Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

whips his taxed, 466.
Topples round the west, 584.
Tops of the eastern pines, 59.
Torches, as we do with, 26.
Torments our elements, 187.
Torrent and whirlwind's roar, 370.
is heard on the hill, 402.
of a downward age, 328.
of a woman's will, 276.
of his fate, 337-
so the loud, 370.
Torrent's smoothness, 485.
Torrents, motionless, 473.
Torture his invention, 260.
of the mind, 101.
one poor word, 238.
Torturing hour, 354-
Toss him to my breast, 164.
Touch harmonious, 339.

not taste not, 642.

of a vanished hand, 582.
of celestial temper, 196.
of joy or woe, 364.

of Liberty's war, 502.
of nature, 81.

put it to the, 181.
wound with a, 321.

Touched nothing that he did not

adorn, 339.

Touched the highest point, 78.
Touches of sweet harmony, 44.
Toucheth pitch, 632.
Touchstone, man's true, 157.
Touchy testy fellow, 268.
Tough is J. B., 588.
Tower, Athena's, 515.
of strength, 77.
Towering passion, 125.
Towers above her sex, 265.
along the steep, 483.
and battlements, 213.
indorsed with, 203.
of Ilium, 20.
of Julius, 356.

the cloud-capp'd, 23.
Town, man made the, 390.
Towns, for want of, 260.
Toys, fantastic, 362.
of age, 289.

to the great children, 330.
we spent them not in, 177.
Trade, two of a, 679.
Trade's proud empire, 339.
Tragedies, attic, 219.
Tragedy, gorgeous, 215.

of Hamlet, 494-

Trail of the serpent, 495.
Trailing clouds of glory, 457.
Train, a melancholy, 370.
of night, 197.
starry, 195.
up a child, 622.

Traitors, fears do make us, 103.
our doubts are, 27.

Trammel up the consequence, 97.
Trample on my days, 222.
Trance, unimaginable, 475.
Tranquillity, heaven was, 496.
Transfigures its golden hair, 592.
Transforms old print, 391.

Transgressors, way of, 620.
Transient chaste, 280.

Transition, what seems so is, 577.
Transitory, action is, 436.
Translated, thou art, 38.

Translucent wave, 210.

Transmitter of a foolish face, 326.
Transmuted ill, 337.

Transmutes bereaves, 455.
Transport know, can ne'er a, 348.
Trappings and suits of woe, 108.
of a monarchy, 341.
Travail, labour for my, 81.
Travel on life's common way, 449.
twelve stout miles, 437-
Travelled life's dull round, 351.
Traveller from Lima, 561.

from New Zealand, 561.
from the Zuyder Zee, 561.

Traveller, lighted the, 499.

spurs the lated, 101.
Travel's history, in my, 129.
Travels, contemplation of my, 49.
Tray Blanch and Sweetheart, 127.
Treacle, fly that sips, 319.
Tread a measure, 36.

again the scene, 479.
each other's heel, 279.
where'er we, 515.
Treads on it daily, 209.
Treason can but peep, 122.

doth never prosper, 149.
has done his worst, 101.
if this be, 407.

none dare call it, 149.
Treasons, is fit for, 44.
Treasure is, where your, 633.

miser's, 208.

of his eyesight,
rich the, 233.


Treasures hath he not always, 475.
sea-born, fetched my, 571.
three, love light and calm
thoughts, 475.

up a wrong, 530.

Treatise, rouse at a dismal, 105.
Treble, childish, 48.
Tree, die like that, 262.

falleth, where the, 626.

fruit of that forbidden, 182.
I planted, 518.

in the wide waste, 526.
is inclined, 292.

is known by his fruit, 634.
like a green bay, 615.
my hollow, 304.

of deepest root is found, 410.
of liberty, 428.
of Life, 193..
things done in a green, 638.
under the greenwood, 46.
woodman spare that, 564.
Trees, blossoms in the, 287.
bosom'd high in tufted, 213.
drop tears as Arabian, 136.
just hid with, 537.
like leaves on, 315.
tongues in, 45.
venerable, 447.

