found correctly engrossed, Senate bill No. 62, an Act to amend an Act relative to Public Administrators in certain counties; Also, Senate bill No. 61, an Act supplemental to an Act to incorporate a State Agricultural Society, approved May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, amended March twentienth, eighteen hundred and fiftyeight. BURNELL, Chairman. Mr. Van Dyke, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, made the following report: MR. PRESIDENT:-The Judiciary Committee, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 57, an Act to provide for the funding of the indebtedness of the County of San Luis Obispo outstanding on the first day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, report the same back, and recommend that it be referred to the delegation from that county; They have also considered Senate bill No. 2, an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in the Courts of Justice in this State, passed April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and report the same back, with amendments, and recommend its passage as amended; They have also considered Senate bill No. 3, an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act concerning crimes and punishments, passed April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty, and report the same, with a substitute, and recommend the passage of the substitute. Mr. Harvey made the following report: VAN DYKE, Chairman. MR. PRESIDENT:-The El Dorado and Amador delegations, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 36, an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act creating the officers of Township Collectors and Assessors in the Counties of El Dorado and Amador, approved April twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report the same back, with a substitute, and recommend the passage of the substitute. HARVEY, On motion, Senate bill No. 36, above reported, was considered, substitute as recommended by the committee adopted, bill considered engrossed, read third time, and passed. Mr. Porter of Santa Cruz made the following report: MR. PRESIDENT:-Your committee, to whom was referred Assembly bill No. 20, have had the same under consideration, and report the same back, with the recommendation that it be indefinitely postponed. PORTER, Chairman. MESSAGE FROM THE ASSEMBLY. The following message was received from the Assembly: ASSEMBLY CHAMBER, January 26th, 1863. } Mr. PRESIDENT :-The Assembly this day concurred in Senate amendments to Assembly bill No. 3, an Act to authorize the County of San Joaquin to issue bonds for agricultural uses; Also, concurred in Senate amendments to Assembly concurrent resolution No. 7, relative to Joint Convention for the election of a Trustee of the State Library; Also, passed Assembly concurrent resolution No. 8, relative to the establishment of a mail route in Tulare County, etc.; Also, passed Assembly bill No. 41, an Act to extend the provisions of an Act entitled an Act concerning lawful fences in the Counties of San Bernardino, Colusa, Shasta, Tehama, and Placer, approved April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. W. N. SLOCUM, Assistant Clerk. Assembly bill No. 41, an Act to extend the provisions of an Act entitled an Act concerning lawful fences in the Counties of San Bernardino, Colusa, Shasta, Tehama, and Placer, approved April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, above reported, was read first and second times, and referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Assembly concurrent resolution No. 8, relative to the establishment of a mail route in Tulare County, etc., above reported, was read first and second times, and referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. Bills were introduced as follows: By Mr. Perkins, for an Act to create a Probate Court in the City and County of San Francisco, and to provide for the organization of the same. Read first and second times, and referred to the Judiciary Committee. By Mr. Porter of Santa Cruz, for an Act to repeal an Act concerning certain salaries and fees of office in the County of Monterey, approved April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and to revive an Act to regulate fees in office in certain counties of this State, approved April twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven. Read first and second times, and referred to the Judiciary Commit tee. By Mr. Holden, for an Act for the relief of purchasers of Swamp and Overflowed, Salt Marsh, and Tide Lands. Read first and second times, and referred to the Committee on Swamp and Overflowed Lands. By Mr. Pacheco, for an Act authorizing the construction of a wagon road over the Coast Range of mountains in the County of San Luis Obispo. Read first and second times, and referred to the Committee on Roads and Highways. Mr. Porter of Contra Costa offered the following resolution: Resolved, By the Senate, the Assembly concurring, that no indefinite leave of absence granted to any member shall be construed to cover an absence of more than six days, except in cases of sickness of the absentee, and all grants of indefinite leave of absence are hereby rescinded. Laid on the table. GENERAL FILE. Senate bill No. 40, an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in the Courts of Justice in this State, passed April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one-read third time, and passed. Senate bill No. 41, an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to create a Board of Supervisors in the counties of this State, and to define their duties and powers, passed March twentieth, eighteen hundred and fiftyfive, and other Acts amendatory thereof-recommitted, after third reading, to the introducer, Mr. Wallis, with special instructions. Senate bill No. 29, an Act to provide for the construction of a wagon and turnpike road in Mariposa County-considered in Committee of the Whole, amended, amendments concurred in, and bill ordered engrossed. Assembly bill No. 30, an Act to extend the provisions of an Act entitled an Act concerning hogs found running at large in the Counties of Marin, Sacramento, San Francisco, Alameda, Stanislaus, Yuba, and Santa Clara-read first and second times, and referred to the Judiciary Committee. At one o'clock and thirty minutes, P. M., on motion of Mr. McNabb, the Senate adjourned. Quorum present. