Imágenes de páginas


[2 2486. xIxh 9m, N 49° 36': 6, 65; [equal, 9 in. spec. 1871] 224°8: 10" 5: yellow. [Singular and beautiful field.] (2 2671 xxh 15m, N 54° 59′: 6, 74: 341°1: 3": white, ashy.)

( 2705. xxh 33m, N 32° 55': 6′5,8: 262°: 3′′: yellow, blue.)

( 2666. xxh 14m, N 40° 20′: 6·5, 8·7: 242°: 2"7: very white, bluish.)

[ 2607. xIxh 54m, N 41° 55': 72, 9: 293° 4: 3′′•2: white, ashy; [orange, blue, 9 in. spec. 1871.]

[22708. xxh 34m, N 38° 11': 7,87: 355°: 10"5, 1828: yellow, blue. Moving.]

(Pair. xIxh 27m, N 28° 0': 7'5, 10: est. 355°: 5′′: blue, red. Birmingham.)

(Pair. xIxh 25m, N 28° 27' 7'5, 12: est. 90°: 40": red, intense blue. Birmingham.)

[An open pair, 8, 8.5: white, in a fine field, lies about 30' s from a, a little f.]

(R. In field with 0, x1xh 33m, N 49° 55'; Pogson's var. : 7 to 14 m. in 425 d.)

[U. xxh 15m, N 47° 30' : 8: red, Birmingham. Kn var.] [Red stars. xxih 38m, N 37° 25′: 8m. Bessel.-xx1h 39m, N 37° 13' 85 m. : intense ruby, H.-xIxh 53m, N 43° 55′ : 9 m. (A 8·2) Webb.-xxh 9m, N 38° 20′ : 9 m. (A 8·2) Webb.]



4681 (M 39). XX1h 28m, N 47° 52'. Brilliant group and vicinity.

[4575 (H VIII 56). xxh 18m, N 40° 18'. Beautiful group, H 10-12 m. 1°n of y, a little ƒ.]


[Near 36, 29, and 28, three 5 m. stars, about 3° s of y, a little p, is a superb region.]

[32. xxh11m, N 47° 19' 5 m. dull orange, is in a fine field.]



The leaders of this little, compact, fish-like constellation, a and 6, are distinguished by names which, even among the multifarious disfigurements of Oriental words so abundant in the heavens, are preeminently strange, Svalocin and Rotanev. The former Sm has justly characterised as 'cacophonous and barbaric,' and says that no poring into the black letter versions of the Almagest, El Battání, Ibn Yúnis, and other authorities, enables one to form any rational conjecture as to the mis-reading, mis-writing, or mis-application, in which so strange a metamorphosis could have originated.' And of Rotanev he observes, 'the which putteth derivation and etymology at defiance.' Where so eminent and accomplished a scholar and antiquarian did not succeed, it would seem presumptuous to offer a solution, but that accident is sometimes more fortunate than study; and if the following is not after all the right key, it certainly is a marvel that it should open the lock so readily. The letters of these strange words, reversed, form NICOLAUS VENATOR, a latin version of the name of NICCOLO CACCIATORE, assistant at the Palermo Observatory, in the Catalogue emanating from which these stars are so denominated.*-A very fine region for sweeping.

Double Stars.

y (≥ 2727). xxh 41m, N 15° 40′: 4, 7: 273°3: 11"8: yellow, light emerald, 1831-1839; golden yellow, flushed grey, * Cacciatore died in 1841, from the effects of cholera.


1850. white, 1779; hence Σ suspects change. H and South white, yellowish, 1824. [7 more like 6, 1865.]

P XX 178, 177 (2690). xxh 25m, N 10° 50': 75, 8: 256°1: 14′′3: white [nearly equal, 1865]. A 9 m. which D discovered, 1840, as an elongation of 8, and a 16 m. 125°: 20", make up a most difficult quadruple group. Sm 16 by evanescent glimpses, Buffham, steady, with 6 in. 'With' mirror, 1868. Closely s pɛ.

(13. xxh 41m, N° 5° 33': 6, 10: est. 195°: 14′′. Burnham, 6 in. achr. 1871.)

[2725. 73, 8: 358°: 4'2": white, ashy: D orange or yellow, blue, 1840-41 s a little p y, in a large field. Very pretty.]

[a, xxh 34m, N 15° 27', and P XX 247 form a fine combination; pale yellow, pale lilac.]