Tremble thou wretch, 126.

when I wake, 391.
Tremblers, boding, 373.
Trembles too, turning, 364.
Trenchant blade, 225.
Trencherman, valiant, 30.
Tresses like the morn, 210.
Trial by juries, 406.

Tribe, richer than all his, 136.

the badge of all our, 40.

Tribe were God Almighty's gen-
tlemen, 236.

Tribes that slumber, 556.
Tribute, nature under, 431.
not one cent for, 427.
of a sigh, 359,

vain, of a smile, 487.
Trick, in doubt win the, 657.
of our English nation, 67.
of singularity, 54-
worth two of that, 62.
Tricks, fantastic, 28.
in simple faith, 93.
sportive, 74.

that are vain, 598.
Tride, thou that hast not, 15.
without consent, 154.

Tried each art, 372.

to blame who has been, 321.
Trifle, careless, 96.

think naught a, 283.
Trifles light as air, 133.
painted, 362.
unconsidered, 55.
with honest, 95.
Trim reckoning, 66.
Triton blow his horn, 445.
of the minnows, 81.
Triumph, pursue the, 292.
Triumphal arch, 484.
Triumphant death, 202.

faith, o'er our fears, 576.
Trivial fond records, 113.
Trodden the wine-press alone, 630.
Trojans, distant, 314.

Troop, farewell the plumed, 134.
Troops of error, 181.

of friends, 104.
Trope, out there flew a, 224.
Trophies, need not raise, 175.
Tropic, under the, 179.
Troth, time tries the, 7.
Troubadour, gaily the, 553.
Trouble, double toil and, 102.
man is born unto, 611.
of few days and full of, 612.
Troubles, against a sea of, 116.
of the brain, 105.
Trousers, steam-engine in, 465.
Trowel, laid on with a, 45.
Troy divine, tale of, 215.
fired another, 234.
half his, was burned, 66.
heard, doubted, 534.
hope of, 315.

laid in ashes, 251.
where is, 332.

Troy's proud glories, 314.

Truant, aged ears play, 35.

husband should return, 531.

Truckle-bed, honour's, 227.
True Amphitryon, 244.

and honourable wife, 90.
as steel, 38, 86.
as the dial, 230.
as the needle, 284.
battled for the, 585.
blue, Presbyterian, 225.
dare to be, 164.
easy to be, 249.
hope is swift, 77.

I have married her, 128.
't is pity, 114.,
love, course of, 37.
patriots all, 425.
perfection, 44.
religion, 532.

so tender and so, 351.
tender and, 603.

to thine own self, 110.

True-penny, art thou there, 113.
Truly loved never forgets, 498.
Trump, shrill, 134.

Trumpery, with all their, 192.
Trumpet, became a, 446.

give an uncertain sound, 641.
moved with more than a, 19.
shifted his, 375.
sound the, 253.
sounds to horse, 264.
Trumpet-tongued, angels, 98.
Trumps, if dirt was, 469.
Truncheon, the marshal's, 27.
Trundle-tail, tike or, 127.
Trust in all things high, 583.

in princes, put not your, 619.
no future, 573.

somehow good will be, 585.
soothed by an unfaltering, 556.
Trusted, let no such man be, 44.
Truth and daylight meet, 220.

and shame the devil, 678.
and soberness, 639.
beauty is, 548.

countenance of, 218.
crushed to earth, 557.
denies all eloquence, 525.
doubt to be a liar, 114.

forever on the scaffold, 593.
friend to, 295.
from his lips, 372.
from pole to pole, 268.
great is, and mighty, 632.
has such a face, 238.

heirs of, 455:

his utmost skill, 148.
impossible to be soiled, 218.

in every shepherd's tongue, 16.
in masquerade, 535.
increase to her, 349.

