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Scale Control Methods Briefly Analyzed

By H. J. Quayle,

Citrus Experiment Station, Riverside, Cal.
Red Scale Control


HE most satisfactory control method for the red scale on citrus trees is fumigation. It is necessary to use a rather heavy dosage for the red scale in order to secure the best results. A 100% schedule will handle the red scale fairly well in most sections. In certain areas like Corona and certain parts of Orange county, however, difficulty has been experienced in controlling the red scale even with dosages higher than 100%. One hundred and ten per cent schedule may be used to advantage in the Redlands-Riverside section if experience in the past has shown unsatisfactory results on the scale. Fumigation may be practiced for the red scale at any season provided trees are in a position to be fumigated. For orange and grapefruit trees this would mean from about the first of August to blooming time the following spring. For lemons this season may be prolonged up to the first of June or July. If old fruit is on the trees either oranges, lemons or grapefruit that is mature, and should be picked, ought to be picked before the fumigation or very shortly thereafter because if any of the scales come through the fumigation it will be most likely on the old fruit.

Cottony Cushion Scale Control

Cottony cushion scale which is so conspicuous where it occurs occasionally on portions of trees was one of the serious pests of the citrus industry many years ago but has not been considered a serious pest for everal years, which situation is generally attributed to the effective work of the Australian ladybird beetle, Novius cardinalis. The status of this pest at the present time is limited to single branch or occasional tree and more particularly a young tree scattered about a grove. If left alone is usually disappears without any treatment probably because of the attacks of parasites. In case, however, the cottony cushion scale persists and continues to be a pest the procedure for controlling it is to collect some of the material, send it to the State Insectary, Sacramento, (Continued on Page 22)

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-ask the Supply Department to send a trial lot.

the winged card that protects Oranges and Lemons at the press.

Nokuts save enough fruit to make their cost a paying investment.

Nokuts hold fruit inside the packing box, eliminate press pinches, do away with beveling and assist packers to make better packs.



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A Policy in the American Mutual Liability Insurance Co.

Means This to You-Relief from all trouble in settlement of claims; -Quick and Satisfactory Settlements;

-Contented Workmen; -Lowest Rates Through Attention of Engineering Department; -Complete Protection.

It will pay you to investigate this policy today.

Write at once for our booklet



Stock Exchange Building Los Angeles

Government Aids Fruit Pool

The Australian government will advance approximately one million pounds for the relief of fruit canners and preservers who have been affected by national control of sugar. The Australian government has guaranteed the growers a lower rate on sugar and also gave a twenty pound rebate on sugar used for jam for export. The natural result of this help being given the fruit-pool, will be the utilization of the lower grades for jams and other forms of canned fruit, which will be sent to foreign markets and enter into competition with America's products.

Brazilian Preferential Duties

Since 1904, the Brazilian government has given the United States a preferential duty on certain American products. A recent decree extends this preference for another year and among the products included are windmills. corsets and dried fruits. Citrus growers will probably be more interested in the latter article than the others. America is the only country given preference on dried fruits.

Russian Timber Development

The eyes of the business wolves are centered on Russia. Recent reorganization there, with the admission of foreign capital, has aroused international interest in the question of developing Russia's latent possibilities. Now comes the announcement that a huge syndicate has received the exclusive rights to work the forest regions of northern Russia in the Archangel. Vologda and Olonetz districts. It is alleged that the syndicate will produce 500,000,000 feet of lumber in 1922.

Lizards for Milady

In the olden days, friend husband took his bow and arrow and brought home a deer skin from which to make a pair of moccasins for his helpmate. In far-off Ceylon, conditions are a bit changed for instead of chasing the fleeing deer, they track the Cabrogoya to its lair and from its tanned hide make two pairs of women's shoes. The Cabrogoya is a lizard ranging from 3 to 42 feet in length.

Not Canaries-Onions

Those who believe that canaries are the chief exports from the Canary Islands, will receive a severe jolt when they know that the leading article imported from this district is the lowly seed of the odorous onion. American onion growers bought their seed for the 1921 crop from the Canary Islands.

