Imágenes de páginas

The "Underground Railroad."

Cent. Magazine, XXIII. 125.

d. The election of 1852.

1. The change of leaders.

Johnston's U. S. 593. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 196. Blaine's Twenty Years of Cong. I. 89. Cent. Magazine, XXX. 479; XXXIII. 163, 170.

The old leaders.

Cent. Magazine, XXIII. 538; XXIX. 721. Blaine's Twenty Years of Cong. I.







J. Q. Adams.

Blaine's Twenty Years of Cong. I. 69-70.

(Review the services and career of each of these men with reference to the party to which he had belonged.)

The new anti-slavery men.

Johnston's U. S. 593. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 196. For Sumner, see Bolton's Famous Amer. Statesmen, 268-307.

2. The change in parties.

Johnston's U. S. 594. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 195.

3. The election.

Johnston's U. S. 598. Johnston's Politics, 156-7. Stanwood's Pres. Elections, 178.


The result.

XXIII. Pierce's administration.

a. Previous life and public services,

Johnston's U. S. 600.

b. Naturalization.

1. Who are citizens of the United States? Amendment, Const. of U. S. Art. XIV. clause 1.

2. How can an alien become a citizen of the United States? Const. of U. S. Art. VIII. clause 4. Andrews' Manual of Const. 88-9.

[blocks in formation]

6. What privileges of free-born citizens are not acquired by

naturalized citizens?

Andrews' Manual of Const. 91. .

7. The Koszta case.

Johnston's U. S. 605. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 199.

c. The first treaty with Japan.

Johnston's U. S. 606.

d. The Ostend circular.

Johnston's U. S. 608-10. Greeley's Amer. Conflict, I. 269, 273-8. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 200.

e. The Gadsden purchase.

Johnston's U. S. 574. MacCoun's Hist. Geog. of U. S.

Review here all acquisitions of territory since the Treaty of Paris.

Internal Affairs.

f. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill.

1. The new division of parties.

Johnston's U. S. 611-13. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 389.

2. The status of slavery in the United States at this time. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 390-1. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 184-5.

3. What previous legislation on the slavery question had there been since the adoption of the Constitution?

4. What was the difficulty at this time?

Johnston's U. S. 613. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 406.

5. How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act attempt to settle it? With what result?

Johnston's U. S. 614-7. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 405-8. Greeley's Amer. Conflict, I. 228-9, 234. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 197-8. Blaine's Twenty Years of Cong. I. 118, 120.

What was meant by "

g. The struggle for Kansas.

1. In Kansas.

squatter sovereignty"?

Johnston's U. S. 618-20. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 408-9, 412-3. Greeley's Amer. Conflict, I. 235-45. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 200-I. Coffin's Building the Nation, 407-13. Cent. Magazine, XXXIII. 869-72; XXXIV. 82-92.

The Colonization Society.

John Brown in Kansas.

2. In Congress.

Johnston's U. S. 621. Greeley's Amer. Conflict, I. 249-51. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 414-5. Blaine's Twenty Years of Cong. I. 138–40, 142. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 201. Coffin's Building the Nation, 414. Cent. Magazine, XXX. 691-702.

The relation of the President and of Congress to the Kansas question.

The debates.

The assault on Sumner.

Johnston's Politics, 165. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 419-21, and above. Cent. Magazine, XXXIV. 202-5.

h. The election of 1856.

Johnston's U. S. 623. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 421-4. Blaine's Twenty Years Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 202-3. Johnston's

of Cong. I. 128-30.
Politics, 166-8.

Trace the rise of the Republican party from all the parties which helped to form it.

Blaine's Twenty Years of Cong. I. 126-7. Cent. Magazine, XXXIV. 101-110.

Notice its first success in 1854.

Stanwood's Pres. Elections, 192.

2. The platform of the Republican party.

Johnston's Politics, 167. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 206. Stanwood's Pres. Elections, 205.

3. The issue.

4. The candidates, and the result.

Johnston's U. S. 623.

5. The attitude of the South.

Johnston's U. S. 624. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 205.

XXIV. Buchanan's administration.

a. The panic of 1857.

Johnston's U. S. 627. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 425.


Compare with the panic of 1837.

b. The Dred Scott case, and its decision.

Johnston's U. S. 645, 646-7. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 424-5. Greeley's Amer. Conflict, I. 251-8. Blaine's Twenty Years of Cong. I. 131-4. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 203.

What was the importance of this decision with reference to the extension of slavery?

c. John Brown's raid.

1. John Brown's early life.

Johnston's U. S. 650. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 429-31. Morris's Half Hours, II. 363. Coffin's Building the Nation, chap. XXXIV. Greeley's Amer. Conflict, I. 280-2.

2. John Brown in Kansas.

Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 413. Greeley's Amer. Conflict, I. 282-8, and previous references.

3. His character and purpose.

4. Give an account of the raid at Harper's Ferry and its


Greeley's Amer. Conflict, I. 288-99, and references above. Cent. Magazine, XXVI. 399, 411; XXX. 265; XXXIV. 521-3.

5. Topic: The influence of John Brown and his raid on the country.

Blaine's Twenty Years of Cong. I. 154-7, and above.

d. A review of the slavery question.

1. Slavery in the colonies.

2. Provisions about slavery in the Constitution. 3. Slavery in the states previous to 1820. Causes of its growth and extension.

4. Slavery between 1820 and 1860.

Legislation on slavery.

Efforts for its extension.

The growth of party feeling.

5. In what parts of the United States was there slavery in 1860?

6. What protection had slave-holders for their property?

7. What had been the results of slavery in the South. Johnston's U. S. 642-4, 651-3. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 336, 347.

8. Compare the condition of the North with that of the South? Johnston's U. S. 632–3, 636–40, 653. Greeley's Amer. Conflict, I. 22-3.

e. The election of 1860.

Stanwood's Pres. Elections, 214. Johnston's U. S. 654-5. Bryant's Popular Hist. IV. 433-4. Johnston's Politics, 180-2. Greeley's Amer. Conflict, I. 299-300, 321-7. Blaine's Twenty Years of Cong. I. 164-9, 170-1. Coffin's Drum-Beat of the Nation, 23-9. Coffin's Building the Nation, chap. XXXV. Johnston's U. S. Hist. and Const. 205-6.

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