[blocks in formation]

severe, 356.

shall be thy warrant, 16.
shall make you free, 638.
sole judge of, 288.
speech is, 489.
stooped to, 303.
stranger than fiction, 536.
strife of, 593.

tell how the, may be, 487.
the poet sings, 581.
there is no, in him, 638.
time will teach the, 575.
to side with, 593.
vantage ground of, 141.
well known to most, 401.
who having unto, 22.
with gold she weighs, 307.
with him who sings, 583.
Truths I tell, believe the, 366.
that wake to perish, 458.
to be self-evident, 405.
two, are told, 96.
who feel great, 569.
Try men's souls, 497.

Tub upon its own bottom, 667.
to the whale, 261.
Tufted crow-toe, 212.
Tug of war, 252.

Tully's curule chair, 362.
Tumult of the soul, 443.
Tune, bells jangled out of, 117.
incapable of a, 468.

Turbans, white silken, 204.
Turf beneath their feet, 484.
dappled, 439.
green be the, 546.
green grassy, 402.
of fresh earth, 221.

that wraps their clay, 366.
Peter, 50.

Turk, base Phrygian, 25.

bear like the, 302.

Turk, out-paramoured the, 126.
Turn and fight another day, 378.
over a new leaf, 679.

the smallest worm will, 73.
Turning trembles too, 364.
Turnips, man who, cries, 345.
Turns at the touch of joy, 364.
Turrets of the land, 589.
Turtle, love of the, 523.

voice of the, is heard, 627.
Twal, short hour ayont the, 423.
Tweed, 'tis on the, 289.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee,323.
Twelve good men in a box, 543.
his apostles, 2.
honest men, 318.
in the sworn, 27.
years ago, 564.

Twenty more such names, 50.
mortal murders, 102.

Twice read, what is, 341.

sting thee, 42.
Twice-told tale, 57.

Twig is bent, just as the, 292.
Twilight, disastrous, 184.

gray in sober livery, 194.
Twin, happiness was born a, 532.
Twinkling of a star, 229.

of an eye, 641.

'Twixt two boundless seas, 495.
Two eternities, 495.

hands upon the breast, 598.
hearts, 597:
lovely berries, 38.

narrow words, 17.
of a trade, 678.

pale feet, 598.
souls, 597,

strings to his bow, 679.
truths are told, 96.
voices are there, 449.
Twofold image, 461.
Two-headed Janus, 39.
Two-legg'd thing a son, 235.
Tyber, no allaying, 171.
Type, careful of the, 585.
of the wise, 443.

Types of things, 439.
Tyranny begins, 346.

Tyrant, beautiful, 86.

custom, 130.

Tyrant's plea, necessity the, 194.

Tyrants, argument of, 416.

blood of, 428.

foe to, 432.

from policy, 383.
rebellion to, 658.

Umbered face, sees the other's, 70.
Una with her Lamb, 454.

Unadorned, is when, adorned the

most, 328.

Unanel'd, disappointed, 112.
Unanimity is wonderful, 414.
Unassuming commonplace, 439.
Unattempted yet in prose, 182.
Unawed by influence, 506.
Unblemished let me live, 310.
Unborn ages, 356.
Unborrowed from the eye, 442.
Unbought grace of life, 383.
Unbounded courage. 267.

stomach, man of an, 8o.
Unbribed by gain, 506.
Uncertain glory of an April day,24.
Uncertainty, glorious, 322.
Uncharitableness, all, 645.
Uncle me no uncle, 681.
Unclean lips, man of, 628.
Unclubable man, 343.
Unconquered steam, 403.
Unconsidered trifles, 55.
Unction, flattering, 121.
Under the canopy, 81.

the gallows tree, 155.
the green-wood tree, 46.
the hawthorn, 213.
the open sky, 556.
the Rialto, 529.
the yaller-pines, 594.
which King Bezonian, 69.
Underlings, we are, 89.