Spain to Run Phones

It will take a brave and hardy soul to hold political offices in Spain as the government is endeavoring to take over all telephone lines in the country. Service is said to have been very unsatisfactory and the government is evidently going to pick out its own "wrong number" operators. When private organizations were given phone franchises, there was a 40 year reversion clause under which the rights reverted to the government without consideration at the expiration of that period. If Spain runs her phone system like France does her railroads, and service is worse than under American private ownership, we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the Spanish business man. that, conditions in Spain might be an improvement over local service. In fact, we believe most any kind of service would be better.



From the sand-swept stretches of the Sahara come stories of the camel and its ability to go without water for such long periods, but for this feat the camel has nothing on the Gill battery, according to C. H. Clem of Redlands, local distributor for this well known, narrow plate, non-separator battery.

Most batteries are regular attendants at the shrine of the distilled water bottle and get the habit of imbibing the fluid every week or two. It is injurious for them to go without water after the level in the jars falls to the top of the plates. Heat evaporates the electrolyte and battery users are cautioned to inspect their cells frequently to keep the water level up.

"There is very little of this worry when the motorist is using a Gill gattery,' says Mr. C. H. Clem. In the patented construction of the Gill, there are no separators, the plates are high, narrow and thick and the tendency to heat is at the minimum. We have instances where Gill batteries have been run all summer without adding water and many gatteries in constant use have gone without water for months at a time. This is because there is little heat, due to the lack of separators, and as a result there is no evaporation to speak of. Many Gill users tell us they forget their battery worries as soon as they install one of our batteries.

(Continued from Page 13)

too small in many groves.

3. The available supply of water can be made to go farther and be much more effective than it now is by increasing the organic content of the soil thru applications of organic material in the surface zone, and by means of cover crops, as melilotus, vetch, etc., if the trees are far enough apart and there is water enough to permit their growth

4. A rich bacterial flora develops onry when there is plenty of organic matter in the soil for it to live on.

5. In proportion as these conditions are fulfilled can the soil make the most adequate use of the commercial fertilizer applied.

6. Thru combining these various agencies to fit the conditions obtaining on invidividual ranches it is believed that soils may be made and kept permanently productive.

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Red Scale Control

(Continued from page 19)

requesting in return beetles to attack the scale. The reason it is necessary to send some of the material is because the Insectary can well utilize the food supply in the first place, and again in many cases the beetle which attacks the scale is already present but unknown to the grower. In case the beetle is found with the scale when it is sent to Sacramento no beetles are sent out but word is given that they are already present and the grower need not be further concerned about the pest.

Purple Scale Control

Purple scale is best controlled by fumigation. This may be practiced any time during the fumigating season from about the first of August to the following January or February though at certain times more of the young scales may be present and slightly better results may be expected. However, there are at all times scale in different stages so it is necessary to use a dosage that will kill the adults and eggs whenever the fumigation may be practiced. If it is possible to use 100% schedule this schedule should be used for the purple scale. In the coast districts, however, where this scale occurs most abundantly it is not always possible to use this dosage with safety to the trees. Here again the picking of the mature fruit is important since what live scale escape fumigation will be on such fruit. Where results are not entirely satisfactory the fumigation should be repeated in about sixty days where it is necessary to make a thorough clean-up of occasional trees in the grove.

Soft Brown Scale Control

This is another of the minor pests of citrus trees and seldom becomes injurious excepting on occasional branches or in occasional groves where there is an abundance of the Argentine ant. This scale like the cottony cushion is kept well under control by parasites. In cases where the Argentine ant occurs abundantly, however, this ant prevents the work of the parasites and the scales become destructive. In such cases the ants should be controlled by placing poison syrup on the trees and details for the making and use of this poison syrup may be had upon inquiry. As soon as the ants are kept down the parasites will prove to work effectively and usually get the scale under control. Where the scale occurs over a considerable acreage and quick results are desired the ordinary fumigation will handle this scale as well as others for which it may be necessary to fumigate at the same time.

"I have decided to call my home brew 'frog'," remarked Nutt.

"Why?" asked Bolt.

"Because it has plenty of hops, but not much kick," replied Nutt.

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Reference: Ladd and Tilton, Bankers, Portland, Oregon.

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