished fellow-citizen, J. Madison Wells, Governor of the State, and extend to him our thanks, cordial and heartfelt, for the interest he has manifested in the welfare of the people of the State, as exhibited by his recent hurried journey to the National capital, and by his

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