CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE---IN SENATE. FOURTEENTH SESSION. IN SENATE. SENATE CHAMBER, Monday, January 5th, 1863. } Pursuant to the requirements of the Constitution, the Senate met and was called to order by Hon. J. F. Chellis, President, who made the following address: SENATORS: It is with great pleasure that I again greet you with friendship. We have reason to rejoice that during the past year our State has been favored by Providence with bountiful harvests and healthful seasons, profitable to all the industrial pursuits of our fellow citizens. We meet again for the discharge of our important and responsible duties under circumstances peculiarly favorable contrasted with those of our brethren on the eastern side of the continent. Among the most prominent duties that will demand our careful and prompt attention, is the enactment of such laws as are required to give effect to the Amendments of the Constitution, which have received the sanction of two successive Legislatures, and been adopted by the people, pursuant to the fundamental law. These amendments are designed to effect an important change in the several departments of the Government. The tenure of office has generally been extended in all the departments, which is designed to give them more permanency, and to reform the expenses attendant upon annual elections and legislation. One of the great evils to which all new States are subjected, is excess of legislation, and from this evil our State has suffered in no ordinary degree. In the Judicial Department of the Government, jurisdiction has been increased in some cases, and abridged in others, while the number of Judges upon the Supreme Bench has been increased. It is believed that the changes thus effected in that important department of the Government will increase its efficiency, and enable it to render justice more promptly. It will be our pleasure in discharging the general duties of legislation in conjunction with the other branch of the Legislature, to promote the interests of our State and constituency by the enactment of such laws as will tend to the full development of her great and varied resources, and promote a wise economy in all the public expenditures. We have reason to be proud of our State, not only because of her extended and productive territory and her unbounded resources, but more particularly for the display of her patriotic devotion to liberty and the Union. Vastly remote from the scenes of bloody conflict and suffering in the East, our fellow citizens have manifested their deep and patriotic sympathy by unparalleled contributions in aid of their brethren stricken down upon the sanguinary fields of battle. California, too, has sent forth her sons in response to her country's call with that promptitude and alacrity becoming a great and patriotic State. The products of our mines have gone forth by every steamer in unbounded measure, stimulating commere, and imparting security and energy to the financial arm of the General Government. In conclusion, permit me to congratulate you most sincerely upon the great event of the age. The proclamation of liberty to enslaved millions is an era in the history of human events, and will be received by the liberty-loving people of every clime, tongue, and nation, with joy unspeakable. After a long and sanguinary conflict with armies never before equaled in numbers and valor, the people of America, the President of these United States, all agree and are of one opinion that without slavery the rebellion and civil war would never have existed, and without slavery it cannot continue. And they have resolved in their candor, and in their wrath, to erase that stain from our country's future history, and no earthly power can defeat the consummation of our purpose. Now that Liberty is our watchword, our armies will march to victory, and stand forth, in the brightness of meridian glory, the wonder, pride, and admiration of the world. Prayer by the Rev. J. E Benton. The roll of Senators holding over was called by the Secretary, and the following gentlemen answered to their names, to wit: Messrs. Baker, Bogart, Burnell, Chamberlain, Crane, Gaskill, Harriman, Hathaway, Holden, Kutz, Lewis, Nixon, Oulton, Perkins, Porter of Santa Cruz, Powers, Quint, Van Dyke, and Vineyard-19. Absent-Messrs. Doll, Pacheco, and Shurtleff. The roll of Senators elect was called, and the following gentlemen answered to their names, to wit: Messrs. Abell, Anderson, Birdseye, Booth, Cavis, Clark, Cunningham, Harvey, Higby, Higgins, McCullough, McNabb, Parks, Porter of Contra Costa, Saxton, Shannon, Wallis, and Whiting-18. Mr. Crane offered the following resolution : Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to wait on the Hon. S. J. Field, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and invite him to attend and administer the oath of office to the Senators elected at the last election. Adopted. In accordance with the above resolution, Messrs. Crane, Harriman, and Van Dyke, were appointed said committee. Hon. Chief Justice Field came forward and administered the oath of office to the members elect, who severally subscribed to the same. Mr. Perkins moved that the Rules of the last session be adopted. Carried. Mr. Perkins offered the following resolution : Resolved, That no smoking shall be allowed in the Senate Chamber. Upon the adoption of the resolution, the ayes and noes were demanded, by Messrs. Perkins, Gaskill, and Chamberlain, and taken, with the following result: AYES-Messrs. Abell, Anderson, Baker, Birdseye, Booth, Burnell, Cavis, Chamberlain, Clark, Crane, Cunningham, Harriman, Hathaway, Higby, Higgins, Holden, Kutz, Lewis, McCullough, McNabb, Nixon, Oulton, Perkins, Porter of Contra Costa, Powers, Quint, Saxton, Shannon, Van Dyke, Wallis, and Whiting-31. NOES-Messrs. Bogart, Gaskill, Parks, Porter of Santa Cruz, and Vineyard-5. At forty minutes past twelve o'clock, P. M., on motion of Mr. Burnell, the Senate adjourned until twelve o'clock, M., to-morrow. |