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Hertel. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Holden introduced a bill for an Act to amend section one hundred and forty of an Act concerning crimes and punishments, approved April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty. Read first and second times, and referred to the Judiciary Committee. GENERAL FILE. Senate bill No. 34, an Act to amend an Act, passed March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled an Act to amend an Act toregulate proceedings in civil cases in the Courts of Justice of this State, passed April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one-amendments concurred in, and bill as amended ordered engrossed. Senate bill No. 35, an Act to legalize certain conveyances. On the motion to lay the bill on the table, the ayes and noes were demanded, by Messrs. Crane, McNabb, and Wallis, and taken, with the following result: AYES-Messrs. Abell, Birdseye, Bogart, Cavis, Chamberlain, Cunningham, Doll, Gaskill, Harvey, Hathaway, Higby, Holden, Kutz, Lewis, Oulton, Pacheco, Parks, Perkins, Porter of Contra Costa, Porter of Santa Cruz, Powers, Saxton, Shurtleff, and Whiting-24. NOES-Messrs. Anderson, Booth, Clark, Crane, Harriman, Higgins, McCullough, McNabb, Nixon, Shannon, Van Dyke, and Wallis-12. Senate bill No. 12, an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act amendatory of and supplemental to an Act to prescribe the duties and to provide for the compensation of the several county officers of the county of Butte, approved May third, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, approved April fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two-amended, rules suspended, bill considered engrossed, read third time, and passed. Senate bill No. 60, an Act to grant to Larkin Lamb and his associates the right to construct and maintain a toll bridge across the Cosumnes river in the Counties of Amador and El Dorado-amended, rules suspended, bill considered engrossed, read third time, and passed. Senate bill No. 3, an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act concerning crimes and punishments, passed April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-ordered engrossed. Senate bill No. 2, an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in the Courts of Justice in this State, passed April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one- amended, and ordered engrossed. Mr. Powers moved to reconsider the vote whereby Senate bill No. 3, above mentioned, was ordered engrossed. Upon which, the ayes and noes were demanded, by Messrs. Parks, Perkins, and Powers, and taken, with the following result: AYES-Messrs. Abell, Anderson, Cavis, Chamberlain, Clark, Crane, Cunningham, Gaskill, Harriman, Hathaway, Higby, Kutz, McCullough, McNabb, Nixon, Perkins, Porter of Contra Costa, Porter of Santa Cruz, Powers, Shannon, Van Dyke, Wallis, and Whiting-23. NOES-Messrs. Birdseye, Bogart, Booth, Burnell, Doll, Harvey, Holden, Lewis, Oulton, Pacheco, Parks, Saxton, Shurtleff, and Vineyard-14. Mr. Perkins offered a substitute to Senate bill No. 3-substitute adopted, and ordered engrossed. SPECIAL ORDER. Senate concurrent resolution No. 10, relative to the Miranda claim to the Arroyo de San Antonio. Mr. Powers moved to adjourn. Upon which, the ayes and noes were demanded, by Messrs. Whiting, McNabb, and Wallis, and taken, with the following result: AYES-Messrs. Baker, Kutz, Lewis, Nixon, Perkins, Powers, and Vineyard—7. NOES-Messrs. Abell, Anderson, Bogart, Booth, Cavis, Chamberlain, Clark, Crane, Cunningham, Doll, Harriman, Harvey, Hathaway, Higby, Higgins, Holden, McCullough, McNabb, Pacheco, Porter of Santa Cruz, Saxton, Shannon, Shurtleff, Wallis, and Whiting-25. Mr. Wallis moved to make the resolution the special order for Tuesday, February third, at twelve o'clock, M., and that the usual number of copies be printed. Upon which, the ayes and noes were demanded, by Messrs. Shannon, McNabb, and Chamberlain, and taken, with the following result: AYES-Messrs. Burnell, Cavis, Clark, Cunningham, Doll, Gaskill, IIarvey, Hathaway, Higby, Lewis, Pacheco, Parks, Perkins, Powers, Shurtleff, Vineyard, and Wallis-17. NOES-Messrs. Abell, Anderson, Baker, Bogart, Chamberlain, Crane, Holden, McCullough, McNabb, Nixon, Oulton, Porter of Contra Costa, Porter of Santa Cruz, Saxton, Shannon, Van Dyke, and Whiting—17. Mr. Perkins moved to make the resolution under consideration the special order for Wednesday, February fourth, at twelve o'clock, M. Carried. Senate bill No 37, an Act to authorize the Executors of the last will and testament of John W. Wilde, deceased, to sell and convey certain real estate-placed at the top of general file. At one o'clock and forty-five minutes, P. M., on motion of Mr. Nixon, the Senate adjourned. J. F. CHELLIS, Quorum present. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Hertel. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. McNabb presented a communication from the Roman Catholic Male Orphan Asylum of San Rafael. Referred to the Finance Committee. REPORTS. Mr. Wallis, of the Santa Clara delegation, made the following report: Mr. PRESIDENT:-The Santa Clara delegation, having bad under consideration Assembly bill No. 35, an Act to authorize the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County to have certain Spanish records translated into English, report the same back, with amendments, and recommend its passage as amended. WALLIS, for Delegation. Assembly bill No. 35, above reported, amended, read third time, and passed. |