Mr. Wallis, of the Santa Clara delegation, made the following report: Mr. PRESIDENT:-The Santa Clara delegation, having had under consideration Senate bill No. 41, entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to create a Board of Supervisors in the counties of this State, and to define their duties and powers, passed March twentieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and other Acts amendatory thereof, report the same back, with amendments, and recommend its passage as amended. WALLIS, for Delegation. GENERAL FILE. Senate bill No. 37, an Act to authorize the executors of the last will and testament of John W. Wilde, deceased, to sell and convey certain real estate. Pending the consideration of the above, the hour arrived to meet the Assembly in Joint Convention, for the purpose of electing a Trustee of the State Library, and the Senate proceeded to the Assembly Chamber for the purpose specified. IN JOINT CONVENTION. Lieutenant-Governor Chellis, President of the Senate, and Hon. T. N. Machin, Speaker of the House, presiding. Senate roll called. House roll called. Absent-Messrs. Banks, Denniston, Johnson, and Smith of Butte. The joint resolution under which the Convention was called was read by the Secretary. The following nominations were made for Trustee of the State Library: Mr. Warwick nominated J. F. Morse. |