Underneath this sable hearse, 152.
this stone, 151.
Understanding, get, 619.

give it an, 109.

more sweet, 34.

not obliged to find you an, 345-
Understood her by her sight, 150.
Undescribable, describe the, 519.
Undevout astronomer, 282.
Undiscovered country, 116.
Undisputed thing, 589.
Undivulged crimes, 126.
Undone widow, 153.
Undreamed shores, 55.
Undress best dress, 329.

her gentle limbs, 471.

Uneasy lies the head, 63.
Uneffectual fire, 112.

Unexpressive she, 48.

Unfaltering trust, 556.

Unfeather'd two-legg'd thing, 235
Unfed sides, 126.

Unforgiving eye, 415.

Unfortunate Miss Bailey, 427.

one more, 553.

Ungalled play, the hart, 119.
Ungracious pastors, 109.
Unhabitable downs, 260.

Unhand me gentlemen, 111.
Unhanged, but three good men,62.
Unhappy folks on shore, 464.

none but the great, 273.

none think the great, 282.
Unheeded flew the hours, 480.
Unhonour'd and unsung, 489.
Unhousel'd disappointed, 112.
Unimaginable trance, 475.
Unintelligible world, 442.
Union, flag of our, 565.
here of hearts, 478.
music of the, 558.
must be preserved, 432.
of hearts union of hands, 565.
of lakes union of lands, 565.
of states none can sever, 565.
once glorious, 507.
our Federal, 432.
sail on, 0, 576.
strong and great, 576.

with its native sea, 460.
Unison, some chord in, 394.
United we stand, 565.

yet divided, 390.

Uniting we stand, 404.
Unity on earth, 103.

to dwell together in, 618.
Universal darkness, 309.
grin, 333.

world, in the, 71.

Universe, born for the, 374.
Unjust peace, 336.

to nature, 278.

Unkindest cut of all, 92.

[blocks in formation]

Untaught knaves, 61.
Unthinking time, 239.
Untimely grave, 158.
Unto dying eyes, 583.

the pure all things are pure,

Untrodden ways, 437.

Untwisting all the chains, 214.
Unused to the melting mood, 136.
Unutterable things, 328.
Unvarnished tale, 129.

Unveiled her peerless light, 194.
Unwashed artificer, 58.

Unwept unhonour'd, 489.

Unkindness, I tax not you with, Unwhipped of justice, 126.


Unknell'd uncoffin'd, 521.
Unknowing what he sought, 237.
Unknown and like esteemed, 209.

and silent shore, 467.
argues yourselves, 196.
she lived, 438.

thus let me live, 311.
to love the, 468.
too early seen, 83.

Unlamented let me die, 311.
Unlearned, amaze the, 297.
Unless above himself, 149.
Unlettered soul, 34
Unlineal hand, with an, 100.
Unlooked for, she comes, 310.
Unmask her beauty, 109.
Unmusical to the Volscians, 81.
Unnumbered woes, 314.

Unpaid-for silk, rustling in, 138.
Unpathed waters, 55.
Unperceived decay, 337.
Unpitied sacrifice, 380.
Unpleasant body, moist, 588.

Unwilling ploughshare, 452.
Unwillingly convinced me, 346.
Up and doing, let us be, 573.
and quit your books, 453.
in my bed now, 555.
my friend, 453.
rose Emilie, 3.
rose the sonne, 3.
stairs into the world, 272.
to the times, 679.
Upon this hint I spake, 130.
Upper ten thousand, 567.
Upper-crust, they are all, 549.
Upturned faces, sea of, 493, 509.
Urania govern thou my song, 198
Urges sweet return, 201.
Urn, can storied, 358.

from her pictured, 355.
from its mysterious, 551.
loud-hissing, 393.
mouldering, 402.
of poverty, 552.
Urns, in their golden, 199.
sepulchral, 398.

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