[B, xxh 31m, N 14° 9', to which Birmingham notes 2 minute comites, and, two fine yellow stars, have a beautiful little 8 m. triangle between them.]

[0, xxh 33m, N 12° 52', is in a beautiful field.]


4585 (HI 103). xxh 28m, N 6° 59'. Resolved by H.


A long, winding constellation, always above the horizon; in consequence of which its stars, like all others in the Arctic Circle, appear at different times entirely reversed in relative position. A careful attention to p and f, that is, to the direction of apparent motion through the field, is in these cases required to ensure identification. Here are many fine pairs.


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Double Stars.

μ (2130). XVI1h 3m, N 54° 39': 4, 4'5: 206°7: 3"6, 1830; 200°3: 3"3, 1839; Se 181°8: 28, 1865: white, pale white. Binary; period 600 years?


21 (35 App. I). XVIIh 30m, N 55° 16' 5, 5: 311°8: 62" pale grey. C. p. m.

39 ( 2323, 36 App. I). Triple. XVIIIh 22m, N 58° 43': 5, 8′5, 7: 5°·5, 21°·7: 3′′3, 89′′: pale white, light blue, ruddy. o (2 2420). xviiih 49m, N 59° 14′: 5,9: 347°6, 1830; 3455, 1837 30": orange, lilac.

( 2241). XVIIh 44m, N 72° 13': 5'5, 6: 14°9: 31": pearly white, 1838; 2 white, 1832 (with c. p. m.); De whitish yellow. ashy yellow, 1856; [yellow, lilac, contrast evident, 1850.]

40, 41 (2308). XVIIIh 10m, N 79° 59′: 5'5, 6: 235°3: 19"9 white, 1839; [yellow, paler yellow, 31 in. 1856; so 5 in. 1863; grouped finely with a smaller lilac star.]

ε ( 2603). XIX1 49m, N 69° 56′: 5′5, 9'5: 354°6: 3′′1: light yellow, blue: 95 var.? H and South very difficult; easy to me, and apparently under-rated. Contrast very pleasing.

17 ( 2078, 30 App. I). Triple. xvih 33m, N 53° 11': 6, 6'5, 6 (16 Drac.): 115°7, 194°6: 3"-8, 90": pale yellow, faint lilac, white. 2, 1833, close pair white, altern. var.

P XVII 147 (2180). XVIth 26m, N 50° 58': 8, 8.5: 266°2 32: pale white, ruddy, 1836; De white, 1854. 11°s of ß, the Dragon's eye.

[n. XV1h 22m, N 61° 48′: 2'5, 10: 141°4: 47: pale yellow, blue. D.]

(2 2348. XVIII 31m, N 52° 15': 59, 81: 272° 7: 26": yellow, blue, very fine colours.)


(2403). XVinh 43m, N 60° 55': 62, 9: 258°7: 1"-8: yellow, blue.)

(20 ( 2118). Xvih 55m, N 65° 20': 6'4, 6'9: 246°4: "8: white, one or both var. Discovered by H. Test.)


( 2218. xvi1h 39m, N 63° 44' 6'5, 77: 356°7: 2" 5: white, ashy.)

( 1516. x1h 7m, N 74° 11': 7, 7'5: 298°7: 9"9, 1831; Se 29°6: 26, 1856; De 70°: 4", 1863: yellow, ashy yellow.) [46. XVIIIh 40m, N 55° 24' 5, 9: full yellow, clear blue; fine contrast.]

[About xinh 23m, N 65° 23', is a striking pair, 67, 6·7 (A): yellowish, with a smaller comes, blue.]

+ (HIV


4373 (H IV 37). XVIIh 59m, N 66° 38'. Plan. very curious. I found it much like a considerable star out of focus; very bright for its class. H gave it 35" diam. I saw but 15" or 20" with 31 in. and could not well make out Sm's pale blue colour. H perceived a very small nucleus, which to Bird appeared, 1863, with a 12 in. silvered mirror as a 10 m. star. Huggins finds gaseous spectrum: the first of these surprising discoveries, 1864, Aug. 29. Nearly half way between Polaris and y Drac. in pole of Ecliptic. delicate triple star, 8′9, 9, 11.8.

About 40' n p Bird finds a


This little asterism is easily recognised by the clustering of its stars, and its bearing from Pegasus. There are some good objects, and many interesting low-power fields.

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