Hand Book of the United States Tariff: Containing the Tariff Act of 1922, with Complete Schedules of Articles, Rates of Duty and Applicable Paragraphs of the Act; Also Provisions of the Act Applicable to the Administration of the Customs Laws ...

F.B. Vandegrift & Company, 1928 - 912 páginas

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Página 136 - Such attendance of witnesses, and the production of such documentary evidence, may be required from any place in the United States, at any designated place of hearing.
Página 166 - An Act to authorize the registration of trade-marks used in commerce with foreign nations or among the several States or with Indian tribes, and to protect the same...
Página 111 - Articles the growth, produce, and manufacture of the United States, when returned after having been exported, without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means...
Página 209 - ... shall be given under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, for the payment of lawful duties which may accrue should any of the articles aforesaid be sold...
Página 123 - Islands, upon articles, goods, wares, or merchandise going into the Philippine Islands from the United States, a tax equal to the internal-revenue tax imposed in the Philippine Islands upon...
Página 905 - Woven fabrics, not including articles finished or unfinished, of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value...
Página 59 - ... pressed, sheared, or stamped shapes, not advanced in value or condition by any process or operation subsequent to the process of stamping...
Página 211 - ... as used in this paragraph shall not be understood to include any articles of utility, nor such as are made wholly or in part by stenciling or any other mechanical process; and the words "etchings...
Página 174 - States shall or may be deprived of the lawful duties, or any portion thereof, accruing upon the merchandise, or any portion thereof, embraced or referred to in such invoice, affidavit, letter, paper, or statement...
Página 126 - That all goods, wares, articles, and merchandise manufactured wholly or in part in any foreign country by convict labor, shall not be entitled to entry at any of the ports of the United States, and the importation thereof is hereby prohibited...

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